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Lot 280

Manoscritto illustrato con disegni e arricchito da spartiti musicaliMetodo di fagotto del sig. Ozj, membro  del Conservatorio di Musica di Parigi, stampato a Parigi presso M. Le Roy alla Stamperia del Conservatorio della Musica. N. 152. Étienne Ozi è considerato il più grande fagottista del suo tempo. Questo nativo di Nîmes si trasferì a Parigi nel 1779 e vi fece una magnifica carriera. In realtà, ha giocato fino 1790 presso il Concert Spirituel almeno 37 concerti per fagotto, 19 dei quali erano suoi. The Musical Almanac , su un concerto dato inDicembre 1782, ad esempio: "Il signor Ozi ha suonato un concerto al fagotto. Questo strumento porta sotto le dita di questo virtuoso un'armonia così lusinghiera per le orecchie dello spettatore, che non si può fare a meno di applaudire l'Artista che lo anima, e di prendere parte al piacere che si prova a suonare questo strumento ".Legato come Mozart alla Massoneria, fu protetto dal Duca d'Orleans e fu il primo fagotto della musica del Re. Musicista per molte istituzioni (dal Cirque du Palais-Royal nel 1790 alla Cappella della musica di Napoleone, passando per il Théâtre de la République et des Arts nel 1799-1800), compositore per fagotto a sei o sette tasti e direttore dell'editoria del Conservatorio casa, Ozi è noto anche per il suo insegnamento. Fu infatti professore presso la Libera Scuola di Musica della Guardia Nazionale di Parigi, il futuro Conservatorio Nazionale di Musica di Parigi , in cui insegnò fino al 1813. L'establishment dimostrò fin dall'inizio la sua intenzione di unificare l'insegnamento, attraverso lo sviluppo di una serie di libri didattici che verranno imposti agli studenti. Quattordici metodi ufficiali, tenendo conto della più recente evoluzione della costruzione strumentale, emersero così tra il 1800 e il 1814 , tra cui quello di Ozi per il fagotto.Metodo del fagottoDi impatto internazionale, il nuovo metodo del fagotto di Ozi adottato dal Conservatorio per l'uso in questo istituto ( 1803 ), il primo manuale completo per l'apprendimento del fagotto in Francia, "contiene i principi dettagliati per lo studio del fagotto, esercizi in tutti i toni con basso Accompagnamento, dodici sonate di difficoltà progressiva, trenta scale diverse e quarantadue capricci. Contiene anche il modo di preservare lo strumento e i mezzi per fabbricare le canne. "OperaMetodo del fagotto , Parigi: Boyer, 1787, arricchito con il metodo nuovo e ragionato per il fagotto (1797), poi il nuovo metodo del fagotto (1803). Questa raccolta è stata oggetto di numerose edizioni tra cui un facsimile Fuzeau, Methods and Treaties 4, Series I, 1999. Contiene inoltre: 6 Petites Sonatas, 6 Grandes Sonatas, 31 Duets e 42 Caprices pour fagotto.

Lot 300

Pietro Parboni 1) “la Cuccagna”Incisione originale all'acquaforte da un soggetto di Claude de Lorrain (Chamagne 1600 – Roma 1682), stampata, pubblicata e venduta a Roma dall'editore e mercante di stampe Nicola de Antoni nel suo negozio di Piazza di Spagna all'inizio del XIXº secolo.Bell'esemplare completo dell'impronta della lastra e con buoni margini, con uno strappo restaurato al bordo basso che tocca parzialmente la legenda, leggere bruniture e pochi altri minimi difetti ai bordi ma nel complesso in buono stato generale di conservazione.Il dipinto originale era stato commissionato al Lorenese da Papa Urbano VIII e fu eseguito a Roma, insieme ad altri tre, nel 1637.Bibliografia:LeBlanc “Manuel de l’Amateur d’Estampes” Parigi 1856 vol.3 pag.139 nº20.Milesi “Dizionario degli Incisori” Bergamo 1989 pag.248.2)  A Sua Eccellenza la Sig.ra Elisabetta Duchessa di Devonshire Amatrice e Protellrice delle Belle Arti. L'Originale esiste presso il Sig.r Giovanni Maldura Pittore Paesista in Piazza di Spagna N.o 26. Pietro Parboni D. D. D.Nicolò Pussino invento e dipinse. Pietro Parboni disegno e incise. Nicola de Antoni impressiona. A Roma presso Nicola de Antoni, Neg.te in Piazza di Spagna N.o 84.Roma, [n.d. dopo il 1800]Incisione. 490 x 600mm (191/4 x 231/2"), con ampi margini.Un paesaggio rustico con due cacciatori che sparano anatre con lance in riva al fiume. Altre due figure si trovano sulla riva opposta. Incisa da Pietro Parboni (1783-1841) secondo Nicolas Poussin (1594-1665).3)  [The Marriage of Isaac and Rebecca]. A. S. A la Sig.ra Principessa Alessandrina di Dietrichstein Proshau, Lesley &. &. &.Nata Contessa di Schouvaloff Accademica di S. Luca. Pietro Parboni D. D. D.Claudio di Lorena inv. e dip. Pietro Parboni incise. Nicola de Antoni impresse e vende in Roma N. 35 Via del Corso.Rome, [n.d. c.1800-1841].incisione. 480 x 600mm (19 x 23¾"), con ampi marginiA pastoral scene of people dancing and playing instruments by the edge of a river. Also known as 'The Marriage of Isaac and Rebecca' after the oil painting by Claude Lorrain (c.1800-1882) completed in 1648.4) [Paesaggio con Abramo e Isacco]. A Sua Eccellenza Il Sig.re Giuseppe Maria De Gerando. Barone dell' Impero, Referendario, Segretario Genereale del Ministro dell' Interno, Membro del Instituto e della Legione d'onore. Pietro Parboni D. D. D.Gasparo Pussino dipinse. Pietro Parboni incise. Nicola de Antoni impressiona.[Roma, n.d.c.1810-1815].Incisione. 490 x 610mm (191/4 x 24"), con ampi margini. Piega nell'angolo in basso a sinistra.Un paesaggio pastorale a quattro figure; nella mano destra del primo piano Abramo e Isacco percorrono il sentiero portando l'accensione. Oltre, al centro, ci sono due figure sedute con un asino. Dopo 'Paesaggio con Abramo e Isacco' (1665) di Gaspard Dughet (1615-1675), uno studente di Poussin. La carriera di successo di Dughet come paesaggista lo ha visto diventare uno dei pittori più noti di Roma, alonside Poussin e Claude Lorrain.Misure di tutte le incisioni in mm: 480 x 600, tutte in cornice ebanizzata piatta con ai quattro lati bei fregi in ferro a mo' di fioremacchie di foxing diffuse , piccoli strappi e buchi di tarloincisionecm 69x51; con cornice cm 88x68,5

Lot 75

Abruzzo et Terra di Lavorocarta geograficatratta da Atlas MercatorumAutore:Gerhard MercatorAnno:1628Gerardo Mercatore, in olandese Gerhard Kremer, (latinizzato in Mercator) è stato un matematico, astronomo e cartografo fiammingo.È celebre per i suoi studi nella cartografia e per aver inventato un sistema di proiezione cartografica detta “proiezione di Mercatore”. 

Lot 87

a) Commentarii di Clinica Medica di De Giovanni Achille, Vol I, Padova, Angelo Draghi Editore, 1888; 2 Volumi, edizione con coperta in cartone a righe bianche e rosse non coeva;b) Patologia del cuore e dell'aorta del Prof. Guido Baccelli. Malattie per lesa vitalità, Roma, 1863;  c) Georg. Wolfg Frank Panzeri. ENTOMOLOGIA GERMANICA, Norimbergae, apud Felsegreri Haeredes;d) Lezione di Patologia Speciale del Prof. Giuseppe Bortone, 2 Volumi di 3 (Vol. I e III) di appunti in corsivo dalla stessa mano e con diversi colori di penna;e) Dott. Ernesto Finger. La Sifilide e le malattie veneree. Breve trattato per gli studenti e i medici pratici, tradotto ed annotato dal Dott. Pierleone Tommasoli professore di dermosifilopatia, Vallardi;f) Perroncito Edoardo. I parassiti dell'uomo e degli animali utili. Milano. 1882. in ottavo, rilegato in pelle d'epoca, ppg 506 con 233 fgg. e XVI Tvv. Manca il frontespizio e per metà l'ultima pagina di indice alfabetico;g) Dott. Giovanni Mingazzini. Il Cervello in relazione con i fenomeni psichici . Torino. Fratelli Bocca Editori 1895, h) Il Raccoglitore Medico di Fano. Giornale di Medicina e Chirurgia diretto dal Dott. Luigi Mallagodi, Anno XIV, Serie II, 12 volumetti con copertina cartonata, legati assieme da uno spago.

Lot 192

-Presa di due galee turchesche - Presa della Capitanata di Negroponte - presa di NamurIncisore H. Vincent. Firenze. Da P.M. Piccioni - M. Nestus. Tratte da Le imprese dei cavalieri di Santo Stefano.piccoli strappi e  goreincisione su ramecm 22x29

Lot 1508

2 oversized framed mixed media paintings, pencil signed by Cecilia Mayr and Titled, Viaduto No.1 & Mapa Da Cidade No.2 73.5cm x 56cm.

Lot 1020

Deutsches Reich - Zeppelin Postfahrt 1931 / Kat.-Wert für Falz: 900,-€ MiNr. 456/58 höher geprüft Schlegel, da entfalzt und nachgummiert.| German Reich - Zeppelin postal flight 1931 / Cat. value for fold: 900,-€, MiNr. 456/58 higher expertized Schlegel because unfolded and regummed.

Lot 1446

Altdeutschland / Freie und Hansestadt Lübeck - 1859/67, Teilsammlung, mit ungebrauchten und gestempelten Ausgaben. Wir haben hier bewusst keinen Katalogwert errechnet, da speziell die gestempelten Ausgaben alle nicht signiert sind, Darunter z.B. eine Michel Nummer 2, welche echt gestempelt sehr selten ist. Wir übernehmen hier kein Obligo für die Authentizität jeder einzelnen Marke. Bitte urteilen Sie selbst!| Old Germany / Free and Hanseatic City of Lübeck - 1859/67, partial collection with unused and used issues. We have intentionally not calculated a catalogue value here, as especially the used issues are all unsigned, including e.g. a Michel number 2, which is very rare genuinely used. We do not assume any liability for the authenticity of each stamp. Please decide for yourself!

Lot 139

Original vintage advertising poster for Grands Maitres Estampes et Dessins / Great Masters Prints and Drawings artwork exhibition that took place 7 June to 31 July 1972 at La Pochade in Paris, the poster features artwork by Spanish artist Pablo Picasso (1881-1973) titled La Dame a la Collerette / The Lady with the Collar with a brown frame, lettering on the side reads - 1905-1971 Bellmer, Bonnard, Braque, Chagall, Dali, S. Delaunay, Dubuffet, Esteve, Lipchitz, Max Ernst, Masson, Matta, Miro, Picasso, Poliakoff, Rouault, Survage, V. Da Silva, Villon, Vlaminck. Printed by Editions Empreinte. Very good condition, minor staining, minor creasing, rough edges on top and bottom. Country of issue: France, designer: Picasso, size (cm): 65x50, year of printing: 1972.

Lot 387

Bronze with six signs mark "" Da Ming Xuande Year"China , Qing DynastyDimensions: Height 8 cm Wide 18,5 cm Depth 14 cmWeight: 1417 grams

Lot 82

A Nikon F2 SLR Body, 1975, chrome, serial no. 7484934, body, VG, shutter working, complete with Nikon MD-2, Nikon MB-1 and Nikon DA-2

Lot 374

6 Münzen, unterschiedliche Länder, Silber, Gesamt-Gew.139,8g American Silver Eagle 1 Unze 1994, 999,9/1000 Silber; Mexico, 5 Pesos 1948, 900er Silber; Portugal, 50 Escudos 1969, 500. Geburtstag von Vasco da Gama, 650er Silber; Mexico, 1 Onza 1999, 999er Silber; Australien, 50 Cent 1966, 800er Silber; Südafrika, 1 Rand 1966, 800er Silber; ss

Lot 904

A group of 4 copy medals to 24062272 WO2 DA STIMPSON including Elizabeth II Military Cross with Gulf and Northern Ireland bars with Army Certificate of Service, also with a Bigbury Mint copy set, South Atlantic medal, bar broken and signs of glue to back

Lot 402

Property of a deceased estate c.1959 Velocette 349cc MAC ProjectRegistration no. 443 DA (see text)Frame no. RS 4584 Engine no. MAC 25579Offered as a dismantled, part-restored project, this MAC belonged to the lady vendor's late father; sadly, he passed away before he could complete its restoration. This project consists of a mixture of old and restored components including two gearboxes numbered 11-1591 and the other 14-4814, fuel tank, oil tank, toolbox, one chain guard, exhaust silencers/pipes, handlebar, seat, wheels, and various other associated spares. Offered with an RF.60 for the VRN '443 DA'. However, it should be noted the registration '443 DA' is not listed in the HPI/DVLA database. Accordingly, prospective purchasers must satisfy themselves with regard to the validity of the vehicle's registration and the Lot's originality, completeness, condition, and suitability of parts prior to bidding, close inspection is advised. Unfortunately, no other history is known and thus sold strictly as viewed.Offered without keyFootnotes:All lots are sold 'as is/where is' and Bidders must satisfy themselves as to the provenance, condition, age, completeness and originality prior to biddingLot to be sold without reserve.For further information on this lot please visit Bonhams.com

Lot 043280

IWC feiner astronomischer Armbandchronograph Modell Da Vinci mit ewigem Kalender Referenz 3750 in GG 750/000, Automatik, Lederband m. orig. Dornschl. in GG 750/000, Boden m. Gravur aufgedr., verschr. Krone, bewegl. Bandanstöße, emailfarb. Zifferbl. m. aufgel. Std.-Zeichen, Anz. v. Std., Min., kl. Sek., ewiger Kalender (Tag, Datum, Monat, Jahr & Mondphase) & Chronographenz., verg. Werk, Kal. C.79061, 36 St., in 5 Lagen just., Ringunr., Flachspir., Incabl., D. ca. 39 mm, orig. Etui, Bed.-Anl., Garantiekarte & zus. Kalendermodul, demnach gek. 10/1990, EZ 2, diese Ref. wird nicht mehr produziertIWC fine astronomical 18k yellow gold chronograph model Da Vinci with perpetual calendar reference 3750, self winding, leather strap with original 18k yellow gold buckle, snap on case back with engraving, screwed down winding crown, mobile lugs, enamel colored dial with raised hour-signs, display of hours, minutes, constant second, perpetual calendar (day, date, month, year & moon phase) & chronograph, gold-plated movement, calibre C.79061, 36 jewels, adjusted in 5 positions, flat rim balance, flat hairspring, incablock shock-absorber, diameter approx. 39 mm, original box, manual, warranty papers & additional calender module, sold in October 1990, condition 2, discontinued model

Lot 800

Six 1980's and 1990's bottles of wine comprising; Chateauneuf-du-Pape, 1987, La Chasse Du Pape Cote da Rhone, 1998, Chateau Sainte-Columbe, 1985, Chateau Castemerle, 1980, Chateau Berjuquey Bordeaux, 1988, Chateau la Briclame Saint Juilcein, 1985

Lot 77

2002 Croft Quinta da Roeda Vintage Port in wooden case, 1 bottle

Lot 299

TWO SILVER PROOF COINScomprising The Cook Islands $1 silver coin to commemorate the 200th Anniversary of the Battle of Trafalgar; and the 350th Anniversary of the Great Fire of London 2016 UK £2; together with a gold plated silver Tristan da Cunha 250th Anniversary of the Birth of Admiral Lord Nelson £5 coin; all with certificates and boxes

Lot 116

Vinyl - Iron Butterfly In A Gadda Da Vida LP on Atlantic 588116, red & purple label, K40022, sticker to rear of sleeve, sleeves and vinyl ex

Lot 250

Vinyl - 11 rare LP's to include Skid Row Skid, Deep Purple In Rock, Stray Suicide, Edgar Broughton Band Wasa Wasa, Ten Years After Rock & Roll Music To The World & Ssssh, Iron Butterfly In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida, It's A Beautiful Day, Quintessence In Blissful Company, East Of Eden, and Keef Hartley Band The Battle Of North West Six. Condition varies but Vg overall

Lot 141

6 Bottles Mixed Lot Vintage Port and Fine English Sparkling Wine/Cyder comprising: 1 Bottle Nyetimber Classic Cuvee English Sparkling Sussex, 2 Bottles Gusbourne Brut English Sparkling Kent, 1 Bottle Harrow and Hope Brut English Sparkling Buckinghamshire, 1 Bottle Gospel Green Double Fermentation‘fine Cyder’ Blackmoor Hampshire, 1 Bottle Croft Quinta da Roeda Vintage Port 2002

Lot 692

Bradford Exchange 2015 Tristan da Cunha 'Long to Reign Over Us' silver proof Crown coin and a Royal Mint 2008 Queen Elizabeth I £5 silver proof coin, both with box and cert.

Lot 105

Fernando Lanhas (1923-2012)"O13-52"Oil on cardboardSigned and dated 53 on the reverseExhibitions:"Obras da Colecção Particular de Jaime Isidoro", Casa de Serralves, Porto, 1988, listagem de obras nº 18; "Mestres e Jovens da Pintura Portuguesa", Galeria Honório Rodrigues, Vale de Cambra, 1996, Cat. nº 10; "Fernando Lanhas", Fundação de Serralves, Museu de Arte Contemporânea, Porto, 2001, listagem de obras p. 302; "Um olhar de uma colecção", Centro Cultural S. João da Madeira, S. João da Madeira, 2005, curadoria de João Pinharanda, Cat. s/n; "Dez Andamentos da Pintura em Portugal 1912-2012", Centro Cultural de Chaves, 2012, curadoria de Laura Castro, Cat. p. 25.50x37,5 cm

Lot 137

Carlos Botelho (1899-1982)"Lisboa - Composição IV"Oil on canvasSigned front and back and dated 61Exhibitions:"II Exposição de Artes Plásticas", Org. Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, FIL, Lisboa, 1961 (1º Prémio de Pintura), Cat. img. 87; "Artistas Premiados na I e II Exposições de Artes Plásticas da Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian", Centro de Arte Moderna (CAM), Lisboa, 1986, Cat.; "Botelho", Centro de Arte Moderna da Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisboa, 1989, Cat. img. 150; "Botelho. Os anos diferentes", Palácio Galveias, Lisboa, Cat. p. 129, img. 158 (no contexto "Lisboa 94 Capital Europeia da Cultura".Literature:"Uma pequena retrospectiva na obra de Carlos Botelho", in Colóquio, nº49, Jun. 1968, p. 20; Raquel Henriques da Silva e Manuel Botelho, "Carlos Botelho", Editorial Presença, 1995, p. 277 (texto) e 293, img. 288.Provenance:Acquired at "II Exposição de Artes Plásticas" and kept in the family ever since.97x162 cm

Lot 183

Noronha da Costa (1942-2020)UntitledCellulose paint on canvasSigned97x130 cm

Lot 184

Noronha da Costa (1942-2020)UntitledCellulose paint on canvasSigned46x55 cm

Lot 212

Mário Cesariny (1923-2006)"Homenagem Vieira da Silva", 1992Silkscreen on Fabriano paperSigned and numbered 107/200(silkscreen fixed on the passe-partout, light toning and tape residue on the reverse and trimmed sheet)34x84 cm (image)49,6x99,5 cm (sheet)

Lot 215

Maria Helena Vieira da Silva (1908-1992)"Carnaval"Lithograph on paperSigned and numbered 110-19018x23 cm (image)32,5x50 cm (folha/sheet)

Lot 217

Maria Helena Vieira da Silva (1908-1992)"Le Balcon"Lithograph on paperSigned and numbered 110-190Work from the same edition exhibited in:"Vieira da Silva, Obra Gráfica 1933-1991, Gérard A. Schreiner collection", Palácio Galveias, Lisboa, 1992, Cat. p. 63.45,5x26 cm (image)50x32,3 cm (sheet)

Lot 9

Lourdes Castro (n. 1930) “Sombra Projectada de Isaura Moniz de Bettencourt”Cutwork and embroidery on cotton fabricSignedExhibitions:"Além da Sombra", Centro de Arte Moderna - Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisboa, 1992, Cat. p. 80; "Anos 60", Museu de Arte Contemporânea, Funchal, 1997; "Portugal Portugueses - Arte Contemporânea", Museu Afro-Brasil, São Paulo 2015.56,5×56,5 cm

Lot 10

11 x 2019 FDCs with Stamps and Various FDI Postmarks including 2 x D-Day (different Stamps), 3 x Queen Victoria Bicentenary (different Stamps), Birds of Prey, 2 x British Engineering (different Stamps), 2 x Leonardo da Vinci (different Stamps), Stamp Classics, good condition We combine postage on multiple winning lots and can ship worldwide. UK postage from £4.99, EU from £6.99, Rest of World from £8.99

Lot 214

IOANNIS AUCH JOHANNES ODER GIOVANNI PERMENIATISCa. 1501 Tätig in Venedig und Kreta - Ca. 1550 EbendaMONUMENTALE UND FEINE IKONE MIT DER GOTTESMUTTER 'GALAKTOTROPHOUSA' FLANKIERT VON DEM HEILIGEN SEBASTIAN UND DEM HEILIGEN ROCHUS Veneto-Kretisch, Anfang 16. Jh. Holztafel. Eitempera auf Gold- und Kreidegrund. Nimben punziert, mit Goldfarbe gehöhte Gewänder. 67 x 85 cm. Eine kompositorisch nahezu identische, aber deutlich schwächere Tafel mit dem gleichen Thema befindet sich in der Kirche Sant' Elia Profeta in Sant' Elia a Pianisi. Sie zeigt in gleicher Anordnung die Jungfrau mit dem Kind, den Heiligen Sebastian links und Rochus rechts. Die Tafel wird dem Umkreis Nikolaos Tzafouris zugeordnet ist, aber eher als eine Schülerarbeit des Meisters zu bewerten. Vgl. hierzu: Arbace, Lucia und Daniele Ferrara: Il Rinaschimento Danzante Michele Greco da Valona e gli artisti dell' Adriatiuco tra Abruzzo e Molise, S. 87, Fig. 18. Literatur: Part. besch., Holztafel horizontal gebrochen, Farbausbrüche- und verluste. Rheinische Privatsammlung

Lot 3098

Watercolour, pencil, pen and ink homage to Leonardo Da Vinci to include cross-section of a skull, the Vitruvian Man and other related images, framed and glazed, sheet size 52 x 78cm

Lot 1071

JOHN KINGSLEY DA (SCOTTISH b.1956) SALTOUN ST & ATHOLL GDNS Gouache on paper, signed lower right, 16 x 11cm Title inscribed verso  Condition Report:Available upon request

Lot 457

John Pinches 'The Genius of Leonardo Da Vinci' fifty silver medals, in oak presentation case with certificate of authenticity, and a Michelangelo 500th anniversary first day cover and medal, 2600 gms Condition Report:Each medal weighs 52 gms and contains 50 gms of sterling silver, case is split at a corner

Lot 844

A Norwegian David Anderson brooch, formed as a flower with green enamel finish leaves, marked DA 925, 9cm wide, and a pair of Art Nouveau silver drop earrings, partially pierced. (3)

Lot 1264

UK HOUSE/GARAGE - 12" COLLECTION. Dope collection of around 77 x well presented 12". With twelves from the likes of Shakedown, DJ John 'Julius' Knight, Jetlag, DJ Flex, Who Da Funk, Royksopp, R. Rivera's Grooves, Cosmos/Daft Punk, Brad Carter, Basstoy, Mr. Pink, Junior Jack, Grant Nelson, Roule, First Choice, The Keith Thompson Project, Copyright, Rinneradio Kuvala, Indigo, Soulsearcher, Punk Chic, Kid Creme, Mambana and Kings Of Tomorrow. Condition is often neat VG+ to Ex+.

Lot 978

MOTOWN - 7" COLLECTION (WITH 60s RARITIES). Stirrin' collection of 54 x Motown 45s including 60s UK rarities with some tasty EPs too! Artists/titles/cat. numbers include The Miracles - Who Lot Of Shakin' In My Heart (TMG 569 - VG with some surface marks/scuffs), Brenda Holloway - Just Look What You've Done (TMG 700 - presented in superb Ex+ condition with few marks), The Supremes - Love Is Like An Itching In My Heart (TMG 560 - VG), Marvin Gaye inc. Little Darling... (TMG 574 - VG+), S/T EP (TME 2016 - VG/Ex), Originals From (TME 2019) and One More Heartache (TMG 552 - VG), The Crystals - Da Doo Ron Ron (London RE-U 1381 - nice Ex/Ex), The Four Tops - Shake Me, Wake Me (TMG 553 - VG) then (TMG) 516, 543, 545, 548, 568, 575, 579, 589, 601, 612, 613, 634, 637, 641, 661, 663, 669, 671, 672, 689, 723, 724, 741, 839, 855, 873, 1015 and 1017. Condition is generally VG to Ex.

Lot 422

A 1993 First Run Lowther Twenty Pound Note. Low serial number - DA 01 000866. B384. Uncirculated condition in a plastic wallet.

Lot 110

* HAMISH MACDONALD DA PAI (SCOTTISH 1935 - 2008), UNTITLED oil on board, signed image size 22cm x 32cm, overall size 52cm x 61cm Mounted, framed and under glass.

Lot 149

* SHEILA MACMILLAN DA PAI (SCOTTISH 1928 - 2018),THE CLYDE FROM GOVANoil on board image size 30cm x 40cm, overall size 48cm x 59cm Framed and under glass.Note: Sheila Macnab Macmillan was born in Glasgow in 1928. She attained a degree in Geography at Glasgow University and went on to train as a teacher. However, she had always painted and her talent was strongly encouraged by her uncle the distinguished Iain Macnab RE ROI (1890 - 1967) who persuaded Sheila to come to London and train under him. Iain Macnab had been Principal at Heatherley's Art School (1925 - 1940) and then went on to be founding Principal of the hugely influential Grosvenor School of Modern Art. Sheila's London influences and Glasgow School foundations evolved into a distinctive and individual style. She usually worked "en plein air" and her work is semi abstract. She focused mainly on landscape where her training as a geographer, allowed her to use her understanding of land formation, the delicate balance of the seasons and the interaction between Man and the environment. Her uncle's concept of "rhythm" is evident in Sheila's work and remained a constant throughout her career. She painted in Scotland, Spain. France and Italy and exhibited widely especially in Glasgow, Edinburgh, London and Newcastle. Her work appeared frequently at the Royal Scottish Academy, Royal Glasgow Institute, Paisley Art Institute annual exhibitions and at the Royal Academy Summer Exhibition (London). She won numerous awards and prizes over a long and distinguished career. In The Scottish Contemporary Art Auction of 24th October 2021, lot 510A "RONDA, SPAIN", a slightly larger picture by Macmillan, sold for £1700 (hammer).

Lot 171

* HAMISH MACDONALD DA PAI (SCOTTISH 1935 - 2008),WILD FLOWERS, LOCH TAYoil on board, signed, titled label versoimage size 24cm x 24cm, overall size 47cm x 46cm Mounted, framed and under glass.Label verso: Roger Billcliffe Fine Art, Glasgow.

Lot 178

* JAMES S DAVIS DA PAI RSW FRSA (SCOTTISH b. 1944),UNTITLEDoil on canvas board, signedimage size 32cm x 42cm, overall size 60cm x 69cm Mounted, framed and under glass.

Lot 220

* ROBERT KELSEY DA MUniv PAI FRSA (SCOTTISH b. 1949),LA CASA BLANCAmixed media on paper, signed, titled label versoimage size 36cm x 47cm, overall size 56cm x 67cm Framed and under glass.NOTE: Lots 200 - 222 are being sold on behalf of The Prince & Princess of Wales Hospice (Glasgow).

Lot 221

* HAMISH MACDONALD DA PAI (SCOTTISH 1935 - 2008),SUILVEN AND LOCHINVERlimited edition print on paper, signed, titled and dated 64/500image size 26cm x 30cm, overall size 47cm x 50cm Mounted, framed and under glass.NOTE: Lots 200 - 222 are being sold on behalf of The Prince & Princess of Wales Hospice (Glasgow).

Lot 234

* WILLIAM LEES DA,KIRKLEE ROAD, WEST END OF GLASGOWwatercolour on paper, signed, titled versoimage size 33cm x 48cm, overall size 52cm x 66cm Mounted, framed and under glass. Artist's label verso.Condition report: Condition is good overall, with no visible signs of restoration, damage, or known issues.

Lot 266

* HAMISH MACDONALD DA PAI (SCOTTISH 1935 - 2008),FARM SHEDoil on board, signed, titled versoimage size 20cm x 20cm, overall size 35cm x 35cm Mounted, framed and under glass.

Lot 272

* JAMES S DAVIS DA PAI RSW FRSA (SCOTTISH b. 1944),LAST EMBERSoil on canvas, signed, titled label versoimage size 28cm x 28cm, overall size 44cm x 44cm Framed and under glass. Label verso: Macaulay Gallery, Stenton.Note: James Davis was born in Scotland in 1944. He studied contemporary painting at the Glasgow School of Art between 1963 and 1967. He specialised in drawing and painting under the tutorage of Scottish artists William Armour and David Donaldson. For more than 40 years James Davis paintings have been exhibited extensively with the Royal Glasgow Institute ( RGI), Royal Scottish Watercolour Society (RSW), Royal Scottish Academy RSA and the Paisley Art Institute ( PAI). James Davis was elected to the RSW in 2003. James Davis paintings are predominantly landscapes, figurative and portraits and he paints in both watercolours and oils. Davis has been the recipient of many art awards for his contemporary paintings including the David Cargill Award; RGI in 2003 and the Reid Kerr Painting Award in 2005. James has established a strong following with leading private and corporate art collectors of contemporary Scottish art. These include: HRH The Duke of Edinburgh; The Royal Collection; Holyrood Palace; King Hussein Family Private collection; Vatican Commission Scott's College Rome; Glasgow City Chambers; Merk Finance; Arisaig Holdings (Singapore) and Strathclyde Education Authorities. His paintings also feature in many private contemporary art collections in the UK, Canada, USA, Italy, Holland, France, Switzerland, Australia and Tasmania.

Lot 36

* HAMISH MACDONALD DA PAI (SCOTTISH 1935 - 2008), FARM ROAD, MORAR limited edition print on paper, signed, titled and numbered 233/500 image size 26cm x 30cm, overall size 48cm x 51cm Mounted, framed and under glass.

Lot 37

* HAMISH MACDONALD DA PAI (SCOTTISH 1935 - 2008), AYRSHIRE COASTLINElimited edition print on paper, signed, titled and numbered 60/500 image size 26cm x 30cm, overall size 48cm x 51cm Mounted, framed and under glass.

Lot 38

* PAM CARTER DA PAI (SCOTTISH b. 1952),LUSKENTYRE REFLECTIONSoil on canvas, signed, titled label verso image size 46cm x 51cm, overall size 62cm x 66cm Framed.Note: Pam Carter was born in Tanganyika, East Africa to an Austrian mother and Scottish father. At the age of thirteen, she came to Scotland where she schooled at Bearsden Academy. She graduated from Glasgow School of Art in the seventies. "My main inspiration as an artist is in the Scottish landscape and seascape. I enjoy using colour to define contours, structure and changing light sequences. I search out specific viewpoints. I am equally inspired by the rugged isolation of the Western Isles and the dramatic viewpoints of the Eastern coastline. I work predominantly in oil". Pam Carter is unquestionably one of Scotland's most popular and successful living artists. She has won numerous awards and prizes, has always received significant media attention and has been the subject of many magazine features and has several tv appearances. Her work is widely exhibited but rarely appears at auction. The most recent two examples of Pam Carter's oil paintings to be offered in our auctions achieved hammer prices of £1900 (June 2021) and £1800 (September 2020). Note 2: Luskentyre is a sparse settlement on the west coast of the Isle of Harris, in the Outer Hebrides. The name Luskentyre derives from Lios-cinn-tir, meaning 'headland fort', although there is no trace or local knowledge of a fort at the headland. The beautiful beach at Luskentyre has been voted "Britain's Best Beach" and is accessed by a single track road. There is a vast area of sand dunes on the north side of the bay.Condition report: Condition is good overall, with no visible signs of restoration, damage, or known issues.

Lot 381

* JOHN MCKINNON CRAWFORD DA (1931 - 2005),AUTUMN, PROVENCE, COTE D'AZUR FRANCEoil on canvas, signed and dated '00, titled versoimage size 76cm x 101cm, overall size 97cmx 121cm Framed.

Lot 41

* JACK MORROCCO DA (SCOTTISH b. 1953),NUDE KNEELINGoil on board, signed, titled label versoimage size 35cm x 30cm, overall size 46cm x 41cm Framed.Artist's label verso.Note: An exceptional example by one of Scotland's most successful contemporary artists. Jack Morrocco's work very rarely appears at auction.

Lot 72

* PERPETUA POPE DA Edin (SCOTTISH 1916 - 2013),ROSEHALLmixed media on paper, signed, titled label versoimage size 16cm x 24cm, overall size 39cm x 45cm Mounted, framed and under glass.Label verso: The Scottish Gallery, Edinburgh.

Lot 84

* SHEILA MACMILLAN DA PAI (SCOTTISH 1928 - 2018),CORTES, SPAIN oil on board, titled verso, unsignedimage size 39.5cm x 48cm, overall size 47cm x 56cmFramed and under glass.

Lot 199

Sacrificial blue vase, Hand painted gild pattern of butterfly's and peaches. Six character seal mark " DA QING GUANG XU NIAN ZHI" on base H:20in(50.8cm) W:14in(35.5cm)

Lot 816

A Walt Disney film poster, The Shaggy DA, 1977

Lot 183

6 ASSORTED PORTS - INCLUDING JOVEN LDA QUINTA DA MESQUITA TAWNY PORT 75CLLot includes: Sandeman Founders Reserve (20% ABV / 1 Litre), Graham's 2001 Late Bottled Vintage (20% ABV / 75cl), Joven LDA Quinta Da Mesquita (19% ABV / 75cl), Porto Pocas Two Diamonds (19% ABV / 75cl), Cockburn's Special Reserve (20% ABV / 75cl) and Tesco 10 Year Old Tawny Port (20% ABV / 75cl).

Lot 93

A Staffordshire flat back of a boy riding a spaniel with bird on his shoulder, a pair of dogs, a horse and zebra spill vase and a spill vase decorated with farm animals (6)Condition report: Fading to gilt and decoration throughout. The horse and the zebra has fading and marking to paint, with some removed in areas. The pair of dogs with children has fading to gilt and one with a fracture line to the neck of the spaniel and the other one with a fracture line running from the base upwards. The child riding the dog with the bird has a minor chip to the glaze on the reverse. Fading the gilt and paint all over an da loss on the back to the ceramic creating a hole - please see images.

Lot 1652

1965 EUROPEAN CUP FINAL / BENFICA v INTER MILAN Match played 27/5/1965 at the San Siro, Milan. Lisbon daily News & Sport paper dated 27/5/1965 which includes includes headline front page coverage and single sheet supplement inside previewing the Final entitled ''Hoje, AS 21.30, 'Inter-Benfica' Na Final Da Taca Dos Campoes Europeus'' and includes extensive Final preview with road to the Final, history of the European Cup Finals, pen pictures, pictures of the players and full team line-ups etc. No programme was produced for the game. Generally good

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