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  • 1947117 item(s)

Lot 1135

Tristan da Cunha, Elizabeth II, gold Half-Crowns (2), 2013, 10th Anniversary of Concorde’s last flight, 0.53g/12h, 0.50g/12h; Proof Crown, 2006, in gilt-silver, Queen’s 80th Birthday [3]. As struck; last in fitted case £50-£70

Lot 1138

United States of America, Ten Dollars, 1901. Good very fine £500-£550 --- Provenance: From the collection of Anne Esther Lessen, and by descent to M. Lessen, December 1965. Sold with a note reading ‘This was Mother’s saved in 1933 when all gold coin was ordered to be turned in.’ Sold for the benefit of the British Numismatic Society

Lot 1470

LONDON, Piccadilly, Royal Academy Antique School, ivory, legend above 1768, rev. named (B.E. Ward, Admitted 30th Decr. 1876), 52mm, 11.86g (W 1033; D & W 63/143). About extremely fine, very rare £200-£260 --- Bernard Evans Ward (1857-1933), b London, was a renowned painter of the Victorian era who won a gold medal for some of his works exhibited at the Royal Society of British Artists. Together with a contemporary art teacher, Elíseo Abelardo Alvarez Calderón (1847-1911), he founded the St John's Wood Art School, at 7 Elm Tree road, N.W., in 1878; among the teachers they hired was Vanessa Bell, sister of Virginia Woolf and herself part of the Bloomsbury group of artists. After a lawsuit had cost him his fortune, Ward emigrated to the USA, living firstly near Cleveland, Ohio, then by the early 1920s in Florida, before returning to Akron, Ohio, where he died in August 1933 at the age of 76. Prospective buyers please note: ivory is covered by CITES legislation and in all probability this item cannot be exported from the UK

Lot 1508

Religion, 1830, a gold medalet, Virgin Mary standing facing, rev. monogram within ring of stars, 20 x 14mm, 2.01g. Cleaned, some contact marks, otherwise very fine; with loop and ring for suspension £80-£100

Lot 1530

Victoria, Diamond Jubilee, 1897, small gold and silver medals by G.W. de Saulles, veiled bust left, rev. young bust left, 26mm (W & E 3000A.1, 3000A.2; BHM 3506; E 1817b) [2]. Lightly cleaned, otherwise extremely fine £500-£600

Lot 1531

Victoria, Diamond Jubilee, 1897, small gold and silver medals by G.W. de Saulles, similar, 26mm (W & E 3000A.1, 3000A.2; BHM 3506; E 1817b) [2]. Scuffed, almost extremely fine £500-£600

Lot 154

Edward III (1327-1377), An Important Gold Leopard of Edward III’s Third (Florin) coinage, First issue, January 1343 [O.S.] Lot 154 + Edwr’ · d’ · gra’ · rex · angl’ · z · franc’ · dns : hib’ (stops small annulets) Crowned leopard séjant left, tail turned between his hind legs and passing behind him; around his neck a banner carrying the quartered arms of England and France ancient. + : Domine : ne : in : fvrore : tvO : argvas : me : (stops small double annulets) Voided cross with ornate quatrefoil finials within quatrefoil tressure, lis on cusps and lions in spandrels. 3.48g/53.7gr/6h (Stewartby p.196; SCBI Schneider –; N 1106; S 1477). Obverse about very fine, retaining light surface marks consistent with a field find, reverse better than very fine and retaining original brilliance, exceptionally rare; by far the finer of the two known specimens available to commerce £100,000-£140,000 --- Provenance: Found with a gold Noble of Edward III in north Norfolk, October 2019 (BM. 2020T40; PAS NMS-30E3B9); disclaimed 18 November 2021. Four other examples are known: British Museum, purchased in 1810, part of the collection formed by Barré Charles Roberts (1789-1810) [previously from the collection of the Coventry antiquary Thomas Sharp (1770-1841), and published in the Gentleman’s Magazine, 1800, vol. ii, p.945]. British Museum, purchased in 1915 from the estate of John Pierpont Morgan (1837-1913) [previously in the collections of John Brumell (1771-1850: Sotheby Auction, 19-27 April 1850, lot 196, £126), Edward Wright Wigan (1823-71) and Sir John Evans (1823-1908)]. Ashmolean Museum, purchased in 1956 from the Richard Cyril Lockett (1873-1950) Collection, Part II, Glendining Auction, 11-17 October 1956, lot 1223, £920 [previously Puttick & Simpson Auction, 29 June 1922, £170]. Private Collection, purchased from the Lord Stewartby (1935-2018) Collection, Part III, Spink Auction 239, 26 September 2016, lot 893, £4,300 [previously Spink Auction 164, 23 July 2003, lot 379, £4,400]. The Roman Empire had a sophisticated economy with coinage in gold, silver and bronze. While this system survived to some extent in the Byzantine territories, in most of western Europe silver alone became the staple circulating medium in the ninth century. In Italy, by the 13th century, the increasing volume and importance of trade required increasingly larger amounts of specie. Perhaps due to the influence of the Arabic-inspired gold coinage of the kings of Sicily, the trading republic of Florence introduced the gold florin in 1252 and the neighbouring city state of Genoa quickly followed suit. An unsuccessful attempt was then made in 1257 to introduce a gold penny in England. The Venetians struck the zecchino from 1284, destined to become the staple of eastern Mediterranean trade for the next 500 years. Charles of Anjou, King of Naples, introduced a gold coinage in 1277 with his salut d’or and, not to be outdone by his great-uncle, the king of France ordered the striking of a gold coin in August 1290, the florin d’or à la reine, based on the size and weight of the Florin but showing the power of the monarchy with a seated image of the king holding an orb and fleur-de-lis. These coins sometimes carried a privy mark of a pear with leaves, the badge of the Florentine banking company of Peruzzi, who were involved at the time in operating mints on the king’s behalf. By the mid-13th century in western Europe trade, and later banking and coinage, were increasingly concentrated in the hands of Italians. As more and more goods were bought and sold by merchants, larger and larger sums were required for payment, some offset by the growing use of credits within the merchant societies, but others settled in full with Italian gold. At the time, the English economy was generally in credit, the export of wool creating an inflow of money, silver to facilitate everyday trade and foreign gold coins for the transactions of the king, the nobility and the wealthy merchant classes. An attempt was made to introduce a large silver coin in England in 1280 with the limited striking of Edward I’s groat. This proved unsuccessful and may have delayed a similar attempt to create a bi-metallic system. By the mid-1330s, however, the situation had changed. There was a dearth of circulating coin in England to the detriment of everyday trade. As Mavis Mate tells us, ‘In 1339 the situation appeared so serious that the magnates in Parliament voiced a fear that the shortage of silver coins might bring internal trade to a halt’. This was coupled with Edward III’s war with France which drained any remaining money from England and sent it overseas in an attempt to gain allies in his dispute with Philip VI of France. These incentives were mainly paid to the princes in the Low Countries, including Edward’s brothers-in-law, Renaud, Duke of Gelderland and William, Margrave of Jülich, amongst others. These payments were sometimes made in English wool which the recipient could then sell on the European market, but more often was facilitated and paid by the Italian banking houses such as the Bardi and Peruzzi. This was normally done in gold florins, usually of Florentine origin. For example, by the end of 1339, Edward owed Duke John of Brabant a staggering 307,000 florins and a further 52,750 florins were due to the Duke of Gelderland. At around the same time, he promised to pay the Margrave of Jülich 7,000 florins a l’écu and 20,000 small gold florins for military assistance rendered during the previous months. For a man with pretensions like Edward, seeking to unite the thrones of England and France, transactions like these must have made him acutely aware of the irony of not having his own economically and politically prestigious international currency in gold. A truce in the war with France, brokered at Malestroit in January 1343, gave the King a chance to turn his attention to matters other than the war. At the request of Parliament he sought to restore the domestic silver coinage. In early 1343, Edward received a letter from a little-known Italian moneyer called Peter Circos offering to undertake a reform of the currency. Catherine Eagleton and Richard Kelleher explain ‘The petition relates primarily to silver coinage but, almost as an afterthought, Circos added a final line mentioning that if the king wanted to have gold money, he knew how to make that as well’. Circos was not given the appointment, but in December 1343 the task of introducing a gold coinage went to the mintmasters George Kirkyn and Lotto Niccolyn of Florence. The Proclamation, reprinted in NC 1900 by Sir John Evans, translates from Norman-French thus: “The King to the Sheriffs of London, Greeting. As it has been accorded and agreed by our prelates and other great persons of our Kingdom of England, for the common profit of our people of the said kingdom that three coins of gold be made in our Tower of London, that is to say:- One coin of two Leopards, the piece current for six shillings, which shall be of the weight of two small florins of Florence of good weight; and one coin of gold of one Leopard, weighing the half of the other aforesaid coin, the piece current for three shillings. And one coin of gold of a Helmet, weighing the fourth part of the aforesaid first coin, the piece current for eighteen pence. The which coins of gold ought to have course among all manner of persons within the said realm of England. Given at Westminster on the 27th day of January” [1343 O.S]. T...

Lot 1599

U.S.A., International Fine-Arts Council, Medal of Honor, a filled gold and bronze-gilt award medal by J. Kilenyi, two robed female figures on plinth, rev. naked male seated right on a hillock, at an easel, tree at left and arched building in distance, named (To Feliks Topolski for Graphic Arts, 1955), 51mm, edge stamped balfour 1/1010kgf [ten per cent 10ct gold by weight]. Some rubbing to high points of reverse, otherwise very fine, extremely rare £240-£300 --- Feliks Topolski (1907-89), b Warsaw, emigrated to England in 1935. During World War II he served as an official war artist and shortly before his death was elected a senior draughtsman at the Royal Academy. The late Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, who counted Topolski among his ‘band of brothers’ at his stag party in 1947, was one of many who commissioned works of art from him in the 1950s and 1960s, his most prolific period. He is buried at Highgate Cemetery

Lot 25

British Iron Age, Early Uninscribed issues, base gold Stater, British J [Norfolk Wolf type], degraded head of Apollo right, rev. crude wolf left, crescent above, four pellets below, 5.72g (ABC 1399; BMC 218ff; VA 610.3; S 31). Reverse struck slightly off-centre, otherwise very fine, attractive colour £800-£1,000

Lot 31

British Iron Age, CORIELTAUVI, Uninscribed issues, Stater, Kite type, devolved head of Apollo, rev. disjointed horse left, 'kite' shape containing four pellets above, spiral below, three pellets below tail, 5.39g (ABC 1761; BMC 3183; VA 825.1; S 392). Light surface marks, coppery gold, about very fine £300-£360

Lot 377

Victoria (1837-1901), Pattern Sovereign, 1837, by W. Wyon and J.-B. Merlen, in gold, young bust left, rosettes flanking date, rev. crowned shield within wreath, edge plain, 7.74g/6h (W & R 295). Some digs in flan, lightly cleaned, otherwise good fine, very rare £1,500-£1,800 --- Provenance: St James’s Auction 3, 3 October 2005, lot 33; St James’s Auction 17, 24 May 2011, lot 325

Lot 40

Early Anglo-Saxon Period, Gold Shilling or Thrymsa, Post-Crondall period c. 650-70, Crispus type, helmeted and cuirassed bust right, cbispvo cob caes, rev. x x in lower angles of annuleted cross, within triple beaded border, circumscript legend around reading raseac in inverted latin script and delaiona in runes, 1.30g/8h (SCBI Abramson 8, same obv. die; SCBI BM 21, same rev. die; MEC 8, 12; N 18; S 764). A few light surface marks, otherwise about extremely fine, the obverse centrally struck from a fresh sharp die of impressive artistic quality, extremely rare £8,000-£10,000 --- Provenance: Found at Haslingfield (Cambridgeshire), 2022; EMC 2022.0006. Superior to the both the Abramson and Fitzwilliam specimens, this is only the ninth example of this extremely rare type to be recorded with the Corpus of Early Medieval Coins (EMC). The British and Fitzwilliam Museums each only have a single example within their collections, while Metcalf’s corpus of the Ashmolean Museum collection lists no example present. Owing to the broad flan used to strike this coin the runic inscription is clearly readable from right to left. Marion Archibald proposed that delaiona was a mint signature (of London), however in the face of contradictory find-spot evidence it may be preferable to interpret this as a personal name

Lot 41

Early Anglo-Saxon Period, Gold Shilling or Thrymsa, Post-Crondall period, c. 645-70, Two Emperors type, bust right, symbols around, rev. winged Victory above two figures, 1.23g/3h (SCBI Abramson 11; SCBI BM 23ff; MEC 8, 9-10; M 79-80; N 20; S 767). Minor surface marks, otherwise nearly extremely fine, attractive bright metal £3,000-£4,000 --- Provenance: Found near Ware (Hertfordshire), December 2019; EMC 2020.0003

Lot 114

PARKER 65. A Parker 65 fountain pen with 12ct. gold plated cap & 14ct. gold streamlined nib. Black & White polka dot box, instructions & outer box. C.1960, unused.  Please note that all items in this auction are previously owned & are offered on behalf of private vendors. If detail on condition is required on any lot(s) PLEASE ASK FOR A CONDITION REPORT BEFORE BIDDING.  The absence of a condition report does not imply the lot is perfect.WE CAN SHIP THIS LOT, but NOT if part of a large, multiple lots purchase.

Lot 115

PARKER VECTOR. A gold & red flame effect Parker Vector pen & ballpoint pen set in white metal presentation box. C.1990s.  Please note that all items in this auction are previously owned & are offered on behalf of private vendors. If detail on condition is required on any lot(s) PLEASE ASK FOR A CONDITION REPORT BEFORE BIDDING.  The absence of a condition report does not imply the lot is perfect.WE CAN SHIP THIS LOT, but NOT if part of a large, multiple lots purchase.

Lot 118

PARKER LADY. Two Parker Lady Duofold fountain pens. One stamped Parker Lady, the other Lady Duofold. Each with gold hooded, iridium tipped nib & sac filler. C.1950s.  Please note that all items in this auction are previously owned & are offered on behalf of private vendors. If detail on condition is required on any lot(s) PLEASE ASK FOR A CONDITION REPORT BEFORE BIDDING.  The absence of a condition report does not imply the lot is perfect.WE CAN SHIP THIS LOT, but NOT if part of a large, multiple lots purchase.

Lot 123

PARKER DUOFOLD. A 1930s Parker Duofold fountain pen with narrow cap band & ball clip. The barrel end with push-button filler. Also, one other Parker Duofold, c.1950s, with 14ct. gold nib (slight damage) & sac filler.  Please note that all items in this auction are previously owned & are offered on behalf of private vendors. If detail on condition is required on any lot(s) PLEASE ASK FOR A CONDITION REPORT BEFORE BIDDING.  The absence of a condition report does not imply the lot is perfect.WE CAN SHIP THIS LOT, but NOT if part of a large, multiple lots purchase.

Lot 124

PARKER VICTORY. A c.1940s, Parker Victory fountain pen in khaki green. Large 14k gold nib, Size N & with barrel end push button filler.  Please note that all items in this auction are previously owned & are offered on behalf of private vendors. If detail on condition is required on any lot(s) PLEASE ASK FOR A CONDITION REPORT BEFORE BIDDING.  The absence of a condition report does not imply the lot is perfect.WE CAN SHIP THIS LOT, but NOT if part of a large, multiple lots purchase.

Lot 125

PARKER DUOFOLD. A 1930s large Parker Duofold fountain pen with mottled dark blue body & cap, the gold coloured metal nib engraved Parker Duofold pen, Canada C. Barrel end push button filler.  Please note that all items in this auction are previously owned & are offered on behalf of private vendors. If detail on condition is required on any lot(s) PLEASE ASK FOR A CONDITION REPORT BEFORE BIDDING.  The absence of a condition report does not imply the lot is perfect.WE CAN SHIP THIS LOT, but NOT if part of a large, multiple lots purchase.

Lot 127

PARKER & SHEAFFER. A brushed stainless steel, Parker Sonnet fountain pen, the cap stamped Sonnet, France P.111, (Cartridge filler). Also, an American Sheaffer, gold plated, cartridge filled fountain pen.  Please note that all items in this auction are previously owned & are offered on behalf of private vendors. If detail on condition is required on any lot(s) PLEASE ASK FOR A CONDITION REPORT BEFORE BIDDING.  The absence of a condition report does not imply the lot is perfect.WE CAN SHIP THIS LOT, but NOT if part of a large, multiple lots purchase.

Lot 128

PARKER. A Parker Vacumatic fountain pen with button filler & 14k gold nib, (nib bent over). Original presentation box with instruction leaflet.  Please note that all items in this auction are previously owned & are offered on behalf of private vendors. If detail on condition is required on any lot(s) PLEASE ASK FOR A CONDITION REPORT BEFORE BIDDING.  The absence of a condition report does not imply the lot is perfect.WE CAN SHIP THIS LOT, but NOT if part of a large, multiple lots purchase.

Lot 129

FOUNTAIN PEN ETC. A Mabie Todd & Co., Ltd, Blackbird self filling fountain pen with 14ct. gold nib. Also, an S. Mordan & Co., silver propelling pencil, a silver push-up pencil & a J. Dunhill, white metal bridge pencil.  Please note that all items in this auction are previously owned & are offered on behalf of private vendors. If detail on condition is required on any lot(s) PLEASE ASK FOR A CONDITION REPORT BEFORE BIDDING.  The absence of a condition report does not imply the lot is perfect.WE CAN SHIP THIS LOT, but NOT if part of a large, multiple lots purchase.

Lot 130

S. MORDAN & CO. An S. Mordan & Co., silver Mordan Everpoint propelling pencil & a gold plated Wahl Eversharp American pencil.  Please note that all items in this auction are previously owned & are offered on behalf of private vendors. If detail on condition is required on any lot(s) PLEASE ASK FOR A CONDITION REPORT BEFORE BIDDING.  The absence of a condition report does not imply the lot is perfect.WE CAN SHIP THIS LOT, but NOT if part of a large, multiple lots purchase.

Lot 132

PILOT PEN. A Pilot lacquered fountain pen with floral decoration, signed. 18ct. gold Pilot nib, No. H1278. Sac filler & with cartridge converter. In presentation case & with cartridges, leaflet, pen case & outer box.  Please note that all items in this auction are previously owned & are offered on behalf of private vendors. If detail on condition is required on any lot(s) PLEASE ASK FOR A CONDITION REPORT BEFORE BIDDING.  The absence of a condition report does not imply the lot is perfect.WE CAN SHIP THIS LOT, but NOT if part of a large, multiple lots purchase.

Lot 133

MONTBLANC. A Montblanc Classic, piston-filled fountain pen with 14ct. gold nib. The screw-in piston stamped Montblanc, Germany. Also, a Montblanc Meisterstuck ball pen. In fitted case for three writing instruments. With leaflet & slip case.  Please note that all items in this auction are previously owned & are offered on behalf of private vendors. If detail on condition is required on any lot(s) PLEASE ASK FOR A CONDITION REPORT BEFORE BIDDING.  The absence of a condition report does not imply the lot is perfect.WE CAN SHIP THIS LOT, but NOT if part of a large, multiple lots purchase.

Lot 134

MONTBLANC. A Montblanc Meisterstuck No. 149 Special Edition fountain pen. The 18ct. yellow & white gold nib fully stamped. Piston filler & in fitted case with Montblanc ink, & two Service Guide booklets.  Please note that all items in this auction are previously owned & are offered on behalf of private vendors. If detail on condition is required on any lot(s) PLEASE ASK FOR A CONDITION REPORT BEFORE BIDDING.  The absence of a condition report does not imply the lot is perfect.WE CAN SHIP THIS LOT, but NOT if part of a large, multiple lots purchase.

Lot 138

ALBERTINA ETC. A yellow metal Albertina watch chain with fob watch clip still attached, with T-bar watch key. Also, a 9ct. gold belcher & chain. Approx. gross weight 23.8g.  Please note that all items in this auction are previously owned & are offered on behalf of private vendors. If detail on condition is required on any lot(s) PLEASE ASK FOR A CONDITION REPORT BEFORE BIDDING.  The absence of a condition report does not imply the lot is perfect.WE CAN SHIP THIS LOT, but NOT if part of a large, multiple lots purchase.

Lot 139

GOLD FOB & CHAIN. A 9ct. gold fob with enamelled Heraldic Emblem of the Bear & Ragged Staff of Warwickshire, hung on a 9ct. gold chain. Approx. 25g.  Please note that all items in this auction are previously owned & are offered on behalf of private vendors. If detail on condition is required on any lot(s) PLEASE ASK FOR A CONDITION REPORT BEFORE BIDDING.  The absence of a condition report does not imply the lot is perfect.WE CAN SHIP THIS LOT, but NOT if part of a large, multiple lots purchase.

Lot 140

ALBERTINA. A gilt metal Albertina watch chain with gold plated locket attached.  Please note that all items in this auction are previously owned & are offered on behalf of private vendors. If detail on condition is required on any lot(s) PLEASE ASK FOR A CONDITION REPORT BEFORE BIDDING.  The absence of a condition report does not imply the lot is perfect.WE CAN SHIP THIS LOT, but NOT if part of a large, multiple lots purchase.

Lot 141

WATCH CHAIN. A 9ct. gold watch chain. Approx. 26g.  Please note that all items in this auction are previously owned & are offered on behalf of private vendors. If detail on condition is required on any lot(s) PLEASE ASK FOR A CONDITION REPORT BEFORE BIDDING.  The absence of a condition report does not imply the lot is perfect.WE CAN SHIP THIS LOT, but NOT if part of a large, multiple lots purchase.

Lot 145

GOLD WATCH. A 9ct. gold, open faced pocket watch. (Damaged glass).  All watches in this auction are previously owned & are offered on behalf of private vendors. We cannot guarantee that any watch is in continuous working order or may not require attention. If detail on condition is required on any lot(s)  PLEASE ASK FOR A CONDITION REPORT BEFORE BIDDING. The absence of a condition report does not imply the lot is perfect.WE CAN SHIP THIS LOT, but NOT if part of a large, multiple lots purchase.

Lot 146

GOLD WATCH. An 18k fob watch in original case.  All watches in this auction are previously owned & are offered on behalf of private vendors. We cannot guarantee that any watch is in continuous working order or may not require attention. If detail on condition is required on any lot(s)  PLEASE ASK FOR A CONDITION REPORT BEFORE BIDDING. The absence of a condition report does not imply the lot is perfect.WE CAN SHIP THIS LOT, but NOT if part of a large, multiple lots purchase.

Lot 147

GOLD WATCH. A Waltham 14k. full hunter pocket watch, the case monogrammed. Gross weight approx. 107g.  All watches in this auction are previously owned & are offered on behalf of private vendors. We cannot guarantee that any watch is in continuous working order or may not require attention. If detail on condition is required on any lot(s)  PLEASE ASK FOR A CONDITION REPORT BEFORE BIDDING. The absence of a condition report does not imply the lot is perfect.WE CAN SHIP THIS LOT, but NOT if part of a large, multiple lots purchase.

Lot 148

POCKET WATCHES. A silver open faced pocket watch (glass cracked) & a gold plated full hunter pocket watch, retailed by Russell & Son, Liverpool, both with watch keys.  All watches in this auction are previously owned & are offered on behalf of private vendors. We cannot guarantee that any watch is in continuous working order or may not require attention. If detail on condition is required on any lot(s)  PLEASE ASK FOR A CONDITION REPORT BEFORE BIDDING. The absence of a condition report does not imply the lot is perfect.WE CAN SHIP THIS LOT, but NOT if part of a large, multiple lots purchase.

Lot 149

GOLD WATCHES. A late 20th century, 9ct. gold Accurist wristwatch. 3x3x3.5cm, including lugs, (lacks crown winder). Also, a lady's 9ct. gold cased Vertex wristwatch.  All watches in this auction are previously owned & are offered on behalf of private vendors. We cannot guarantee that any watch is in continuous working order or may not require attention. If detail on condition is required on any lot(s)  PLEASE ASK FOR A CONDITION REPORT BEFORE BIDDING. The absence of a condition report does not imply the lot is perfect.WE CAN SHIP THIS LOT, but NOT if part of a large, multiple lots purchase.

Lot 150

OMEGA. A 1930s gold plated Omega wristwatch, the reverse monogrammed & dated 8.4.33.  All watches in this auction are previously owned & are offered on behalf of private vendors. We cannot guarantee that any watch is in continuous working order or may not require attention. If detail on condition is required on any lot(s)  PLEASE ASK FOR A CONDITION REPORT BEFORE BIDDING. The absence of a condition report does not imply the lot is perfect.WE CAN SHIP THIS LOT, but NOT if part of a large, multiple lots purchase.

Lot 151

WRISTWATCH. A lady's 9ct. gold cased wristwatch on later gold plated bracelet strap & one other 9ct. gold cased watch on gold plated strap. (both with wear or damage).  All watches in this auction are previously owned & are offered on behalf of private vendors. We cannot guarantee that any watch is in continuous working order or may not require attention. If detail on condition is required on any lot(s)  PLEASE ASK FOR A CONDITION REPORT BEFORE BIDDING. The absence of a condition report does not imply the lot is perfect.WE CAN SHIP THIS LOT, but NOT if part of a large, multiple lots purchase.

Lot 152

GOLD WATCH. An early 1940s gold cased Dot wristwatch with presentation inscription to the reverse of the case. Gold plated bracelet strap.  All watches in this auction are previously owned & are offered on behalf of private vendors. We cannot guarantee that any watch is in continuous working order or may not require attention. If detail on condition is required on any lot(s)  PLEASE ASK FOR A CONDITION REPORT BEFORE BIDDING. The absence of a condition report does not imply the lot is perfect.WE CAN SHIP THIS LOT, but NOT if part of a large, multiple lots purchase.

Lot 153

OMEGA. A lady's 9ct. gold cased Omega automatic wristwatch on replacement gold plated strap.  All watches in this auction are previously owned & are offered on behalf of private vendors. We cannot guarantee that any watch is in continuous working order or may not require attention. If detail on condition is required on any lot(s)  PLEASE ASK FOR A CONDITION REPORT BEFORE BIDDING. The absence of a condition report does not imply the lot is perfect.WE CAN SHIP THIS LOT, but NOT if part of a large, multiple lots purchase.

Lot 155

ROLEX TUDOR. A lady's 9ct. gold cased Rolex Tudor wristwatch on original Rolex bracelet strap. Case stamped Made for Rolex & No. 374937. The movement stamped Tudor. Total weight approx. 13.2g. Original receipt dated 1968, original Guarantee & Service booklet, original presentation box & outer box. (Outer box with upper lower box split corners & some staining. Presentation box slightly worn).  All watches in this auction are previously owned & are offered on behalf of private vendors. We cannot guarantee that any watch is in continuous working order or may not require attention. If detail on condition is required on any lot(s)  PLEASE ASK FOR A CONDITION REPORT BEFORE BIDDING. The absence of a condition report does not imply the lot is perfect.WE CAN SHIP THIS LOT, but NOT if part of a large, multiple lots purchase.

Lot 159

GENTS WATCH. A gentleman's Uno gold plated dress watch.  All watches in this auction are previously owned & are offered on behalf of private vendors. We cannot guarantee that any watch is in continuous working order or may not require attention. If detail on condition is required on any lot(s)  PLEASE ASK FOR A CONDITION REPORT BEFORE BIDDING. The absence of a condition report does not imply the lot is perfect.WE CAN SHIP THIS LOT, but NOT if part of a large, multiple lots purchase.

Lot 161A

CORUM WATCH. An 18ct. gold cased Corum Meteorite wristwatch. The back of the case stamped 18k. (750) & 'Meteorite Dial of Cosmic Origin Impact Point Mexico'. Case No.412122 & further numbered 50450.56. Original strap with gold plated Corum buckle. Sold with original documents in leather wallet, Corum leather folding watch case & outer cardboard case.  All watches in this auction are previously owned & are offered on behalf of private vendors. We cannot guarantee that any watch is in continuous working order or may not require attention. If detail on condition is required on any lot(s)  PLEASE ASK FOR A CONDITION REPORT BEFORE BIDDING. The absence of a condition report does not imply the lot is perfect.WE CAN SHIP THIS LOT, but NOT if part of a large, multiple lots purchase.

Lot 165

SOVEREIGN. A 1903 Edward VII full sovereign in 9ct. gold pendant mount. Gross weight approx. 9.9g.  Please note that all items in this auction are previously owned & are offered on behalf of private vendors. If detail on condition is required on any lot(s) PLEASE ASK FOR A CONDITION REPORT BEFORE BIDDING.  The absence of a condition report does not imply the lot is perfect.WE CAN SHIP THIS LOT, but NOT if part of a large, multiple lots purchase.

Lot 166

GOLD RING. A gentleman's 9ct. gold ring set with three cubic zirconias. Size Y/Z.  Please note that all items in this auction are previously owned & are offered on behalf of private vendors. If detail on condition is required on any lot(s) PLEASE ASK FOR A CONDITION REPORT BEFORE BIDDING.  The absence of a condition report does not imply the lot is perfect.WE CAN SHIP THIS LOT, but NOT if part of a large, multiple lots purchase.

Lot 167

SIGNET RING. A gentleman's 9ct. gold carnelian signet ring. Size U/V. Approx. 6.4g.  Please note that all items in this auction are previously owned & are offered on behalf of private vendors. If detail on condition is required on any lot(s) PLEASE ASK FOR A CONDITION REPORT BEFORE BIDDING.  The absence of a condition report does not imply the lot is perfect.WE CAN SHIP THIS LOT, but NOT if part of a large, multiple lots purchase.

Lot 168

SIGNET RING. An early 20th century 18ct. gold signet ring, crested. Size K. Approx. 11g.  Please note that all items in this auction are previously owned & are offered on behalf of private vendors. If detail on condition is required on any lot(s) PLEASE ASK FOR A CONDITION REPORT BEFORE BIDDING.  The absence of a condition report does not imply the lot is perfect.WE CAN SHIP THIS LOT, but NOT if part of a large, multiple lots purchase.

Lot 172

STICK PIN ETC. A Victorian 15ct. gold diamond set stick pin & a George III double coin brooch.  Please note that all items in this auction are previously owned & are offered on behalf of private vendors. If detail on condition is required on any lot(s) PLEASE ASK FOR A CONDITION REPORT BEFORE BIDDING.  The absence of a condition report does not imply the lot is perfect.WE CAN SHIP THIS LOT, but NOT if part of a large, multiple lots purchase.

Lot 272

AMETHYST BROOCH ETC. A 19th century gilt metal & amethyst brooch, a gilt metal & paste pendant, a gold plated acorn pendant & matching earrings etc.  Please note that all items in this auction are previously owned & are offered on behalf of private vendors. If detail on condition is required on any lot(s) PLEASE ASK FOR A CONDITION REPORT BEFORE BIDDING.  The absence of a condition report does not imply the lot is perfect.WE CAN SHIP THIS LOT, but NOT if part of a large, multiple lots purchase.

Lot 291

SARAH COVENTRY. A gold tone & pewter pendant & other gold tone jewellery by Sarah Coventry. Each piece marked.  Please note that all items in this auction are previously owned & are offered on behalf of private vendors. If detail on condition is required on any lot(s) PLEASE ASK FOR A CONDITION REPORT BEFORE BIDDING.  The absence of a condition report does not imply the lot is perfect.WE CAN SHIP THIS LOT, but NOT if part of a large, multiple lots purchase.

Lot 296

GOLD RING ETC. A Victorian 18ct. gold ruby & diamond ring, a silver cigarette case & a little costume jewellery etc.  Please note that all items in this auction are previously owned & are offered on behalf of private vendors. If detail on condition is required on any lot(s) PLEASE ASK FOR A CONDITION REPORT BEFORE BIDDING.  The absence of a condition report does not imply the lot is perfect.WE CAN SHIP THIS LOT, but NOT if part of a large, multiple lots purchase.

Lot 297

PASTE NECKLACE. A 1970's gold tone & paste set necklace in a Christian Dior box with Dior pouch. (Necklace not marked).  Please note that all items in this auction are previously owned & are offered on behalf of private vendors. If detail on condition is required on any lot(s) PLEASE ASK FOR A CONDITION REPORT BEFORE BIDDING.  The absence of a condition report does not imply the lot is perfect.WE CAN SHIP THIS LOT, but NOT if part of a large, multiple lots purchase.

Lot 300

COSTUME JEWELLERY. Costume jewellery earrings & a pair of gold plated stud earrings.  Please note that all items in this auction are previously owned & are offered on behalf of private vendors. If detail on condition is required on any lot(s) PLEASE ASK FOR A CONDITION REPORT BEFORE BIDDING.  The absence of a condition report does not imply the lot is perfect.WE CAN SHIP THIS LOT, but NOT if part of a large, multiple lots purchase.

Lot 307

COSTUME JEWELLERY. 1980's & other ear clips, a gold tone locket etc.  Please note that all items in this auction are previously owned & are offered on behalf of private vendors. If detail on condition is required on any lot(s) PLEASE ASK FOR A CONDITION REPORT BEFORE BIDDING.  The absence of a condition report does not imply the lot is perfect.WE CAN SHIP THIS LOT, but NOT if part of a large, multiple lots purchase.

Lot 316

GOLD RINGS. An 18ct. gold & diamond cross-over ring, each of the twin stones approx. 0.30ct. spread. Size N. Also, a 9ct. gold half hoop eternity ring, size O.  Please note that all items in this auction are previously owned & are offered on behalf of private vendors. If detail on condition is required on any lot(s) PLEASE ASK FOR A CONDITION REPORT BEFORE BIDDING.  The absence of a condition report does not imply the lot is perfect.WE CAN SHIP THIS LOT, but NOT if part of a large, multiple lots purchase.

Lot 317

GOLD RINGS ETC. Two 9ct. gold rings, a 9ct. gold bracelet, a 9ct. gold initial 'P' pendant & earrings.  Please note that all items in this auction are previously owned & are offered on behalf of private vendors. If detail on condition is required on any lot(s) PLEASE ASK FOR A CONDITION REPORT BEFORE BIDDING.  The absence of a condition report does not imply the lot is perfect.WE CAN SHIP THIS LOT, but NOT if part of a large, multiple lots purchase.

Lot 318

GOLD RINGS. A 9ct. gold ring set a row of old cut diamonds & a 9ct. gold eternity ring set with six small diamonds.  Please note that all items in this auction are previously owned & are offered on behalf of private vendors. If detail on condition is required on any lot(s) PLEASE ASK FOR A CONDITION REPORT BEFORE BIDDING.  The absence of a condition report does not imply the lot is perfect.WE CAN SHIP THIS LOT, but NOT if part of a large, multiple lots purchase.

Lot 319

AMETHYST PENDANT ETC. A yellow metal pendant set an amethyst on 9ct. gold chain. Also, a hand made yellow metal ring set with a synthetic blue stone, a pair of drop earrings & three studs.  Please note that all items in this auction are previously owned & are offered on behalf of private vendors. If detail on condition is required on any lot(s) PLEASE ASK FOR A CONDITION REPORT BEFORE BIDDING.  The absence of a condition report does not imply the lot is perfect.WE CAN SHIP THIS LOT, but NOT if part of a large, multiple lots purchase.

Lot 320

GATE BRACELET. A 9ct. gold gate bracelet, with no fastener. Approx. 13.6g.  Please note that all items in this auction are previously owned & are offered on behalf of private vendors. If detail on condition is required on any lot(s) PLEASE ASK FOR A CONDITION REPORT BEFORE BIDDING.  The absence of a condition report does not imply the lot is perfect.WE CAN SHIP THIS LOT, but NOT if part of a large, multiple lots purchase.

Lot 322

OPAL PENDANT ETC. A 14ct. gold opal & diamond pendant, an opal ring, a loose opal stone & a little scrap gold.  Please note that all items in this auction are previously owned & are offered on behalf of private vendors. If detail on condition is required on any lot(s) PLEASE ASK FOR A CONDITION REPORT BEFORE BIDDING.  The absence of a condition report does not imply the lot is perfect.WE CAN SHIP THIS LOT, but NOT if part of a large, multiple lots purchase.

Lot 323

GOLD EARRINGS ETC. A pair of 9ct. gold earrings set synthetic pink stones, a yellow metal ring, also set a synthetic pink stone & one other pair of gold earrings.  Please note that all items in this auction are previously owned & are offered on behalf of private vendors. If detail on condition is required on any lot(s) PLEASE ASK FOR A CONDITION REPORT BEFORE BIDDING.  The absence of a condition report does not imply the lot is perfect.WE CAN SHIP THIS LOT, but NOT if part of a large, multiple lots purchase.

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