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Lot 255

THACKERAY (W. M.) History of Pendennis, 2 vols., 8vo, add. engr. pictorial titles & 46 plates, full tan calf. Gilt by Wallis, L., 1850. (2).

Lot 257

[OCCULT PERIODICAL] BLAVATSKY (H. P.) & others “THEOSOPHY,” A Magazine Devoted to the Path, 18 vols., 8vo, i.e. vols 1-18, vol. 1 cloth bound, the remainder uniform half morocco, bound without wrappers/ads., L./U.S.A., November 1912 (vol. 1., No. 1) – Vol. 18, 1929/30. (18).

Lot 263

MEYER (G.) Lehrbuch der Schönen Gartenkunst …, folio, b/w & col. plates as called for, text illus., cloth-backed pict. boards, Berlin, 1873.

Lot 269

COBBETT (W.) The English Gardener, 8vo, folding plate, clo., L., 1845; & 3 others on GARDENING (4).

Lot 285

FLOWER-GARDEN, (The), Containing Directions …, 8vo, hand-col’d frontis & add. title, 8 b/w & 9 h-col’d plates, half morocco, L., 1838.

Lot 287

FORSYTH (W.) A Treatise on the Culture and Management of Fruit-Trees, 8vo, 13 plates (1 torn & sewn), half calf, 3rd Edn., L., 1803.

Lot 290

SOWERBY (J.) & JOHNSON (C.) Grasses of Great Britain, 8vo, 144 col. plates, cloth gilt, L., Hardwicke, n.d.

Lot 294

PHILLIPS (H.) Floral Emblems, 8vo, frontis & 18 plates, cloth (covers off) L., 1825.

Lot 295

LANGUAGE of FLOWERS, (The), 12mo, h-col’d frontis, add. t.p. & 6 plates, red cloth gilt, L., 1847; & 2 others on the same subject (3).

Lot 296

TYAS (R.) Favourite Field Flowers, 12mo, 12 h-col’d plates, cloth gilt, L., 1848; & 3 others (4).

Lot 299

DORSET NATURAL History & Antiquarian Field Club, Proceedings, vols. 12, 16, 19-48, i.e. 32 vols. 8vo, illus., clo., Dorchester, 1891, 1895, 1898-1927 (32).

Lot 300

ORCZY (Emmuska, Baroness) a collection of mostly FIRST LONDON EDITIONS, all but one INSCRIBED to Ernest R. Wood, & SIGNED; the ten SIGNED 1st Edns include : The Emperor’s Candlesticks, 1905; Son of the People, 1906; Tangled Skein, 1907; Nest of the Sparrowhawk, 1909; Petticoat Government, 1910; A True Woman, 1911; Leatherface, 1916; Lord Tony’s Wife, 1917; Flower O’the Lily, 1918; The Elusive Pimpernel, 1918; also signed & inscribed Beau Brocade, 3rd edn., 1908; I Will Repay, 2nd impr., 1906; together with an unsigned 1st edn. Child of the Revolution, 1932; all in original cloth (reasonable condition), contents foxed, as usual (13) [see illustration].

Lot 305

[BIBLIOGRAPHY – FRENCH] Histoire de l’edition francaise, 4 cols., illus., clo., slipcases, publ. by Primodis; Dictionnaire encyclopedique du Livre, 3 vols.; & others similar (Q).

Lot 306

PREVERT (J.) La Pluie & le beau temps, 8vo, inscribed by author to French academic Henri Fluchere, Paris, 1955; & other FRENCH LIT (1 box).

Lot 308

[BIBLIOGRAPHY] A Bibliographical Dictionary …, [together with:] The Bibliographical Miscellany; or Supplement, 6 x 2 vols., Liverpool, 1802/3, Manchester, 1803/4 (4), London, 1806, folding frontis in vol. 1, contemp. calf (worn); FOURNIERE (F. I.) Nouveau Dictionnaire Portratif de Bibliographie, 2nd Edn., Paris, 1809 & 9 other vols. (16).

Lot 310

TOPFFER (R.) Premiers Voyages en Zigzag, 4to, illus., quarter leather, Paris, 1860, Nouveaux Voyages en Zigzag, Paris, 1858; & other vols., English & French. (Q).

Lot 311

HUGHES (T.) Tom Brown’s School Days, 8vo, illus. by Arthur Hughes et al., INSCRIBED by AUTHOR on half-title, red morocco gilt, L., 1888; Pickering BLP with designs by Mary Byfield (covers off), L., 1853 & misc. leatherbound. (Q).

Lot 312

IZACKE (R.) & (S.) Remarkable Antiquities of the City of Exeter, 8vo, frontis & 3 folding plates (incl. map), contemp. black morocco gilt, L., 1724.

Lot 313

MUCHA (Alfonse) brass-faced printing plate for ‘Autumn,’ one of the ‘Seasons’ serried, ca. 1900 (or later); & other printing plates incl. boxwood Art Nouveau scene. (Q).

Lot 314

[PENINSULAR WAR etc.] Letters of John Aitchison. An Ensign in the Peninsular War, 8vo, d.a., 1st Ed., 1981; Corunna by Christopher Hibbert, 1st d.w., Batsford, 1961 & a few others, military interest.(Q).

Lot 315

[GUIDE BOOKS] misc. q. mostly France & U.K. incl. Murrays. (Q).

Lot 316

HERODIAN of Alexandria. His History of Twenty Roman Caesars…, sm. 4to, limp vellum (worn, etc.) L., 1620; a 1726 4to Oxford Bible; & misc. Engl. & French antiquarian, music, etc. (Q).

Lot 317

[COOKERY] [NOTT, John] [The Cooks and Confectioners Dictionary…,] 8vo, frontis., lacks gathering ‘A’ incl. title, L., 1720’s, & misc. other vols. on cookery. (Q).

Lot 318

[HISTORY etc.] CHURCHILL (W. S.) Lord Randolph Churchill, 8vo, 1st one vol. edn., clo., L., 1907; CHURCHILL (W. S.) The American Civil War, 1st, 1961; & misc. other vols. (Q).

Lot 319

[CHILDRENS] misc. Children’s & illustrated books, late 19th/early 20th c. (1 box).

Lot 320

OZ [Periodical] ‘Schoolkids’ issue & 2 others, & 3 comics. (6).

Lot 321

TODD (J.) On the Banks of the Nile, 4to, 2 maps & col. plates, pict. clo., d.w. (tatty) A. & C. Black, 1913; DICKENS, Tale of Two Cities, illus. by Richard Sharp & with long signed inscr. by him f. s., 1952; & misc. others incl. CHILDREN’S & ILLUSTRATED. (Q).

Lot 322

[OXFORD] MORRIS (James) Oxford, 8vo, illus., 1st., d.w., frontis by John Piper, Faber, 1965; & others on Oxford. (Q).

Lot 324

[ERAGANY PRESS] FLAUBERT (G.) Un Coeur Simple, sm. 8vo, illus., by Lucien Pissaro, LTD EDN., half morocco by Zaehnsdorf (worn), L., 1901; & an unsigned ART NOUVEAU/Arts & Crafts binding. (2).

Lot 329

[BIBLIOGRAPHY] NEBEHAY (I.) & WAGNER (R.) Bibliographie Altosterreichischer Ansichtwerke, 3 vols., + 1 vol. register & 2 supplement vols., clo., d.w.’s, Graz 1981-1991; & 5 other vols. (15).

Lot 333

DICKENS (Charles), Master Humphrey’s Clock, 2 vols., lge. 8vo, 2 frontispieces & 2 plates, text illus., bound from the parts, half calf,, L., Chapman & Hall, 1841. (2).

Lot 340

STEINBECK (John), East of Eden, 8vo, clo., d.w., misprint “bite”, & another photo on back of d.w., 1st Edn., 1st printing, New York, September, 1952.

Lot 341

TOLKEIN (J. R. R.) The Hobbit, 8vo, illus., Collector’s Edn., dec covers & slipcase, Boston, 1966.

Lot 349

[TOPOGRAPHICAL MANUSCRIPT, etc.], PATTENDEN (Thomas, of Dover) “The Third and Last Selection from The Antiquities of England and Wales,” 4to manuscript, half calf, dated 1798 at foot of titles; together with an early 20th c foolscap Cash Nook, & folio RENTALS book, full vellum bound, relating to property rentals in RIBCHESTER (near Preston, Lancs), and, at the back, the personal expenditure of P. Crawfurd Bruce Esq., dates 1810-1819. (3).

Lot 351

HARDING (J. D.) Lessons on Art, 4to, plates, 2nd Edn., half leather, L., n.d.; packet of PHOTOS re Investiture of the Prince of Wales, 1911; & miscellanea. (Q).

Lot 352

WWI & WWII R.A.F. ephemera etc. incl. 2 early photos of sea plane, WWII & later flyer’s logbook, coll’n of “Confidential” Air Pockets with maps (incomplete); an 1880’s carte-de-visite photo album & misc. ephemera, incl. some Speedway items. (Q).

Lot 353

HERON ALLEN (E.) Violin Making, 8vo, illus., pict. gilt, 2nd Edn., L., ca. 1885; ORWELL (George) Coming up for Air, 8vo, 1st, clo. (grubby), L., 1939; & a few misc. vols. (Q).

Lot 357

RACKHAM (Arthur) illustrator: Wagner’s The Rhinegold & The Valkyrie, 4to, 34 mounted col. plates, titles guards, cloth gilt, L., 1910.

Lot 359

[TOY CIRCUS] Illustrations of SCHOENHUT’S Marvelous Toys. The Humpty Dumpty Circus, 4to, photo illus., & some loose material, original wrappers (chipped with loss at lwr wrapper), U.S.A., [1904].

Lot 360

[TRADE CATALOGUE] Tom Smith’s Christmas Novelties, 4to, b/w & col. illus., chromo wrappers, L., 1904/5; & 8 other Tom Smith Catalogues, some with minor faults. (9).

Lot 361

[FASHION CATALOGUES] Bradley & Chester Jubilee Souvenir and Catalogue 1878-1927, 4to illus. cat. with pict. wrappers, Chester [1927]; & a Bradley’s Catalogue of 1931. (2).

Lot 364

[TRADE CATALOGUES, French] Manufacture Francaise d’Armes & Cycles, 4to, col. & b/w illus., original wrappers, Loire, ca. 1920’s; & 2 others, for 1934 & 1958. (3).

Lot 365

[TRADE CATALOGUES] Chemist and Druggist Winter Issue 1903, 4to, b/w col. illus., (water/damp affected), printed wrappers, L., 1902/3; & 6 other misc. catalogues. (7).

Lot 367

[GILL (Eric)] Hopton-Wood Stone, 4to, illus., clo., Fanfare Press, 1957; Sculptured Memorials, [1938]; & 1 other. (3).

Lot 376

[PHOTOGRAPHY] WOODHOUSE (A.) Angus McBean, 4to, illus., clo., d.w., 1st Edn., 1982; BAILEY (David) & others ‘For God’s Sake’, 4to, illus., clo., d.w., 1st Edn., L., 1967; RICHTEX (P.) Der Molussische Torso, sm. 4to, Wien, 1994; Issues 1-4 of ‘Reportage,’ posters present, & 6 other vols., (13).

Lot 378

ANDY WARHOL’S INDEX (BOOK) 4to, photo illus., with foldouts, pop-ups, Happy record & spring-mounted disc present (but rubber balloon perished & adhered between 2 leaves near the back), pictorial silver/black card covers, ‘First Painting’, New York, 1967 (sold as viewed).

Lot 381

[TOPOGRAPHY & TRAVEL] PIPER (John) & BETJEMAN (J.) Murray’s Berkshire, 4to, illus., clo., d.w., 1st, 1949; 7 x A. & C. Black vols.; & 3 other vols. (10).

Lot 383

[SCRAP BOOK] a folios scrapbook, primarily late 19th c, many pasted-in multi layer Valentine style & other cards.

Lot 387

[SUSSEX] ELWES (D. G.) A History of the Castles, Mansions and Manors of Western Sussex, 4to, plates & folding pedigrees, contemp. calf (upr. cvr. detached) L./Lewes, 1876.

Lot 388

[SUSSEX] BERRY (W.) County Genealogies. Pedigrees of the Families of the County of Sussex, folio, illus., (some hand-colouring), General Lambarde’s copy with a wealth of extra ms. & other material (1920’s & earlier) contemp. calf (rebacked), bookplate of Marie Freeman Thomas; earlier name of Wm. Duke, L., 1830.

Lot 389

[SUSSEX] ELLIS (W.) Parks & Forests of Sussex, 8vo, clo., Lewes, 1885; & a q. of SUSSEX related books. (Q).

Lot 392

[SUSSEX] HORSFIELD (T.) The History and Antiquities of Lewes, 2 vols., 4to, plates, maps etc. EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED by previous owner, JOSEPH COOPER, F.S.A., with prints, a photo, ms. material, tradesmen’s bills etc., later half morocco, 9covers of vol. 1 off & spine chipped), Lewes, Sussex Press 1824 & 1827, L.P.? (2).

Lot 395

[SUSSEX] ROUSE (J.) Beauties and Antiquities of the County of Sussex, 2 vols., 8vo, 148/149 litho plates only (lacks pl. 31, & pl. 66 from another copy) contemp. patterned cloth, bookplates of Edward Barrett Curtess & Wm. Fred. D’Arley, L., [1825] (2).

Lot 401

[BIBLIOGRAPHY] POLLARD (G.) & EHRMAN (A.) The Distribution of Books by Catalogue…, folio, illus., morocco backed boards, Cambridge/ROXBURGHE CLUB, 1965.

Lot 402

[BIBLIOGRAPHY] DESMOND (R.) Bibliography of British Gardens, 4to, boards, L., 1984; WILTON HOUSE SALE CATALOGUE ‘Selected Portion of the Renowned Library…’ & Printed Price/Buyers List, 1914 & 2 other works. (5).

Lot 403

[PAMPHLETS] TREVOR (Richard) Sketch of the Life and Character of…, 4to, portrait frontis., 2ff., pp.14, engr. vignettes, Darlington, 1776; bound with HEGG (R.) Legend of Saint Cuthbert, vignettes, Darlington, 1777; & other pieces, boards, printed book label of John Carter; together with another copy of the first named item, without the portrait. (2).

Lot 410

– another set, half-calf gilt, PRESENTATION COPY SIGNED, to Mr & Mrs J. F. Moore Halsey, small Dacre bookplate; together with : DACRE (Barbarina, Lady) Translations from the Italian, 8vo, LTD EDN, 75/150 copies, inscribed/signed to Andrew Rutherford; bookplate of Christopher Turner, cloth (backstrip detached), P.P., 1836. (3).

Lot 411

WALTON (I.) & COTTON (C.) Complete Angler, 12mo, plates & text illus, calf, 2nd Edn., L., John Major, 1824 & uniform, Walton’s Lives, 1825. (2).

Lot 412

DODSLEY (R. & J.) publishers: A Collection of Poems in Six Volumes, 6 vols., 8vo, engr. vignettes, contemp. calf, various editions, L., 1758. (6).

Lot 416

[BINDINGS] LENNOX (Lady Sarah, 1745-1826) Life and Letters, 8vo, half vellu,, L., 1904; Letters of Queen Victoria, 3 vols.,, half morocco, L., 1907; & misc. bindings. (Q).

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