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Lot 2027

10-43 AD. Obv: opposed crescents with pellets between within lozenge shape. Rev: globular horse right with ECEN monogram below. S. 443B; BMC 4217; ABC 1684. 0.51 grams, The Brodie Hall, Kent, UK collection; acquired Chris Rudd (with envelope and ticket); ex Michael J. Grover collection. [No Reserve] Very fine. Very rare.

Lot 2028

35-45 AD. Obv: boar stepping right, two pellet-ended crescents flanking pellet-in-annulet above, AL FE between and in front of legs below. Rev: horse prancing right with four pellets around pellet-in-annulet above and SCAVO below with C set high. S. -; BMC -; ABC 1705. 0.81 grams. The Brodie Hall, Kent, UK collection; acquired Chris Rudd (with envelope and ticket). Chris Rudd notes: 'The Alii Scavo type was unknown eleven years ago. The first specimen was found in 2002 and published in January 2003 (Chris Rudd List 67, p.3). I pointed out then that the boar's forelegs stand for II, which equates with the Celtic letter E, which gives us the name ALE, which was already known from the Ale Sca type (ABC 1708), first discovered in 1929 during the excavations at Venta Icenorum, near Norwich.......' Good very fine; tiny edge chip. Extremely rare (only nine others recorded by CCI).

Lot 2029

45-10 BC. Obv: wreath motif with leaves facing inwards, 'coiled serpent' with trefoil of pellets within and crescent before. Rev: lunate horse left with beaded 'anchor' above, pellet and crescent before head, V-shape and pellet below head and pellet below tail. S. 390 variant; BMC 3148-3178 variant; ABC 1743 variant (all with plain 'anchor'). 5.76 grams. The Brodie Hall, Kent, UK collection; acquired Chris Rudd (with envelope and tickets). Chris Rudd notes: 'This is unquestionably one of the finest South Ferriby gold staters that we've ever had the pleasure of offering for sale. It boasts an absolutely enormous flan which allows plenty of room for the more unusual parts of its exciting design to be clearly seen and appreciated. Note the snake-like scroll containing three pellets in triangular formation. Note too the beaded decoration on the vertical line of the so-called 'anchor' which is actually a hidden face with a down-turned mouth. A spectacular gold stater which is going to make the Corielavian section of someone's collection look very special'. Superb extremely fine; very large flan, boldly struck. Extremely rare with beaded 'anchor'.

Lot 2031

50-40 BC. Obv: centre pellet-in-annulet with four radiating beaded lines with crescents and bear's paws in angles. Rev: horse left, with harness straps and beaded mane, pellet under tail with star in pelletted circle above and large annulet below. S. -; BMC -; ABC 1776. 1.19 grams. The Brodie Hall, Kent, UK collection; acquired Chris Rudd (with envelope and ticket); found Market Rasen, Lincolnshire, 2010. Chris Rudd notes: '....And then came the Torksey Quarter (VA -, BMC -, see Celtic Coin Index 94.0007) which doesn't seem to have any antecedents or any derivatives. It's an odd one-off type which came out of nowhere, didn't go anywhere and quickly disappeared from sight.... The great rarity of the Torksey Quarter may be gauged from the fact that there isn't a single one in the British Museum and that not even the colossal Corieltavian collection of Michael O'Bee had one'. Good very fine; sharply struck. Excessively rare (only two others recorded).

Lot 2032

50-40 BC. Obv: boar right with trefoil of pellets over double pelleted arcs above (design is reminiscient of a 'crown'). Rev: horse left with large 'leaf' tail, pellet 'eyebrow' over pellets-in-annulet above, open trefoil before and pellet ground line below. S. 396; BMC 3213; ABC 1785. 1.38 grams. The Brodie Hall, Kent, UK collection; acquired Chris Rudd (with envelope and ticket); ex Matthew Rich and 'Cotswold' collections. Good very fine. Very rare.

Lot 2035

50-20 BC. Obv: moon head right, sunburst on chin and stalk lips. Rev: horse left with annulet above and large wheel below. S. -; BMC 604-605; ABC 2131. 0.79 grams. Found North Wiltshire 1996; ex Chris Rudd, with ticket [CR 2303] stating 'NEW TYPE UNPUBLISHED'. Very fine. Extremely rare; the first example of this type discovered.

Lot 2036

55-45 BC. Obv: wreath motif with leaves facing inwards, crescents forming hidden smiling face, six-spoked wheel to left. Rev: horse right with beaded mane and harness strap, floral sun above and pellet-in-annulet below. S. -; BMC -; ABC 2234. 1.25 grams. The Brodie Hall, Kent, UK collection; acquired Chris Rudd (with envelope and ticket); found Maldon, Essex, before 2013. [No Reserve] Very fine/near very fine. Extremely rare (only nine others recorded).

Lot 2037

60-30 BC. Obv: wreath motif with crescents and pellet-in-annulets with six-spoked wheel with spike. Rev: horse right with beaded mane with floral sun above and large pellet below. S. -; BMC -; ABC 2234. 1.36 grams. The Brodie Hall, Kent, UK collection; acquired Chris Rudd (with envelope and ticket; found Essex, 2008. Good very fine; near as struck. Extremely rare.

Lot 2039

50-30 BC. Obv: eagle standing left, snake in beak with beaded ring below. Rev: small annulate horse right with beaded mane, pellet-in-annulet before and inverted corn ear below. S. -; BMC 653; ABC 2309. 0.46 grams. The Brodie Hall, Kent, UK collection; acquired Chris Rudd (with envelope and ticket). Chris Rudd notes (list 12, number 38): 'The few known examples of this exceedingly scarce type have come mostly from Essex. The horse is early-Trinovantian in style and similar to one on the 'Thatcher Head' Late Whaddon Chase silver unit VA 1558-1. The eagle may be the first to be featured on a British Celtic coin. Van Arsdell attributes two little lightweight silver units to Addedomaros; so this one too may have been issued by him.' [No Reserve] Very fine/good very fine; attractive reverse. Extremely rare (only 15 others recorded).

Lot 2042

55-45 BC. Obv: traces of 'three men in a boat' design. Rev: cross of double lines with pellet at centre with pellets and pellets on arcs in angles. S. 41; BMC 180-181; ABC 2356. 1.39 grams. The Brodie Hall, Kent, UK collection; acquired Chris Rudd (with envelope and ticket). Very fine/good very fine; small edge chip. Very rare.

Lot 2043

55-45 BC. Obv: traces of 'three men in a boat' design. Rev: cross of double lines with pellet at centre with pellets and pellets on arcs in angles. S. 41; BMC 180-181; ABC 2356. 1.42 grams. The Brodie Hall, Kent, UK collection; acquired Chris Rudd (with envelope and ticket); found Great Beddow, Essex, before 2014. Very fine. Very rare.

Lot 2045

5 BC-10 AD. Obv: banded flan with wreath motif, two outline crescents at centre, annulet at ends. Rev: full-bodied horse prancing left with beaded mane and long high-arched tail, pellet-in-annulet and [DVBNOVIILLA] above, pellets around and wavy branch and two pellet-in-annulet below. S. 207; BMC 2425-2440; ABC 2392. 5.38 grams. The Brodie Hall, Kent, UK collection; acquired Chris Rudd (with envelope and ticket). Chris Rudd notes: 'Robert Kretz says This stater was struck from an intriguing obverse die. It must have been damaged soon after it was produced, as the dozen or so coins known to originate from it show a greater or lesser degree of surface damage. Yet the interest does not stop there, because this coin also possesses a highly unusual reverse. Although the inscription is off the flan, we can be sure it belongs to my letter II type, so named after the central portion of the inscription DVBNOVIILLA. The letter II type differs from its predecessors in featuring a shortened legend and a more Romanised, elegant horse. Its successors remained essentially the same, except for replacing the letters II with the more modern E. At first glance this reverse looks like an example of the 'star' type (VA 1655), but what you see is in fact the early British form of the letter A. The coin was struck from a rare reverse die which, had it been recorded at the time, would have been listed under class D3-5, dies P21 on page 26 of my study The Trinovantian Staters of Dubnovellaunos, BNJ 78 (2008). Only one other coin is recorded from this reverse die, which is unique within the series for placing the final letter A below, rather than above, the end of the horse's tail. Very fine/near extremely fine; superb horse, large branch. Extremely rare (only one other recorded from this reverse die).

Lot 2046

55-45 BC. Obv: wreath motif with inward facing leaves and ornaments in angles. Rev: horse right with beaded mane, wing motif and pellet trefoil above, ellipse and cogwheel in front, cogwheel below. S. 32; BMC 279-286; ABC 2436. 5.70 grams. The Brodie Hall, Kent, UK collection; acquired Chris Rudd (with envelope and ticket). Chris Rudd notes: 'No, this isn't just another Early Whaddon Chase gold stater. This is a Cogwheel Type gold stater which is a rare type. This excellent example not only shows the wings of the winged sceptre on the obverse, but also a crescentic hidden face like the one on our Commius E-Type gold stater (no 20). The reverse allows us to see not one but two cruciform 'cogwheel' ornaments: one before the horse (complete), the other under the horse (top part). There is also a very bold pellet-triad immediately above the horse's head.' Good very fine; neat flan. Rare.

Lot 2048

15-0 BC. Obv: profile bust left with corded line to hair with [DVBNOVIILL] before. Rev: horse right with head turned back with pellet-in-annulet before neck and [DVBN] below. S. 210; BMC 2445; ABC 2.26 grams. The Brodie Hall, Kent, UK collection; acquired Chris Rudd (with envelope and ticket); found Kent, beofre 2010. [No Reserve] Near fine/near very fine. Extremely rare.

Lot 2049

50-30 BC. Obv: long-eared hare bounding right with bird-like head and ringed tail, with pelleted four-spoked wheel behind, pellet-in-annulet and zig-zag line below. Rev: horse left with beaded mane, crescent (lyre?) above, pelleted oval before and pellet-centred six-armed star below. S. 52; BMC 393; ABC 2499. 0.41 grams. The Brodie Hall, Kent, UK collection; acquired Chris Rudd (with envelope and ticket); found near Braughing, east Hertfordshire, 2002. Chris Rudd notes: 'Julius Caesar says the hare was sacred to the Britons and Dio Cassius says Queen Boudica released a hare before fighting the Romans in AD 60. John Evans says the bird-headed hare on this fascinating Celtic coin is apparently pecking at a snake. He could be right. This is one of the most extraordinary creatures to be found on a Celtic coin; deliberately ambiguous and defying definition.' [No Reserve] Very fine; chipped at edge. Very rare.

Lot 2050

45-25 BC. Obv: crossed wreath with opposed crescents. Rev: horse right with corded mane with partial AÐÐIIDOM legend and pellet-in-annulet above, pellet in front, pellet-in-annulet behind with pellet and eight-spoked wheel below. S. 200; BMC 2390-2394; ABC 2514. 5.54 grams. The Brodie Hall, Kent, UK collection; acquired Chris Rudd (with envelope and tickets); ex Walter Sartori collection. Chris Rudd notes: 'Both obverse and reverse were clearly derived from the Big Wheel type Whaddon Chase gold stater (ABC 2442). Like BMC 2394 this variety has an eight-spoked wheel with a pellet in the middle not a ringed-pellet and there's a ringed-pellet behind the outer hind leg of the horse, an no pellet immediately below the arch of its tail. This specimen has a particularly pleasant reverse with lustrous unblemished surfaces'. Good very fine. Rare.

Lot 2052

20 BC-10 AD. Obv: crossed wreath and two teardrops motif with two crescents at centre, T A S C in angles. Rev: winged capricorn right with [VIR] below. S. 239; BMC 1666; ABC 2619. 0.91 grams. The Brodie Hall, Kent, UK collection; acquired Chris Rudd (with envelope and ticket); ex J. Lumley collection; previously with Chris Rudd, List 79, 75 and Spink (with tickets). [No Reserve] Near very fine/very fine. Extremely rare (only eleven others recorded).

Lot 2053

25 BC-10 AD. Obv: jugate profile male busts with [V]eri before. Rev: ram left with TASCI above, pelleted rosette before and below. S. 242; BMC 1711-1713; ABC 2655. 0.94 grams. The Brodie Hall, Kent, UK collection; acquired Chris Rudd (with envelope and ticket). Chris Rudd notes: 'One of the prettiest we have seen.' [No Reserve] Very fine/ good fine. Very rare.

Lot 2055

10-41 AD. Obv: corn ear with no central stalk, CA to eft and MV right. Rev: horse right with pellet and branch above, pellet and CVNO below. S. 287; BMC 1813-1814; ABC 2788 variant (pellet-in-annulet below horse). 5.39 grams. The Brodie Hall, Kent, UK collection; acquired Chris Rudd (with envelope and ticket). The reverse die for this coin shows the pellet above and below the horse typical of the extremely rare Plastic 'B type' (with B before horse) rather than the pellet-in-annulet below horse usually seen; possibly a hybrid or perhaps even an example of the B type as the area in front of the horse is off flan so will have to await matching with another example from the same die where (hopefully) this area is shown. Good very fine. Very rare variant.

Lot 2057

10-41 AD. Obv: ear of corn with CA - MV at sides. Rev: horse right with CVNO below. 2.75 grams. The Brodie Hall, Kent, UK collection; acquired Chris Rudd (with envelope and tickets); ex D. Beadell collection. [No Reserve] Very fine. Very rare (six others apparently recorded).

Lot 2060

8-41 AD. Obv: CAMVL in beaded rectangle with incurved ends. Rev: figure seated left holding amphora with partial CVNOBE left. S. 308; BMC -; ABC 2849. 1.13 grams. The Brodie Hall, Kent, UK collection; acquired Chris Rudd (with envelope and tickets); ex J. Lumley and T. Skeet collections; previously with Chris Rudd, Liz's List 64, 42. Good very fine; oval flan. Extremely rare.

Lot 2061

10-41 AD. Obv: profile bust right with TASC behind. Rev: seated lyre player right, [CVNOBILI] in front. S. 314; BMC 1879-1882; ABC 2867. 0.97 grams. The Brodie Hall, Kent, UK collection; acquired Chris Rudd (with envelope and ticket). [No Reserve] Very fine, chipped. Very rare.

Lot 2064

50-40 BC. Obv: plain, traces of crossed wreaths. Rev: horse right with double tail without pellets and beaded mane, 'simplified wing' motif above and pellet-in-annulet-in-beaded-ring below, two double pellet-in-beaded-rings behind, above and below tail. S. 424; BMC 3356-3359 variant (motif below tail); ABC 1405 variant (unbeaded tail). 5.59 grams. The Brodie Hall, Kent, UK collection; acquired Chris Rudd (at £1,500 with envelope and ticket); ex Henry Mossop collection (sold Glendinings 6 November 1991, lot 276, with Mossop tickets); found near Kings Lynn, Norfolk, 1987. Chris Rudd notes: 'This interesting Snettisham type gold stater was found near Kings Lynn, Norfolk, in 1987'. Good very fine; flan oval. Extremely rare.

Lot 2067

30-10 BC. Obv: branch motif. Rev: horse right with large open trefoil above and pellet-in-annulet below. S. 430; BMC 3436; ABC 1474. 0.66 grams. The Brodie Hall, Kent, UK collection; acquired Chris Rudd (with envelope and ticket). [No Reserve] Very fine/good very fine; most of plating surviving. Extremely rare.

Lot 2076

30-40 AD. Obv: plant within circle with [A]M - INVS legend. Rev: Pegasus stepping right with DVN above ground line below. S. 188, BMC 2522-3; ABC 456. 1.02 grams. Found Kent, UK, 2015. Extremely fine; near as struck. Extremely rare; perhaps one of the finest of the few examples known.

Lot 2079

50-30 BC. Obv: TINCO in incuse rectangle. Rev: warrior with spear on rearing horse right with C F on plain ground line below. S. 75; BMC 769; ABC 1055. 5.36 grams. Near very fine. Very rare.

Lot 2080

80-50 BC. Obv: profile bust right with pelletted hair, beard to chin. Rev: horse right with pellet mane, pelletal sun above and pellet-in-annulet-in-pellets rosette below. S. 443; BMC 3552; ABC 1546. 0.79 grams. Good very fine. A rare type with even rarer dies.

Lot 2083

60-30 BC. Obv: stylised boar left, X in box below. Rev: large 'S' shape with pellet-in-annulet in corners, pellet-ended cross to left, double pellet-ended curved symbols and pellets around. S. 395; BMC 3187-3188; ABC 1770. 1.41 grams. Found near Belper, Derbyshire, UK, 2015. As struck; superb. Very rare.

Lot 2090

5 BC-10 AD. Obv: profile bust right with crescents for hair. Rev: horse left with sun above and branch below. S. 212; BMC 2461-2465; ABC 2410. 1.48 grams. [No Reserve] Fine. Rare.

Lot 2102

350-250 BC. Obv: Pegasus flying left; QY below. Rev: head of Athena left, in Corinthian helmet, L and earring with pendents behind head; Y below. Cammann 40c; Imhoof Akarnanien 10; BMC 10 variant (theta only on obverse). 8.35 grams. Near extremely fine. Very rare.

Lot 2119

360-338 BC. Obv: Pegasus flying right; AM below. Rev: helmeted head of Athena left; upright grain ear behind. Calciati Pegasi 128/2 (same obverse die). 8.35 grams. Good very fine. Rare.

Lot 2123

425-405 BC. Obv: LONGANAION retrograde legend, head of youthful Herakles right, wearing lionskin headdress. Rev: horned head of the river-god Longanos right. Jenkins 1975, h; Hoover HGC 754 corr. (obverse legend); BMC 1 variant (head left on reverse); SNG ANS 286 variant (ditto). 0.73 grams. Near extremely fine. Very rare.

Lot 2128

315-294 BC. Amphipolis mint. Obv: head of Herakles right, wearing lionskin headdress. Rev: ALEXANDROU legend to right of Zeus, seated left, holding eagle and sceptre, L over torch in left field, chi (Greek X) beneath chair. Price 479 variant (star and chi); Müller 66 variant (ditto); not in Price, Propontis hoard -; Black Sea Hoard -; Meydancikkale hoard - apparently unlisted with chi alone beneath the throne. 16.83 grams. Very fine. Extremely rare; apparently unpublished with chi alone below chair.

Lot 2248

50-54 AD. Rome mint. Obv: AGRIPPINAE AVGVSTAE legend with draped bust of Agrippina II right, wearing crown of corn-ears, her hair in long plait behind. Rev: NERO CLAVD CAES DRVSVS GERM PRINC IVVENT legend with bare-headed, draped bust of Nero left. Sear 1914; RIC 75, BMC 82: Cohen 5; RSC 5. 3.42 grams. Possibly from the same dies as one sold by Numismatik Lanz (Hubert Lanz), auction 102, lot 490. Good very fine for issue. Extremely rare.

Lot 2279

193 AD. Rome mint. Obv: MANL SCANTILLA AVG legend with draped bust right. Rev: IVNO REGINA legend with Juno standing left, holding patera and sceptre, peacock at foot left. RIC IV 7a (Julianus); RSC 2; Sear 6082. 3.24 grams. Fine. Rare.

Lot 2315

251 AD. Rome mint. Obv: C VALENS HOSTIL MES QVINTVS N C legend with bare-headed, draped bust right. Rev: PRINCIPI IVVENTVTIS legend with Apollo seated left, holding branch and resting elbow on lyre; SC in exergue. RIC 215a; Cohen 31; Sear 9573. 23.06 grams. [No Reserve] Very fine. Rare.

Lot 2317

253 AD. Rome mint. Obv: IMP AEMILIANVS PIVS FEL AVG legend with radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right. Rev: DIANAE VICTRI legend with Diana standing left, holding bow and arrow. RIC 2b, RSC 10; Sear 9831. 3.24 grams. Very fine. Rare.

Lot 2340

319 AD. London mint. Obv: IMP CONSTANTINVS AG legend with cuirassed bust left, wearing high-crested helmet and holding spear over far shoulder. Rev: VICTORIAE LAETAE PRINC PERP legend with two Victories standing facing each other, together holding a shield inscribed VOT PR over altar decorated with a diamond with a dot in its centre (Helv. 2b); mintmark PLN below. RIC VII London 159; Toone London 218; Sear 16296 variant (obverse legend). 3.11 grams. [No Reserve] Good very fine; much plating survives. Rare.

Lot 2357

388-392 AD. Lyons mint. Obv: DN ARCADI-VS PF AVG legend with pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right. Rev: VRBS-ROMA legend with Roma seated left on cuirass, holding Victory on globe and inverted spear with high point; mintmark LVGPS in exergue. RIC IX Lyons 43c; Sear 20759. 1.47 grams. Very fine. Rare.

Lot 2393

710-760AD. Obv: facing Woden head with bosses around. Rev: pecking bird with pellets. S. 801A; N. 103; M. p.326; no.288 (similar dies). 0.89 grams. Found Hampshire, UK, 2015 Good very fine; near as struck. Rare.

Lot 2394

710-760 AD. Obv: profile bust right with cross before. Rev: hound left, looking back with plant behind. S.803A; N. 101; M. 311-313, pp.391-395. 0.68 grams. Found East Yorkshire, UK. Extremely fine. Very rare.

Lot 2398

710-760 AD. Obv: standing male figure facing, holding two long crosses. Rev: a 'pecking' bird right with branches or vine and berries. S. 816; N. 112; M. 452 variant (bird right; see pp.568-569) 1.12 grams. Very fine; irregular flan. Rare.

Lot 2401

843-844 AD. Obv: small cross with +REDVLFRE legend. Rev: small cross with +BROÐER legend for the moneyer Brother. S. 867; N. 189; Pirie 1695 (different dies). 1.04 grams. Found East Yorkshire, UK. Extremely fine. Very rare moneyer (only one example in Pirie).

Lot 2423

1324-1370 AD. Obv: profile bust with +MONETA KOVD[N-] legend for Koevorden mint. Rev: long cross with rose in angles dividing REN ADD NI[K?] EVO legend. Roberts 8461. 0.36 grams. Good fine. Very rare.

Lot 2430

1412-1413 AD. Light coinage. Obv: facing bust with slipped trefoil on breast and +HENRICVS REX ANGLIE legend. Rev: long cross and pellets with CIVITAS DVNOLM legend for Durham mint. S.1735; N. 1365; see Walters, F. A., The Coinage of Henry IV, NC 4th series, V (1905), p.59 and pl.XIII, 12 (possible die duplicate). 0.82 grams. Found Essex, UK, 2015. Spink and North refer to the symbol on the breast as being a 'trefoil' but Walters (cited above) and Stewartby (in English Coins, 1180-1551) correctly state this to be a 'slipped trefoil' (a trefoil with a stem at the base) and resembling a small cross, especially on worn coins. Near very fine for issue; excellent bust and clear mark, reverse off centre. Very rare.

Lot 2433

1420 AD. Fourth issue, Rouen mint. Obv: crown over three fleurs with lion rampant each side and +H REX ANGLIE Z HERES FRANCIE legend with pellet below H. Rev: cross fleury with H at centre, lion in second quarter and crown in fourth, with SIT NOME DNI BENEDICTV legend and pellet below S with 'lion' initial mark; with old collector ticket. Elias 249; Roberts - (but see 2893, with annulet below first letters of legends); see also Hawkins 5 (with annulet below first letters); see Snelling, pl.2, 12 (for type). 2.34 grams. [No Reserve] Very fine; old tone. Rare.

Lot 2439

1472-1473 AD. Second reign. Obv: facing bust with B on breast for Bristol mint within tressure with EDWARD DI GRA REX AGL Z FRANCI legend with 'sun' mintmark. Rev: long cross and pellets with POSVI DEVM ADIVTORE MEVM and VILLA BRISTOW legends for Bristol mint. S. 2101; N. 1632. 2.77 grams. Near very fine. Rare.

Lot 2440

1471-1483 AD. Obv: facing bust with pellet each side of crown, D to left of neck and V to right, legend absent. Rev: long cross and pellets, legend absent. S. 2123 variant (pellets by crown and no D to reverse centre); N. 1666 variant (as before). 0.65 grams. [No Reserve] Very fine, clipped as usual. Rare; apparently unpublished.

Lot 2445

Dated 1549 AD. Second issue. Obv: profile bust with EDWARD VI D G AGL FRA Z HIB REX legend and 't' mintmark for Canterbury. Rev: arms with initial E - R at sides and TIMOR DOMINI FONS VITE M D X LIX legend and same mintmark. S. 1567; N. 1921. 4.86 grams. [No Reserve] Fair. Rare.

Lot 2447

Dated 1549 AD. Second issue. Obv: profile bust with EDWARD VI D G AGL FRA Z HIB REX legend and 't' mintmark for Canterbury. Rev: arms with initial E - R at sides with TIMOR DOMINI FRON VITE M D X LIX legend. S. 2468; N. 1921. 3.49 grams. [No Reserve] Fair. Rare.

Lot 2462

1638-1642 AD. Aberystwyth mint. Obv: profile bust with plume in front and 'II' mark of value (in place of the IIII that should be present) behind and CAROLVS D G M BR F ET HI REX legend with 'book' mintmark. Rev: plume over arms with CHRISTO AVSPICE REGNO legend. S. 2893; N. 2338; Brooker SCBI 33 (dies not represented). 2.00 grams. Good very fine, small scuff to obverse field. The denomination mark error most unusual and interesting; excessively rare.

Lot 2469

Dated 1668 AD. Obv: double bunch of grapes on vine with WILLIAM KEMSTER legend. Rev: with HIS / HALF / PENY in three lines and OF MILTON legend and date. Williamson/Dickinson, Kent 418. 1.54 grams. The name William Kemster is included in the parishioner assessment for Milton-next-Gravesend in 1687. [No Reserve] Near very fine; pierced at foot. Rare.

Lot 2506

18th century AD. Obv: profile bust with rose below and WILKES & LIBERTY legend. Rev: crown over large 45 within foliate border. 6.96 grams. John Wilkes (1725-1797) was a radical politician and involved in the publication of 'The North Briton' (published 1762-1771) and notorious for its 45th issue (23 April 1763) which resulted in many prosecutions, including that of Wilkes who served twenty-two months imprisonment. His name, associated with the number 45 and the call 'Wilkes and Liberty' became a clarion for freedom of speech and he was much respected during the Amercian War of Independence period, so much so that that famous Liberty Bowl by Paul Revere (now in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston), presented to the Massachusetts House of Representatives in 1768 has engraved upon it 'No 45 Wilkes & Liberty', together with the names of those who funded it. [No Reserve] Very fine. Rare.

Lot 2509

Circa 1820 AD. Uniface. Obv: inscribed RCT GAL 1 in three lines. Mitchiner 3, -. 10.07 grams. The Royal Coburg Theatre opened in 1818 on the corner of The Cut and Waterloo Road, near to Waterloo Railway Station. It became the Royal Victoria Hall in 1881 and is now familiarly known as The Old Vic. Very fine. Rare.

Lot 2520

Dated 1866 AD. Type A4. Obv: profile bust with VICTORIA D G BRITANNIAR REGINA F D legend. Rev: crown over 3 dividing date at sides within wreath. S. 3914C; ESC -; BSC 1285. 1.35 grams. [No Reserve] Good fine; some scuffs and surface defects. Extremely rare.

Lot 2534

Dated 1869 AD. Bronze issue, dies 6/G. Obv: profile bust with VICTORIA D G BRITT REG F D legend. Rev: Britannia with ONE PENNY legend and date below. S. 3954; Peck 1685 [VR]; Freeman 59 [R11]. 8.85 grams. [No Reserve] Fine. Very rare; a key date in the series.

Lot 2542

19th century AD. Obv: man riding on goat with 'faithfully yours Chs. Manzel' below and THE LAGER BEER KING around. Rev: with 'Ye Olde 'GAMBINUS' Lager Beer Hall 3 Glasshouse St London W' inscription in six lines. 10.92 grams. Extremely fine. Very rare.

Lot 2561

Dated 1691 AD. Obv: jugate profile busts with mark of value 10 below and GVLIELMVS ET MARIA DEI GRA legend. Rev: crowned arms with MAG BR FR ET HIB REX ET REGINA legend and date. S. 5659; SCBI 35, 1706-1711. 4.52 grams. [No Reserve] Fair. Rare.

Lot 2564

. Third 'Rex' coinage. Obv: facing bust in triangle with IOH ANN ESR legend. Rev: cross, crescent and stars in triangle with ROBE RDO NDI. legend for the moneyer Roberd at Dublin mint. S. 6231; D&F 51; Withers, Roberd 10g. 0.62 grams. Very fine; slightly flat to centres. Very rare.

Lot 2576

1207-1211 AD. Third 'Rex' coinage. Obv: facing bust with star each side within triangle with .IOH ANR EX. legend. Rev: whorled sun within triangle with RO BE RD legend for the moneyer Roberd at Dublin mint. S. 6234; D&F 52. 0.35 grams. Very fine. Rare.

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