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Lot 158

A CLOISONNÉ ENAMEL AND GILT-BRONZE BALUSTER VASE, MEIPINGLate Ming DynastyDensely and boldly decorated all over the exterior and on the short cylindrical neck with butterflies flying amongst meandering leafy blossoming and fruiting stems, above blue pierced rockwork along the foot, a five-pointed ruyi-lappet collar at the shoulder, the later base intaglio-cast with an apocryphal Qianlong four-character mark.31.5cm (12.3/8in) high.Footnotes:Please note this Lot is to be sold at No Reserve. 本拍品不設底價明晚期 銅胎掐絲琺瑯纏枝花卉紋梅瓶「乾隆年製」楷書鑄款Provenance: Ralph M.Chait, New York.Sotheby's New York, 15 March 2016, lot 182來源:紐約古董商Ralph M.Chait紐約蘇富比,2016年3月15日,拍品編號182For further information on this lot please visit Bonhams.com

Lot 18

AN UNUSUAL PAIR OF GREY POTTERY GOOSE-HEAD BOTTLE VASESHan DynastyEach vase standing on a slightly spreading base, rising to a large compressed globular body and elegantly slender neck terminating in a goose head with beak and almond-shaped eyes, the top of the head forming the mouth.The taller 34.5cm (13 5/8in) high. (2).Footnotes:Please note this Lot is to be sold at No Reserve. 本拍品不設底價漢 灰陶鵝首曲頸壺一對The result of Oxford Authentication Ltd. thermoluminescence test no.C201c90, dated 8 January 2002, is consistent with the dating of this lot. (one of pair)Oxford Authentication Ltd公司熱釋光檢測結果(2002年1月8日,編號C201c90)顯示年代與本拍品年代一致。(其一)See a single pottery goose-head vase, Han dynasty, illustrated by Lu Yaw, et al., Spirit of Han: Ceramics for the After-Life, Singapore, 1991, p.61. See another goose-head bottle vase, Han dynasty, illustrated by R.Ward and P.J.Fidler, The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art: A Handbook of the Collection, Kansas city, 1993, no.286.For further information on this lot please visit Bonhams.com

Lot 183

A PALE GREEEN JADE VASE, GU17th century Smoothly carved of flattened hexagonal form, with a recessed foot tapering to a bulbous body and flaring neck, the stone of pale green tone with dark striations. 11.1cm (4 1/2in) high.Footnotes:Please note this Lot is to be sold at No Reserve. 本拍品不設底價十七世紀 青白玉觚Provenance: Christie's London, 15 May 2008, lot 196. Published, Illustrated and Exhibited: Roger Keverne Ltd., Winter Exhibition, London, 2010, no.83.來源:倫敦佳士得,2008年5月15日,拍品編號196展覽著錄:Roger Keverne Ltd.,《冬季展覽》,倫敦,2010年,編號83See a related but larger pale green jade flattened vase, gu, 17th century, which was sold at Christie's London, 5 March 2013, lot 49.For further information on this lot please visit Bonhams.com

Lot 190

A RARE AND LARGE BLUE AND WHITE BEAKER VASE, GUWanli six-character mark and of the periodBoldly painted to the bulbous mid section with bowls and baskets containing fruit and flower sprays, the tapering lower body with butterflies and insects amongst flowering plants issuing from pierced rockwork, above a border of scattered blossom and wood-grain pattern, the neck with bands of formal leaf lappets and a variegated floral meander, within moulded bands, the rim with the horizontal six-character reign mark on a foliate scroll band.57.5cm (22 5/8in) high.Footnotes:Please note this Lot is to be sold at No Reserve. 本拍品不設底價明萬曆 青花花卉紋大觚青花「大明萬曆年製」楷書橫款Published, Illustrated and Exhibited: Roger Keverne Ltd., Summer Exhibition, London, 2013, no.33展覽著錄:Roger Keverne Ltd.,《夏季展覽》,倫敦,2013年,編號33Gu vases enjoyed a great popularity during the reign of the Wanli emperor, and were produced in different variations of size and decoration. Large vases such as the present example, however, are quite rare. In addition to its exceptionally large size, the present vase is notable for the flowing and naturalistic brushstrokes and the balanced interplay between elegance and archaic stateliness. A similar blue and white gu vase, of slightly larger size, Wanli mark and period, is illustrated in Enlightening Elegance: Imperial Porcelain of the Mid to Late Qing Period, The Huanghuaitang Collection, Hong Kong, 2012, pp.388-391. A related wucai gu vase, Wanli, decorated with dragons and peonies, is illustrated in The Complete Collection of Treasures of the Palace Museum, Wucai Doucai, Shanghai, 199, p.37, no.34. Another wucai example now in the Matsuoka Art Museum, Japan, is illustrated in Mayuyama, Seventy Years, vol.1, Japan, 1976, pl.916.For further information on this lot please visit Bonhams.com

Lot 196

A RARE BLUE AND WHITE BASINChenghua six-character mark, Tianqi/ChongzhenThe vessel stoutly potted with rounded sides rising to an everted rim painted with gnarled prunus branches, the interior painted with an archaistic vase and square brushpots filled with a profusion of blossoming peonies, lotus buds, and fruiting pomegranate branches surrounded by hovering butterflies, the exterior with butterflies and ducks swimming in a lotus pond, Japanese box.28cm (11in) diam. (2).Footnotes:Please note this Lot is to be sold at No Reserve. 本拍品不設底價明天啟/崇禎 青花花卉紋折沿盆青花「大明成化年製」楷書款Provenance: a Japanese private collection來源:日本私人舊藏See an example illustrated by Geng Baocheng, Ming Qing Ciqi Jianding, Hong Kong, 1993, pl.291, also illustrated in colour pl.74; See another example illustrated In Pursuit of the Dragon: Traditions and Transitions in Ming Ceramics, An Exhibition from the Idemitsu Museum of Arts, Tokyo, 1988, no.80; see also a related bowl, Tianqi, with similar design of flowers, illustrated by M.Butler, M.Medley and S.Little, Seventeenth-Century Chinese Porcelain from the Butler Family Collection, Alexandria Virginia, 1990, p.41, no.5.For further information on this lot please visit Bonhams.com

Lot 198

AN APPLE-GREEN-GLAZED JARKangxiOf oviform, the exterior covered in a soft apple-green glaze with a light matrix of crackle, the interior and recessed base with similar crackle-suffused white glaze.13.5cm (5 3/8in) high.Footnotes:Please note this Lot is to be sold at No Reserve. 本拍品不設底價清康熙 綠釉罐Provenance: an Asian private collectionSotheby's London, 8 November 2006, lot 168來源:亞洲私人舊藏倫敦蘇富比,2006年11月8日,拍品編號168See a related jar illustrated in the International Exhibition of Chinese Art, London, 1935, no.2357; see also another example in the Exhibition of Chinese Arts, C. T. Loo, New York, 1941, no.757; and The Prince Kung Collection, New York, auction catalogue, 1913, lot 434. See also a related green-glazed vase, 18th century, illustrated by R.Krahl, Chinese Ceramics from the Meiyintang Collection, vol.2, London, 1994, no.883.For further information on this lot please visit Bonhams.com

Lot 200

AN ARCHAISTIC BRONZE GARLIC-MOUTH 'DRAGON' BOTTLE VASEXuande seal mark, 17th centuryThe heavily-cast vase supported on a high stepped spreading foot, rising to a compressed globular body and tall cylindrical neck with garlic-shaped mouth, a long scaly dragon coiled around the neck chasing a flaming pearl on the shoulder. 42cm (16 1/2in) high. Footnotes:Please note this Lot is to be sold at No Reserve. 本拍品不設底價十七世紀 銅蟠龍蒜頭瓶「宣德」篆書款Compare with two related bronze bottle vases with dragons, 16th/17th century, in the Victoria and Albert Museum, London, illustrated by R,Kerr, Later Chinese Bronzes, London, 1990, p.42, no.29.For further information on this lot please visit Bonhams.com

Lot 201

A RARE BRONZE 'PRUNUS' BOTTLE VASEYong bao yong incised three-character mark, 17th/18th centuryOf compressed pear-shaped form rising to the tall neck with an everted flared rim, decorated in relief with a blossoming and budding prunus tree issuing from an undulating ground, raised on a spreading foot decorated with a continuous foliate scroll, the base incised with a three-character mark yong bao yong, which may be translated as 'Treasure and use forever'.24.2cm (9 1/2in) high.Footnotes:Please note this Lot is to be sold at No Reserve. 本拍品不設底價十七/十八世紀 銅梅紋長頸瓶「永寶用」篆書刻款Provenance: Christie's London, 13 May 2008, lot 162Published, Illustrated and Exhibited: Roger Keverne Ltd., Winter Exhibition, London, 2008, no.20來源:倫敦佳士得,2008年5月13日,拍品編號162展覽著錄:Roger Keverne Ltd.,《冬季展覽》,倫敦,2008年,編號20A similar but smaller example, 18th century, is illustrated by R.Mowry, China's Renaissance in Bronze: The Robert H.Clague Collection of Later Bronzes 1100-1900, pp.164-166, no.33. The motif of plum blossoms is typical of contemporaneous Kangxi ceramics; see for example, G.Neil, The Communion of Scholars: Chinese Art at Yale, New York, 1982, pp.84-85, no.36.For further information on this lot please visit Bonhams.com

Lot 204

A BLANC-DE-CHINE 'CHILONG' VASEKangxiThe pear-shaped vase with a chilong clambering around the neck, grasping a leafy stem in its mouth, the exterior covered with a transparent ivory-white glaze.12.6cm (5in) high. Footnotes:Please note this Lot is to be sold at No Reserve. 本拍品不設底價清康熙 德化窰白釉盤螭瓶Provenance: P.J.Donnelly (d.1978)W.R.BindleyPublished, Illustrated and Exhibited: Roger Keverne Ltd., Summer Exhibition, London, 2005, no.39.來源:P.J.Donnelly(1978年逝)舊藏W.R.Bindley舊藏展覽著錄:Roger Keverne Ltd.,《夏季展覽》,倫敦,2005年,編號39A similar vase was inventoried in the Dresden collection of Augustus the Strong before 1721; and another in the Burghley House, Stamford inventory of 1688, is illustrated by G.Lang, The Wrestling Boys: An exhibition of Chinese and Japanese Ceramics from the 16th to the 18th Century in the Collection at Burghley House, Burghley, 1983, p.88, no.227. See another two similar blanc-de-Chine vases with dragons curled around them, 1675-1725, illustrated by P.J.Donnelly, Blanc de Chine, London, 1968, pl.50B.For further information on this lot please visit Bonhams.com

Lot 230

A FINE GOLD-SPLASHED BRONZE VASE, FANGHUXuande seal mark, 17th/18th centuryOf archaistic square baluster form, rising from the spreading foot decorated with a raised band to the flared rim, the waisted neck cast with a pair of archaistic lion-mask handles, with attractive reddish-brown patina embellished with numerous gold splashes extending over the rim and on the base around a Xuande seal mark.16.6cm (6 1/2in) high.Footnotes:Please note this Lot is to be sold at No Reserve. 本拍品不設底價十七/十八世紀 銅灑金獸耳壺「宣德」篆書款The present is based on a vessel type whose simple but distinctive shape developed during the Warring States period and later became popular during the Western Han dynasty. While archaistic vessels with gilt-splashed decoration are known to have been made in considerable quantities during the late Ming period, few seem to be of the square fanghu form, such as the present lot. The 'gold-splash' decoration was achieved by 'fire-gilding', a technique involving the application of gold in the form of a mercury/gold amalgam. Subsequently the vessel was heated to drive off the mercury, so that the small amount of gold was left adhering to the base metal. The process could then be repeated several times to build up thicker layers of gold.For further information on this lot please visit Bonhams.com

Lot 231

A FINE PARCEL-GILT SILVER-WIRE-INLAID BRONZE PEAR-SHAPED VASE17th centuryThe bulbous pear-shaped body and tall slender flaring neck raised on a slightly-spreading foot, the body with four lotus blossoms, between bands of highly-intricate stylised foliage on a ring-punched ground, the upper part of the neck with a key-fret border of inlaid silver. 23cm (9in) high.Footnotes:Please note this Lot is to be sold at No Reserve. 本拍品不設底價十七世紀 局部鎏金銅嵌銀纏枝蓮紋膽瓶 The present lot is particularly finely cast, with formal lotus scrolls, brilliantly gilt in contrast to the dark delicately-stippled ground, offset by a more subtle silver-inlaid key-fret band beneath the gilt rim. The lotus blossoms are spread elegantly across the bulbous body of the vase, giving a grounded weight to the body in contrast to the lighter slender neck. Such detailed and expert workmanship is typical of the finest craftsmanship produced at the workshops of the late Ming metal workers who sometimes signed their work, such as Hu Wenming, Zhu Chenming and Wu Daolong and this strongly suggests that the present lot should be included within the canon of their work: see the discussion of the stylistic elements of Hu Wenming's work by U.Hausmann, 'Later Chinese Bronzes, In Search of Later Bronzes', published by Sydney Moss Ltd., Documentary Chinese Works of Art: In Scholars' Taste, London, 1983, pp.230-238. It is notable, however, that the present vase is of unusually large size, compared to the typically smaller items intended for scholarly use produced at these leading Ming workshops.The present lot is related to a smaller parcel-gilt vase illustrated by G.Tsang and H.Moss, Arts from the Scholar's Studio, Hong Kong, 1986, pp.240-241, no.230, and inscribed on the base 'Hu Wenming zuo'. Compare also a parcel-gilt box and cover with similar lotus to the present lot, signed Zhu Chenming and dated 16th/17th century, illustrated by R.Kerr, Later Chinese Bronzes, London, 1990, p.54, no.42. Hu Wenming (circa 1560-1620) from Yunjian (present-day Songjiang) in the vibrant cultural and economic hub known as Jiangnan, was one of the most celebrated late Ming metalworkers. The master and his workshop were particularly known for creating pieces with glittering gilt, intricate designs, and for the use of silver-wire inlay. The anonymous author of the Ming dynasty Yunjian zazhi (Yunjian Records) comments admiringly on the skill, elegance and desirability of Hu's work, and the high prices his pieces commanded; see R.Kerr, ibid., p.52.For further information on this lot please visit Bonhams.com

Lot 236

A CLOISONNÉ ENAMEL SQUARE VASE, FANGHUIncised Jingtai six-character mark, 16th/17th centuryThe vessel of square section rising from a tall spreading foot to a waisted neck and flaring rim, the shoulder set with two applied gilt-bronze lion-mask ring handles, decorated in bright enamels with flowering branches of peony, prunus, camellia and grapes issuing from rockwork, all reserved on a turquoise ground between four galloping horses at the foot and pendent plantain leaves at the neck, the base incised with Jingtai apocryphal six-character mark.28cm (11in) high.Footnotes:Please note this Lot is to be sold at No Reserve. 本拍品不設底價十六/十七世紀 銅胎掐絲琺瑯花卉紋雙耳方壺「大明景泰年製」楷書刻款The present vase was inspired by a bronze prototype for ritual wine vessels employed to present offerings to the ancestors during the Zhou and Han dynasties. The decoration depicted on the vessel is highly auspicious: the peony, symbol of royalty and virtue, was also referred to as the 'flower of wealth and honour; blooming in the colder months, the prunus is symbolic of fortitude, while camellias underscore wishes for a happy marital union.Compare with a related cloisonné fanghu vase, 16th century, from the National Palace Museum, Taipei, illustrated in Enamel Ware in the Ming and Ch'ing Dynasties, 1999, no.22. Another related cloisonné fanghu vase, 16th century, was sold at Christie's London, 7 November 2006, lot 99.For further information on this lot please visit Bonhams.com

Lot 237

A CLOISONNÉ ENAMEL VASE, HULate Ming Dynasty Of archaistic pear-shaped form, rising from a spreading foot to a waisted neck and flared rim, the shoulder set with a pair of taotie-mask handles suspending loose rings, decorated on the central register with two cartouches enclosing respectively a crane and a peacock in a fenced garden amidst rockwork, variously enamelled with prunus and pomegranate, the shoulders and neck with butterflies amidst scattered flower heads framed by narrow borders with a composite floral scroll reserved on a green cracked-ice turquoise ground.38.1cm (15in) high.Footnotes:Please note this Lot is to be sold at No Reserve. 本拍品不設底價明晚期 銅胎掐絲琺瑯開光花鳥冰梅紋壺Provenance: an English private collectionBonhams London, 11 November 2010, lot 118來源:英國私人舊藏倫敦邦瀚斯,2010年11月11日,拍品編號118For further information on this lot please visit Bonhams.com

Lot 238

A LARGE CLOISONNÉ ENAMEL AND GILT-BRONZE PEAR-SHAPED VASE, HULate Ming DynastyBoldly and brightly enamelled on a rich turquoise ground with a wide band of large lotus blooms borne on scrolling foliage issuing curling leaves in a continuous meander around the compressed central section, the tapering neck, lower part of the body and high spreading foot with three narrower lotus-meander bands, all divided by three narrow dark-blue-ground floral-meander bands.59cm (23 2/8in) high.Footnotes:Please note this Lot is to be sold at No Reserve. 本拍品不設底價明晚期 銅胎掐絲琺瑯番蓮紋壺Published, Illustrated and Exhibited: Roger Keverne Ltd., Winter Exhibition, London, 2013, no.57.展覽著錄:Roger Keverne Ltd.,《冬季展覽》,倫敦,2013年,編號57Compare with a cloisonné enamel 'lotus' vase of similar design and form, 17th century, also without taotie-mask handles, illustrated in Chinese Cloisonné: The Pierre Uldry Collection, London, 1989, pl.183.For further information on this lot please visit Bonhams.com

Lot 239

A PAIR OF BRONZE 'ELEPHANT' VASES18th centuryModelled standing with the heads in mirror image, each caparisoned beast supporting a tall gu-shaped vase elaborately decorated with scrolling lotus sprays, sinuous coiled dragons and elephant-mask handles, the bodies draped in cloud-collar saddle cloths with lotus panels to the sides, adorned with elaborated jewelled trappings.28cm (11in) high. (2).Footnotes:Please note this Lot is to be sold at No Reserve. 本拍品不設底價十八世紀 銅太平有像一對The elephant in China is one of the seven Buddhist Sacred Treasures and symbolises peace. The 'vase' (ping 瓶) which puns with 'peace' (ping 平), and elephant (xiang 象) which also means 'sign' or 'portent', forms a rebus for the phrase taiping youxiang (太平有象), meaning 'Where there is peace, there is an omen (or elephant)'. Therefore, pairs of elephants carrying vases became an important part of the Imperial throne regalia, as can be seen, for example, in the Hall of Supreme Harmony, Taihe Dian 太和殿 and the Hall of Mental Cultivation, Yangxin Dian 養心; see Wan-go Weng and Yang Boda, The Palace Museum Peking: Treasures of the Forbidden City, London, 1982, pp.44-45 and 64-65.See also a very similar pair of bronze elephant vases, 18th century, illustrated in Later Chinese Bronzes: The Saint Louis Museum and Robert E. Kresko Collections, Saint Louis, 2008, p.147, no.30.For further information on this lot please visit Bonhams.com

Lot 251

AN ARCHAISTIC BRONZE BEAKER VASE, GU17th centuryOf slender form, the lower and mid-section cast with taotie masks on key-fret grounds divided by notched flanges and bordered by bands of archaistic dragons, the upper section with four formal leaf lappets.30cm (11 3/4in) high.Footnotes:Please note this Lot is to be sold at No Reserve. 本拍品不設底價十七世紀 銅仿古饕餮紋觚See a related example, illustrated by D.Failla, Food for the Ancestors Flowers for the Gods: Transformations of Archaistic Bronzes in China and Japan, Genoa, 2017, p.200, no.4.3.For further information on this lot please visit Bonhams.com

Lot 259

A CELADON-GLAZED BLUE AND COPPER-RED 'EIGHT HORSES OF MU WANG' YEN YEN VASEKangxi The baluster body sweeping to a wide flaring rim, finely enamelled with a continuous scene depicting the 'Eight Horses of Mu Wang' galloping, grazing and lounging under a towering pine tree, their coats variously decorated in underglaze blue, red and white slip, all on a green ground, the interior white.47.8cm (18 7/8in) high.Footnotes:Please note this Lot is to be sold at No Reserve. 本拍品不設底價清康熙 豆青釉青花釉裡紅八駿圖鳳尾尊The 'Eight Horses of Muwang' or King Mu of the Zhou Dynasty alludes to a folktale when the King dreamed of being an Immortal. According to the story, the King was determined to visit the heavenly paradise and taste the peaches of immortality. A brave charioteer named Zaofu used his chariot to carry the king to his destination. During these travels the emperor's chariot was pulled by eight horses named after the colour of their hair. In other accounts, the horses' names reflected their unusual talents such as horse that gallops without touching the ground'.See a related example in the collection of the Umezawa Kinenkan Museum, Tokyo, illustrated in Special Exhibition: Chinese Ceramics, Tokyo, 1994, no.317; see another example illustrated by D.F.Lunsingh Scheurleer, The Frits Lugt collection of Chinese porcelains, Paris, 1981, nos.112 and 113.For further information on this lot please visit Bonhams.com

Lot 260

A FAMILLE VERTE 'PHOENIX-TAIL' VASE19th centuryFinely enamelled around the exterior with a scholar resting by his desk, gazing out of the window with his attendant into a dream bubble of himself fighting a group of warriors. 45.5cm (17 7/8in) high.Footnotes:Please note this Lot is to be sold at No Reserve. 本拍品不設底價十九世紀 五彩人物圖鳳尾尊See a related example illustrated in Goldener Drache – Weißer Adler: Kunst im Dienste der Macht am Kaiserhof von China und am Sächsisch-Polnischen Hof (1644–1795), Dresden, 2008, no.195.For further information on this lot please visit Bonhams.com

Lot 263

A RARE FAMILLE VERTE 'CHILONG' BOTTLE VASEChenghua six-character mark, KangxiFinely enamelled around the exterior with auspicious symbols of the bajixiang on breaking green waves beside a leaping iron-red carp, the shoulder applied with a purple-grey-glazed archaistic kui dragon coiling around the tall cylindrical neck. 21.3cm (8 3/8 in) high. Footnotes:Please note this Lot is to be sold at No Reserve. 本拍品不設底價清康熙 五彩鯉魚紋盤螭長頸瓶青花「大明成化年製」楷書款 Provenance: Sir Alfred Aykroyd, 1st BT (1873-1949), YorkPublished, Illustrated and Exhibited: Roger Keverne Ltd., Summer Exhibition, London, 2012, no.41來源:英國約克Alfred Aykroyd男爵(1873-1949年)舊藏展覽著錄:Roger Keverne Ltd.,《夏季展覽》,倫敦,2012年,編號41Sir Alfred Aykroyd was created 1st Baronet Aykroyd, of Birstwith Hall, York, in 1929. He held the office of High Sheriff of Yorkshire in 1941, as well as Justice of the Peace (J.P.) for West Riding, Yorkshire.See a related peach bloom example, illustrated by L.Schwartz-Arenales, A Millennium of Monochromes From the Great Tang to the High Qing: The Baur and the Zhuyuetang Collections, Zurich, 2018, no.145.For further information on this lot please visit Bonhams.com

Lot 264

A SMALL MIRROR-BLACK-GLAZED DOUBLE-GOURD VASEKangxiThe compressed globular lower bulb rising to a smaller bulb, evenly applied overall with a lustrous deep-black glaze thinning at the neck, the interior and recessed base glazed white. 9.5cm (3 3/4in) high.Footnotes:Please note this Lot is to be sold at No Reserve. 本拍品不設底價清康熙 烏金釉葫蘆形小瓶See a related vase, Kangxi, illustrated in the Oriental Ceramic Society Exhibition, The World in Monochromes, London, 2009, no.253.For further information on this lot please visit Bonhams.com

Lot 265

AN YIXING DOUBLE-GOURD WALL VASESigned Pengnian, Qing DynastyOf double-gourd form above the foot imitating a wooden stand, with a simulated bow tied around the waist, inscribed with nine characters and 'Pengnian' signature in the upper section, the reverse impressed with a 'Pengnian' seal mark, box.14.5cm (5 7/8in) high. (2).Footnotes:Please note this Lot is to be sold at No Reserve. 本拍品不設底價清 紫泥葫蘆形掛瓶「彭年」篆書模款Published, Illustrated and Exhibited: Roger Keverne Ltd., Summer Exhibition, London, 2002, no.71出版著錄:Roger Keverne Ltd.,《夏季展覽》,倫敦,2002年,編號71The inscription reads:「作葫蘆,悅親戚之情話。彭年」which may be translated as: 'This gourd was made, to entertain and bring joy your relatives. By Pengnian'Yang Pengnian came from a family of potters and carried out many commissions for patrons. According to K.S.Lo in The Stonewares of Yixing: From the Ming Period to the Present Day, London, 1986, p.18, 'Yang Pengnian was without doubt the finest potter of Yixing wares of the nineteenth century'. For examples of his teapots, see ibid., pls.34, 36-37 and 39-42.For further information on this lot please visit Bonhams.com

Lot 266

A RARE WHITE-GLAZED SOFT-PASTE SLENDER BALUSTER MOULDED VASE18th centuryThe slender body rising to a waisted neck ending in a rounded rim with raised bosses, decorated in relief with a pair of mythical beasts emerging from cloud scrolls towards a band of ruyi-heads at the high shoulder, covered overall in a creamy ivory-white glaze suffused with crackles, hongmu stand.37cm (14 1/2in) high. (2).Footnotes:Please note this Lot is to be sold at No Reserve. 本拍品不設底價十八世紀 仿定窯白釉凸雕瓶Published, Illustrated and Exhibited: Roger Keverne Ltd., Winter Exhibition, London, 2013, no.38.展覽著錄:Roger Keverne Ltd.,《冬季展覽》,倫敦,2013年,編號38It is rare to find soft-paste vases of such high quality, crisply decorated with imaginative stylised mythical beast motifs. These Qianlong-period white-glazed wares are thought to be inspired by the ornately-moulded creamy-white Ding wares of the Song dynasty. Compare with a white-glazed soft-paste yuhuchunping, decorated with lotus blooms on leafy scrolls, Qianlong, in the National Palace Museum, Taipei, illustrated in The Enchanting Splendor of Vases and Planters: A Special Exhibition of Flower Vessels from the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Taipei, 2014, pp.190-191, no.II-28.A white-glazed soft-paste meiping, smaller in size and decorated with peaches, bats and Shou characters, Qianlong, formerly in the collection of Edward T. Chow, was sold at Sotheby's Hong Kong, 11 April 2008, lot 2507.This lot is subject to the following lot symbols: YY Subject to CITES regulations when exporting items outside of the EU, see clause 13.For further information on this lot please visit Bonhams.com

Lot 27

A PAINTED GREY POTTERY FLASK, BIANHU, AND A BURNISHED GREY POTTERY AMPHORA VASEHan Dynasty The bianhu imitating a bronze flask raised on a flared rectangular foot with faceted corners, each side moulded with a heart-shaped panel reserved on a red ground, with loop and ring handles on the shoulders, 30cm (11 7/8in) wide; the amphora relief moulded on each side with two spirals seeming to issue from the base of the broad strap handles carved with conjoined circular medallions, with a finely-hatched band on the faceted neck below the rim formed by an angular spout on either side, 17cm (6 2/8in) high.(2).Footnotes:Please note this Lot is to be sold at No Reserve. 本拍品不設底價漢 灰陶扁壺 及灰陶雙耳罐 各一Published, Illustrated and Exhibited: Roger Keverne Ltd., Summer Exhibition, London, 2005, no.24 (flask)展覽著錄:Roger Keverne Ltd.,《夏季展覽》,倫敦,2005年,編號24(扁壺)The result of Oxford Authentication Ltd. thermoluminescence test no.C104y75 dated 15 November 2004, is consistent with the dating of this lot. (flask)Oxford Authentication Ltd公司熱釋光檢測結果(2004年11月15日,編號C104y75)顯示年代與本拍品年代一致。(扁壺)Unusually-shaped burnished grey pottery amphora, such as the present lot, may have been a specific regional creation of the Qiang, a tribal people who probably came from the steppe but later also lived in the region of the Dian in southwest China. Vessels such as this, with lozenge-shaped mouths and twin flat handles have been discovered in present-day Sichuan and are known as Lifan ware, after the area in Sichuan Province where such jars have been found. A similar vessel, Han dynasty, probably from Sichuan, is in the British Museum (acc.no.1932,0216.1).For further information on this lot please visit Bonhams.com

Lot 274

A WHITE JADE FINGER CITRON CARVING18th/19th centuryDeftly carved as a larger and smaller finger citron fruit borne on a gnarled branch, the side with an auspicious bat, the stone of pale white tone with light brown highlights, 8.5cm (3 3/8in) high; together with a pale green jade magnolia vase,17th/18th century, expertly hollowed and formed as the large petals of the magnolia, with smaller buds growing on the side, 9cm (3 1/2in) long.(2).Footnotes:Please note this Lot is to be sold at No Reserve. 本拍品不設底價十八/十九世紀 白玉佛手 及 十七/十八世紀 青白玉玉蘭花插 各一See a related jade magnolia vase, Qing dynasty, in the Qing Court Collection, illustrated in the Compendium of Collections in the Palace Museum: Jade, 8, Beijing, 2011, no.175. For a related jade finger citron, excavated from Zhang Zhidong's (1837-1909) residence at Nanpi, Hebei Province, and now in the Hebei Provincial Centre for Cultural Heritage Preservation, see Gu Fang, The Complete Collection of Unearthed Jades in China, Beijing, 2005, p.233.For further information on this lot please visit Bonhams.com

Lot 280

A VERY RARE IMPERIAL CLOISONNÉ ENAMEL AND GILT-BRONZE 'DOUBLE-LOZENGE' VASEQianlong Decorated in mirror image on the two main faces of the body with key-fret and C-scrolls panels on alternating dark-blue and lime-green grounds, the sides with lotus blooms and demi-florette panels on a turquoise ground, dividing a tapering square neck and spreading square foot. 19.5cm (7.5/8in) high.Footnotes:Please note this Lot is to be sold at No Reserve. 本拍品不設底價清乾隆 銅胎掐絲琺瑯雲雷紋方勝式小瓶Provenance: Christie's London, 15 July 1981, lot 55A European private collectionChristie's London, 9 November 2010, lot 221Published, Illustrated and Exhibited: Roger Keverne Ltd., Summer Exhibition, London, 2011, no.68.來源:倫敦佳士得,1981年7月15日,拍品編號55歐洲私人舊藏倫敦佳士得,2010年11月9日,拍品編號221展覽著錄:Roger Keverne Ltd.,《夏季展覽》,倫敦,2011年,編號68Included as part of the Eight Treasures (八寶), the double-lozenge form may have derived from hanging accessories in the ancient past as part of the traditional attire. In Chinese the double lozenge is termed fangsheng (方勝), which uses the character sheng (勝), or 'victory'. It is thus a rebus for 'double blessings' or 'success'. Compare with a similar cloisonné enamel vase, mid Qing dynasty, of double-lozenge shape composed of key-fret borders, and part of a set, illustrated in the Compendium of Collections in the Palace Museum: Enamels 4, Beijing, 2011, p.164, pl.115.For further information on this lot please visit Bonhams.com

Lot 281

A CLOISONNÉ ENAMEL VASE, GU18th century The central bulbous section finely enamelled with stylised lotus sprays set between interlocking designs of ruyi and bats and hanging plantain leaves enclosing scrollwork, all reserved on a brightly-enamelled turquoise ground, 21cm (8 2/8in) high; together with a cloisonné enamel lobed bowl and domed cover, 19th century, 14.6cm (5 3/4in) wide.(3).Footnotes:Please note this Lot is to be sold at No Reserve. 本拍品不設底價十八世紀 銅胎掐絲琺瑯纏枝蓮紋觚 及 十九世紀 銅胎掐絲琺瑯纏枝蓮紋雙耳蓋罐 各一Published, Illustrated and Exhibited: Roger Keverne Ltd., Winter Exhibition, London, 2010, no.64 (the bowl and cover).展覽著錄:Roger Keverne Ltd.,《冬季展覽》,倫敦,2010年,編號64(蓋罐)For further information on this lot please visit Bonhams.com

Lot 282

A FINE ARCHAISTIC CLOISONNÉ ENAMEL BOTTLE VASEQianlong five-character mark and of the periodColourfully enamelled around the oviform body with two bands of stylised taotie masks, above and below a narrow band of 'C' scrolls, rising to a tall narrow neck with further 'C' scrolls and flower heads.12cm (4 3/4in) high.Footnotes:Please note this Lot is to be sold at No Reserve. 本拍品不設底價清乾隆 銅胎掐絲琺瑯仿古饕餮紋小瓶 「乾隆年製」、「能」楷書刻款Driven by the Qianlong emperor's call for inspiration to be sought from antiquity, decorative designs on various types of art and craft production increasingly imitated ancient bronze forms and patterns. This is demonstrated by the present vase with its brightly-enamelled archaic taotie masks. For related examples of archaic designs on Qianlong period cloisonné vessels, see The Complete Collection of Treasures of the Palace Museum: Metal-bodied Enamel Ware, Hong Kong, 2002, pls.94 and 115.An additional character is occasionally found incised underneath the Qianlong four-character mark, as with the present lot, 'neng' (ability). The additional characters can be a single number between one and five; an auspicious invocation; or an apparent instruction to distinguish the use and category. However, some scholars have suggested that it could have been a way to number the large number of objects in a correct order; see H.Brinker and A.Lutz, Chinese Cloisonné: The Pierre Uldry Collection, New York, 1989, pp.74-79.For a related cloisonné enamel vase, Qianlong mark and period, see B.Quette, Cloisonné: Chinese Enamels from the Yuan, Ming, and Qing Dynasties, New York, 2011, p.291.For further information on this lot please visit Bonhams.com

Lot 283

A RARE ARCHAISTIC CLOISONNÉ ENAMEL AND GILT-BRONZE BALUSTER VASEYongzheng/QianlongFinely enamelled below the well-rounded shoulder with an undulating band of concentric shades of blue on a pale green ground heightened with red, pink and yellow details, the shoulder with a key-fret band, the tapering neck and lower part with mirror bands of acanthus leaves dividing prunus blossom.18.5cm (7 1/4in) high.Footnotes:Please note this Lot is to be sold at No Reserve. 本拍品不設底價清雍正/乾隆 銅胎掐絲琺瑯波曲紋瓶The archaistic motifs on the present reflects the archaistic scholarly trends of the 17th/18th centuries. The academic trend known as the 'search for evidence' (kaozheng 考證) movement began in the early 17th century. Although this movement originated in a renewed scholarly interest in ancient texts and inscriptions on archaic bronzes, as literati sought a more empirical approach to understanding their ancient heritage, it led to a greater fascination for decorative designs adopted from ancient bronzes too. Responding to this wave of archaism which would later be adopted by the Imperial court and Manchu emperors who wished to display their patronage of Han Chinese culture, artisans reproduced the motifs and patterns of ancient bronzes on their cloisonné enamel wares. the Xiqing gujian (Catalogue of the Xiqing Antiquities), provided abundant prototypes to the recreations of archaistic pieces such as the present lot.For further information on this lot please visit Bonhams.com

Lot 288

A SMALL PALE GREEN JADE VASE, MEIPING18th centuryOf slender tapering form resting on a stepped footring with slightly sunken base, superbly carved with high shoulders and a short cylindrical flaring neck, carved in low relief with a continuous scene of plum blossoms and a gnarled rock, the stone of pale green tone. 6cm (2 3/8in) high. Footnotes:Please note this Lot is to be sold at No Reserve. 本拍品不設底價十八世紀 青白玉雕梅瓶Provenance: Sotheby's London, 10 November 2010, lot 274Published, Illustrated and Exhibited: Roger Keverne Ltd., Winter Exhibition, London, 2011, no.88.來源:倫敦蘇富比,2010年11月10日,拍品編號274展覽著錄:Roger Keverne Ltd.,《冬季展覽》,倫敦,2011年,編號88The present lot was probably an Imperial plaything, kept in one of the treasure cabinets, such as those illustrated in A Garland of Treasures: Masterpieces of Precious Crafts in the Museum Collection, Taipei, 2014, pp.171-175.See a related greyish-green jade meiping-shaped snuff bottle, attributed to the Palace workshops, Qianlong, which was sold at Christie's New York, 24 March 2011, lot 1562.For further information on this lot please visit Bonhams.com

Lot 291

A VERY FINE WHITE JADE VASEQianlong The flattened baluster vessel rising from a stepped foot to a tapering neck flanked by a pair of archaistic chilong handles below the splayed rim, the semi-translucent stone of even white colour with an icy vein.15cm (6in) high.Footnotes:Please note this Lot is to be sold at No Reserve. 本拍品不設底價清乾隆 白玉雙螭耳瓶Provenance: Christie's Hong Kong, 29 September 1992, lot 755 (part lot)Sotheby's Hong Kong, 8 April 2014, lot 3043來源:香港佳士得,1992年9月29日,拍品編號755(部分)香港蘇富比,2014年4月8日,拍品編號3043This superb vase derives its shape from an ancient bronze hu vessel, with the stylised dragon handles seemingly inspired by those found on Eastern Zhou bronze vessels. The Qianlong emperor proposed to 'restore ancient ways', referring to the view of ancient culture as having intrinsic moral qualities of sincerity, simplicity and happy exuberance. For this purpose the emperor instructed the Court to collect drawings of antiquities, such as the Xi Qing Gu Jian (Catalogue of Xiqing Antiquities). Jade carvers were thus encouraged to move away from the 'new style' by studying archaic bronze vessels in the Qing Court Collection or in illustrated woodblock prints, and adapting them to the medium of jade; see Chang Li-tuan, The Refined Taste of the Emperor: Special Exhibition of Archaic and Pictorial Jades of the Ch'ing Court, Taipei, 1997, pp.49-50.Compare with a white jade vase, Qing dynasty of similar shape, illustrated in Compendium of Collections in the Palace Museum: Jade, vo.10, Beijing, 2011, p.149.A related white jade vase displaying similar chilong handles, Qianlong, was sold at Sotheby's London, 18 November 1998, lot 923.For further information on this lot please visit Bonhams.com

Lot 295

A RARE VERY PALE GREEN JADE 'DRAGON AND YOUNG' VASE AND COVERQianlong The flattened baluster vessel with billowing clouds, the waisted neck climbed by a large scaly dragon and a chilong clambering above craggy rocks around the base, the cover surmounted by a rope-twist finial, the semi-translucent stone of pale green tone with frost-white inclusions, wood stand.17cm (6 3/4in) high. (3).Footnotes:Please note this Lot is to be sold at No Reserve. 本拍品不設底價清乾隆 青白玉雕蒼龍教子蓋瓶The motif of an adult and young dragon seems to have been favoured by the Qianlong emperor and has been interpreted as conveying the message of the father teaching his son the ways of life, and within the Imperial family, that of the emperor giving lessons to the prince.Compare with a white jade vase and cover, Qing dynasty, in the Qing Court Collection, carved with adult and young dragons pursuing the flaming pearl, illustrated in The Complete Collection of Treasures of the Palace Museum: Jadeware II, Beijing, 2008, pl.21. See also another related jade 'dragon' vase and cover, Qianlong, illustrated by R.Kleiner, Chinese Jade from the Collection of Alan and Simone Hartman, Hong Kong, 1996, p.191, no.147.See also a related pale green jade 'dragons' vase and cover, Qianlong, which was sold at Bonhams London, 17 May 2018, lot 157.For further information on this lot please visit Bonhams.com

Lot 301

AN UNUSUAL PAIR OF PAINTED PEWTER FIGURES OF EUROPEAN TRIBUTE BEARERS18th centuryModelled in mirror image, each figure in typical Georgian dress, kneeling and supporting a faceted baluster vase to one side, set on a circular base with reticulated decorative borders.10.5cm (4 1/8in) high. (2).Footnotes:Please note this Lot is to be sold at No Reserve. 本拍品不設底價十八世紀 錫製彩繪歐洲男侍跪像一對See a related set of six standing painted pewter figures of westerners, circa 1780, illustrated by C.L.Crossman, The Decorative Arts of The China Trade, New York, 1991, colour pl.125. See another pair of pewter men as candleholders, c.1800, illustrated by D.S.Howard, A Tale of Three Cities Canton, Shanghai & Hong Kong: Three Centuries of Sino-British Trade in the Decorative Arts, London, 1997, no.259.For further information on this lot please visit Bonhams.com

Lot 31

THREE ARCHAIC BRONZE RITUAL VESSELSWarring States/Han DynastyComprising a tripod vessel and cover, ding, cast with a pair of upright loop handles, supported on three waisted legs, the shallow domed cover cast with three evenly-spaced handles, 19.7cm (7 3/4in) wide; a tripod cooking vessel, jiaodou, with a dragon-head handle, 27cm (10 1/2in) long; and a cylindrical vase raised on three legs issuing from animal heads, the body set with a pair of taotie handles suspending loose rings, 25.5cm (10in) high.(4).Footnotes:Please note this Lot is to be sold at No Reserve. 本拍品不設底價戰國/漢 青銅禮器 一組三件See a soup-warming vessel with dragon-head handle, Six dynasties, in the collection of the Palace Museum, Beijing, illustrated in Travelling Exhibitions of the Palace Museum. The Forbidden City: Inside the Court of China's Emperor, Beijing, 2016, no.150, where it is noted that: 'These bronze vessels were some of Emperor Qianlong's favourite treasures'; and a related example of the tripod vessel on the left, illustrated by B.Laufer, Chinese Pottery of the Han Dynasty, Leiden, 1962, pl.XX, fig.3; for an example related to the cylindrical base, see International Exhibition of Chinese Art, London, 1935, no.114.For further information on this lot please visit Bonhams.com

Lot 315

AN UNUSUAL PAINTED ENAMEL PLAQUE OF A 'GU' VASE18th centuryThe rectangular plaque depicting a vase of archaistic gu form, finely painted on the tall spreading base with pairs of confronted chilong enclosing Shou character roundels, the bulbous central section and the flaring trumpet mouth with dense, leafy tendrils bearing blossoming lotus flowers, each section separated by horizontal bands decorated with ruyi designs and stylised florets, all reserved on a soft yellow ground, wood frame.20.5cm (8 1/8in) high.Footnotes:Please note this Lot is to be sold at No Reserve. 本拍品不設底價十八世紀 銅胎畫琺瑯花觚圖掛屏Provenance: acquired from Spink & Son Ltd., London, prior to 1968.Published, Illustrated and Exhibited: Roger Keverne Ltd., Summer Exhibition, London, 2013, no.48.來源:1968年前,購自倫敦古董商Spink & Son Ltd.展覽著錄:Roger Keverne Ltd.,《夏季展覽》,倫敦,2013年,編號48For further information on this lot please visit Bonhams.com

Lot 317

A RARE PAIR OF LARGE FAMILLE ROSE 'ROMANCE OF THE WESTERN CHAMBER' VASES AND STANDS, GUYongzhengEach of square waisted section, with simulated 'spotted bamboo' edges framing leaf-shaped panels reserved on a ground of prunus and bamboo amidst cloud scrolls, the panels depicting scenes from The Romance of the Western Chamber, the porcelain stands with shaped aprons and ruyi-cloud feet superbly painted with swirls of chestnut and umber browns in imitation of wood.Each 45.5cm (17 3/4in) high. (4).Footnotes:Please note this Lot is to be sold at No Reserve. 本拍品不設底價清雍正 粉彩開光「西廂記」方觚一對Published, Illustrated and Exhibited: Roger Keverne Ltd., Summer Exhibition, London, 2011, no.52展覽著錄:Roger Keverne Ltd.,《夏季展覽》,倫敦,2011年,編號52Each vase has four panels decorated with scenes from the popular 13th century drama Xixiang Ji (西廂記), or 'The Romance of the Western Chamber'. The play narrates a secret love affair between the young scholar Zhang Sheng and Cui Yingying, daughter of a chief minister. Although scholar Zhang and Cui Yingying fell in love with each other at a Buddhist monastery, Cui Yingying's mother disapproved of the match because of Zhang's low station. Yingying's maid, Hongniang, however, took pity on them and arranged to bring them together in a secret union. When Yingying's mother discovered what had happened, she reluctantly agreed to a formal marriage on the condition that Zhang must pass the civil service examination. To the joy of the young lovers, Zhang Sheng passes, is appointed to high office, and the two are finally married. A pair of large famille rose vases, early 18th century, bearing similar scenes from the 'Romance of the Western Chamber' and with spotted bamboo edges, is illustrated by O.V.Krog, et al., Treasures from Imperial China: The Forbidden City and the Royal Danish Court, Copenhagen, 2006, pp.605-606, no.185, where it is noted that a similar pair of vases that was in the Danish Kunstkammer, but is now in the National Museum in Copenhagen, was brought from Guangzhou on the 'Kronprins Christian' in 1732. See also the detailed photographs of the vases, pp.196-199. For another comparable pair of vases with very similar scenes and bamboo edges, dated circa 1730, see A.Varela Santos, Yongzheng Chinese Export Porcelain: A Private Collection, London, 2005, pp.72-73, pl.24.For further information on this lot please visit Bonhams.com

Lot 324

A RARE ARCHAISTIC CLOISONNÉ ENAMEL AND GILT-BRONZE 'PHOENIX' SQUARE VASE, FANG GUYongzheng/QianlongThe central part enamelled on each face with an archaistic taotie mask separated by flanges down the centre and at the edges, the upper flaring section similarly enamelled with pairs of archaistic phoenix with pink heads and stylised green scrolling tails also separated by flanges, the spreading base with pendent plantain leaves.33cm (13in) high.Footnotes:Please note this Lot is to be sold at No Reserve. 本拍品不設底價清雍正/乾隆 銅胎掐絲琺瑯仿古饕餮紋出戟方觚Provenance: Sotheby's Paris, 23 June 2016, lot 84來源:巴黎蘇富比,2016年6月23日,拍品編號84This cloisonné fang gu is exceptional for its refined and rare predominant design of double phoenix on each side, above triple bands of taotie masks and plantain leaves. For another example with a primary phoenix motif; see a cloisonné enamel incense burner, ding, Qianlong mark and period, illustrated in Compendium of Collections in the Palace Museum: Enamels 2, Beijing, 2011, pl.201. Compare also a related but less refined and smaller cloisonné enamel fang gu, with phoenix on the neck and foot and taotie masks around the centre, 17th/18th century, illustrated by Sir H.Garner, Chinese and Japanese Cloisonné Enamels, London, 1962, pl.52.The form and design of the present lot are in line with the Qianlong emperor's wishes for craftsmen to take inspiration from antiquity, in order to 'restore the ancient ways', reinstating the intrinsic qualities of simplicity, sincerity and happy exuberance of the ancient cultures. For this purpose the emperor instructed the Court to collect drawings of antiquities, such as the 'Catalogue of Xiqing Antiquities' (Xi Qing Gu Jian 西清古鑑), which served as sources of designs for the production of vessels. Compare three related archaistic cloisonné enamel and gilt-bronze vases, fang gu, Qianlong mark and of the period, illustrated in ibid., pls.143, 146-147.A related cloisonné enamel and gilt-bronze vase, gu, Qianlong mark and of the period, was sold at Christie's Paris, 7 June 2011, lot 208.For further information on this lot please visit Bonhams.com

Lot 336

A FINE ARCHAISTIC SPINACH-GREEN JADE VASEQianlong The vessel of flattened pear-shaped form, rising from a spreading foot to a tapering neck and lipped rim, each side well carved with a central band depicting a taotie mask, between two further bands decorated with floral arabesques and ruyi leaves, the neck flanked by a pair of Mughal-style handles shaped as curling acanthus leaves, the stone of pale spinach-green tone with paler green inclusions and dark green mottling.14.5cm (5 1/2in) high.Footnotes:Please note this Lot is to be sold at No Reserve. 本拍品不設底價清乾隆 碧玉仿古饕餮紋飾雙耳瓶Provenance: Tiroche Israel, 19 March 2015, lot 61來源:以色列Tiroche拍賣行,2015年3月19日,拍品編號61For further information on this lot please visit Bonhams.com

Lot 344

A LARGE CLOISONNÉ ENAMEL 'HUNDRED ANTIQUES' RECTANGULAR PANELJiaqing/DaoguangFinely decorated with the very auspicious design of 'Hundred Antiques' symbolising long life, happiness and prosperity, depicting a central pale-turquoise-ground vase of blossoming peony and camellia, a red-ground oblong bowl containing assorted fruits, an amusing toad-shaped waterpot, and a yellow-ground fishbowl containing four brightly-coloured fish, all surrounded by scattered berries and hovering butterflies, giltwood frame.39.4cm (15 1/2in) wide.Footnotes:Please note this Lot is to be sold at No Reserve. 本拍品不設底價清嘉慶/道光 銅胎掐絲琺瑯博古圖掛屏See similar cloisonné enamel panels with the 'Hundred Antiques' motif, late 18th century, illustrated by H.Brinker and A.Lutz, Chinese Cloisonné: The Pierre Uldry Collection, Zurich, 1989, nos.307 and 308; see another example illustrated by J.Getz, Catalogue of the Avery collection of Ancient Chinese Cloisonné, New York, 1912, no.9.For further information on this lot please visit Bonhams.com

Lot 35

A RARE SMALL GILT-BRONZE VASE, HUMing Dynasty or earlierHeavily cast, of elegant pear-shaped form supported on a gently spreading foot, the smooth body divided by five horizontal concentric raised ribs, the shoulders set with a pair of taotie-mask handles, with some malachite encrustation. 11cm (4 3/8in) high.Footnotes:Please note this Lot is to be sold at No Reserve. 本拍品不設底價漢 銅鎏金凸弦紋獸耳小壺Provenance: Christie's South Kensington, 10 September 2014, lot 646來源:佳士得南肯辛頓,2014年9月10日,拍品編號646See a related gilt-bronze container, Western Han dynasty, illustrated and discussed by Wang Tao, Chinese Bronzes from the Meiyintang Collection, London, 2009, p.116, no.51.Compare also with a related gilt-bronze vessel and cover, Western Han dynasty, which was sold at Bonhams London, 8 November 2018, lot 4.For further information on this lot please visit Bonhams.com

Lot 354

A RARE CARNELIAN AGATE 'DOUBLE CARP' VASEQianlong Meticulously carved in the form of two 'fish dragons' (ao), rising from rocks and crashing waves, their toothed mouths forming the mouths of the vase and joined by a branch of lingzhi, their ruyi-shaped large fins crossing with each other's, their bodies naturalistically carved to render an even scaly texture, the stone of semi-translucent orange-red tone with areas of white and opaque inclusions to enhance the overall design, wood stand. 15.5cm (6 1/8in) long. (2).Footnotes:Please note this Lot is to be sold at No Reserve. 本拍品不設底價清乾隆 南紅瑪瑙雙魚花插The present piece is of unusually large size and the movement of the fish is carved with great vigour. Compare with a related example in the Palace Museum, Beijing, illustrated in Gugong bowuyuan lidai yishuguan chenpiepin tumu, Beijing, 1991, pl.1314. See also E.Gorer and J.F.Blacker, Chinese Porcelain and Hard Stones, vol.II, London, 1911, pl.249 (left), for an example in the Salting Collection now in the Victoria and Albert Museum.For further information on this lot please visit Bonhams.com

Lot 355

A RARE THREE-COLOUR-OVERLAY GLASS 'DOUBLE-GOURD' VASEQianlongThe vessel of compressed double-gourd form with a recessed foot, the milky-white body carved through blue, red and green overlay with a continuous design of bats and double gourds growing on curling vines with gnarled stems and trailing tendrils, fitted box.18.5cm (7 2/8in) high. (2).Footnotes:Please note this Lot is to be sold at No Reserve. 本拍品不設底價清乾隆 涅白地套彩料福祿紋葫蘆瓶Provenance: Geronimo Berenguer de los Reyes Jr (1936-2020), Manila, PhilippinesChristie's London, 12 May 2015, lot 325Geronimo Berenguer de los Reyes Jr was a Filipino entrepreneur, philanthropist, and art collector.來源:菲律賓馬尼拉Geronimo Berenguer de los Reyes Jr(1936-2020)舊藏倫敦佳士得,2015年5月12日,拍品編號325For further information on this lot please visit Bonhams.com

Lot 368

AN ARCHAISTIC CLOISONNÉ ENAMEL VASE, GUMid Qing DynastyModelled in the shape of an archaic bronze vessel, enamelled to the exterior on the mid-section with taotie masks divided by gilt flanges, between upright petals enclosing stylised motifs surmounted by lotus scrolls on the trumpet neck and similar decoration on the spreading foot, the interior decorated with lotus scrolls within ruyi-head border.34cm (13 3/8in) high.Footnotes:Please note this Lot is to be sold at No Reserve. 本拍品不設底價清中期 銅胎掐絲琺瑯仿古紋出戟花觚Provenance: a French private collectionPublished, Illustrated and Exhibited: Roger Keverne Ltd., Summer Exhibition, London, 2005, no.62.來源:法國私人舊藏展覽著錄:Roger Keverne Ltd.,《夏季展覽》,倫敦,2005年,編號62For a related example of a cloisonné enamel gu vase, Qing dynasty, see H.Brinker and A.Lutz, Chinese Cloisonné: The Pierre Uldry Collection, New York, 1989, nos.223-224; and also another example, 18th century, in the Freer Gallery of Art, Washington DC, illustrated by H.Garner, Chinese and Japanese Cloisonne Enamels, London, 1979, pl.66.For further information on this lot please visit Bonhams.com

Lot 371

A SILVER-INLAID ZITAN 'CALLIGRAPHIC' JOSS-STICK HOLDER AND A HUANGHUALI BALUSTER VASE17th/18th centuryThe zitan joss-stick holder of lobed square section with canted edges below the waisted neck, one side inlaid with a silver eight-character inscription above a seal, the wide flat mouth with beaded edges around the rim and circular central aperture, the dark, rich wood with scattered silver speckles; the huanghuali smaller vase smoothly carved of baluster form.The zitan holder 11.1cm (4 1/2in) high. (2).Footnotes:Please note this Lot is to be sold at No Reserve. 本拍品不設底價十七/十八世紀 紫檀嵌銀香插 及黃花梨小瓶 各一Published, Illustrated and Exhibited: Roger Keverne Ltd., Summer Exhibition, London, 2005, no.109 (zitan holder)Roger Keverne Ltd., Summer Exhibition, London, 2006, no.130 (huanghuali vase)展覽著錄:Roger Keverne Ltd.,《夏季展覽》,倫敦,2005年,編號109(紫檀香插)Roger Keverne Ltd.,《夏季展覽》,倫敦,2006年,編號130(黃花梨小瓶)The silver-inlaid couplet reads: '良辰美景賞心樂事', which may be translated as 'in propitious times, with beautiful scenery, the heart takes joy'. This is from a preface by Xie Lingyun 謝靈運 (385-433 AD) on government.This lot is subject to the following lot symbols: YY Subject to CITES regulations when exporting items outside of the EU, see clause 13.For further information on this lot please visit Bonhams.com

Lot 380

A RARE PAINTED ENAMEL OVAL 'EUROPEAN SUBJECT' TRAYQianlongFinely painted in the well with a European lady and gentleman seated on the floor beside a table with vase and fruits, a gallery receding into the distance, surrounded by a diaper-pattern band with four panels enclosing dense foliate scrolls, the reverse decorated with a medallion of foliate lotus sprays, the heavy body raised on four bracket feet. 28.3cm (11 1/8in) wide.Footnotes:Please note this Lot is to be sold at No Reserve. 本拍品不設底價清乾隆 銅胎畫琺瑯歐洲題材橢圓形盤Provenance: a Belgian private collectionChristie's London, 11 November 2015, lot 850來源:比利時私人舊藏倫敦佳士得,2015年11月11日,拍品編號850The present lot in its exquisite European subject decoration bears witness to the East-West cultural exchange and Qing China's fascination with Western exoticism. This fascination with the west (mirrored in the west by the fashion for Chinoiserie) was most evident in the architecture of the Xiyang Lou within the Yuanmingyuan, but also manifested itself in works of art in various mediums including, porcelain, painted-enamel, cloisonné-enamel, lacquer wares and clocks.For further information on this lot please visit Bonhams.com

Lot 382

A PAINTED ENAMEL 'EUROPEAN SUBJECT' BALUSTER VASE AND COVER18th centuryThe elegantly elongated vase, decorated with shaped panels of exotic European ladies and gentlemen in garden scenes, birds and flowers, tigers, and mountainous landscapes, all against meandering floral scrolls, the cylindrical neck with plum blossoms against a cracked-ice ground, the domed cover with floral scrolls and surmounted by a lotus-bud finial.29.5cm (11.5/8in) high. (2).Footnotes:Please note this Lot is to be sold at No Reserve. 本拍品不設底價十八世紀 銅胎畫琺瑯歐洲主題蓋瓶See a pair of painted enamel garniture vases, Yongzheng, with similar decoration, illustrated by J.A.Lloyd Hyde, Chinese Painted Enamels from Private and Museum Collections, New York, 1969, no.1.For further information on this lot please visit Bonhams.com

Lot 408

A LARGE ARCHAISTIC GOLD AND SILVER-INLAID VASEQing DynastyThe body flanked with stylised dragon-head loop handles, crisply cast in relief to each side with a large taotie mask above a band of four smaller taotie masks and stylised dragons to the spreading foot, all on leiwen grounds, the shoulder with three ribbed bands rising to an everted rim. 29cm (11 3/8in) high.Footnotes:Please note this Lot is to be sold at No Reserve. 本拍品不設底價清 銅錯金銀饕餮紋雙耳瓶See a related example, 17th century, illustrated by M.Goedhuis, Chinese and Japanese Bronzes A.D. 1100–1900, London, 1989, no.84; and also D.Failla, Food for the Ancestors Flowers for the Gods: Transformations of Archaistic Bronzes in China and Japan, Genoa, 2017, p.234, no.9.5.For further information on this lot please visit Bonhams.com

Lot 64

A BRONZE RIBBED BOX AND COVER AND A BRONZE BOTTLE VASETang DynastyThe cylindrical vessel rising from a flat base to straight sides slightly flaring outwards towards the top, neatly divided into six horizontal bands by raised ribs, the slightly-domed cover capped by a bud-shaped finial, the metal body partially covered with pale green encrustation, 9cm (3 1/2in) high; and the bronze bottle vase with large oval body surmounted by a long narrow waisted neck flaring at the mouth, 26cm (10 1/4in) high.(3).Footnotes:Please note this Lot is to be sold at No Reserve. 本拍品不設底價唐 銅奩盒 及 銅長頸瓶 一組兩件Published, Illustrated and Exhibited: Roger Keverne Ltd., Winter Exhibition, London, 2002, no.14 (the ribbed box and cover)展覽著錄:Roger Keverne Ltd.,《冬季展覽》,倫敦,2002年,編號14(銅奩盒)The shape of this box appears to have been inspired by a specific vessel, lian, which had existed during the bronze age and used as incense burner. A related bronze cylindrical box and cover, Tang dynasty, is illustrated in the Kuboso Memorial Museum of Art, Special Exhibition of Tin–Bronze of China, Izumi, 1999, p.47, nos.91 and 92. For a related bottle vase, Tang dynasty, see also Bronze Articles for Daily Use: The Complete Collection of Treasures of the Palace Museum, Beijing, 2006, no.156.For further information on this lot please visit Bonhams.com

Lot 66

A BRONZE PAIL, A VASE AND A BASINTang DynastyThe pail with a compressed globular body slightly tapering toward the rim, with large loop handle, 17cm (6 5/8in) high; the vase, zhadou, with wide flaring mouth, waisted neck compressed globular body and short foot, the surface entirely plain, 11.5cm (4 1/in) high; the basin with wide everted rim, deep cylindrical sides and short spreading foot, 20cm (7 7/8in) diam. (3).Footnotes:Please note this Lot is to be sold at No Reserve. 本拍品不設底價唐 銅提梁罐、銅唾壺、及銅盆 一組三件Published, Illustrated and Exhibited: Roger Keverne Ltd., Winter Exhibition, London, 2001, no.9 (the pail).展覽著錄:Roger Keverne Ltd.,《冬季展覽》,倫敦,2001年,編號9(銅提梁罐)The form of the pail is found in Tang ceramics. A smaller silver pail, illustrated in Wenwu, no.11, 1995, was excavated at Yaling, Yichuan County, Henan Province, from a Tang tomb dated 824. For similar bronze examples, see Kuboso Memorial Museum of Art, Special Exhibition: Tin-Bronze of China, Izumi, 1999, pp.44-45, nos.84-87.For further information on this lot please visit Bonhams.com

Lot 91

A RARE CREAM-GLAZED TWO-HANDLED AMPHORA VASETang Dynasty The well-rounded ovoid body rising from a flat foot, surmounted by a tall waisted neck and everted lipped rim, flanked by a pair of curved strap handles terminating in dragon heads biting the cup-shaped rim, the shoulder applied with embossed rosettes above finely-incised horizontal bands, a parrot-decorated pottery plaque fixed to the neck and a small rosette to the mouth, the buff earthenware covered with a creamy-white slip beneath a greenish-white glaze stopping irregularly around the body.48.2cm (19in) high.Footnotes:Please note this Lot is to be sold at No Reserve. 本拍品不設底價唐 白釉雙龍耳瓶Provenance: Hans PetersEskenazi Ltd., London, 2003Published, Illustrated and Exhibited: R.Keverne, Winter Exhibition, London, 2003, no.27.來源:Hans Peters舊藏倫敦古董商埃斯卡納齊,2003年展覽著錄:Roger Keverne Ltd.,《冬季展覽》,倫敦,2003年,編號27See a closely-related vessel, Tang dynasty, illustrated in Porcelain of the Jin and Tang Dynasties: The Complete Collection of Treasures of the Palace Museum, Hong Kong, 1996, pp.172-173, no.159. See another example, in The Charles B.Hoyt Collection, Boston, 1964, p.33, no.129; another example illustrated by M.Feddersen, Chinese Decorative Art: A Handbook for Collectors and Connoisseurs, Michigan, 1961, p.54, fig.25, in the collection of the Victoria and Albert Museum, London; see another example illustrated by Y.Mino, Pre-Sung Dynasty Chinese Stonewares in the Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, 1974, p.32, no.19; Zhongguo Wenwu Jinghua Da Quan (Ceramics volume), no.239, p.245, now in the collection of the Shaanxi History Museum; and an example in R.L.Hobson, The Eumorfopoulos Collection, vol.1, London, 1936, no.325, pl.XLVIII.See a related large straw-glazed amphora, Tang dynasty, which was sold at Christie's New York, 14 September 2018, lot 1272.For further information on this lot please visit Bonhams.com

Lot 174

A hallmarked Silver hammered vase, filled at base, 1860, H36cm Diameter 18cm

Lot 153


Lot 103

A BLANC-DE-CHINE FIGURE OF GUANYIN, A SOFT-PASTE VASE AND AN AUBERGINE-GLAZED WATER POTKangxi to 19th centuryThe figure of Guanyin seated with one hand resting on her raised left knee, the other raised, the flowing robes cascading in voluminous folds about her, hardwood stand; a white glazed soft paste baluster vase carved with a landscape scene; and an aubergine glazed lotus leaf form waterpot, the interior applied with a crab. The vase 19cm (7.1/2in) high. (4).Footnotes:Please note this lot will be offered at no reserve.The Property of a European Noble FamilyProvenance: Francesco Maria, Marchese Taliani de Marchio (1887 - 1968), Grand Officer of the Italian Crown, Commander of the Order of St Maurice and Lazarus, and Commander of the Order of Pius IX (Ordine Piano), and his wife Archduchess Margaretha d'Austria Toscana, Marchesa Taliani de Marchio (1894–1986).For further information on this lot please visit Bonhams.comWater Pot: There are several signs of restoration on the rim and on the top of the branch. On the rim, where the restoration occurred sometimes there are some glaze nibbles. One of the areas of restoration has a rim hairline. Tiny nibble to the rim exterior. Inside the pot there are some bubbles in the glaze and a minor firing crack. Vase: 0.5cm. surface chip to the rim exterior. Minor rim hairline. 0.3cm. surface chip to the footrim. Slight glaze discolouration at the neck. Guanyin: chip to the tip of the second finger of the left hand. Chip to the edge of the robes to the front. Some minor rim frits and nibbles. Several areas of firing cracks including to the back of the head and the body. The wooden stand is damaged on the left edge inside.

Lot 109

A GROUP OF MONOCHROME WARESLate Qing DynastyComprising: a copper red glazed baluster vase; a flambé glazed recumbent Buddhist lion, wood stand; a small flambé glazed bowl; a larger flambé glazed bowl; a blue glazed bowl decorated with flowering plants; a miniature bottle vase; and two coral glazed models of fruits, wood stands. The baluster vase 28.5cm (11.1/4in) high. (11).Footnotes:Please note this lot will be offered at no reserve.The Property of a European Noble FamilyProvenance: Francesco Maria, Marchese Taliani de Marchio (1887 - 1968), Grand Officer of the Italian Crown, Commander of the Order of St Maurice and Lazarus, and Commander of the Order of Pius IX (Ordine Piano), and his wife Archduchess Margaretha d'Austria Toscana, Marchesa Taliani de Marchio (1894–1986).For further information on this lot please visit Bonhams.comFlambé vase: star-crack to the unglazed foot. Lion: firing imperfection and burst bubbles. Larger flambé bowl: fritted rim, craqueleure to the glaze to the interior and base. Small flambé bowl: a glaze hairline across the base which appears to be a firing flaw without going through the body, and a further short line across the foot. All with some general surface wear and scratching, and expected firing imperfections. The pumpkins with some rubbing to enamels.

Lot 110

A GROUP OF SIX BLANC-DE-CHINE VESSELS17th/18th to 19th centuryComprising: a large libation vessel decorated with a stag and tiger amongst pine and blossoming prunus; a pair of leaf form vessels; an open flowerhead form vessel set on two feet; and a bottle vase with dragon head and ring handles, three with hardwood stands. The vase 15.8cm (6.1/4in) high. (9).Footnotes:Please note this lot will be offered at no reserve.The Property of a European Noble FamilyProvenance: Francesco Maria, Marchese Taliani de Marchio (1887 - 1968), Grand Officer of the Italian Crown, Commander of the Order of St Maurice and Lazarus, and Commander of the Order of Pius IX (Ordine Piano), and his wife Archduchess Margaretha d'Austria Toscana, Marchesa Taliani de Marchio (1894–1986).For further information on this lot please visit Bonhams.comSome minor firing imperfections. One leaf shaped vessel with 0.2cm. rim nibble. Large libation vessel with 0.3cm. surface chip to rim exterior. Vase with couple of small chips and firing cracks to footrim. Small glaze imperfection to rim.

Lot 18

TWO BLUE AND WHITE BALUSTER VASESKangxiThe first decorated with blossoming prunus branches on a cracked ice ground; the second moulded and decorated with floral roundels and jardinières of flowering plants, within petal form borders reserved with birds and further flower sprays. The tallest 35.5cm (14in) high excluding the mount. (2).For further information on this lot please visit Bonhams.comMoulded vase: Burst firing bubbles, glaze chips and small chips to the foot. Firing crack and related chip to the footrim. Approx. 12cm. firing crack around the luting line. Prunus jar: Approx. 18cm. hairline running around the shoulder. Areas of the shoulder with some dense glaze pits. 0.7cm. glaze chip above the foot. Further scattered glaze chips and pits. Both vases unexamined without the mounts.

Lot 19

A BLUE AND WHITE 'KYLIN' BOTTLE VASE AND A RELATED PAIR OF VASESKangxi and 18th/19th centuryThe first decorated with two kylin crouching on rockwork amidst tumultuous foaming waves; the two mallet form vases variously decorated with the 'Three Friends of Winter' and a river landscape scene beneath stylised medallions to the necks. The tallest 21.5cm (8.1/2in) high.For further information on this lot please visit Bonhams.comKylin vase: Rim polished. Firing crack and pits to the base. Few minor scattered pits to the neck. Related pair: One with 2.3cm hairline to the rim with small related glaze hairline running off to the neck interior. Small firing pit to base. The other with 1.5cm. firing crack to the rim interior.

Lot 204

SU LIUPENG (1791-1862)Scholars gathering in gardensInk and pigment on paper, a set of four leaves, each inscribed with a colophon, signed and with a seal of the artist. each 30cm (11 3/4in) x 52.5cm (20 5/8in) (4).Footnotes:Two paintings by the same artist were sold in our Hong Kong saleroom, Fine Chinese Paintings and Contemporary Asian Art, 23 Nov 2014, lot 1300.For further information on this lot please visit Bonhams.comAll mounted, two attached to a cardboard back through the corner edges. General surface deterioration, foxing and large areas of water damage. General old smoothed out creases and scattered small infilled holes. The painting with three scholars with an arrow vase particularly foxed and water damaged, with the inscription almost illegible. The painting of the scholars looking at paintings with also damage to the inscription, and a large area of damage and a large infilled hole around the ceiling and pine tree.

Lot 213

A PALE JADE FLATTENED PEAR-SHAPED VASEQing DynastyWith paired chilong handles, carved in shallow relief with a roundel of calligraphy and respectively flowering prunus and bamboo at either side, the pale stone of a whitish hue with cloudy inclusions, wood stand. 13cm (5 1/8in) high (2).For further information on this lot please visit Bonhams.comNatural inclusions and fissures to stone, including one russet fissure approx. 7cm long, and a fainter, smaller one to the other side. Nick to foot, approx. 3mm wide; a further polished off nibble to side of foot, approx. 5mm wide, and another tiny polished nibble to mouth.

Lot 22

A BLUE AND WHITE 'LOTUS' MALLET SHAPED VASEUnderglaze blue Yongzheng seal mark, Republic Period or laterDecorated with lotus blooms issuing from scrolling foliate stems. 12.2cm (4.7/8in) high.This lot is subject to the following lot symbols: ** VAT on imported items at a preferential rate of 5% on Hammer Price and the prevailing rate on Buyer's Premium.For further information on this lot please visit Bonhams.com0.2cm. chip to footrim. 0.8cm firing crack and small related hairline to footrim.

Lot 220

THREE VARIOUSLY JADE AND JADEITE CARVINGSLate Qing DynastyComprising: a translucent green jadeite figure of a standing lady holding a vase; a white, pale lavender and green jadeite baluster vase and cover, flanked by a dragon and phoenix; and a spinach jade carving of a boat manned by two boys, wood stand.The lady: 13.5cm (5 1/4in) high (5).For further information on this lot please visit Bonhams.comall with expected natural inclusions and a few fissures to stone. Nibbling to edges, the lady with a chip at the end of the scarf, approx. 5mm wide.

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