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Lot 230

Bronze gilt on wood base Thailand , Bayon 13th century Dimensions: Height 14 cm Wide 5 cm Depth 3 cm without baseWeight: 645 grams with base In this depiction, Buddha is depicted as welcoming everyone with the hand gesture of encouragement. Another description comes from the literal translation from Sanskrit. There it is referred to as a “gesture of fearlessness” or a “gesture of protection”.Buddha standing with encouragement gesture right armThe illustration shows the right hand raised at shoulder level, but usually at chest level. The palms of the raised hand point forward towards the viewer.The Buddha's hand position - gesture of welcoming arose from the idea that Buddha is the highest priority and of course does not have to show respect to anyone. This means that Buddha is never depicted with the usual welcoming gesture, the “Wai” in Thailand. This gesture of “Wai” is also carried out under a different name in some Asian countries.A legend says that Buddha had supernatural powers of sense. He can see with the super sensory eye (divyacasus) what others cannot see. With super sensory hearing (divyaśrota) he can hear what others cannot hear. This scared many people off that another person could read their minds. This is how the gesture of encouragement came about, in which Buddha shows people not to be afraid.

Lot 171

Bronze Sculpture on repousse baseBhutan , Tibet or Nepal 18th century Dimensions: Height 22 cm Wide 18 cm Depth 14 cmWeight: 1340 grams Guru Rinpoche often referred to as Padmasambhava is a highly revered sage of Vajrayana Buddhism and a fully enlightened Buddha.He was solely born through the power of his wisdom and compassion to serve infinite sentient beings. The deity is depicted seated upon a moon disc lotus behind a aureole (broken)with a semi-wrathful expression while holding a vajra with his right hand and a vase above his left hand while supporting a tantric staff (missing). 

Lot 280

Bronze giltTibet , 20th century Dimension: Height 13 cm Width 10 cm Depth 7 cmWeight: 435 grams Depictions of spiritual masters in Tibetan Buddhism show mostly deceased lamas who acquire divine features only after their death. They were made for commemorative purposes for the disciples. Representations were usually individualized and stereotypical, however they can bear small details which makes them distinguishable apart from a dedicatory inscriptions. This lama is seated cross-legged on rectangular cushions with decorative patterns on the side. His hands are gently lying on his knees, he is wearing flowy robes and a pleated cloak, a high headdress covers his presumably bald head. He has a broad, distinctive face and is smiling lightly. The statue is hollow. 

Lot 72

Bronze with Silver eyesTibet , 17th century Dimensions: Height 15 cm Wide 9 cm Depth 15 cm without baseWeight: 2404 grams with base A standing elephant supported by a pillar attached to a flat surface in the center on a plinth. The elephant is adorned with anklets, an ornamental saddle is attached by quasseled belts which are incised on the animal's body. A small noose is attached to the center of the back. Its' trunk is lowered calmly, eyes are inlaid with silver. 

Lot 314

BronzeKashmir , 14th century Dimensions: Height 7 cm Wide 4 cm Depth 3 cmWeight: 55 grams Small bronze of Buddha seated on a rectangular cushion with quassels on the corners on a throne with circular holes. The Buddha's left leg is pendant from the edge, touching the floor with the toes. He is dressed in a striped dhoti with belt. One arm is resting on the thigh holding the stem of a flower. The other hand is placed at the shoulder as if in the middle of resting the cheek in it. The torso is bare except for some jewellery. The head is calm with fleshy lips and a large nose, drop-shaped pendants hang from the ears and a tiara presses the wavy long hair to the head. A small noose is attached to the back, the statue is hollow.

Lot 130

Bi-Metal Bronze with inscriptionTibet , 15th century Dimensions: Height 22 cm Width 13 cm Depth 10 cmWeight: 1785 grams Bronze figure of Buddha seated in dhyanasana posture on a double reverse lotus flower on square expansive base with mandorla at the back. One hand is lifted showing the abhaya mudra with prayer beads, gesture of fearlessness and protection, the other hand is resting gently on the knee holding prayer beads and forming a mudra. The face is smiling benevolently. A flower is growing on the side. The back of the base shows an inscription. The statue is sealed. Please have a look a the pictures we uploaded for you here

Lot 27

BronzeChina , 19th century Dimension: Height 23 cm Width 18 cm Depth 8 cmWeight: 2619 grams Chicken shaped bronze standing on wood base, the beak tip is sharp and hooked, the tail and feet are rolled inside its bottom, and its back carries a vase. This bronze in the shape of a bird is generally called the "Heavenly Chicken Vase". The “Heavenly Chicken Vase” means treasure, exorcise evil spirits, and it is also a symbol of heroism sometimes. 

Lot 310

BronzeChina , Ming Dynasty or earlier Dimensions: Height 16 cm Width 27 cm Depth 6 cmWeight: 1200 grams Bronze statue of a mystical dragon on its feet, one front leg stretched out to the front, the long neck rising up in a s-shape with mouth open and bulging eyes.Please have a look at the daylight pictures

Lot 169

BronzeKashmir , 10th century Dimensions: Height 10 cm Wide 6 cm Depth 4 cmWeight: 235 grams Kashmir bronze showing Buddha seated in dhyanasana on a double reverse lotus flower with larger petals on the bottom and smaller ones above. His right hand in varada mudra, his left upraised holding the hem of his pleated robe. The whole body is covered in a flowy robe, the oval face looking serene. A minimalist depiction of Buddha without any jewellery or other decoration.

Lot 10

BronzeChina , Qing Dynasty Dimensions: Height 17 cm Wide 14 cm Depth 11 cmWeight: 842 grams  Bronze censer with handles in the shape of makara heads, the foot decorated with band of repetitive pattern. The top of the censer is decorated with a band with ornamental background highlighted with abstract shapes of birds. The bottom shows a mark. 

Lot 343

Bronze Tibet , 16th century Dimensions: Height 10,5 cm Wide 8,5 cm Depth 6,5 cm Weight: 601 grams Marpa Chokyi Lodro (1012-1096) , dressed in monastic robes sitting on a cushion in the ardhaparyanka position both hands in bhumisparsamudra.He was one of the most important teachers and translators of the Indian Sanskrit Tantras during the second diffusion of Buddhism into Tibet. He laid the foundations for what developed into the Kagyu school.According to legend, his principle teacher was the Indian Mahasiddha Naropa and his principle student was the poet saint Milarepa.The present example is one of the finest known pieces of late Tibetan bronzes.It features exceptionally fine casting and well executed floral motifs throughout the clothing and cushion base.He travelled to India several times to study and became the disciple of Naropa, one of the eighty-four mahasiddhas celebrated in Tibet.

Lot 122

Bronze with Silver eyesSwat Valley , 10th century Dimensions: Height 9,5 cm Wide 7 cm Depth 3 cmWeight: 239 grams  Swat valley Buddhist sculpture's characteristics are large, unadorned lotus bases and primarily Buddha figures like Maitreya and Bodhisattva Lokeshvara are depicted. Here we see the Buddha on a large double lotus base with bulbous petals, seated with legs crossed in a flowy robe covering the body. He is gesturing the vajra mudra, standing for knowledge and enlightenment. His face is highlighted with silver eyes, the head backed by an aureole with decorative brim.

Lot 59

BronzeTibet 13th century Dimensions: Height 5,5 cm Wide 3,5 cm Depth 2,5 cmWeight: 66,7 grams Jambhala seated on a double-reverse lotus base with beaded rim, one leg pendant on a smaller, extending flower, the other leg drawn to his body.He is holding a fruit in his right hand resting on his knee, the other hand is holding the mongoose Nehulay. The body is adorned with jewellery, the expression welcoming and attentive. He wears large hoops as earrings and a winged tiara. The bronze was in extensively use and therefore slightly rubbed. Resealed

Lot 285

BronzeIndia , 1950 Dimensions: Height 9 cm Width 7 cm Depth 5 cmWeight: 491 grams Bronze statue of Ganesha sitting on a round, hollow lotus base with beaded rim on a square surface. Sitting in ease position with one leg pendant supporting itself on a small lotus flower, his consort is sitting on his other knee. His consort is dressed in a striped long dhoti, adorned with jewellery and conical headdress, she is holding a conch shell in her hand. Ganesha is also dressed in a short dhoti, adorned with jewellery and wearing a conical headdress. He has four arms and is embracing his consort with one hand. With his trunk he is reaching for the ball of sweet ladhu balls which is placed in his right hand, the upper right hand is holding his broken tusk. Looking at his back we see the pattern of his dhoti and belt as well as his hair decoration. 

Lot 226

Bronze with silver eyesTibet , 16th century Dimensions: Height 19 cm Wide 10 cm Depth 5 cmWeight: 660 grams Standing Bodhisattva on a small double-reverse lotus flower with beaded rim backed by an open-work mandorla with ornamental flames.Padmapani is standing slightly bent at the waist dressed in a long dhoti with decorative pattern and fastened around waist by a belt with floral pattern.His right hand is lowered showing the varada mudra, the other hand raised in front of the chest with ring finger touching the thumb.The belly and chest look soft, the broad face has some features, expression calm and loving with downcast eyes and a raised urna.A winged tiara decorates the hair done up in a high bun. Large flowers are growing on each side of the Bodhisattva.

Lot 363

India , 19th century Dimensions: Height 9 cm Wide 4 cm Depth 4 cmWeight: 111 grams Small bronze rattle in the shape of a circular cage containing bronze balls, the handle in the shape of a peacock with erect tail.

Lot 85

Bronze gilt with stonesNepal , 17th century Dimensions: Height 31 cm Wide 12 cm Depth 10 cmWeight: 2584 grams Large statue of Vishnu, God of Preservation, standing on top of his mount Garuda, the King of Birds and Kites. Vishnu is standing with four arms, dressed in transparent robes and adorne with lots of jewellery with blue stone inlay. A beaded aureole surrounds him with an additional halo around his head. In his four hands he is holding a flower, a conch shell, the discus and sword. Garuda is depicted as a bird with the torso and head of a man with four arms. Two arms are joined in prayer position while two other arms are spread along his wings. He has bulging eyes, a serious expression and a red stone inlay urna, large circular pendants adorn his ears and his hair is done up in a bun.

Lot 23

Bronze firegilt with long inscription Tibet , 15th century Dimensions: Height 19 cm Wide 16 cm Depth 13 cmWeight: 1922 grams Statue of Lama Marpa Lotsawa who is credited with the transmission of many Vajrayana teachings from India. The teacher is depicted seated with legs crossed on a lotus base and cushion wearing finely decorated garments with intricate ornaments and a cape over his shoulder. Both hands are resting peacefully on the knees, his left hand holding prayer beads. The broad face is smiling welcomingly with attentive eyes. Inscription Translation:1.) Phonetic: Om Khä drub gön po Seng ge-i shab la gü pä dü do dschin gyi lab du söl 2.) Translation: Om! With deepest respect I bow before the honorable protector equal to a lion, the benefactor and scholar. Bless us! Provenance: Peter Sloane , 5/7/92

Lot 137

Bronze with silver eyesSwat Valley , 10th century or later Dimensions: Height 17 cm Wide 10 cm Depth 7 cmWeight: 1020 grams Avalokiteshvara in a ‘pensive mood’, his right elbow supported by the raised knee, the forefinger pointing to his temple, his left hand placed on his thigh and holding the stem of a large lotus flower. The lower body is dressed in a striped dhoti, the sacred thread runs along the naked upper body also adorned with armlets, bracelets and a beaded necklace. The oval face has a calm expression, the eyes downcast and framed by elongated earlobes with earrings. The hair is done up in a bun enclosed by a crown with an effigy of Buddha Amitabha in the center. The matted hair running down in strands can be seen from the back, an eyelet attached to the back.A distinctive style or school of sculpture associated with Swat Valley and its surrounding hills flourished from about the sixth to the end of the tenth centuries CE. Among the features most often associated with Swat Valley sculpture is a narrow-waisted lotus base with wide, rounded, unembellished lotus petals as can be seen here. - Age confirmed by the oldest private laboratory specialized in TL-Analysis ( Laboratory Kotalla )DATING CONFIRMED BY TL TEST FROM GERMAN LABORATORY , TEST RESULT ATTACHED TO THE PHOTOGRAPHS

Lot 1815

An arty circular bevelled plate glass topped Centre Table, the supporting base formed by a Cupid caressing a young lady and resembling bronze, 47 1/2'' diameter x 29'' high approx.

Lot 1165

An early 20th century Benin bronze Talisman vessel, decorated with strange animals in bold relief, having a lid with a lion handle, 13 1/2'' tall.

Lot 3000

DAUM NANCY / CHARLES RANC, Jugendstil Tischleuchte, um 1925, farbloser, satinierter Glasschirm mit Pulvereinschmelzungen und Signatur „Daum Nancy France“, Bronzeschaft in Schwanenform am Fuß gestempelt „C. Ranc“. H: 37 cm. Leichte Alters- und Gebrauchsspuren, Elektrik veraltet.| DAUM NANCY / CHARLES RANC, Art Nouveau table lamp, c. 1925, colourless, satin-finished glass shade with powder meltings and signature "Daum Nancy France", bronze shaft in swan shape at the base stamped "C. Ranc". H: 37 cm. Slight signs of age and use, outdated electrics.

Lot 841

BILDHAUER DES FRÜHEN XX JAHRHUNDERTS Bronze, weiblicher Akt mit Bogen, patinierte Bronze auf Terrainplinthe, unsig., H: ca. 20 cm. ( ohne Sockel) Sockel, H: 8,5 cm. Besch.| SCULPTOR OF THE EARLY XX CENTURYBronze, female nude with bow, patinated bronze on terrain plinth, unsigned, h: approx. 20 cm. (without plinth) Plinth, h: 8.5 cm. Damaged.

Lot 3023

Kommödchen im Louis XVI-Stil. Ovale, dreischübige Kommode aus Holz mit Intarsieneinlagen und Messingrahmen mit durchbrochener Galerie. Die Schubladen haben Messinggriffe und an den vier Seiten befinden sich Bronzeapplikationen, , HxBxT: 74,5x43x32 cm. Alters- und Gebrauchsspuren, leichte Furnierschäden.| Commode in the Louis XVI style. Oval, three-drawer small commode, made from wood with marquetry inlays and brass frame with openwork gallery. The drawers have brass handles and there are bronze applications on four sides, HxWxD: 74.5x43x32 cm. Traces due to age and use, light veneer damage.

Lot 3021

TASCHENUHRSTÄNDER "Mädchen" Bronze, hinten bezeichnet B. Zach (Bruno Zach 1891-1945), auf Marmorsockel, H: 19 cm. | POCKET WATCH STAND "Girl"Bronze, inscribed on the back B. Zach (Bruno Zach 1891-1945), on marble base, h: 19 cm.

Lot 846

CHARPENTIER, FÈLIX (NACH) 1858-1924, "L'Etoile Filante" neuzeitlicher Guss, dunkelbraun patinierte Bronze, bez. "Felix Charpentier" und Gießerstempel "Bronze Garanti Paris - J.B. Deposee", H: 29 cm. | CHARPENTIER, FÈLIX (AFTER) 1858-1924, "L'Etoile Filante" modern cast, dark brown patinated bronze, marked "Felix Charpentier" and foundry mark "Bronze Garanti Paris - J.B. Deposee", h: 29 cm.

Lot 3016

PAAR FIGÜRLICHE BRONZEBESCHLÄGE Frankreich, Anfang 20.Jh., Bronze gegossen, halbplastische Darstellung Meerjungfrau und Triton auf Barocksockel, H: ca. 35 cm. Altersspuren.| PAIR OF FIGURATIVE BRONZE FITTINGSFrance, early 20th century, cast bronze, semi-plasticised depiction of a mermaid and Triton on a baroque base, h: approx. 35 cm. Traces of age.

Lot 1153

Statuette eines Jünglings aus Bronze. CHINA, Qing-Dynastie (1644-1912). Auf einem Lotus stehend dargestellt. Der Jüngling streckt den linken Arm mit zur Faust geballter Hand in die Höhe. Der rechte Arm zeigt mit ausgetrecktem Zeigefinger nach unten. Bronze mit Resten einer Vergoldung, H: 15 cm. Besch.(am Sockel ist hinten, unten ein Stück ausgebrochen). Provenienz: Aus dem Nachlass von Prof. Walter Kaesbach (von 1924-1933 Direktor der Kunstakademie Düsseldorf)| Bronze statuette of a youth. CHINA, Qing Dynasty (1644-1912). Depicted standing on a lotus. The youth stretches his left arm upwards with his hand clenched into a fist. The right arm points downwards with an outstretched index finger. Bronze with remnants of gilding, h: 15 cm. Damaged (a piece broken off at the back of the base). Provenance: From the estate of Prof. Walter Kaesbach (director of the Düsseldorf Art Academy from 1924-1933)

Lot 844

KUNSTGIESSEREI SCHWAB (Münster), modern Skulptur”, Bronze, nach einer durch Wind Töne erzeugenden Skulptur im Sibelius Park in Helsinki, Seitlich der Giesserstempel Nummerierung, Auflagennummer 3/99, HxBxT: 50/27/14 cm. Leichte Altersspuren.| KUNSTGIESSEREI SCHWAB (Münster), modern sculpture". Bronze, after a sculpture in Sibelius Park in Helsinki, numbered on the side of the foundry stamp, edition number 3/99, HxWxD: 50/27/14 cm. Slight signs of age.

Lot 840

KOLLWITZ, Käthe, NACH (1867-1945), "Abschied", Bronze, dunkel patiniert, Nachguss: im Guss das Monogramm 'K. K.' und darunter verschlagene Reste eines Gießerstempels, auf schwarzem Steinsockel montiert, H: Figur ca. 18,5 cm, gesamt ca. 21,5 cm. Altersspuren.| KOLLWITZ, Käthe, AFTER (1867-1945), "Farewell", bronze, dark patinated, replica: the monogram 'K. K.' and underneath, the remains of a foundry stamp, mounted on a black stone base, H: figure approx. 18.5 cm, total approx. 21.5 cm. Signs of age.

Lot 843

ARENNTZ, KURT (1934-2014), „Friedenstaube“, Bronze auf schwarzem Diabassockel, Edition ars-mundi, Exemplarnummer 9/400, unter den Schwanzfedern sign. und nummeriert. HxBxT: 27/19/20 cm. Leichte Altersspuren.| ARENNTZ, KURT (1934-2014), "Dove of Peace", Brinze on black diabase base, Edition ars-mundi, copy number 9/400, signed and numbered under the tail feathers. HxWxD: 27/19/20 cm. Slight signs of age.

Lot 839

ROHWEDDER, HEINRICH (geb. 1935), "Hirtenreiter", 1977, Bronze, patiniert, stilisierte Figur eines Hirten mit weitem Umhang, H: ca. 29 cm, Gewicht ca. 7,2 kg. PROVENIENZ: Galerie Dorn, Stuttgart, Rechnungskopie mit Beschreibung von 1989 liegt bei.| ROHWEDDER, HEINRICH (born 1935), "Hirtenreiter", 1977, bronze, patinated, stylised figure of a shepherd with a wide cloak, h: approx. 29 cm, weight approx. 7.2 kg. PROVENANCE: Galerie Dorn, Stuttgart, copy of invoice with description from 1989 enclosed.

Lot 845

ALONZO, DOMENIQUE (NACH), 1910-1930, "Weiblicher Akt auf einem Hocker sitzend" Dunkelbraun patinierte Bronze, neuzeitlicher Guss, auf einem Hocker sitzender weiblicher Akt mit hinter dem seitlich geneigten Kopf verschränkten Händen, bez. "D. ALONZO", H: 39 cm. (mit Sockel) | ALONZO, DOMENIQUE (AFTER), 1910-1930, "Female Nude Sitting on a Stool"Dark brown patinated bronze, modern cast, female nude sitting on a stool with hands clasped behind her head tilted to the side, inscribed "D. ALONZO", h: 39 cm. (with plinth)

Lot 5000

PORSCHE - Konvolut Medaillen und Plaketten, darunter: 1 x an Holz montierte Bronzeplakette 'Porsche Trophy'; 1 x Jubiläumsplakette '50 Jahre Porsche Stuttgart 1931-1981', im Originaletui, rückseitig Klebestreifen befestigt; 1 x Porschenadel mit Logo, rückseitig 750 punziert, ca. 4.2 g rau, im Originaletui; 1 x Porsche-Gedenkmedaille 'Grand Prix Kunskaps Tävling' 1988, im Originaletui; 1 x Bonzemedaille zum Grand Prix 1986 zum 'Porsche-Mechaniker Langzeit-Quiz', im Originaletui; 1 x Bronzemedaille zum '1. Internationaler Porsche Service Cup' 1994/95, im Originaletui; 1 x Gedenkmedaille zum 70. Geburtstag von Dr. Ferry Porsche, 19. September 1979; Des Weiteren: 4 x Blankplaketten mit Logo, 4 x Stoffapplikationen des Porsche-Logos und Nadeln, Pins und weiteres mit dem Porsche-Logo. Zusätzlich 3 anderweitige Medaille: 1 x Gedenkmedaille MAN 'Geburtsstätte des Dieselmotors' 1893-1897/Rudolf Diesel, mit Aufhänger; 1 x Medaille von Friedrichshafen 'Geburtsstätte der Zeppeline, Sitz der ZF', im Originaletui; 1 x Medaille mit Motivausschnitt von Männerbeinen in leicht knieender Position, der in der rechten Hand eine Kugel hält, ohne weitere Zuordnung, im Originaletui. Erhalten verschieden, überwiegend vorzüglich, kaum Alters- und Gebrauchsspuren.| PORSCHE - Mixed lot of medals and plaques, including: 1 x bronze plaque 'Porsche Trophy' mounted on wood; 1 x anniversary plaque '50 years Porsche Stuttgart 1931-1981', in original case, adhesive strips attached to the back; 1 x Porsche pin with logo, 750 hallmarked on the back, approx. 4.2 g rough, in original case; 1 x Porsche commemorative medal 'Grand Prix Kunskaps Tävling' 1988, in original case; 1 x bonus medal for the Grand Prix 1986 for the 'Porsche-Mechaniker Long-Term Quiz', in original case; 1 x bronze medal for the '1. International Porsche Service Cup' 1994/95, in original case; 1 x commemorative medal for the 70th birthday of Dr. Ferry Porsche, September 19, 1979; Furthermore: 4 x blank plaques with logo, 4 x fabric applications of the Porsche logo and pins, pins and more with the Porsche logo. Additionally 3 other medals: 1 x commemorative medal MAN 'Birthplace of the Diesel Engine' 1893-1897/Rudolf Diesel, with hanger; 1 x medal from Friedrichshafen 'Birthplace of the Zeppelins, headquarters of ZF', in original case; 1 x medal with motif cut-out of man's legs in slightly kneeling position, holding a ball in his right hand, without further attribution, in original case. In various condition, mostly excellent, hardly any signs of age or wear.

Lot 838

ALBINS (Bildhauer/in 19/20. Jh.), Paar galante Kinderfiguren, Bronze, vollplastisch gegossene Figuren eines mondän gekleideten Mädchens mit Blumentopf und eines Jungen mit Zylinder, Blumenstrauß und Schriftrolle, je am Rand der runden Plinthe bezeichnet 'Albins', je auf Steinsockel montiert, H: Figuren ca. 11, gesamt ca. 13 cm. Leichte Altersspuren. | ALBINS (sculptor, 19th/20th century), pair of gallant children's figures, bronze, moulded figures of a fashionably dressed girl with flowerpot and a boy with top hat, bouquet of flowers and scroll, each inscribed 'Albins' on the edge of the round plinth, each mounted on stone base, h: figures approx. 11, total approx. 13 cm. Slight signs of age.

Lot 842

LAMBEAUX, J.M. (NACH) 1852-1908 "Erotische Figurengruppe mit Mädchenpaar" Bronze, bez. "J.M. Lambeaux", H: 7 cm. Leichte Altersspuren.| LAMBEAUX, J.M. (NACH) 1852-1908 "Erotic group of figures with a pair of girls"Bronze, marked "J.M. Lambeaux", h: 7 cm. Slight signs of age.

Lot 3006

PAAR FIGÜRLICHE BRONZEBESCHLÄGE Frankreich, Anfang 20.Jh., Bronze gegossen, halbplastische Darstellung zweier Amorettenfiguren auf Barocksockel, HxB: 25/22 cm. Altersspuren.| PAIR OF FIGURATIVE BRONZE FITTINGSFrance, early 20th century, cast bronze, semi-plasticised depiction of two cupid figures on a baroque base, hxw: 25/22 cm. Traces of age.

Lot 855

LÖRCHER, ALFRED (1875-1962, Prof.), "Hockende mit Spiegel", Bronze patiniert, vollplastische, hohl gegossene Figur einer jungen Frau, Entwurf 1946/47, wohl spätere Gussausführung, da unsigniert und nicht datiert, unter ihrem linken Fuß Gießerstempel: STRASSACKER, KUNSTGUSS SÜSSEN, H: ca. 7,5 cm. Altersspuren. LITERATUR: Marlis Grüterich, Alfred Lörcher, Skulptur, Relief, Zeichnungen, mit Werkverzeichnissen, G. Hatje1976, vergleiche WVZ-Nr. P 107 (die abgebildete Bronze als datiert aufgeführt).| LÖRCHER, ALFRED (1875-1962, Prof.), "Squatting woman with mirror", patinated bronze, full-size, hollow-cast figure of a young woman, designed in 1946/47, probably later cast, as unsigned and undated, foundry mark under her left foot: STRASSACKER, KUNSTGUSS SÜSSEN, h: approx. 7.5 cm. Traces of age. LITERATURE: Marlis Grüterich, Alfred Lörcher, Skulptur, Relief, Zeichnungen, mit Werkverzeichnissen, G. Hatje1976, compare WVZ no. P 107 (the illustrated bronze listed as dated).

Lot 3018

Paar Faune als Buchstützen aus Bronze auf grüner Marmorplinthe, HxbxT: 12x13x9 cm.| Pair of fauns as bookends made of bronze on a green marble plinth, HxWxD: 12x13x9 cm.

Lot 362

Stanislaw Pleskowski (1934 Lublin - 2001 ebda.) Bronze, patiniert, Wandrelief, reliefplastische Darstellung zweier Personen in futuristischem Umfeld, m.l. sign. "S. Pleskowski", verso Visitenkarte, unl. beschrieben, HxL ca. 17,5x28,5cm, geringe Altersspuren

Lot 369

Kleine Grand-Tour-Bronze, wohl 19.Jh. Bronze, braun patiniert, auf eckiger Plinthe, leicht stilisierte stehende Antilope, unsign., H ca. 12cm

Lot 367

Willi Münch-Khe (1885, Karlsruhe - 1961, ebda.) Bronze, dunkel patiniert, stehender kleiner Esel, im Bauch monogr. "MK", H ca. 13,5cm, Patina gering berieben

Lot 2034

Iffland, Franz, 1862 Berlin - 1935 ebenda: GrubenarbeiterBronze mit tiefschwarzer Patina, im Sockel signiert, Höhe 40cm. Schwarzer, ovaler Marmorsockel, zus. 5cm. Min. Chip. Z2, wohl Bildgiesserei Kraas -Berlin.

Lot 2039

Breker, Arno, 1900 Elberfeld -1991 Düsseldorf: Aufsteigendes PferdBronze mit brauner Patina, im Stand sign./dat. "1970"/lim. 9/300. Giesserstempel "Venturi arte" 27,5cm hoch, Z1-2

Lot 2030

Breuer, Peter, 1856 Köln; 1930 Berlin- Bildhauer und Medailleur: Grosses Liebespaar "Adam und Eva" 1891Bronze mit Dunkelbrauner Naturpatina - im Sockel signiert und datiert, 50x45x35cm. Frühwerk des erfolgreichen Bildhauers vor den vielen öffentlichen Aufträgen. Zum Beispiel Büste Wilhelm II. oder Denkmal für Otto Lilienthal.

Lot 2033

Schmidt-Kestner, Erich, Berlin 1877 - Kassel 1941 - Künstler. Deutscher Bildhauer, Studium an den Kunstakademien in Berlin und Düsseldorf: Fuchs reisst einen HahnBronze mit dunkelbrauner natürlicher Patina, Länge 50cm, Höhe 25cm (auf schwerem weiß geädertem Marmorsockel), Breite 17cm, auf d. Plinthe sign. Ohne Besch. Z1 Selten.

Lot 659

Portaluhr von Gaspard P. Sennings No 252 ca 1780Gehäuse aus weißem Marmor, mit reichem Dekor aus feuervergoldeter Bronze, Schleife aus Bronze vergoldet und Vasenbekrönung, französisches Messingplatinenwerk mit großer Schlossscheibe und Fadenaufhängung des Sonnenpendels, weißes, gewölbtes Emaillezifferblatt mit arab. Minuterie und lat. Ziffern, vergoldeten Kettenzeigern, 8 Tage Gangreserve, Werk läuft an, Schlag löst aus, im Werk graviert: "Gaspard P. Senning rs", Höhe 53cm, Breite 23,5cm,Tiefe 10cm

Lot 649

Kaminuhr Bronze Doreé und MarmorPan und Amor mit Instrumenten, kleine Fehlstellen, 8 Tagewerk mit Halbstundenschlag auf Glocke, Fadenaufhängung und Pendel, Werk läuft an, 41x24cm, Z2-3

Lot 1137

kleine ovale Tabatiere mit Rothschild-DekorPorzellan polychrom allseitig und innen bemalt, oval mit Scharnierdeckel, Montage aus Bronze vergoldet, Z1-2

Lot 2035

Gräfner, Ludwig, 1862-1939 Tätig in Berlin: Arbeiter beim Giessen einer KunstbronzeBronze 3teilig auf naturalistischem Sockel und auf geädertem schwarzem Podest, 31cm bzw. 41cm, i.d.Pl. signiert. Vollständig. Z1. Seltene Darstellung.

Lot 512

35 Silbermünzen Kreuzer, Pfennige und Groschenmeist Preussen, Schlesien und Breslau, 13. Jh 17. Jh -19. Jh. Silber. Bronze Kupfer. Alte Sammlung. Div. Zustände meist schön bis vorzüglich.

Lot 651

Portaluhr belg./franz. 19. Jh.Mahagoni mit Marketerie und Vergoldungen; Applikationen und Pendel Bronze vergoldet, Zifferblatt Bronze mit römischen Ziffern, 8Tagewerk, auf dem Werk bez. 2/2 T N, Halbstundenschlag auf Glocke, Pendelaufhängung gebrochen, läuft an, Pendel und Schlüssel vorhanden, 15x26x40cm, um 1840, Z2

Lot 191

2 koptische Kreuze. Byzantinisches Klappkreuz etc.Bronze gegossen- Graviert: Christus am Kreuz und Christus als Auferstandener, Reste v. Vergoldung -Fundpatina - 9x5cm und Ägyptisches Bronzekreuz, 18./19. Jh., 6x4cm

Lot 95

Pärchen Fo Hunde Quing EpocheSitzend mit feurigem Schwänzen, 1x als Quilin, 1x als Fo Hund dargestellt Bronze vergoldet, China 18/19 Jh 20x17x8cmPair of Fo dogs Quing periodSitting with fiery tails, 1x depicted as Quilin, 1x as Fo dog Bronze gilt, China 18/19 c. 20x17x8cm

Lot 1131

Königl. Meissen, Unterglasurblaue Marke 1740-1780 sowie 1774-1824: Runde Deckeldose „Vogel auf Blütenzweig", Blaumalerei, reich vergoldetPorzellan Unterglasur blau, Aufglasur korallenrot bemalt und reich gold staffiert, unterglasurblaue Marke ca. 1760 -1780 (vergl. Röntgen 1719), Dm 7cm, min. berieben, 1. Wahl, rund mit Scharnierdeckel, Montage Bronze vergoldet, Z1-2

Lot 133

Kragenleuchter mit RundstandAusgestellter, runder Fuß in einen BalusterschaRundstand in einen Balusterschaft mit Scheibe übergehend. Große Kragentropfschale mit darüber befindlichem Balusterschaft und durchbohrter Tülle. Bronze, Höhe 21 cm,17.-18. Jh.

Lot 19

Schoulao mit Hirsch: wohl Zhongli Quan -Daoistischer GottZhongli quan ist einer der 8 unsterblichen chinesischen Genien. 30x33x24 cm Bronze mit dunkelbrauner bis schwarzer natürlicher Patina, min. Bereibungen der Patina, einsteckbare Hörner - Sitzender Weiser mit Fächer und liegendem Hirsch - Japanische Bronze des Zhongli oder des Pindola Bharadvaja. Vollständig, Z2.Schoulao with deer: probably Zhongli Quan -Daoist GodZhongli quan is one of the 8 immortal Chinese genii. 30x33x24 cm Bronze with dark brown to black natural patina, min. rubbing of the patina, insertable horns - Sitting sage with fan and lying deer - Japanese bronze of Zhongli or Pindola Bharadvaja. Complete, Z2.

Lot 1511

Sammlung Deutsches Reich silber und Notgeld2 Reichsmark Luther 1933, Jäger 352Mint, 6x5 Mark Hindenburg Varianten, 4x 2 Mark 165g Silber, 23 Stück, dabei Provinz Westfalen Inflationsgeld Alu Bronze vergoldet etc. 7 Stck Sammlung Pfennige und 50 Pfennigstck 1922-1949 (4X Prägung d,f,j) 24 Stck

Lot 115

Großer japanischer Bronze Cachepot signiertBronze mit brauner Naturpatina, gegossen und fein nachziseliert, Boden mit Zinn restauriert, 6 Zeichen Signaturmarke, 32x43cm Z2-, min. beulig. Japan Meiji Epoche 19. Jh.

Lot 675

Sammlung TischuhrenHolzgehäuse, Mahagoni mit vergoldeten Bronzeappliken, Porzellanzifferblatt mit arab. Ziffern, Werk Lenzkirch 854309/1000000, Halbstundenschlag auf Glocke, 8 Tagewerk, ca. 34cm hoch; kleine Jugendstil Porzellantischuhr, Delfter Porzellan, Zifferblatt mit arab. Ziffern, ca. 24cm hoch; bizarre kleine franz. Tischuhr aus geschmiedetem Eisen, verziert mit Rosen und Blättern, Porzellanzifferblatt mit arab. Ziffern, ca. 23cm hoch; kleiner Tischwecker aus Bronze, römische Ziffern, ca. 21cm hoch. Insg. 4 St., Funktion nicht überprüft, Z3

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