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Lot 13

UECKER, GÜNTHER1930 WendorfTitel: "Weisser Wind". Datierung: 1990. Technik: Eingeschlagene Nägel und weiße Farbe auf Leinwand. Auf Holz. Maße: 110 x 90 x 17,5cm. Bezeichnung: Datiert und signiert verso unten rechts: '90 Uecker. Betitelt verso mittig links: WEISSER WIND. Hier zudem gewidmet und mit Richtungspfeil versehen.Dieses Werk ist im Uecker Archiv unter der Nummer GU.90.016 registriert und wird vorgemerkt für die Aufnahme in das entstehende Uecker-Werkverzeichnis.Provenienz:- Privatsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen (direkt vom Künstler)- Eines der gefragten, besonders dichten Nagelfelder mit bewegter Oberfläche- Titel gibt Assoziationen auf Naturereignisse preis, die das Werk wunderbar nahbar und emotional erfahrbar machen- Seit seiner Entstehung in rheinischem PrivatbesitzDie Anfänge"Poesie wird mit dem Hammer gemacht." Dieses Motto des russischen Dichters Wladimir Majakowski (1893-1930) hat sich Günther Uecker früh zu eigen gemacht. Eindrucksvoll unterstrichen hat er seine Devise 1969 mit einem Auflagen-Objekt, bestehend aus einer Holzplatte, in die er zwei Nägel einschlug und daran einen Hammer aufhängte. Der Titel: "Do it yourself". Als 23-Jähriger war Uecker 1953 aus der DDR nach West-Berlin geflüchtet. Zwei Jahre später ließ er sich in Düsseldorf nieder, um bei Otto Pankok an der Kunstakademie zu studieren. Seit 1957 ist der Hammer sein wohl wichtigstes Werkzeug, der Nagel das unverkennbare Signet seiner Kunst. 1961 schließt er sich der 1958 von Heinz Mack und Otto Piene initiierten ZERO-Bewegung an, die sich 1966 einvernehmlich mit einer gemeinsamen Ausstellung wieder auflöste. Schon früh ist Günther Uecker international erfolgreich. Bedeutende Museen sammeln bereits in den 1960er Jahren seine Werke, nicht nur in Leverkusen, Krefeld, Düsseldorf oder Berlin. Auch das Museum of Modern Art in New York besitzt ein frühes weißes Nagelfeld aus dem Jahr 1964 - zu dieser Zeit eine große Ausnahme und ungewöhnliche Auszeichnung für einen deutschen Künstler.Das Ethos physischer Arbeit - "Do it yourself" - und die souveräne Beherrschung seiner Materialien prägt seit mehr als sechs Jahrzehnten sein unverwechselbares Oeuvre. Seine Herkunft - die Eltern waren Landwirte in Mecklenburg - hat Günther Uecker nie verleugnet, sondern vielmehr zur unerschöpflichen Quelle seiner künstlerischen Arbeit gemacht. Dazu gehören auch die Naturerfahrungen an der Ostsee, wo er auf der Halbinsel Wustrow aufwuchs. "Wie ein Bauer auf dem Feld" lautet der Titel eines dokumentarischen Filmporträts, das aus Anlass seines 60. Geburtstags entstand. "Jeder macht seine Felder", bemerkt er anerkennend, "und jeder ist darin auch erkennbar. Das ist wie ein Gebetsteppich, so ein Acker." (Zit. nach Günther Uecker, Poesie der Destruktion. Im Dialog mit Michael Kluth 1988-2018, Halle an der Saale 2018, S. 177.) Aber nicht nur auf die Elemente der Natur, auch auf historische Ereignisse und auf Katastrophen wie den Nuklearunfall von Tschernobyl hat Uecker mit seiner Kunst immer wieder mit seismografischer Sensibilität reagiert. "Weisser Wind"Das angebotene, großformatige Nagelbild "Weisser Wind" aus dem Jahr 1990 ist beispielhaft für die Werkgruppe der Nagelfelder. Diese wecken den Eindruck einer wogenden Bewegung, die das gesamte Feld erfasst und strukturiert - wie ein kräftiger Windstoß, der durch ein Getreidefeld fährt. Besonders markant sind in diesem Werk die lebhaften Hell-Dunkel-Kontraste: Nur die Köpfe der dunklen Metallstifte weisen Spuren weißer Farbe auf, während die Stifte selbst nicht farbig gefasst sind. Auch die über die Holztafel gespannte Leinwand ist nur in vereinzelten, schwungvollen Strichen mit weißer Farbe bemalt, was die naturhaft-organischen Assoziationen verstärkt. Der subtile Einsatz der Materialfarben steigert das meditative Spiel mit realem Licht und Schatten, das Ueckers Werk seit seinen Anfängen antreibt. Die Farbe Weiß, die in seinem Schaffen vorherrschend ist, dient vor allem dazu, das Licht einzufangen. Das wogende Nagelfeld bildet eine dreidimensionale Zone mit wechselnden Lichtverhältnissen. Bewegt man sich vor dem Nagelfeld und betrachtet es aus verschiedenen Blickwinkeln, entstehen immer wieder neue Perspektiven und Ansichten der reliefartigen Oberfläche. Die künstlerisch-experimentelle Auseinandersetzung mit dem Thema Wind reicht im Schaffen von Günther Uecker weit zurück. (Siehe Ralph Merten, Günther Uecker · Wind. 82 Liebesbriefe an die Natur · 82 love-letters to nature, Mainz 1995.) 1966 gibt er dem ersten Nagelobjekt den Titel "Großer Wind". Im gleichen Jahr entsteht für den Außenraum seine Skulptur "Windorgan", die eine quasi musikalische Funktion hat: Fünfzehn weiße, abgeschrägte Zylinder, die an Orgelpfeifen erinnern, sind an Metallstangen installiert und verstärken die natürlichen Windgeräusche. "Wind - 82 Liebesbriefe an die Natur" nannte er 1992 einen Zyklus von Aquarellen. Das angebotene Werk "Weißer Wind" ist der vollendete Ausdruck einer jahrzehntelangen Auseinandersetzung des Künstlers mit den elementaren Kräften der Natur. Mit seinen unverwechselbaren Instrumenten gelingt es ihm, das Flüchtige und Unsichtbare - den Wind und das Licht - ästhetisch zu bändigen und ihnen Dauer zu verleihen.Video: Expertin Hilke Hendriksen über die Werke von Günther Uecker Voraussichtliche Versandkosten für dieses Los: Absprache nach der Auktion.Erläuterungen zum Katalog Günther Uecker Deutschland ZERO Nachkriegskunst Objekte 1990er Nagel Objekt Mischtechnik Abstrakt

Lot 16

SCHULTZE, BERNARD1915 Schneidemühl - 2005 KölnTitel: "Penthesilea". Datierung: 1954. Technik: Öl und Collage auf Hartfaser. Maße: 137,5 x 104cm. Bezeichnung: Signiert und datiert unten rechts: Bernard Schultze 54. Zudem signiert, bezeichnet, betitelt und datiert verso rechts: Bernard Schultze Frankfurt/M Penthesilea 1954. Daneben gewidmet: für Ursel. Hier zudem mit Richtungspfeil versehen. Rahmen/Sockel: Modellrahmen.Provenienz:- Privatsammlung Nordrhein-WestfalenAusstellungen:- Kölnischer Kunstverein/Kunstverein Braunschweig/Haus am Waldsee, Berlin/Palais des Beaux-Arts, Brüssel, Köln 1968- Kunsthalle Darmstadt, 1968- Schleswig-Holsteinisches Landesmuseum Schloß Gottdorf, Schleswig 1996- Museum Kunstpalast, Düsseldorf 2007- Museum Kunstpalast, Düsseldorf 2010Literatur:- Diederich, Stephan/Hermann, Barbara (Hrsg.): Bernard Schultze - Verzeichnis der Werke, Bd. II, 1939 bis 1989, Köln 2015, WVZ.-Nr. 54/15- Ausst.-Kat. Alte und Neue Arbeiten, Kölnischer Kunstverein, Köln 1968, Kat.-Nr. 14 - Ausst.-Kat. Menschenbilder, Kunsthalle Darmstadt, Darmstadt 1968, Kat.-Nr. 14- Romain, Lothar/Wedewer,Rolf: Bernard Schultze, München 1991, Farbtafel 26- Ausst.-Kat. Bernard Schultze, Schleswig-Holsteinisches Landesmuseum Schloß Gottorf, Schleswig 1996, Kat.-Nr. 6- Althöfer, Heinz (Hrsg.): Informel (1). Der Anfang nach dem Ende, Dortmund 1999, S. 261, Abb.- Ausst.-Kat. Claude Monet und die Moderne, Kunsthalle der Hypo-Kulturstiftung, München 2001, S. 167, Abb.- Ausst.-Kat. Die Kunst zu sammeln, Museum Kunstpalast, Düsseldorf 2007, S. 104, Abb.- Ausst.-Kat. Le grand geste! Informel und Abstrakter Expressionismus 1946-1964, Museum Kunstpalast, Düsseldorf 2010, Kat.-Nr. 128, Abb.- Handschriftliche Werkliste Nr. 2/54- Spannungsvolle und farbgewaltige Komposition aus dem Frühwerk des Kölner Ausnahmekünstler- Solitär von musealer Qualität- Eines der informellen Hauptwerke- Marktfrische Arbeit aus langjährigem Privatbesitz in herausragender Qualität"Penthesilea"Schultze lebte seit 1947 in Frankfurt am Main. Bis 1968 wurde er zusammen mit seiner Frau Ursula zu einer festen Größe in der dortigen Kunstszene. Schultze war Mitbegründer der Gruppe Quadriga und stellte seit 1952 in der Zimmergalerie Franck aus. Seine ersten informellen Bilder entstanden 1951. Dank seiner regelmäßigen Besuche in Paris hatte er die Arbeiten von Wols, Dubuffet und Fautrier kennengelernt. Zu den früheren Inspirationsquellen gehörte neben Paul Klee und den Surrealisten auch der belgische Maler James Ensor, von dem er eine Publikation mit farbigen Abbildungen stets im Tornister dabeihatte, als er Soldat in Russland und Afrika war. Ensors Farben finden sich in Schultzes Gemälde "Penthesilea" wieder. Der Krieg hatte Bernard Schultze traumatisiert, und in seiner Kunst zeigt sich das deutlich. "Die düstere Seite, das Zerstörerische liegt mir sehr nahe, aber ich will es verwandeln in eine Kostbarkeit", schrieb er 1998 in einem Brief an den Sammler und Freund Willi Kemp. (Bernard Schultze: zit. nach "Gespräch mit Willi Kemp am 24.3.1998", in: Ausst.-Kat. Die Sammlung Ingrid und Willi Kemp, Stiftung museum kunst palast, Düsseldorf 2001, S. 121) "Penthesilea" ist eines der informellen Hauptwerke von Bernard Schultze. Es spiegelt die ganze Ambivalenz von Schultzes Malerei, in der sich Trauma und Optimismus auf vielschichtige Weise mischen. Anders als viele andere Gemälde aus dieser Zeit, die von einer einzigen Farbstimmung, etwa Rot, Blau oder sehr häufig auch verschiedenen Erdfarben dominiert werden, leuchten in "Penthesilea" äußerst fein und subtil gezeichnete Formen und Linien in Rosa- Gelb-, Hellblau und Weißtönen neben schwarzen Konfigurationen wie in einem üppig gewachsenen Garten. Schultzes Malweise war immer intuitiv, ohne Vorausplanung begann er seine Gemälde an irgendeinem Punkt auf der Leinwand und arbeitete langsam in alle Richtungen über die gesamte Bildfläche so lange, bis das Bild stimmte. Auch wenn er keine Gegenstände wiedergab, strahlten seine informellen Bilder doch eine starke, organische Körperlichkeit aus. Die Verwandtschaft zu Pflanzenformen, Wachstum und Verfall hob der Künstler selbst hervor: "Am Rande Frankfurts entstehen in einem Gemisch aus Kräutergärtlein und Hinterhof meine ersten informellen Bilder, gleichsam in Konkurrenz zu Fliederbusch und Apfelblütenbäumen." (Bernard Schultze in: Romain, Lothar und Wedewer, Rolf: Bernard Schultze. München, 1991, S. 13) "Penthesilea" ist ein besonders überzeugendes Beispiel für Schultzes Arbeitsweise.Malerei und LiteraturLiteratur war für Schultze ein ebenso wichtiges Bezugsfeld wie die Malerei. Er kannte die wesentlichen Werke seiner Zeitgenossen von Beckett bis Sartre, die Literatur der Surrealisten, und auch die Dichter der Romantik sowie die Klassische Dichtung seit der Antike. Seine Bildtitel sind sehr häufig poetisch und beziehen sich auf seine diverse Lektüre. Schultze wählte die Werktitel stets erst nach der Fertigstellung eines Gemäldes, und auch hier war das so. Penthesilea war in der griechischen Mythologie die Königin der Amazonen, Schultze kannte jedoch auch Heinrich von Kleists Drama nach diesem antiken Mythos. Das tragische Drama um den Tod der Penthesilea und ihres Geliebten Achill mit seiner Mischung aus Leidenschaft, Hoffnung, Gewalt und Zerstörung bietet viele Anregungen zur Auseinandersetzung mit Schultzes informeller, existenziell geprägter Malerei.Das Gemälde befand sich lange in Düsseldorfer Privatbesitz und wurde 2010 in der Ausstellung "Le Grand Geste. Abstrakter Expressionismus und Informel 1946-1964" im Museum Kunstpalast präsentiert. Neben dem Gemälde "Rosen-Geschwüre" (1955) aus der Sammlung Kemp war es einer der Glanzpunkte der Auswahl deutscher informeller Malerei, die sich neben Amerikanern wie Jackson Pollock, Philip Guston, Franz Kline, Adolph Gottlieb oder Joan Mitchell und Franzosen wie Jean Fautrier, Jean Dubuffet, Wols oder Georges Mathieu souverän behauptete.(Kay Heymer)VAN HAM Art Estate vertritt seit 2018 den künstlerischen Teilnachlass von Bernard Schultze des Folkwang-Museumsvereins e.V., Essen: www.bernard-­schultze.org Voraussichtliche Versandkosten für dieses Los: Absprache nach der Auktion.Erläuterungen zum Katalog Bernard Schultze Deutschland Informel Nachkriegskunst Unikate 1950er Modellrahmen Abstrakt Gemälde Öl

Lot 256

λ&nbspCRAIGIE AITCHISON (BRITISH 1926-2009) CRUCIFIXION Oil on canvas 45 x 35cm (17½ x 13¾ in.)Painted in 1963.Provenance: Marlborough Gallery, London Acquired from the above by the family of the present owners, 1st March 1968Exhibited: London, Marlborough Gallery, Helen Lessore and the Beaux Arts Gallery, February, 1968Scottish born painter Craigie Aitchison is renowned for his distinct style characterised by bold colour, simplified forms and emotive compositions. His father a United Free Minister, inspired Aitchison's works often exploring themes of faith, due to attending weekly services at Church from a very young age. This, in combination with a viewing of Dali's Christ of St John of the Cross at Kelvingrove Gallery, Glasgow, inspired him to explore religious or spiritual themes in his work.Having failed his law exams, Aitchison studied at the Slade, where he made friends with Michael Andrews, Paula Rego, Myles Murphy and Euan Uglow. A scholarship allowed Aitchison to travel to Italy, where the rich art and architectural history changed his approach to colour and emotion in his paintings. Aitchison had his first one man show at the Beaux Arts Gallery, London, at the age of 33, with one of his pieces purchased by the Tate. His success continued throughout his life, with a major retrospective held at the Serpentine Gallery and Royal Academy in 1981, as well as further retrospectives in Leeds in 1994. Furthermore, towards the end of his artistic career, at age seventy, he had a one man show at the Glasgow Gallery of Modern Art in 1996.   Condition Report: The canvas has not been relined. There is a 2.5cm scratch with some associated paint loss to the centre right of the composition, visible in the catalogue illustration. There is some light surface dirt. Ultraviolet light reveals no evidence of retouching. Condition Report Disclaimer

Lot 55

Collection of The Bookman Christmas Numbers - 1923 Kay Nielsen tipped in col plate "The Real Princess", W. Heath Robinson, tipped in col. plate, R.G. Moss tipped in col plate, E.J. Detmold, mounted col plate to front cover, 1916 Edmund Dulac mounted col plate to front cover, Arthur Rackham tipped in col plate, Michael Sevier tipped in col plate, Harry Clarke ills. Supplement on 'Art, Poetry and Belles Lettres', 1918 - with Bookman Portfolio containing three col tipped in plates - Edmund Dulac, Arthur Rackham tipped in col plate, 1919 Jessie Wilcox Smith tipped in col plate, Harry Rountree, Mabel Lucie Atwell, Arthur Rackham, Harry Clarke ills., 1920 Mabel Lucie Atwell tipped in col. plate, Gwen Raverat ills, Arthur Rackham ills., Leo Bates tipped in col plate and col plate mounted to front cover, 1911 Arthur Rackham col plate tipped in, Florence Lundborg tipped in col plate, Claude A. Shepperson tipped in col plates, Charles Robinson tipped in col plate, 1922 Arthur Rackham mounted colour plate to front cover, Arthur Rackham tipped in col. plate, C.E. Brock col. plate tipped in, Jean de Bosschere plate tipped in, 1913 Rene Bull tipped in col plate, Edmund Dulac tipped in col plate and others, and many other Christmas Numbers and Pearson's Magazine vol viii 1899 and The Studio Winter Number 1900-1902 "Modern Pen drawings@ European and American (2 boxes)

Lot 465

Zhang Zhoujie (Chinese, b.1985), a unique 'SQN5-T' coffee table, 2012, stainless steel, 130cm wide 75cm deep 36cm high Zhang Zhoujie grew up in rural China but went on to study Fine Art at the China Academy of Fine Art, the country’s leading specialised institution, before gaining an MA in Industrial Design at Central Saint Martin’s, London. In wanting to draw on these skills in a modern context, he explored the latest trends in parametric design - a digital scripting method which allows the user push the possibilities of man-made, fluid forms. He cites ‘wu wei’ which is a cornerstone of Taoism, as another guide in his work. ‘Wu Wei‘ means a lack of intervention and though his furniture is fully tuned to the logic of mathematics, he strives to blend traditional Chinese art perspectives with Western design methodology. His designs remain true to the materials he eventually chooses and he doesn’t embellish or disguise, preferring to exploit the relationships and interactions of faceted surfaces in the making of extraordinary but functional furniture.

Lot 288

Original color woodblock on paper by Japanese Modern Master printmaker and wood cutter Un'ichi Hiratsukaby. In Nera-Misaki Izu (Mera Headland), Hiratsuka has depicted Cape Mera, Izu Peninsula, in the south of Mount Fuji with soft yellows that he typically used for both seas and the sky. Seal UN on lower right. Pencil signature on lower center: Un-ichi Hiratsuka. Japanese characters on lower left. Artist's stamp on left margin and on the right margin of this collection's print. Exhibited at the Art Museum of Chicago's 2001 Modern Master retrospective and illustrated in the exhibition catalogue, page 51. Housed in a museum mat. Artwork dimensions: 13"L x 10"H. Mat size: 25"L x 16"H. Artist: Un'ichi Hiratsuka (Japanese 1895-1997)Issued: 1929Country of Origin: JapanCondition: Age related wear.

Lot 412

YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN (1974) - David Frangioni Collection: John Alvin Autographed US Special Poster, 1974Bidding for this lot will end on Thursday 30th May. The auction will begin at 2:00PM BST and lots are sold sequentially via live auctioneer; tune in to the live streaming broadcast on auction day to follow the pace. This "Special" rare format poster for Mel Brooks' cult gothic comedy Young Frankenstein (1974) was printed in an uncommon size and features fantastic artwork by John Alvin. Unlike the regular One-Sheets, it has a full bleed black border as opposed to white. Printed in very limited numbers, this was most likely given away to cast and crew or Studio executives, a common practice for the period. This example has been signed in the lower right corner in black ink by the late Alvin, who also added the date "1974". Provenance: David Frangioni is a published author, music businessman, producer, technologist, engineer, philanthropist, and drummer. He has worked with Aerosmith, Shakira, Ringo Starr, Ozzy Osbourne, Robbie Williams, and hundreds more. He is CEO of Modern Drummer Magazine and has several books published, including Clint Eastwood: Icon: The Essential Film Art Collection and Crash: The World's Greatest Drum Kits, both by Insight Editions. Frangioni is considered one of the world's most prominent and knowledgeable collectors of Clint Eastwood memorabilia and boasts an enviable archive of movie posters and memorabilia.34.5" x 49" (88 x 124 cm)Condition: Very Fine+Rolled with some handling and edge wear and a few tiny nicks and tears around the borders.Artist: John Alvin£800 - 1600VAT Status: Ω

Lot 410

WILLY WONKA AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY (1971) - David Frangioni Collection: UK Quad, 1971Bidding for this lot will end on Thursday 30th May. The auction will begin at 2:00PM BST and lots are sold sequentially via live auctioneer; tune in to the live streaming broadcast on auction day to follow the pace. Typically British, in a madcap Monty Python style and resembling the front page of a Beano or Dandy comic, this is a first year of release UK Quad film poster for Roald Dahl's Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (1971). It shows amazing detailed artwork combining cartoonish caricatures and black-and-white photographic images based around a giant chocolate bar. Provenance: David Frangioni is a published author, music businessman, producer, technologist, engineer, philanthropist, and drummer. He has worked with Aerosmith, Shakira, Ringo Starr, Ozzy Osbourne, Robbie Williams, and hundreds more. He is the CEO of Modern Drummer Magazine and has several books published, including Clint Eastwood: Icon: The Essential Film Art Collection and Crash: The World's Greatest Drum Kits, both by Insight Editions. Frangioni is considered one of the world's most prominent and knowledgeable collectors of Clint Eastwood memorabilia and boasts an enviable archive of movie posters and memorabilia.40" x 30" (102 x 76 cm)Condition: Fine+Folded with some scattered staining and some small nicks and tears around the border.Artist: Unknown Artist£200 - 400VAT Status: Ω

Lot 128

FOR A FEW DOLLARS MORE (1965) - David Frangioni Collection: Italian Photobusta - Linen-Backed, 1965Bidding for this lot will end on Thursday 30th May. The auction will begin at 2:00PM BST and lots are sold sequentially via live auctioneer; tune in to the live streaming broadcast on auction day to follow the pace. A linen-backed medium country of origin Italian photobusta for the Spaghetti Western For A Few Dollars More (Per Qualche Dollaro in Piu). It shows Clint Eastwood as Manco (the Man with No Name), complete with his signature poncho, examining the wanted poster for the cold-blooded bank robber El Indio (Gian Maria Volonte). Provenance: David Frangioni is a published author, music businessman, producer, technologist, engineer, philanthropist, and drummer. He has worked with Aerosmith, Shakira, Ringo Starr, Ozzy Osbourne, Robbie Williams, and hundreds more. He is CEO of Modern Drummer Magazine and has several books published, including Clint Eastwood: Icon: The Essential Film Art Collection and Crash: The World's Greatest Drum Kits, both by Insight Editions. Frangioni is considered one of the world's most prominent and knowledgeable collectors of Clint Eastwood memorabilia and boasts an enviable archive of movie posters and memorabilia.26.5" x 18.5" (67 x 47 cm)Condition: Very FineConservation linen-backed with fold line and scattered restoration. Multiple pinholes in each corner.Artist: Unknown Artist£350 - 700VAT Status: Ω

Lot 272

PALE RIDER (1985) - David Frangioni Collection: British Bus Stop Poster, 1985Bidding for this lot will end on Thursday 30th May. The auction will begin at 2:00PM BST and lots are sold sequentially via live auctioneer; tune in to the live streaming broadcast on auction day to follow the pace. "...and hell followed with him". In his 1985 film Pale Rider, Eastwood creates his own variation of this character, where he plays a mysterious gunfighter named Preacher. Despite the Western genre being pronounced dead after the failure of Heaven's Gate five years earlier, Pale Rider was a box-office hit. Artist David Grove has captured the characteristics of the Old West, creating an impressive depiction of a gunslinging Eastwood surrounded by a striking sun-coloured background. The colours have remained bold on this uncommon rolled (as issued) format. Provenance: David Frangioni is a published author, music businessman, producer, technologist, engineer, philanthropist, and drummer. He has worked with Aerosmith, Shakira, Ringo Starr, Ozzy Osbourne, Robbie Williams, and hundreds more. He is CEO of Modern Drummer Magazine and has several books published, including Clint Eastwood: Icon: The Essential Film Art Collection and Crash: The World's Greatest Drum Kits, both by Insight Editions. Frangioni is considered one of the world's most prominent and knowledgeable collectors of Clint Eastwood memorabilia and boasts an enviable archive of movie posters and memorabilia.40" x 60" (102 x 152 cm)Condition: Fine+Rolled with some surface creasing, edge wear and a small area of paper loss in the bottom right corner. Displays to brilliant effect.Artist: David Grove£600 - 1200VAT Status: Ω

Lot 93

DELIVERANCE (1972) - David Frangioni Collection: US Three-Sheet, 1972Bidding for this lot will end on Thursday 30th May. The auction will begin at 2:00PM BST and lots are sold sequentially via live auctioneer; tune in to the live streaming broadcast on auction day to follow the pace. "Where does the camping trip end...and the nightmare begin...?". John Boorman's disturbing and violent movie follows four friends whose casual canoe trip down the Cahulawassee River turns into a nightmare as they begin to be chased by a group of blood-thirsty locals. The poster shows the four men carrying a canoe reflected into the water. However, the reflection perhaps isn't what it appears at first. One of the figures has been removed, and the canoe being carried has been cleverly replaced with a lifeless figure. A sinister design for a movie that still to this day produces a sense of unease. Provenance: David Frangioni is a published author, music businessman, producer, technologist, engineer, philanthropist, and drummer. He has worked with Aerosmith, Shakira, Ringo Starr, Ozzy Osbourne, Robbie Williams, and hundreds more. He is CEO of Modern Drummer Magazine and has several books published, including Clint Eastwood: Icon: The Essential Film Art Collection and Crash: The World's Greatest Drum Kits, both by Insight Editions. Frangioni is considered one of the world's most prominent and knowledgeable collectors of Clint Eastwood memorabilia and boasts an enviable archive of movie posters and memorabilia.41" x 76.75" (104 x 195 cm)Condition: Fine+Folded with some minor water staining which has resulted in some light discolouration in places. A few scattered pinholes in the blue area and a tiny amount of cross-fold paper loss. Displays brilliantly.Artist: Unknown Artist£250 - 500VAT Status: Ω

Lot 300

ROCKY (1976) - David Frangioni Collection: Set of Eight US Lobby Cards, 1976Bidding for this lot will end on Thursday 30th May. The auction will begin at 2:00PM BST and lots are sold sequentially via live auctioneer; tune in to the live streaming broadcast on auction day to follow the pace. Sylvester Stallone became an overnight sensation and was nominated for two Oscars (Best Actor and Best Screenplay) for portraying Southpaw underdog Rocky Balboa. This lot offers a complete set of eight US Lobby Cards with the famous image of the "Italian Stallion" holding hands with Adriana (Talia Shire) used as border art. This set retains its bright colours. Provenance: David Frangioni is a published author, music businessman, producer, technologist, engineer, philanthropist, and drummer. He has worked with Aerosmith, Shakira, Ringo Starr, Ozzy Osbourne, Robbie Williams, and hundreds more. He is CEO of Modern Drummer Magazine and has several books published, including Clint Eastwood: Icon: The Essential Film Art Collection and Crash: The World's Greatest Drum Kits, both by Insight Editions. Frangioni is considered one of the world's most prominent and knowledgeable collectors of Clint Eastwood memorabilia and boasts an enviable archive of movie posters and memorabilia.(Each Card): 14" x 11" (36 x 28 cm)Condition: Near MintArtist: Unknown Artist£250 - 500VAT Status: Ω

Lot 256

MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE 2 (2000) - David Frangioni Collection: Prototype 3D Lenticular One-Sheet, 2000Bidding for this lot will end on Thursday 30th May. The auction will begin at 2:00PM BST and lots are sold sequentially via live auctioneer; tune in to the live streaming broadcast on auction day to follow the pace. A prototype lenticular One-Sheet produced to promote John Woo's action sequel Mission: Impossible II. Eastman Kodak produced three different styles of prototype lenticular posters for Paramount's Motion Picture Group to promote the film, but they were ultimately not used. Only three of each style were made, making this an incredibly rare find. A striking close-up shot of Tom Cruise as Ethan Hunt dominates the design. This example came from the collection of a former employee of the Eastman Kodak Company, and a letter of authenticity from them is included. Provenance: David Frangioni is a published author, music businessman, producer, technologist, engineer, philanthropist, and drummer. He has worked with Aerosmith, Shakira, Ringo Starr, Ozzy Osbourne, Robbie Williams, and hundreds more. He is CEO of Modern Drummer Magazine and has several books published, including Clint Eastwood: Icon: The Essential Film Art Collection and Crash: The World's Greatest Drum Kits, both by Insight Editions. Frangioni is considered one of the world's most prominent and knowledgeable collectors of Clint Eastwood memorabilia and boasts an enviable archive of movie posters and memorabilia.25.75" x 40" (65 x 102 cm)Additional Information: This lot is accompanied by an Letter of Authenticity from Eastman KodakCondition: Very FineSome light handing wear with a few surface scratches.Artist: Eastman Kodak£200 - 400VAT Status: Ω

Lot 107

EASY RIDER (1969) - David Frangioni Collection: US One-Sheet (Style C), 1969Bidding for this lot will end on Thursday 30th May. The auction will begin at 2:00PM BST and lots are sold sequentially via live auctioneer; tune in to the live streaming broadcast on auction day to follow the pace. A Style-C US One-Sheet for Dennis Hopper's independent road drama Easy Rider (1969). The simple yet striking design shows an enigmatic image of Peter Fonda as Wyatt, "Captain America", which perfectly contrasts against the bright yellow background. Three different posters were released. The A and C styles were identical except for the top tagline. Provenance: David Frangioni is a published author, music businessman, producer, technologist, engineer, philanthropist, and drummer. He has worked with Aerosmith, Shakira, Ringo Starr, Ozzy Osbourne, Robbie Williams, and hundreds more. He is CEO of Modern Drummer Magazine and has several books published, including Clint Eastwood: Icon: The Essential Film Art Collection and Crash: The World's Greatest Drum Kits, both by Insight Editions. Frangioni is considered one of the world's most prominent and knowledgeable collectors of Clint Eastwood memorabilia and boasts an enviable archive of movie posters and memorabilia.27" x 41" (69 x 104 cm)Additional Information: NSS #69/202Condition: Very Fine+Folded with slight crossfold separation.Artist: Unknown Artist£300 - 600VAT Status: Ω

Lot 301

ROCKY II (1979) - David Frangioni Collection: US One-Sheet (Style B), 1979Bidding for this lot will end on Thursday 30th May. The auction will begin at 2:00PM BST and lots are sold sequentially via live auctioneer; tune in to the live streaming broadcast on auction day to follow the pace. Here is the scarce "Fight Style" One-Sheet poster for the Sylvester Stallone boxing drama Rocky II (1979). It is arguably the best of all the posters produced for the movie, as its layout mimics an actual fight poster. A dynamic image of Stallone (Rocky Balboa) and Weathers (Apollo Creed) mid-fight dominates the poster, making this an extremely attractive piece. Provenance: David Frangioni is a published author, music businessman, producer, technologist, engineer, philanthropist, and drummer. He has worked with Aerosmith, Shakira, Ringo Starr, Ozzy Osbourne, Robbie Williams, and hundreds more. He is the CEO of Modern Drummer Magazine and has several books published, including Clint Eastwood: Icon: The Essential Film Art Collection and Crash: The World's Greatest Drum Kits, both by Insight Editions. Frangioni is considered one of the world's most prominent and knowledgeable collectors of Clint Eastwood memorabilia and boasts an enviable archive of movie posters and memorabilia.27" x 41" (69 x 104 cm)Condition: Very FineFolded with minor fold line and handling wear.Artist: Unknown Artist£300 - 600VAT Status: Ω

Lot 129

FOR A FEW DOLLARS MORE (1965) - David Frangioni Collection: US Half-Sheet, 1967 (First Release)Bidding for this lot will end on Thursday 30th May. The auction will begin at 2:00PM BST and lots are sold sequentially via live auctioneer; tune in to the live streaming broadcast on auction day to follow the pace. The sequel to A Fistful of Dollars and the middle instalment in Sergio Leone's 'Man with No Name' trilogy. As seen on this first year of release US Half-Sheet, the David Blossom illustration presents a gritty image of Clint Eastwood, billed as the "Man with No Name" with the first reference to Lee Van Cleef's character "The Man in Black". The Half-Sheet is a rather difficult format to find for this movie. Provenance: David Frangioni is a published author, music businessman, producer, technologist, engineer, philanthropist, and drummer. He has worked with Aerosmith, Shakira, Ringo Starr, Ozzy Osbourne, Robbie Williams, and hundreds more. He is CEO of Modern Drummer Magazine and has several books published, including Clint Eastwood: Icon: The Essential Film Art Collection and Crash: The World's Greatest Drum Kits, both by Insight Editions. Frangioni is considered one of the world's most prominent and knowledgeable collectors of Clint Eastwood memorabilia and boasts an enviable archive of movie posters and memorabilia.28" x 22" (71 x 56 cm)Additional Information: NSS #67/204Condition: Very FineFolded with a couple of small nicks and tears around the border and some surface paper loss in the bottom-left corner.Artist: David Blossom£300 - 600VAT Status: Ω

Lot 119

A FISTFUL OF DOLLARS (1964) - David Frangioni Collection: Australian One-Sheet - Linen-Backed, 1967Bidding for this lot will end on Thursday 30th May. The auction will begin at 2:00PM BST and lots are sold sequentially via live auctioneer; tune in to the live streaming broadcast on auction day to follow the pace. "He's going to trigger a whole new style in adventure". An Australian One-Sheet for the film that introduced the world to Clint Eastwood as the "Man With No Name". The artwork of Eastwood on this One-Sheet was created by artist Mitchell Hooks and featured predominantly on a lot of the marketing material for A Fistful of Dollars. Originally folded, this fine example from the first year of Australia release has been lightly restored and conservation linen-backed.Provenance: David Frangioni is a published author, music businessman, producer, technologist, engineer, philanthropist, and drummer. He has worked with Aerosmith, Shakira, Ringo Starr, Ozzy Osbourne, Robbie Williams, and hundreds more. He is CEO of Modern Drummer Magazine and has several books published, including Clint Eastwood: Icon: The Essential Film Art Collection and Crash: The World's Greatest Drum Kits, both by Insight Editions. Frangioni is considered one of the world's most prominent and knowledgeable collectors of Clint Eastwood memorabilia and boasts an enviable archive of movie posters and memorabilia.27" x 40" (69 x 102 cm)Condition: Very Fine+Conservation linen-backed with light fold line touch up.Artist: David Blossom, Mitchell Hooks£250 - 500VAT Status: Ω

Lot 303

ROCKY II (1979) - David Frangioni Collection: Australian One-Sheet, 1979Bidding for this lot will end on Thursday 30th May. The auction will begin at 2:00PM BST and lots are sold sequentially via live auctioneer; tune in to the live streaming broadcast on auction day to follow the pace. "The most electrifying rematch in motion picture history". An Australian One-Sheet for Rocky II (1979) shows a dynamic shot of Rocky (Sylvester Stallone) and Apollo Creed (Carl Weathers) in the ring. Known as the 'fight' style, it is an undoubtedly impressive sports-themed poster. Provenance: David Frangioni is a published author, music businessman, producer, technologist, engineer, philanthropist, and drummer. He has worked with Aerosmith, Shakira, Ringo Starr, Ozzy Osbourne, Robbie Williams, and hundreds more. He is the CEO of Modern Drummer Magazine and has several books published, including Clint Eastwood: Icon: The Essential Film Art Collection and Crash: The World's Greatest Drum Kits, both by Insight Editions. Frangioni is considered one of the world's most prominent and knowledgeable collectors of Clint Eastwood memorabilia and boasts an enviable archive of movie posters and memorabilia.27" x 40" (69 x 102 cm)Condition: Very FineFolded with minor handling wear and a very light stain on the bottom border.Artist: Unknown Artist£200 - 400VAT Status: Ω

Lot 402

WHERE EAGLES DARE (1968) - David Frangioni Collection: US One-Sheet, 1968Bidding for this lot will end on Thursday 30th May. The auction will begin at 2:00PM BST and lots are sold sequentially via live auctioneer; tune in to the live streaming broadcast on auction day to follow the pace. "One weekend Major Smith, Lieutenant Schaffer and a beautiful blonde named Mary decided to win World War II". Offered here is the all-action Frank McCarthy artwork Style A US One-Sheet for Brian G. Hutton's action-packed World War II thriller Where Eagles Dare. It became the primary campaign MGM used for the film's release. The colours display beautifully, and this example shows minor wear near the fold lines. Provenance: David Frangioni is a published author, music businessman, producer, technologist, engineer, philanthropist, and drummer. He has worked with Aerosmith, Shakira, Ringo Starr, Ozzy Osbourne, Robbie Williams, and hundreds more. He is CEO of Modern Drummer Magazine and has several books published, including Clint Eastwood: Icon: The Essential Film Art Collection and Crash: The World's Greatest Drum Kits, both by Insight Editions. Frangioni is considered one of the world's most prominent and knowledgeable collectors of Clint Eastwood memorabilia and boasts an enviable archive of movie posters and memorabilia.27" x 41" (69 x 104 cm)Additional Information: NSS #68/320Condition: Very Fine+Folded with minor fold line wear.Artist: Frank McCarthy£150 - 300VAT Status: Ω

Lot 192

JAMES BOND: GOLDFINGER (1964) - David Frangioni Collection: British Exhibitors' Campaign Book, 1964Bidding for this lot will end on Thursday 30th May. The auction will begin at 2:00PM BST and lots are sold sequentially via live auctioneer; tune in to the live streaming broadcast on auction day to follow the pace. UK Exhibitor's Campaign book for the 1964 James Bond film Goldfinger, starring Sean Connery as 007. The front cover displays the instantly recognisable photo montage created by Robert Brownjohn. Comprising 12 pages, the campaign book includes several stills from the movie, information about products associated with the film (Aston Martin, Rolex etc.), examples of advertising blocks and editorial information. A lot that is highly sought after by collectors and fans of Bond. Provenance: David Frangioni is a published author, music businessman, producer, technologist, engineer, philanthropist, and drummer. He has worked with Aerosmith, Shakira, Ringo Starr, Ozzy Osbourne, Robbie Williams, and hundreds more. He is CEO of Modern Drummer Magazine and has several books published, including Clint Eastwood: Icon: The Essential Film Art Collection and Crash: The World's Greatest Drum Kits, both by Insight Editions. Frangioni is considered one of the world's most prominent and knowledgeable collectors of Clint Eastwood memorabilia and boasts an enviable archive of movie posters and memorabilia.9.75" x 14.5" (25 x 37 cm)Condition: Very Fine-Some handling wear.Artist: Unknown Artist£200 - 400VAT Status: Ω

Lot 403

WHERE EAGLES DARE (1968) - David Frangioni Collection: Finnish Poster, 1968Bidding for this lot will end on Thursday 30th May. The auction will begin at 2:00PM BST and lots are sold sequentially via live auctioneer; tune in to the live streaming broadcast on auction day to follow the pace. A first for Propstore, a Finnish poster for Where Eagles Dare features artwork by Toimi Kiviharju displaying cut-and-paste style photographic imagery of Richard Burton and Clint Eastwood operating undercover as Nazi officers, a hand menacingly pointing a submachine gun at the pair and an action shot of Mary Ure. Country unique artwork for one of the most collected action-adventure war films ever made.Provenance: David Frangioni is a published author, music businessman, producer, technologist, engineer, philanthropist, and drummer. He has worked with Aerosmith, Shakira, Ringo Starr, Ozzy Osbourne, Robbie Williams, and hundreds more. He is CEO of Modern Drummer Magazine and has several books published, including Clint Eastwood: Icon: The Essential Film Art Collection and Crash: The World's Greatest Drum Kits, both by Insight Editions. Frangioni is considered one of the world's most prominent and knowledgeable collectors of Clint Eastwood memorabilia and boasts an enviable archive of movie posters and memorabilia.16" x 23.75" (41 x 60 cm)Condition: Very Fine+Rolled with some light handling wear and multiple pinholes in each corner.Artist: Toimi Kiviharju£150 - 300VAT Status: Ω

Lot 2

2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY (1968) - David Frangioni Collection: Wedgwood Commemorative Plate, circa 1968Bidding for this lot will end on Thursday 30th May. The auction will begin at 2:00PM BST and lots are sold sequentially via live auctioneer; tune in to the live streaming broadcast on auction day to follow the pace. A commemorative blue pottery plate produced by English manufacturer Wedgwood for the UK premiere of Stanley Kubrick's groundbreaking sci-fi film 2001: A Space Odyssey. Imagery of the moon and a rocket decorate the centre, and gold gilt emblems of the Lunar modules are present around the outside. The studio and film titles are stamped in black on the back. Provenance: David Frangioni is a published author, music businessman, producer, technologist, engineer, philanthropist, and drummer. He has worked with Aerosmith, Shakira, Ringo Starr, Ozzy Osbourne, Robbie Williams, and hundreds more. He is CEO of Modern Drummer Magazine and has several books published, including Clint Eastwood: Icon: The Essential Film Art Collection and Crash: The World's Greatest Drum Kits, both by Insight Editions. Frangioni is considered one of the world's most prominent and knowledgeable collectors of Clint Eastwood memorabilia and boasts an enviable archive of movie posters and memorabilia.7" x 7" x 1" (18 x 18 x 2.5 cm)Condition: Near Mint-Artist: Wedgwood£200 - 400VAT Status: Ω

Lot 314

THE SEX PISTOLS: THE GREAT ROCK 'N' ROLL SWINDLE (1980) - David Frangioni Collection: In-Store Promotional Poster, 1979Bidding for this lot will end on Thursday 30th May. The auction will begin at 2:00PM BST and lots are sold sequentially via live auctioneer; tune in to the live streaming broadcast on auction day to follow the pace. "Young Flesh Required". Depending on who you believe, Julien Temple's true/untrue story of the rise and fall of the greatest punk band ever, The Sex Pistols, in The Great Rock "N" Roll Swindle. This in-store promotional poster (actually produced and distributed in late 1979) features infamous "American Express" imagery by Jamie Reid. Embroiled in litigation, with the majority of these posters immediately withdrawn and destroyed, very few remain in circulation today. Provenance: David Frangioni is a published author, music businessman, producer, technologist, engineer, philanthropist, and drummer. He has worked with Aerosmith, Shakira, Ringo Starr, Ozzy Osbourne, Robbie Williams, and hundreds more. He is CEO of Modern Drummer Magazine and has several books published, including Clint Eastwood: Icon: The Essential Film Art Collection and Crash: The World's Greatest Drum Kits, both by Insight Editions. Frangioni is considered one of the world's most prominent and knowledgeable collectors of Clint Eastwood memorabilia and boasts an enviable archive of movie posters and memorabilia.39.5" x 27.5" (100 x 70 cm)Condition: Very Fine+Rolled with some tiny nicks and tears around the edges.Artist: Jamie Reid£400 - 800VAT Status: Ω

Lot 99

DIRTY HARRY (CHARACTER) - David Frangioni Collection: Japanese Etoile Co. Ltd. Tie-in Commercial Poster, 1976Bidding for this lot will end on Thursday 30th May. The auction will begin at 2:00PM BST and lots are sold sequentially via live auctioneer; tune in to the live streaming broadcast on auction day to follow the pace. Etoile Co. Ltd created this special Japanese poster as a commercial tie-in to promote their paper products. It showcases a classic image - taken by Philippe Halsman - of Clint Eastwood as "Dirty" Harry Callahan pointing his 44 Magnum revolver. Interestingly, listed to the right are several stats for Callahan's weapon of choice and what appears to be a typo/mistranslation "Dirty Hurry". Provenance: David Frangioni is a published author, music businessman, producer, technologist, engineer, philanthropist, and drummer. He has worked with Aerosmith, Shakira, Ringo Starr, Ozzy Osbourne, Robbie Williams, and hundreds more. He is CEO of Modern Drummer Magazine and has several books published, including Clint Eastwood: Icon: The Essential Film Art Collection and Crash: The World's Greatest Drum Kits, both by Insight Editions. Frangioni is considered one of the world's most prominent and knowledgeable collectors of Clint Eastwood memorabilia and boasts an enviable archive of movie posters and memorabilia.24" x 36" (61 x 91 cm)Condition: Very FineRolled with some nicks and tears along the bottom border.Artist: Phillippe Halsman£300 - 600VAT Status: Ω

Lot 286

BATTLE FOR THE PLANET OF THE APES (1973) - David Frangioni Collection: Set of Five Marler Haley UK Quad and Double Crowns, 1973Bidding for this lot will end on Thursday 30th May. The auction will begin at 2:00PM BST and lots are sold sequentially via live auctioneer; tune in to the live streaming broadcast on auction day to follow the pace. Set of four British Double Crowns and a UK Quad printed by Marler Haley for J. Lee Thompson's 1973 action sci-fi film, Battle For the Planet of the Apes (1973). It is believed that only the larger cinemas used these posters, and they were printed in limited numbers. All five posters feature photographic shots, and the UK Quad displays cut-and-paste style text boxes summarising the movie's plot. It is rare to find a complete Marler Haley set. Provenance: David Frangioni is a published author, music businessman, producer, technologist, engineer, philanthropist, and drummer. He has worked with Aerosmith, Shakira, Ringo Starr, Ozzy Osbourne, Robbie Williams, and hundreds more. He is CEO of Modern Drummer Magazine and has several books published, including Clint Eastwood: Icon: The Essential Film Art Collection and Crash: The World's Greatest Drum Kits, both by Insight Editions. Frangioni is considered one of the world's most prominent and knowledgeable collectors of Clint Eastwood memorabilia and boasts an enviable archive of movie posters and memorabilia.(Quad): 40" x 30" (102 x 76 cm); (Double Crowns): 20" x 30" (51 x 76 cm)Condition: Very FineAll rolled with some minor handling wear with some small nicks and tears. Two of the Double Crowns have pinholes in each corner.Artist: Marler Haley£200 - 400VAT Status: Ω

Lot 20

ANIMAL HOUSE (1978) - David Frangioni Collection: US Subway Poster, 1978Bidding for this lot will end on Thursday 30th May. The auction will begin at 2:00PM BST and lots are sold sequentially via live auctioneer; tune in to the live streaming broadcast on auction day to follow the pace. "It was the Deltas against the rules...the rules lost!". Nothing captures the spirit of National Lampoon and especially Animal House as a movie better than the ruckus artwork by Rick Meyerowitz. Staged and designed right out of the pages of the infamous funny magazine, this large format Subway poster perfectly showcases his incredible caricature-style artwork. This Subway format is highly desired and rarely comes to market. Provenance: David Frangioni is a published author, music businessman, producer, technologist, engineer, philanthropist, and drummer. He has worked with Aerosmith, Shakira, Ringo Starr, Ozzy Osbourne, Robbie Williams, and hundreds more. He is CEO of Modern Drummer Magazine and has several books published, including Clint Eastwood: Icon: The Essential Film Art Collection and Crash: The World's Greatest Drum Kits, both by Insight Editions. Frangioni is considered one of the world's most prominent and knowledgeable collectors of Clint Eastwood memorabilia and boasts an enviable archive of movie posters and memorabilia.60" x 45" (152 x 114 cm)Condition: Very Fine+Folded with very minor edge wear.Artist: Rick Meyerowitz£200 - 400VAT Status: Ω

Lot 64

BRONCO BILLY (1980) - David Frangioni Collection: Clint Eastwood Autographed Special Promotional Poster, 1980Bidding for this lot will end on Thursday 30th May. The auction will begin at 2:00PM BST and lots are sold sequentially via live auctioneer; tune in to the live streaming broadcast on auction day to follow the pace. As both director and star, Clint Eastwood moved his Western appeal into the modern era with Bronco Billy (1980), a light-hearted tale of a Wild West showman struggling to keep his business going despite an increasingly indifferent public. This rare poster was produced to be mailed out to radio stations, newspapers and magazines for promotion. What makes it even more special is that it has been autographed in black ink by the leading man, Clint Eastwood. Provenance: David Frangioni is a published author, music businessman, producer, technologist, engineer, philanthropist, and drummer. He has worked with Aerosmith, Shakira, Ringo Starr, Ozzy Osbourne, Robbie Williams, and hundreds more. He is CEO of Modern Drummer Magazine and has several books published, including Clint Eastwood: Icon: The Essential Film Art Collection and Crash: The World's Greatest Drum Kits, both by Insight Editions. Frangioni is considered one of the world's most prominent and knowledgeable collectors of Clint Eastwood memorabilia and boasts an enviable archive of movie posters and memorabilia.19.5" x 39.5" (50 x 100 cm)Condition: Very Fine+Rolled with some light handling wear.Artist: Unknown Artist£500 - 1000VAT Status: Ω

Lot 150

THE GRADUATE (1967) - David Frangioni Collection: Special Vista Recruitment Poster - Linen-Backed, 1967Bidding for this lot will end on Thursday 30th May. The auction will begin at 2:00PM BST and lots are sold sequentially via live auctioneer; tune in to the live streaming broadcast on auction day to follow the pace. Mike Nichols' The Graduate (1967) is one of Hollywood's greatest romantic comedies and is rightly regarded as a true cinematic classic. Vista (AmeriCorps VISTA), the anti-poverty programme, distributed this special promotional poster as a tie-in with the film. The movie's popularity, the familiar face of Benjamin Braddock (Dustin Hoffman) and the line "What'll You Do After You Graduate?" were used by Vista as an attempt to gain recruits. Underneath the Vista logo is the tagline "You Can Put Off Plastics For A Year", referring to the famous line said by Mr. McGuire (Walter Brooke) to Benjamin. A simple but effective design which has been conservation linen-backed.Provenance: David Frangioni is a published author, music businessman, producer, technologist, engineer, philanthropist, and drummer. He has worked with Aerosmith, Shakira, Ringo Starr, Ozzy Osbourne, Robbie Williams, and hundreds more. He is CEO of Modern Drummer Magazine and has several books published, including Clint Eastwood: Icon: The Essential Film Art Collection and Crash: The World's Greatest Drum Kits, both by Insight Editions. Frangioni is considered one of the world's most prominent and knowledgeable collectors of Clint Eastwood memorabilia and boasts an enviable archive of movie posters and memorabilia.18.25" x 24.25" (46 x 62 cm)Condition: Very Fine+Originally rolled now conservation linen-backed with very light restoration.Artist: Unknown Artist£400 - 800VAT Status: Ω

Lot 147

THE GOOD, THE BAD AND THE UGLY (1966) / HANG 'EM HIGH (1968) - David Frangioni Collection: US Double-Bill Banner, 1969Bidding for this lot will end on Thursday 30th May. The auction will begin at 2:00PM BST and lots are sold sequentially via live auctioneer; tune in to the live streaming broadcast on auction day to follow the pace. A rare US paper banner for a Clint Eastwood double bill of Hang 'Em High and The Good, The Bad & The Ugly. These scarce heavy stock banners were used between the late 1940s and late 1960s and were designed to hang above a cinema entrance or foyer. However, they were ordered in small numbers by the cinemas and were predominantly used at drive-ins. Many of these banners have not survived and even fewer survived in decent condition. Provenance: David Frangioni is a published author, music businessman, producer, technologist, engineer, philanthropist, and drummer. He has worked with Aerosmith, Shakira, Ringo Starr, Ozzy Osbourne, Robbie Williams, and hundreds more. He is CEO of Modern Drummer Magazine and has several books published, including Clint Eastwood: Icon: The Essential Film Art Collection and Crash: The World's Greatest Drum Kits, both by Insight Editions. Frangioni is considered one of the world's most prominent and knowledgeable collectors of Clint Eastwood memorabilia and boasts an enviable archive of movie posters and memorabilia.82.25" x 24" (209 x 61 cm)Condition: Very Fine+Some minor handling wear.Artist: Unknown Artist£200 - 400VAT Status: Ω

Lot 97

DIRTY HARRY (1971) - David Frangioni Collection: UK Quad, 1971Bidding for this lot will end on Thursday 30th May. The auction will begin at 2:00PM BST and lots are sold sequentially via live auctioneer; tune in to the live streaming broadcast on auction day to follow the pace. One of the defining films of the 1970s, Dirty Harry (1971), was the film that took Clint Eastwood from a cult hero to a mainstream superstar. A true classic. Eastwood carved out a violent niche in the cinema with his portrayal of 'Dirty Harry Callahan' in this, the first in the popular series about a San Francisco detective who makes his own rules. He may be beaten up but never beaten by the criminals or by authority. This first release British UK Quad movie poster features Bill Gold's distinctive design and artwork. Provenance: David Frangioni is a published author, music businessman, producer, technologist, engineer, philanthropist, and drummer. He has worked with Aerosmith, Shakira, Ringo Starr, Ozzy Osbourne, Robbie Williams, and hundreds more. He is CEO of Modern Drummer Magazine and has several books published, including Clint Eastwood: Icon: The Essential Film Art Collection and Crash: The World's Greatest Drum Kits, both by Insight Editions. Frangioni is considered one of the world's most prominent and knowledgeable collectors of Clint Eastwood memorabilia and boasts an enviable archive of movie posters and memorabilia.40" x 30" (102 x 76 cm)Condition: Very FineFolded with good whites and colours. Pinholes in each corner and some minor handling wear.Artist: Unknown Artist£300 - 600VAT Status: Ω

Lot 94

DIE HARD (1988) - David Frangioni Collection: UK Quad, 1988Bidding for this lot will end on Thursday 30th May. The auction will begin at 2:00PM BST and lots are sold sequentially via live auctioneer; tune in to the live streaming broadcast on auction day to follow the pace. Die Hard is the prototype for the modern action film. Early rushes of the film presented Willis as an unconvincing action figure, so in the initial US advertising campaign, a series of posters chose to highlight the exploding, under-attack skyscraper (actually the real-life offices of 20th Century Fox) rather than Willis. This quickly changed once advance preview screenings produced record-breaking scores, and Willis featured prominently on any marketing material. From the first year of release, this UK Quad features John McClane and an exploding Nakatomi Tower.Provenance: David Frangioni is a published author, music businessman, producer, technologist, engineer, philanthropist, and drummer. He has worked with Aerosmith, Shakira, Ringo Starr, Ozzy Osbourne, Robbie Williams, and hundreds more. He is CEO of Modern Drummer Magazine and has several books published, including Clint Eastwood: Icon: The Essential Film Art Collection and Crash: The World's Greatest Drum Kits, both by Insight Editions. Frangioni is considered one of the world's most prominent and knowledgeable collectors of Clint Eastwood memorabilia and boasts an enviable archive of movie posters and memorabilia.40" x 30" (102 x 76 cm)Condition: Very Fine+Folded with minor handling wear.Artist: Unknown Artist£100 - 200VAT Status: Ω

Lot 213

JAWS (1975) - David Frangioni Collection: Australian Special Poster, 1975Bidding for this lot will end on Thursday 30th May. The auction will begin at 2:00PM BST and lots are sold sequentially via live auctioneer; tune in to the live streaming broadcast on auction day to follow the pace. One of the most recognisable and iconic pieces of artwork to grace a movie marketing campaign is Roger Kastel's fear-inducing image of the man-eating shark and unaware swimmer for Jaws (1975). It features here on this rare Australian special poster, which also introduces the audience to Quint (Robert Shaw), Hooper (Richard Dreyfuss), Chief Brody (Roy Scheider) and Ellen Brody (Lorraine Gary). An alternative "sharper" lettering has been used for the title artwork and is an excellent addition. Provenance: David Frangioni is a published author, music businessman, producer, technologist, engineer, philanthropist, and drummer. He has worked with Aerosmith, Shakira, Ringo Starr, Ozzy Osbourne, Robbie Williams, and hundreds more. He is CEO of Modern Drummer Magazine and has several books published, including Clint Eastwood: Icon: The Essential Film Art Collection and Crash: The World's Greatest Drum Kits, both by Insight Editions. Frangioni is considered one of the world's most prominent and knowledgeable collectors of Clint Eastwood memorabilia and boasts an enviable archive of movie posters and memorabilia.9.5" x 17.75" (24 x 45 cm)Condition: Very Fine+Unfolded with some minor handling wear.Artist: Roger Kastel£200 - 400VAT Status: Ω

Lot 139

GET CARTER (1971) - David Frangioni Collection: Australian One-Sheet, 1971Bidding for this lot will end on Thursday 30th May. The auction will begin at 2:00PM BST and lots are sold sequentially via live auctioneer; tune in to the live streaming broadcast on auction day to follow the pace. First year of release Australian One-Sheet for the 1971 thriller Get Carter shows a dramatic image of Michael Caine wielding his gun with a series of photographic snapshots from the film underneath. Caine stars as a relentless, brutal London gangster on the rampage in Northeast England to find those responsible for the death of his brother in this gritty, grimy debut film from director Mike Hodges. Provenance: David Frangioni is a published author, music businessman, producer, technologist, engineer, philanthropist, and drummer. He has worked with Aerosmith, Shakira, Ringo Starr, Ozzy Osbourne, Robbie Williams, and hundreds more. He is the CEO of Modern Drummer Magazine and has several books published, including Clint Eastwood: Icon: The Essential Film Art Collection and Crash: The World's Greatest Drum Kits, both by Insight Editions. Frangioni is considered one of the world's most prominent and knowledgeable collectors of Clint Eastwood memorabilia and boasts an enviable archive of movie posters and memorabilia.27" x 40" (69 x 102 cm)Condition: Fine+Folded with some minor handling wear. This would be a Very Fine+ poster were it not for a tiny area of paper loss on the fold by the shotgun.Artist: Unknown Artist£150 - 300VAT Status: Ω

Lot 174

INDIANA JONES AND THE LAST CRUSADE (1989) - David Frangioni Collection: Two US Door Panels, 1989Bidding for this lot will end on Thursday 30th May. The auction will begin at 2:00PM BST and lots are sold sequentially via live auctioneer; tune in to the live streaming broadcast on auction day to follow the pace. "The Man With The Hat Is Back, And This Time He's Bringing His Dad". The tagline on these two original door panel posters for the third Indy adventure, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989), is certainly fitting as both Harrison Ford (Indiana Jones Jr.) and Sean Connery (Henry Jones) take centre stage. Fantastically detailed portraits of Ford and Connery by celebrated poster artist Drew Struzan adorn these posters, which look great when displayed side by side. Provenance: David Frangioni is a published author, music businessman, producer, technologist, engineer, philanthropist, and drummer. He has worked with Aerosmith, Shakira, Ringo Starr, Ozzy Osbourne, Robbie Williams, and hundreds more. He is CEO of Modern Drummer Magazine and has several books published, including Clint Eastwood: Icon: The Essential Film Art Collection and Crash: The World's Greatest Drum Kits, both by Insight Editions. Frangioni is considered one of the world's most prominent and knowledgeable collectors of Clint Eastwood memorabilia and boasts an enviable archive of movie posters and memorabilia.(Each Panel): 20" x 60" (51 x 152 cm)Condition: Very Fine+Both posters have a single centre horizontal fold and some light handling wear. Ford panel has a few very small tears around the border.Artist: Drew Struzan£200 - 400VAT Status: Ω

Lot 332

STAR WARS: A NEW HOPE (1977) - David Frangioni Collection: US Spanish Teaser One-Sheet, 1977Bidding for this lot will end on Thursday 30th May. The auction will begin at 2:00PM BST and lots are sold sequentially via live auctioneer; tune in to the live streaming broadcast on auction day to follow the pace. A scarce US/Spanish One-Sheet Teaser poster for Star Wars (1977) - La Guerra De Las Galaxias. A simple design incorporating Tom Jung's familiar Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia artwork into the film title. The poster carries the text "Printed in U.S.A." and was designed for use in Spanish-speaking areas in the US. Provenance: David Frangioni is a published author, music businessman, producer, technologist, engineer, philanthropist, and drummer. He has worked with Aerosmith, Shakira, Ringo Starr, Ozzy Osbourne, Robbie Williams, and hundreds more. He is CEO of Modern Drummer Magazine and has several books published, including Clint Eastwood: Icon: The Essential Film Art Collection and Crash: The World's Greatest Drum Kits, both by Insight Editions. Frangioni is considered one of the world's most prominent and knowledgeable collectors of Clint Eastwood memorabilia and boasts an enviable archive of movie posters and memorabilia.27" x 41" (69 x 104 cm)Condition: Very FineTri-folded with minor fold line wear and some tiny nicks and tears around the border.Artist: Tom Jung£200 - 400VAT Status: Ω

Lot 335

STAR WARS: A NEW HOPE (1977) - David Frangioni Collection: Set of Eight 14 x 11 Stills, 1977Bidding for this lot will end on Thursday 30th May. The auction will begin at 2:00PM BST and lots are sold sequentially via live auctioneer; tune in to the live streaming broadcast on auction day to follow the pace. A set of eight 14 x 11 vintage stills for Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (1977). The full-colour stills show several scenes, including Han Solo (Harrison Ford) in the Millennium Falcon cockpit, Darth Vader and Stormtroopers infiltrating the Tantive IV ship and the Jawas selling droids to Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) at his Uncle's homestead. "Star Wars, Released by 20th Century Fox, Printed in U.S.A" is printed on the back of each still. Provenance: David Frangioni is a published author, music businessman, producer, technologist, engineer, philanthropist, and drummer. He has worked with Aerosmith, Shakira, Ringo Starr, Ozzy Osbourne, Robbie Williams, and hundreds more. He is CEO of Modern Drummer Magazine and has several books published, including Clint Eastwood: Icon: The Essential Film Art Collection and Crash: The World's Greatest Drum Kits, both by Insight Editions. Frangioni is considered one of the world's most prominent and knowledgeable collectors of Clint Eastwood memorabilia and boasts an enviable archive of movie posters and memorabilia.(Each Still): 14" x 11" (36 x 28 cm)Condition: Very FineAll have some minor handling wear. Stormtrooper in the tunnel has staple holes around the border.Artist: Unknown Artist£200 - 400VAT Status: Ω

Lot 396

WHERE EAGLES DARE (1968) - David Frangioni Collection: Indian Three-Sheet - Linen-Backed, 1968Bidding for this lot will end on Thursday 30th May. The auction will begin at 2:00PM BST and lots are sold sequentially via live auctioneer; tune in to the live streaming broadcast on auction day to follow the pace. An exceptionally rare Indian Three-Sheet for Where Eagles Dare featuring artwork by C. Mohan, based on the original design by Frank McCarthy. All the elements are the same, from Eastwood on the cable car to the Castle of The Eagle engulfed in flames in the background. Fans of Bollywood will know at least one of C. Mohan's pieces as he designed the title for "Sholay", which is widely considered the greatest Bollywood movie of all time. Provenance: David Frangioni is a published author, music businessman, producer, technologist, engineer, philanthropist, and drummer. He has worked with Aerosmith, Shakira, Ringo Starr, Ozzy Osbourne, Robbie Williams, and hundreds more. He is CEO of Modern Drummer Magazine and has several books published, including Clint Eastwood: Icon: The Essential Film Art Collection and Crash: The World's Greatest Drum Kits, both by Insight Editions. Frangioni is considered one of the world's most prominent and knowledgeable collectors of Clint Eastwood memorabilia and boasts an enviable archive of movie posters and memorabilia.40" x 86" (102 x 218 cm)Condition: Good-Conservation linen-backed with extensive restoration particularly to the lower section. There are other scattered areas of restoration and some of the paint has begun to flake.Artist: C. Mohan£300 - 600VAT Status: Ω

Lot 224

THE LOST WORLD: JURASSIC PARK (1997) - David Frangioni Collection: Printer's Proof Prototype 3D Lenticular, 1997Bidding for this lot will end on Thursday 30th May. The auction will begin at 2:00PM BST and lots are sold sequentially via live auctioneer; tune in to the live streaming broadcast on auction day to follow the pace. Universal Studios issued a rare 3D lenticular poster to select theatres to promote Steven Spielberg's sequel, The Lost World: Jurassic Park (1997). They are designed to have a three-dimensional look, so a different image is seen depending on the angle from which you are looking at the poster. In this case, it is either the film's title artwork with the tagline "Something Has Survived" or a spectacular effect of a T-Rex head bursting through the poster. This example is a rare prototype lenticular created by Kodak to show to Amblin Entertainment Studios featuring the printer's proof colour charts down both sides. It is believed that only three or four prototypes were produced. Provenance: David Frangioni is a published author, music businessman, producer, technologist, engineer, philanthropist, and drummer. He has worked with Aerosmith, Shakira, Ringo Starr, Ozzy Osbourne, Robbie Williams, and hundreds more. He is CEO of Modern Drummer Magazine and has several books published, including Clint Eastwood: Icon: The Essential Film Art Collection and Crash: The World's Greatest Drum Kits, both by Insight Editions. Frangioni is considered one of the world's most prominent and knowledgeable collectors of Clint Eastwood memorabilia and boasts an enviable archive of movie posters and memorabilia.16" x 20" (41 x 51 cm)Condition: Very Fine+Some minor handling wear.Artist: Unknown Artist£600 - 1200VAT Status: Ω

Lot 386

THX 1138 (1971) - David Frangioni Collection: US One-Sheet, 1971Bidding for this lot will end on Thursday 30th May. The auction will begin at 2:00PM BST and lots are sold sequentially via live auctioneer; tune in to the live streaming broadcast on auction day to follow the pace. "Visit the future where love is the ultimate crime". US One-Sheet for George Lucas' sci-fi film THX 1138. Set in a dystopian future, Lucas' directorial debut shows society controlled by android police. The One-Sheet shows a close-up of a security robot, with a smaller colour image of Robert Duvall (THX 1138) and Maggie McOmie (LUH 3417) embracing. Two different One-Sheets were produced to promote the film, with this example being the rarer design. Provenance: David Frangioni is a published author, music businessman, producer, technologist, engineer, philanthropist, and drummer. He has worked with Aerosmith, Shakira, Ringo Starr, Ozzy Osbourne, Robbie Williams, and hundreds more. He is CEO of Modern Drummer Magazine and has several books published, including Clint Eastwood: Icon: The Essential Film Art Collection and Crash: The World's Greatest Drum Kits, both by Insight Editions. Frangioni is considered one of the world's most prominent and knowledgeable collectors of Clint Eastwood memorabilia and boasts an enviable archive of movie posters and memorabilia.27" x 41" (69 x 104 cm)Additional Information: NSS# 70/320Condition: Very Fine+Folded with some minor cross fold separation and a few nicks and tears around the border.Artist: Unknown Artist£150 - 300VAT Status: Ω

Lot 198

JAMES BOND: DIAMONDS ARE FOREVER (1971) - David Frangioni Collection: US One-Sheet, 1980Bidding for this lot will end on Thursday 30th May. The auction will begin at 2:00PM BST and lots are sold sequentially via live auctioneer; tune in to the live streaming broadcast on auction day to follow the pace. US One-Sheet poster for the penultimate Sean Connery James Bond film Diamonds Are Forever (1971) printed for a 1980 re-release. The poster design pictures Bond with two glamorous women against a background of explosive and colourful action. It's important to note that this poster looks almost identical to the first release poster from 1971. What distinguishes it as a 1980 re-release example is the lack of NSS information and a different printer's logo. Provenance: David Frangioni is a published author, music businessman, producer, technologist, engineer, philanthropist, and drummer. He has worked with Aerosmith, Shakira, Ringo Starr, Ozzy Osbourne, Robbie Williams, and hundreds more. He is CEO of Modern Drummer Magazine and has several books published, including Clint Eastwood: Icon: The Essential Film Art Collection and Crash: The World's Greatest Drum Kits, both by Insight Editions. Frangioni is considered one of the world's most prominent and knowledgeable collectors of Clint Eastwood memorabilia and boasts an enviable archive of movie posters and memorabilia.27" x 41" (69 x 104 cm)Condition: Near Mint-Folded.Artist: Robert McGinnis£200 - 400VAT Status: Ω

Lot 205

JAMES BOND: A VIEW TO A KILL (1985) - David Frangioni Collection: British One-Sheet, 1985Bidding for this lot will end on Thursday 30th May. The auction will begin at 2:00PM BST and lots are sold sequentially via live auctioneer; tune in to the live streaming broadcast on auction day to follow the pace. UK One-Sheet for the Roger Moore James Bond film A View To A Kill (1985). This Brian Bysouth poster illustration was based on a design by Vic Fair. The design pitches Roger Moore alongside his key protagonist, played by Grace Jones (arguably the first time a Bond poster featured a female character in her own right and not merely as an adornment to Bond). Using a white tuxedo was considered inappropriate, and this poster was withdrawn, making surviving examples relatively scarce. Provenance: David Frangioni is a published author, music businessman, producer, technologist, engineer, philanthropist, and drummer. He has worked with Aerosmith, Shakira, Ringo Starr, Ozzy Osbourne, Robbie Williams, and hundreds more. He is CEO of Modern Drummer Magazine and has several books published, including Clint Eastwood: Icon: The Essential Film Art Collection and Crash: The World's Greatest Drum Kits, both by Insight Editions. Frangioni is considered one of the world's most prominent and knowledgeable collectors of Clint Eastwood memorabilia and boasts an enviable archive of movie posters and memorabilia.27" x 40" (69 x 102 cm)Condition: Very Fine+Folded with some minor fold line wear.Artist: Vic Fair and Brian Bysouth£200 - 400VAT Status: Ω

Lot 283

PLANET OF THE APES (1968) - David Frangioni Collection: UK Quad, 1968Bidding for this lot will end on Thursday 30th May. The auction will begin at 2:00PM BST and lots are sold sequentially via live auctioneer; tune in to the live streaming broadcast on auction day to follow the pace. The British UK Quad for Arthur P. Jacobs' Planet of the Apes is widely considered the best design for the title. It features four character panels - Charlton Heston (Taylor), Buck Kartalian (Julius), Linda Harrison (Nova) and Maurice Evans (Dr. Zaius) - offset against an outer space background. Hugely influential, this was the first movie of four sequels and has inspired a TV show, remake, comic book series and even an episode of The Simpsons. Provenance: David Frangioni is a published author, music businessman, producer, technologist, engineer, philanthropist, and drummer. He has worked with Aerosmith, Shakira, Ringo Starr, Ozzy Osbourne, Robbie Williams, and hundreds more. He is CEO of Modern Drummer Magazine and has several books published, including Clint Eastwood: Icon: The Essential Film Art Collection and Crash: The World's Greatest Drum Kits, both by Insight Editions. Frangioni is considered one of the world's most prominent and knowledgeable collectors of Clint Eastwood memorabilia and boasts an enviable archive of movie posters and memorabilia.40" x 30" (102 x 76 cm)Additional Information: Printed in England by Lonsdale & Bartholomew (Nottingham) Ltd.Condition: Fine+Rolled with some small nicks and tears around the edges, some slight discolouration to the borders and a water stain under "Jerry Goldsmith". A small tear on the right border has been repaired with tape on the reverse.Artist: Unknown Artist£800 - 1600VAT Status: Ω

Lot 16

ALIENS (1986) - David Frangioni Collection: US One-Sheet, 1986Bidding for this lot will end on Thursday 30th May. The auction will begin at 2:00PM BST and lots are sold sequentially via live auctioneer; tune in to the live streaming broadcast on auction day to follow the pace. This "Ripley Style" US One-Sheet for Aliens (1986) was recalled from theatres by the studio because it was felt that the alien eggs might spoil the film's climax. While the image of Ripley carrying Newt and armed with a flamethrower was used in the international One-Sheet, it was heavily cropped to stop the more curious movie-goers from asking, "Where are all the eggs coming from?". Provenance: David Frangioni is a published author, music businessman, producer, technologist, engineer, philanthropist, and drummer. He has worked with Aerosmith, Shakira, Ringo Starr, Ozzy Osbourne, Robbie Williams, and hundreds more. He is CEO of Modern Drummer Magazine and has several books published, including Clint Eastwood: Icon: The Essential Film Art Collection and Crash: The World's Greatest Drum Kits, both by Insight Editions. Frangioni is considered one of the world's most prominent and knowledgeable collectors of Clint Eastwood memorabilia and boasts an enviable archive of movie posters and memorabilia.27" x 41" (69 x 104 cm)Condition: Fine-Folded with fold line wear and some surface creasing as well as a few nicks and tears around the border.Artist: Terry Lamb£250 - 500VAT Status: Ω

Lot 74

BULLITT (1968) / BONNIE AND CLYDE (1967) - David Frangioni Collection: Double Bill UK Quad - Linen-Backed, circa 1969Bidding for this lot will end on Thursday 30th May. The auction will begin at 2:00PM BST and lots are sold sequentially via live auctioneer; tune in to the live streaming broadcast on auction day to follow the pace. "Together - In One Great Programme!". An important double-bill re-release poster circa 1969-70 for Bullitt (1968) and Bonnie and Clyde (1967). Chantrell provided artwork for the original Quad posters for these films, but the rare Bullitt Style-B "car chase" imagery has been used here. The Style-B Bullitt Quad is extremely rare, so this is one of the few posters where this iconic artwork can be found. The cracked glass and bullet holes are a great addition, tying the two artworks together. This example is presented conservation linen-backed. Provenance: David Frangioni is a published author, music businessman, producer, technologist, engineer, philanthropist, and drummer. He has worked with Aerosmith, Shakira, Ringo Starr, Ozzy Osbourne, Robbie Williams, and hundreds more. He is CEO of Modern Drummer Magazine and has several books published, including Clint Eastwood: Icon: The Essential Film Art Collection and Crash: The World's Greatest Drum Kits, both by Insight Editions. Frangioni is considered one of the world's most prominent and knowledgeable collectors of Clint Eastwood memorabilia and boasts an enviable archive of movie posters and memorabilia.40" x 30" (102 x 76 cm)Condition: Very FineOriginally rolled now conservation linen-backed with scattered restoration around the borders where needed.Artist: Tom Chantrell, Unknown Artist£350 - 700VAT Status: Ω

Lot 408

THE WILD BUNCH (1969) - David Frangioni Collection: US Paper Banner, 1969Bidding for this lot will end on Thursday 30th May. The auction will begin at 2:00PM BST and lots are sold sequentially via live auctioneer; tune in to the live streaming broadcast on auction day to follow the pace. A very rare US paper banner for Sam Peckinpah's ultra-violent western The Wild Bunch (1969). These scarce heavy stock banners were used between the late 1940s and late 1960s and were designed to hang above a cinema entrance or in the foyer. However, they weren't very popular with cinemas and were predominantly used at drive-ins. Many of these banners have not survived, and even fewer survived in decent condition. Provenance: David Frangioni is a published author, music businessman, producer, technologist, engineer, philanthropist, and drummer. He has worked with Aerosmith, Shakira, Ringo Starr, Ozzy Osbourne, Robbie Williams, and hundreds more. He is CEO of Modern Drummer Magazine and has several books published, including Clint Eastwood: Icon: The Essential Film Art Collection and Crash: The World's Greatest Drum Kits, both by Insight Editions. Frangioni is considered one of the world's most prominent and knowledgeable collectors of Clint Eastwood memorabilia and boasts an enviable archive of movie posters and memorabilia.82" x 24" (208 x 61 cm)Condition: Very Fine-Rolled with some handling and surface wear, a few small nicks and tears and some staining.Artist: Unknown Artist£250 - 500VAT Status: Ω

Lot 127

FOR A FEW DOLLARS MORE (1965) - David Frangioni Collection: Three Italian Photobustas, 1965Bidding for this lot will end on Thursday 30th May. The auction will begin at 2:00PM BST and lots are sold sequentially via live auctioneer; tune in to the live streaming broadcast on auction day to follow the pace. Three country of origin Italian photobustas for the second in Sergio Leone's Man With No Name trilogy. These three photobustas are from the original set of eight, depicting various scenes from the movie. Each of them features an image of one of the main characters from the movie: The Man With No Name (Clint Eastwood), Col. Douglas Mortimer (Lee Van Cleef) and El Indio (Gian Maria Volonte). Provenance: David Frangioni is a published author, music businessman, producer, technologist, engineer, philanthropist, and drummer. He has worked with Aerosmith, Shakira, Ringo Starr, Ozzy Osbourne, Robbie Williams, and hundreds more. He is CEO of Modern Drummer Magazine and has several books published, including Clint Eastwood: Icon: The Essential Film Art Collection and Crash: The World's Greatest Drum Kits, both by Insight Editions. Frangioni is considered one of the world's most prominent and knowledgeable collectors of Clint Eastwood memorabilia and boasts an enviable archive of movie posters and memorabilia.26.5" x 18.25" (67 x 46 cm)Condition: FineAll have a single vertical fold line with pinholes around the borders and handling wear. Some light staining and one has a small piece of paper loss along the bottom border.Artist: Unknown Artist£400 - 800VAT Status: Ω

Lot 330

STAR WARS: A NEW HOPE (1977) - David Frangioni Collection: Don Post Studios Masks Poster, 1977Bidding for this lot will end on Thursday 30th May. The auction will begin at 2:00PM BST and lots are sold sequentially via live auctioneer; tune in to the live streaming broadcast on auction day to follow the pace. The popularity of the first instalment of George Lucas' Star Wars franchise meant that fans wanted to purchase all kinds of merchandise. One of the companies that began to create products was Don Post Studios. Over the years, they have produced an array of Star Wars-licensed costumes, masks, helmets and life-sized replica props. Produced in 1977, this vintage advertising poster showcases their line of masks showing four iconic characters from the first film. The masks shown include Darth Vader, Chewbacca, C-3PO, and a Stormtrooper. Provenance: David Frangioni is a published author, music businessman, producer, technologist, engineer, philanthropist, and drummer. He has worked with Aerosmith, Shakira, Ringo Starr, Ozzy Osbourne, Robbie Williams, and hundreds more. He is CEO of Modern Drummer Magazine and has several books published, including Clint Eastwood: Icon: The Essential Film Art Collection and Crash: The World's Greatest Drum Kits, both by Insight Editions. Frangioni is considered one of the world's most prominent and knowledgeable collectors of Clint Eastwood memorabilia and boasts an enviable archive of movie posters and memorabilia.18" x 25" (46 x 64 cm)Condition: Near Mint-Artist: Unknown Artist£500 - 1000VAT Status: Ω

Lot 210

JAWS (1975) - David Frangioni Collection: US Soundtrack Poster, 1975Bidding for this lot will end on Thursday 30th May. The auction will begin at 2:00PM BST and lots are sold sequentially via live auctioneer; tune in to the live streaming broadcast on auction day to follow the pace. Film maestro John Williams produced arguably the most memorable movie soundtrack for Steven Spielberg's Jaws (1975). The ominous two notes, recognised worldwide, send fear to audiences as they anticipate the incoming danger of the great white shark. Offered here is a US soundtrack poster featuring the iconic artwork by Roger Kastel and design by The Seiniger Advertising Agency, used for all of the film's marketing. There are a couple of notable differences in the design of this poster compared to the One-Sheet. Firstly, the imagery of the shark is repeated, producing a sense of the creature swimming upward towards the female victim. The second is that the swimmer is topless. On the One-Sheet, water bubbles were added around the chest area. It's a must-have for any fan of the defining summer blockbuster. Provenance: David Frangioni is a published author, music businessman, producer, technologist, engineer, philanthropist, and drummer. He has worked with Aerosmith, Shakira, Ringo Starr, Ozzy Osbourne, Robbie Williams, and hundreds more. He is CEO of Modern Drummer Magazine and has several books published, including Clint Eastwood: Icon: The Essential Film Art Collection and Crash: The World's Greatest Drum Kits, both by Insight Editions. Frangioni is considered one of the world's most prominent and knowledgeable collectors of Clint Eastwood memorabilia and boasts an enviable archive of movie posters and memorabilia.18" x 24" (46 x 61 cm)Condition: Very FineRolled with some handling wear and two pinholes in each corner and in the centre of third shark down .Artist: Roger Kastel£500 - 1000VAT Status: Ω

Lot 1

2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY (1968) - David Frangioni Collection: Two Mounted Oversized Stills, 1968Bidding for this lot will end on Thursday 30th May. The auction will begin at 2:00PM BST and lots are sold sequentially via live auctioneer; tune in to the live streaming broadcast on auction day to follow the pace. Two oversized mounted stills for Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968). Presented on thick card, both images display the instantly recognisable artwork of Robert McCall, whose designs for the film have become legendary. The stills show the rare "Centrifuge" Style C artwork, which was only used in US cinemas, presenting the movie in the Cinerama aspect and the "Man on the Moon" Style B design. There are four intentional holes present on each still where they were previously displayed.Provenance: David Frangioni is a published author, music businessman, producer, technologist, engineer, philanthropist, and drummer. He has worked with Aerosmith, Shakira, Ringo Starr, Ozzy Osbourne, Robbie Williams, and hundreds more. He is CEO of Modern Drummer Magazine and has several books published, including Clint Eastwood: Icon: The Essential Film Art Collection and Crash: The World's Greatest Drum Kits, both by Insight Editions. Frangioni is considered one of the world's most prominent and knowledgeable collectors of Clint Eastwood memorabilia and boasts an enviable archive of movie posters and memorabilia.15.75" x 19.75" (40 x 50 cm)Condition: Very Fine-Some handling and edge wear.Artist: Robert McCall£300 - 600VAT Status: Ω

Lot 404

WHERE EAGLES DARE (1968) - David Frangioni Collection: Swedish Poster, 1969 (First Release)Bidding for this lot will end on Thursday 30th May. The auction will begin at 2:00PM BST and lots are sold sequentially via live auctioneer; tune in to the live streaming broadcast on auction day to follow the pace. A striking first-release Swedish poster for Where Eagles Dare. This sadly unattributed artwork puts Richard Burton front and centre flanked by Clint Eastwood and Mary Ure armed with machine guns. As with many posters from this action-packed movie, the famous cable car from the film's climax is featured in the background engulfed in flames. Provenance: David Frangioni is a published author, music businessman, producer, technologist, engineer, philanthropist, and drummer. He has worked with Aerosmith, Shakira, Ringo Starr, Ozzy Osbourne, Robbie Williams, and hundreds more. He is CEO of Modern Drummer Magazine and has several books published, including Clint Eastwood: Icon: The Essential Film Art Collection and Crash: The World's Greatest Drum Kits, both by Insight Editions. Frangioni is considered one of the world's most prominent and knowledgeable collectors of Clint Eastwood memorabilia and boasts an enviable archive of movie posters and memorabilia.27.25" x 39.25" (69 x 100 cm)Condition: Very Fine+Folded with pinholes in each corner and middle of borders. Very slight cross-fold separation.Artist: Unknown Artist£150 - 300VAT Status: Ω

Lot 399

WHERE EAGLES DARE (1968) - David Frangioni Collection: US International One-Sheet, 1968Bidding for this lot will end on Thursday 30th May. The auction will begin at 2:00PM BST and lots are sold sequentially via live auctioneer; tune in to the live streaming broadcast on auction day to follow the pace. US International One-Sheet for Brian G. Hutton's action-packed World War II thriller Where Eagles Dare (1968). The thrilling montage artwork displays great images of the two lead cast members, Clint Eastwood as Lt. Morris Schaffer and Richard Burton as Maj. Smith. International One-Sheets are far more difficult to find than those of the film's USA campaign. One of the most collectible action-adventure war films ever made, with a huge fan base and following. Provenance: David Frangioni is a published author, music businessman, producer, technologist, engineer, philanthropist, and drummer. He has worked with Aerosmith, Shakira, Ringo Starr, Ozzy Osbourne, Robbie Williams, and hundreds more. He is the CEO of Modern Drummer Magazine and has several books published, including Clint Eastwood: Icon: The Essential Film Art Collection and Crash: The World's Greatest Drum Kits, both by Insight Editions. Frangioni is considered one of the world's most prominent and knowledgeable collectors of Clint Eastwood memorabilia and boasts an enviable archive of movie posters and memorabilia.27" x 41" (69 x 104 cm)Condition: Very FineFolded with some fold line wear and some discolouration along the bottom border. Stamp on the back of the bottom left corner has slightly bled through to the front. Mature audiences snipe on the bottom right of the image. Still displays brilliantly.Artist: Jean Mascii£200 - 400VAT Status: Ω

Lot 334

STAR WARS: A NEW HOPE (1977) - David Frangioni Collection: UK Sphere Paperback Novel Advertising Poster, 1977Bidding for this lot will end on Thursday 30th May. The auction will begin at 2:00PM BST and lots are sold sequentially via live auctioneer; tune in to the live streaming broadcast on auction day to follow the pace. British publishing company Sphere Books produced several paperback versions of the novelisation of the first instalment of Star Wars. This rare UK promotional poster informs fans that the paperback is on sale and interestingly features the original "pointy W" Star Wars logo. Three colour stills of some of the recognisable characters and a close-up of the Hildebrandt Brothers' poster artwork have been used to entice interest further. Provenance: David Frangioni is a published author, music businessman, producer, technologist, engineer, philanthropist, and drummer. He has worked with Aerosmith, Shakira, Ringo Starr, Ozzy Osbourne, Robbie Williams, and hundreds more. He is CEO of Modern Drummer Magazine and has several books published, including Clint Eastwood: Icon: The Essential Film Art Collection and Crash: The World's Greatest Drum Kits, both by Insight Editions. Frangioni is considered one of the world's most prominent and knowledgeable collectors of Clint Eastwood memorabilia and boasts an enviable archive of movie posters and memorabilia.19.25" x 11" (49 x 28 cm)Condition: Fine+This poster is in excellent condition save some handling wear which has resulted in a tiny amount of paper loss on the top and bottom borders.Artist: Unknown Artist£200 - 400VAT Status: Ω

Lot 145

THE GOOD, THE BAD AND THE UGLY (1966) - David Frangioni Collection: Italian Locandina - Linen-Backed, 1966Bidding for this lot will end on Thursday 30th May. The auction will begin at 2:00PM BST and lots are sold sequentially via live auctioneer; tune in to the live streaming broadcast on auction day to follow the pace. A country of origin Italian locandina poster for Sergio Leone's The Good, The Bad and The Ugly (1966). Two versions of this Italian film poster were created featuring identical imagery, one with green title artwork (offered here) and the second with red title artwork. It displays captivating close-up imagery of the three main stars: Clint Eastwood ("The Good"), Lee Van Cleef ("The Bad") and Eli Wallach ("The Ugly"). This example is presented conservation linen-backed. Provenance: David Frangioni is a published author, music businessman, producer, technologist, engineer, philanthropist, and drummer. He has worked with Aerosmith, Shakira, Ringo Starr, Ozzy Osbourne, Robbie Williams, and hundreds more. He is CEO of Modern Drummer Magazine and has several books published, including Clint Eastwood: Icon: The Essential Film Art Collection and Crash: The World's Greatest Drum Kits, both by Insight Editions. Frangioni is considered one of the world's most prominent and knowledgeable collectors of Clint Eastwood memorabilia and boasts an enviable archive of movie posters and memorabilia.12" x 27" (30 x 69 cm)Condition: GoodConservation linen-backed with restoration to the silver background. The paint has begun to crack on the surface.Artist: Franco Fiorenzi£800 - 1600VAT Status: Ω

Lot 302

ROCKY II (1979) - David Frangioni Collection: US International 24-Sheet, 1979Bidding for this lot will end on Thursday 30th May. The auction will begin at 2:00PM BST and lots are sold sequentially via live auctioneer; tune in to the live streaming broadcast on auction day to follow the pace. An uncommon poster that effectively puts you in the ring with Rocky (Sylvester Stallone) and Apollo Creed (Carl Weathers). This is a huge billboard-sized 24-Sheet for Rocky II (1979). Known as the 'fight' style, it is undoubtedly impressive and considered by many fans to be one the best sports-themed posters ever produced. Offered unrestored and folded (as issued), it comes in eight sections as it would have been distributed to cinemas. Provenance: David Frangioni is a published author, music businessman, producer, technologist, engineer, philanthropist, and drummer. He has worked with Aerosmith, Shakira, Ringo Starr, Ozzy Osbourne, Robbie Williams, and hundreds more. He is CEO of Modern Drummer Magazine and has several books published, including Clint Eastwood: Icon: The Essential Film Art Collection and Crash: The World's Greatest Drum Kits, both by Insight Editions. Frangioni is considered one of the world's most prominent and knowledgeable collectors of Clint Eastwood memorabilia and boasts an enviable archive of movie posters and memorabilia.(approx.) 20' x 9' (6 x 2.75 m)Additional Information: Issued to cinemas in 8 x sections, designed to be slightly overlapped.Condition: Very Fine+In eight sections with some very light handling wear.Artist: Unknown Artist£250 - 500VAT Status: Ω

Lot 395

THE WARRIORS (1979) - David Frangioni Collection: US One-Sheet, 1979Bidding for this lot will end on Thursday 30th May. The auction will begin at 2:00PM BST and lots are sold sequentially via live auctioneer; tune in to the live streaming broadcast on auction day to follow the pace. Walter Hill's hugely successful 1979 New York gang culture feature The Warriors (1979) is rightly regarded as a cult movie, proving a hit with both critics and the movie-going public. Offered here is a country of origin US One-Sheet featuring the artwork of David Jarvis, and this 'sea of gangs' design was largely used in the global marketing campaign for the movie. Provenance: David Frangioni is a published author, music businessman, producer, technologist, engineer, philanthropist, and drummer. He has worked with Aerosmith, Shakira, Ringo Starr, Ozzy Osbourne, Robbie Williams, and hundreds more. He is CEO of Modern Drummer Magazine and has several books published, including Clint Eastwood: Icon: The Essential Film Art Collection and Crash: The World's Greatest Drum Kits, both by Insight Editions. Frangioni is considered one of the world's most prominent and knowledgeable collectors of Clint Eastwood memorabilia and boasts an enviable archive of movie posters and memorabilia.27" x 41" (69 x 104 cm)Additional Information: NSS #790006Condition: Very Fine-Folded with multiple pinholes around the borders, some small nicks and tears and crossfold separation.Artist: David Jarvis£200 - 400VAT Status: Ω

Lot 142

THE GODFATHER (1972) - David Frangioni Collection: Australian One-Sheet, 1972Bidding for this lot will end on Thursday 30th May. The auction will begin at 2:00PM BST and lots are sold sequentially via live auctioneer; tune in to the live streaming broadcast on auction day to follow the pace. There are several film posters for Francis Ford Coppola's epic gangster drama The Godfather, with almost a different style for every country in which it was released. A unique poster, and perhaps arguably one of the best produced for the multi Oscar-winning masterpiece, this Australian One-Sheet consists of a montage style of several colour images forming the background and a dominant portrait of crime boss Vito Corleone (Marlon Brando) placed in an ornate oval border. Provenance: David Frangioni is a published author, music businessman, producer, technologist, engineer, philanthropist, and drummer. He has worked with Aerosmith, Shakira, Ringo Starr, Ozzy Osbourne, Robbie Williams, and hundreds more. He is the CEO of Modern Drummer Magazine and has several books published, including Clint Eastwood: Icon: The Essential Film Art Collection and Crash: The World's Greatest Drum Kits, both by Insight Editions. Frangioni is considered one of the world's most prominent and knowledgeable collectors of Clint Eastwood memorabilia and boasts an enviable archive of movie posters and memorabilia.27" x 40" (69 x 102 cm)Condition: Fine+Folded with a small amount of paper loss in the top right corner, a horizontal crease across the bottom section. Still displays beautifully.Artist: Unknown Artist£300 - 600VAT Status: Ω

Lot 216

JAWS 2 (1978) - David Frangioni Collection: US Theatre Entrance Display, 1978Bidding for this lot will end on Thursday 30th May. The auction will begin at 2:00PM BST and lots are sold sequentially via live auctioneer; tune in to the live streaming broadcast on auction day to follow the pace. A truly awesome theatre entrance display for the sequel to Steven Spielberg's blockbuster sensation. This large poster was designed to be a standee that, when cut out and assembled, would sit in an arch over the theatre doorway, so moviegoers had to walk through the mouth of the shark (a whopping 6' 8" tall!) in order to gain entry. Because the assembly of the display requires cutting the paper, many of these pieces have not survived in their original uncut condition making this a brilliant centrepiece for any Jaws collector. Provenance: David Frangioni is a published author, music businessman, producer, technologist, engineer, philanthropist, and drummer. He has worked with Aerosmith, Shakira, Ringo Starr, Ozzy Osbourne, Robbie Williams, and hundreds more. He is CEO of Modern Drummer Magazine and has several books published, including Clint Eastwood: Icon: The Essential Film Art Collection and Crash: The World's Greatest Drum Kits, both by Insight Editions. Frangioni is considered one of the world's most prominent and knowledgeable collectors of Clint Eastwood memorabilia and boasts an enviable archive of movie posters and memorabilia.(approx.) 96" x 144" (2.4 x 3.6 m)Additional Information: Instructions included in this lot.Condition: Very Fine-Some handling wear and a few large tears (largest being 9 cm) which, relative to the size of the poster, are quite minimal. Some discolouration to the whites in places and very minor paper loss around some edges.Artist: Unknown Artist£300 - 600VAT Status: Ω

Lot 117

A FISTFUL OF DOLLARS (1964) - David Frangioni Collection: US Paper Banner, 1967 (First Release)Bidding for this lot will end on Thursday 30th May. The auction will begin at 2:00PM BST and lots are sold sequentially via live auctioneer; tune in to the live streaming broadcast on auction day to follow the pace. A scarce first-release US paper banner for Clint Eastwood's debut as The Man With No Name. These rare heavy-stock banners were used between the late 1940s and late 1960s and were designed to hang above a cinema entrance. They were, however, not very popular with cinemas and were predominantly used at drive-ins instead. Many of these banners have not survived, and even fewer survived in decent condition.Provenance: David Frangioni is a published author, music businessman, producer, technologist, engineer, philanthropist, and drummer. He has worked with Aerosmith, Shakira, Ringo Starr, Ozzy Osbourne, Robbie Williams, and hundreds more. He is CEO of Modern Drummer Magazine and has several books published, including Clint Eastwood: Icon: The Essential Film Art Collection and Crash: The World's Greatest Drum Kits, both by Insight Editions. Frangioni is considered one of the world's most prominent and knowledgeable collectors of Clint Eastwood memorabilia and boasts an enviable archive of movie posters and memorabilia.82" x 24" (208 x 61 cm)Condition: Good-Significant wear including several large tears which have been repaired with tape on the reverse. Some staining, paper loss and three hard vertical creases. Artist: Unknown Artist£500 - 1000VAT Status: Ω

Lot 333

STAR WARS: A NEW HOPE (1977) - David Frangioni Collection: 30th Anniversary Lenticular One-Sheet, 2007Bidding for this lot will end on Thursday 30th May. The auction will begin at 2:00PM BST and lots are sold sequentially via live auctioneer; tune in to the live streaming broadcast on auction day to follow the pace. An incredibly rare Birthday Cake design lenticular poster commissioned and printed exclusively by the Star Wars Thailand Fanclub to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the first Star Wars film's release. Printed in 2007, it features 11 of the 12 original 1977 Kenner action figures, only the Jawa character missing, surrounded by a Star Wars-themed birthday cake. This is the first time we have offered one (or physically seen one) for sale and when placed in a lightbox it really shows how effective a lenticular poster can display.Provenance: David Frangioni is a published author, music businessman, producer, technologist, engineer, philanthropist, and drummer. He has worked with Aerosmith, Shakira, Ringo Starr, Ozzy Osbourne, Robbie Williams, and hundreds more. He is CEO of Modern Drummer Magazine and has several books published, including Clint Eastwood: Icon: The Essential Film Art Collection and Crash: The World's Greatest Drum Kits, both by Insight Editions. Frangioni is considered one of the world's most prominent and knowledgeable collectors of Clint Eastwood memorabilia and boasts an enviable archive of movie posters and memorabilia.26.75" x 39.25" (68 x 100 cm)Condition: Fine+Some light scattered surface scratching.Artist: Unknown Artist£200 - 400VAT Status: Ω

Lot 285

PLANET OF THE APES (1968) - David Frangioni Collection: US Half-Sheet - Paper-Backed, 1968Bidding for this lot will end on Thursday 30th May. The auction will begin at 2:00PM BST and lots are sold sequentially via live auctioneer; tune in to the live streaming broadcast on auction day to follow the pace. US Half-Sheet for Arthur P. Jacobs' Planet of the Apes (1968), the first in what was to become a series of films. It displays artwork similar to the UK Quad but is a much scarcer poster. The main focus of the poster is the colourful four-character panels - Charlton Heston (Taylor), Buck Kartalian (Julius), Linda Harrison (Nova) and Maurice Evans (Dr. Zaius). A first-time offering for Propstore, this example is presented conservation card-backed. Provenance: David Frangioni is a published author, music businessman, producer, technologist, engineer, philanthropist, and drummer. He has worked with Aerosmith, Shakira, Ringo Starr, Ozzy Osbourne, Robbie Williams, and hundreds more. He is CEO of Modern Drummer Magazine and has several books published, including Clint Eastwood: Icon: The Essential Film Art Collection and Crash: The World's Greatest Drum Kits, both by Insight Editions. Frangioni is considered one of the world's most prominent and knowledgeable collectors of Clint Eastwood memorabilia and boasts an enviable archive of movie posters and memorabilia.28" x 22" (71 x 56 cm)Additional Information: NSS #68/50Condition: FineConservation card-backed with restoration to the whites and fold lines as well as scattered areas where needed.Artist: Unknown Artist£200 - 400VAT Status: Ω

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