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Lot 241

Dare to Teach, a Maoist propaganda poster, 79 x 55.5cm

Lot 242

Loyal to their leader, a Maoist propaganda poster, 35 x 71cm

Lot 19

A fine Great War M.C. group of four awarded to Captain A. G. “Jock” Howitt, East Surrey Regiment, a gallant officer of the 12th Battalion who was killed in action at Hollebeke in August 1917 - ‘If there was anything to be done needing courage and a cool head, Jock was the man for the job’ Military Cross, G.V.R., unnamed as issued; 1914-15 Star (2nd Lt. A. G. Howitt, 6th Infantry); British War and Victory Medals (Capt. A. G. Howitt), extremely fine (4) £2,000-£2,600 --- M.C. London Gazette 26 July 1917: ‘For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty in leading a raid upon the enemy trenches. The success of the raid was due to his good leadership and cool judgement. He personally reconnoitred No Man’s Land afterwards to make sure that everyone had returned to our lines.’ Adam Gordon “Jock” Howitt was born at Ellon on 11 June 1884, son of Adam Howiott, factor. He was educated Gordon's College, Aberdeen University, from where he graduated B.Sc. (Agr.) in 1910. He entered the service of the Potash Syndicate, and after spending a time in their offices in Germany went in 1912 to South Africa as their Director of Propaganda. Howitt joined the Cape Town Highlanders on the outbreak of war, and took part in 1914-15 in General Botha's Campaign in German West Africa, rising from Private to Lieutenant. On the conclusion of that campaign he came to England, and in October 1915 obtained a commission in the East Surrey Regiment. He served in Ireland during the rebellion, proceeded to France in May 1916, and was severely wounded on the Somme, when the 12th Battalion launched an attack against Flers on 16 September, losing six officers and 112 other ranks killed, and 10 officers and 224 other ranks wounded. After a period at home he returned to France in March 1917, was awarded the Military Cross, and promoted Captain for his services in the Field during the Messines offensive in June 1917, for a successful raid on the enemy’s front line trenches on the 1st of that month, returning with several prisoners and a machine-gun. A few weeks later, on 13 July, he was presented with his M.C. ribbon by Major-General Lawford. He was killed at Hollebeke in the repulse of a sudden counter-attack on 5 August 1917. His Colonel wrote: “Although outnumbered, and under climatic conditions impossible to adequately describe, Captain Howitt and his men beat the enemy back in the fierce hand-to-hand fighting. 'Jock' Howitt died fighting to the last, one of the bravest of the brave... Had he survived he would have secured another well-earned decoration.” Lance- Corporal Farrell, also of ‘D’ Company, later described the advance: ‘At zero hour our guns opened up and the K.R.R.Cs went over the top and we took what shelter we could in their trench. Within a few minutes the wounded started coming back ... the trench we were in was used as a first dressing station, it was packed with wounded. Whether they had advanced into the creeping barrage or the Jerry had got the range, I do not know, but it was evident in a very short time that the attack on this sector had failed ... during the period I saw many V.C.’s earned. However I return to the East Surreys. As the day advanced, things slowed down a bit, and Captain Howitt came along and told us to get ready to go over, and we had to advance to Hollebeke Village. It was peculiar to go over without a barrage of any sort, and all seemed quiet. I was crawling along with my Lewis Gun when the man just in front of me was caught by a sniper in the centre of the forehead, so after that we lay doggo a bit and then went forward again led by Captain Jock. We bombed a few dugouts and soon arrived at some heaps of bricks, which after a bit of map reading Captain Jock decided was the village, the red bricks being the church. Our orders now were to dig in and make a strong point, which we did as well as possible, although the water did not allow us to get very deep. However, we found a Jerry trench later on and tumbled in. We soon went off to sleep, dead beat, but woke to find the water over our necks and my Lewis Gun gone. I dug into the mud and found it. During the day a sniper got busy and picked off several of our men, so Captain Jock and a Sergeant decided to find him. Off they went with revolvers, and a couple of hours later came back saying the sniper would not trouble us again. A brave action this to find a sniper in broad daylight... During this time we saw one Jerry only, and he was wondering about lost, so we took him in tow, and he was a surprised man when Captain Jock gave him a drop of whisky from his waterbottle instead of shooting him.’ Having largely achieved his objective, Howitt’s temporary H.Q. at Forret Farm was suddenly stormed by superior numbers of the enemy. Early reports indicated that he had fallen to a sniper, but as a fellow officer later confirmed - an officer who referred to him as ‘the legendary hero of the 12th Battalion’ - his fate was of a different nature: ‘The real facts were not forthcoming until a runner from ‘D’ Company reported that he had found the Captain dead at Forret Farm with several of the enemy dead around him. Beside him was a man of his company who was severely wounded. Dead men tell no tales but, knowing the man as we did, we could only assume that he and the man beside him made a gallant fight against odds that were too great for them. “Jock” the name by which the men under him knew him, received no posthumous award for gallantry and skilful leading at Hallebeke, but his memory is enshrined in the hearts of the men whom he led as a gallant and loveable personality.’ Aged 33 years, he left a sister who was resident in Aberdeen, has no known grave and is commemorated on the Ypres (Menin Gate) memorial.

Lot 220

140+ military propaganda postcards

Lot 486

STAMPS GERMANY - 1944 propaganda issue depicting General von Witzleben in U/M pair. One stamp has gum staining, the other fine but with some slight offset print, Mic 29. Cat 800€ each as U/M

Lot 658

Italien - - Paulucci di Calboli, Baron Giacomo. Le Giornate Romane della Delegazione Tedesca alle Cerimonie Celebrative del XV Annuale della Marcia su Roma. 27-30 Ottobre 1937-XVI. Album mit 46 (von 48) großformatigen schwarz-weißen Original-Photographien. Rom, Istituto Nazionale Luce, 1937. Am Oberrand auf schwarze Kartonblätter montiert, zwischengeheftet Papierstreifen mit den gedruckten Aufnahmeorten. Photos: 17,5 x 23,5 cm, Album: 23,5 x 34 cm. Bedruckte Original-Kartonage mit Kordelheftung in den italienischen Farben (etwas bestoßen und eingerissen).In wenigen Exemplaren für die deutsche Delegation zusammengestelltes Erinnerungsalbum, hier laut beiliegender Widmungskarte für den Gauleiter (von Essen, Josef) Terboven. Jedes Photo mit einbelichtetem Signet des "Istituto Luce", 1924 von Mussolini gegründetes Instrument der faschistischen Propaganda, gleichzeitig früheste öffentliche Institution für Dokumentar- und Informationsfilme. Der Herausgeber Paulucci war Diplomat und seit 1933 Präsident des "Luce", 1937 weihte er mit Mussolini die "Studi di Cinecittà" ein. - Die Aufnahmen zeigen die Nazi-Besucher bei der Ankunft, bei der Eintragung ins Gästebuch des Quirinal, im Außenministerium (dessen Chef Paulucci ebenfalls war), das Grab des unbekannten Soldaten "grüßend", in diversen Palazzi, im "Stadio Olimpico", vor allem aber am "Altare della Patria" bei der Jubiläumsfeier von Mussolinis Machtübernahme, häufig mit ihm selbst. - Ein Photo stark beschädigt (nicht gezählt), ein weiteres entfernt, einige Ecken mit kleinen Knicken.

Lot 562

Asien - China - - Ku Yuan. Selected Woodcuts - Une Selection de Gravures sur Bois. 43 Holzschnitt-Tafeln, davon 8 farbige unter Seidenpapier. Peking, People's Fine Art Press, 1952. 5 Bl. chinesischer Text. Beiliegend: Inhaltsverzeichnis in Englisch, Französisch und Russisch. 37 x 26 cm. Original-Leinenband mit goldgeprägtem Rückentitel (etwas berieben, angestaubt und stockfleckig, Innendeckelbezug wellig).Erste gesammelte Ausgabe der 1940-51 entstandenen Arbeiten. Ku Yuan (1919-96) trat 1938 der kommunistischen Partei bei und war zuletzt Präsident der Zentralakademie der schönen Künste Peking. Seine Kunst verkörpert den populären Stil der "befreiten Gebiete" und spielte eine wichtige Rolle für die kommunistische Propaganda in China. - Teils Blätterspuren, sonst gut erhalten.

Lot 153

Faschismus - - Ufficio di Propaganda all'Estero. 15 von der italienischen Auslandspropaganda herausgegebene Hefte, davon 14 in deutscher Sprache (inkl. 1 Dublette), 1 französisch. Rom, Tipografia Italica (später Viterbo, Agnesotti), 1926-29. Je 10-50 S. 16,5 x 12 cm. Original-Kartonagen, geklammert (1 mit Randschäden).Enthält u.a. Die Gesetze zum Schutze des Staates, Der Kampf ums Getreide, Das faschistische Gesetz gegen die Freimaurerei, Die Bemühungen ... um die Erhaltung der Volkskraft und Volksgesundheit, Die bewaffnete Macht des Faschismus, Die Finanz- und Steuerpolitik, Italien in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart, Arbeiterfürsorge und Arbeiterheime in Italien (doppelt). - Aus dem Besitz des Danziger Philologen Reinhold Schwarz (1888-1952), 6 Hefte mit Besitzvermerk und mehrfacher Stempelung (u.a. Hakenkreuz, Runen), auch in den nicht gekennzeichneten Heften Anstreichungen in Blei- und Rotstift. Schwarz wurde Januar 1945 wegen Wehrkraftzersetzung inhaftiert, 1950-52 war er Vorsitzender der Berliner LDPD.

Lot 77

Geologie - - Brisse, Alexander und Leon de Rotrou. The Draining of Lake Fucino. Accomplished by His Excellency Prince Alexander Torlonia. An abridged Account Historical and Technical by Alexander Brisse and Leon de Rotrou. English translation by V. de Tivoli. - Desséchement du Lac Fucino, exécuté par S. E. le Prince Alexandre Torlonia. Précis historique et technique. Text- und Atlasband. Mit 20 (8 gefalteten bzw. doppelblattgroßen) chromolithographischen Tafeln. Rom, Propaganda-Press, 1877. 304, 304 S. 30 x 21,5 cm und 59,5 x 47,5 cm (Atlas). Bedruckter Original-Pappband (Textband) und Original-Halbleinwand mit Deckeltitel (Deckel fleckig, Ecken bestoßen).Erste Ausgabe, hier mit dem seltenen Atlasband. - Lozzi 2058. - Beschreibt die Trockenlegung des Lago Fucino, des damals größten Binnengewässers Mittelitaliens (155 km²), vom Baubeginn des Kanals im Jahre 1862 bis zur Vollendung im Jahre 1875. Es handelt sich um das weltweit drittgrößte Projekt dieser Art nach Suez- und Panama-Kanal. - Die Tafel "Panorama du Lac" in einer Größe von 58 x 113 cm. - Tafeln teils etwas gebräunt und fleckig.

Lot 201

Weltkrieg 1939-1945 - - Vier illustrierte Propaganda-Publikationen des Vichy-Regimes. Paris (u.a.?), ca. 1940-1942. 11 x 10 cm bis 14 x 13 cm. Teils farbig illustrierte Original-Broschuren (teils leicht fleckig).Die Sammlung enthält: I. La revue triomphale de l'Angleterre. Illustriert von "H". (Paris?), t.v.s.p., 1940 (?). Farbig illustriertes Original-Leporello. - II. 25 ans de Bolchevisme. Fléau du Monde. Illustriert von "A PIS.". Paris, Le comité d'action antibolchevique, 1942 (?). Illustriertes Original-Leporello. - III. Les "Attentistes". Illustriert von Ch. Z.(?). Paris, G. Mazeyrie (imprimeur-éditeur), 1940 (?). Illustrierte Original-Broschur. - IV. Paroles dorées de Mr. Churchill adressées à la Nation Fran?ais. Paris, Comité d'éclairissement sur les relations franco-anglaises, 1940. Farbig illustrierte Original-Broschur. - Insgesamt gut erhalten.

Lot 174

Sozialismus - Kommunismus - - Dieu sous les bolchevistes. Durchgehend zweifarbig illustriert (mit "bolschewistischen" Photomontagen). Ohne Angaben zu Verlag und Druck, um 1941. 14 Bl. 26 x 17,5 cm. Illustrierte Original-Broschur (kleine Randeinrisse, kleine Fehlstelle links unten).Seltenes Beispiel eines Layouts mit eindeutigen "avantgardistischen" Reminiszenzen, hier verwendet zur religiös verbrämten antibolschewistischen Propaganda des Vichy-Regimes. - Gut erhalten.

Lot 42

WWII propaganda post cards, album of 96 all different, includes Germany, Italy, Russia etc

Lot 855

Papierkonvolut 3. Reichca. 25 Stück WHW-Blättchen, darunter Freude durch das WHW, Opferspende 1935/36, die Kameradschaft überwindet die Not, deine Kraft deinem Volk...; zwei Faltkarten Obersalzberg, vor und nach der Bombardierung; ca. 50 Propaganda- und Feldpostkarten; sowie ca. 25 militärische Portrait- und Gruppenfotos, guter Zustand.

Lot 868

Industrieller Beobachter von 1930-1944, mit ca. 50 Heften und ca. 1000 Seiten pro Jahrgang im DIN A 4-Format, aktuelle Berichte, Propaganda, Werbung, Sport..., ab 1939 mit Kriegsberichterstattung, jahrgangsweise gebunden, der Jahrgang 1943 fehlt, interessante originale Berichterstattung der Zeit, altersgemäßer Zustand.

Lot 1

Follower of Maurice-Quentin de La Tour (French, 1704-1788)Portrait of Charles Edward Stuart bears signature and date (upper left)pastel on paper60 x 49.5 cm. (23 5/8 x 19 1/2 in.)Footnotes:The portrait is likely to based on the lost pastel drawing by Maurice Quentin de la Tour, which was exhibited in the Paris Salon of 1748, shortly after Charles' failed rebellion against the Hanoverians in 1745-6. Despite his defeat, Charles was seen in Paris as a great hero.Charles Edward Stuart, the Young Pretender, embodied the hopes of the Stuart cause in exile. His portrait was reproduced in numerous forms that could be disseminated widely, both as propaganda and as gifts for supporters. This lot is subject to the following lot symbols: ** VAT on imported items at a preferential rate of 5% on Hammer Price and the prevailing rate on Buyer's Premium.For further information on this lot please visit Bonhams.com

Lot 728

Propaganda-Teller ''Kto ne s nami tot protiv nas'' Russland, 2. Hälfte des 20. Jh. Porzellan. Mittig Fabrikgebäude und kyrillische Inschrift (Wer nicht bei uns ist, ist gegen uns). Fahne mit Doppeladler. Unterseite mit grüner Aufglasurmarke Alexander III ''88'', in Schwarz: Hammer, Sichel, Teil eines Zahnrades, ''1921''. Durchgängiger Haarriss, Gold berieben, Rand beschädigt. D. 23 cm

Lot 414

Militaria - Circa 1850's Oak Framed Picture of Non-Commissioned Officers, Sergeants and Corporals, a WWI Peace mug and a propaganda handkerchief (3)

Lot 474

An Interesting Folio of Wartime Propaganda, imagery, mostly 'Anti German', but other topics covered (distributed by The GB Fine Art Society).

Lot 421

Bartolocci,G.: Bibliotheca Magna Rabbinica. 4 Bde. Rom, Sacrae Congregationis de Propaganda Fide 1675-93. 4°. Mit Frontispiz u. Titelkupfervignette. Leder d. Zt. Hebräisch-Latein. - Ehemaliges Bibliotheksexemplar mit Stempel und Rückensignatur. Einbände beschabt und bestoßen. Bindungen fest. Papier moderat gebräunt, geringfügig stockfleckig. Geringfügiger Wurmfraß an den Marginalien. Satzspiegel sauber. Insgesamt gut erhaltenes Exemplar. Sehr seltenes Werk des Zisterziensers und Gelehrten für hebräische Literatur und Kultur Giulio Bartolocci (1613-1687).

Lot 1142

USSR im Bau.: Illustrierte Monatsschrift. Jgge. 1930-32 in 3 Bdn. Moskau 1930-32. Fol. Mit zahlr. Abb. Hlwdbde. (tls. mit eingeb. illustr. OU) mit Rsch. Drei kompl. Jgge. (36 Hefte) der tls. noch im Stil der russischen Avantgarde gestalteten Propaganda-Zeitschrift. Enthält Montagen von u.a. El Lissitzky u. John Heartfield. - Eingebunden sind die OU zu den Heften 1930/I, 1931/I-II u. VII-XII, 1932/I-XI. - Mehrere Bl. knittrig od. knickspurig, einige Bl. randrissig, 2 Bl. lose u. mit größeren Einrissen.

Lot 1230

Plakat, Das.: 10. Jg. 6 Doppelhefte. Bln., Das Plakat 1919. 4°. Mit zahlr., tls. farb. u. mont. Abb. 448 S. Illustr. Ohlwd. (Etw. berieb.). Mit Beiträgen von Christine Brückel: Die Frau in der politischen Propaganda; A.A. Goetze: Frauen im Dienste der Werbekunst; Carl Bauer: Der Buchumschlag als Plakat; Peter Jessen: Paul Scheurich u.a.

Lot 1935

A Second World War period propaganda poster, 'Starve The Brute' by H. Morgan, detailed to the lower right corner 'Survey Training Centre, R.E., P/8/167 6/41', 55cm x 43cm, framed and glazed.Buyer’s Premium 29.4% (including VAT @ 20%) of the hammer price. Lots purchased online via the-saleroom.com will attract an additional premium of 6% (including VAT @ 20%) of the hammer price.

Lot 137

SYME, R. Roman papers. Vol. I-III. Ed. by A.R. Birley. 1979-84. 3 (of 7) vols. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- Id. The Augustan aristocracy. 1986. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- Id. Ammianus and the Historia Augusta. 1968. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- K.A.E. ENENKEL & I.L. PFEIJFFER, eds. The manipulative mode. Political propaganda in antiquity: A collection of case studies. 2005. Ocl. -- And 1 o. (7).

Lot 151

SHORROCK, R. The challenge of epic. Allusive engagement in the Dionysiaca of Nonnus. 2001. Ocl. -- K.A.E. ENENKEL & I.L. PFEIJFFER, eds. The manipulative mode. Political propaganda in antiquity: A collection of case studies. 2005. Obrds. -- M. KUNTZ. Narrative setting & dramatic poetry. 1993. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- F. LÉTOUBLON. Les lieux communs du roman. Stéréotypes grecs d'aventure & d'amour. 1993. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- 4 vols. (Mnemosyne 123, 124, 210, 261). -- Th. GOMPERZ. Eine Auswahl herkulanischer kleiner Schriften 1864-1909. Hrsg. v. T. Dorandi. 1993. Ocl. w. dust-j. (PA). -- (5).

Lot 148

ROSEN, R.M. & I. SLUITER, ed. City, countryside, and the spatial organization. 2006. -- J. CARGILL. Athenian settlements of the 4th c. BC. 1995. -- C.J. MACKIE, ed. Oral performance and its context. 2004. -- C.A.E. LUSCHNIG. The Gorgon's severed head. Studies of Alcestis, Electra & Phoenissae. 1995. -- K.A.E. ENENKEL & I.L. PFEIJFFER, eds. The manipulative mode. Political propaganda in antiquity: A collection of case studies. 2005. -- C.M.J. SICKING & J.M. v. OPHUIJSEN. Two studies in Attic particle usage: Lysias & Plato. 1993. -- And 1 o., tog. 7 vols. Obrds. (4) & ocl. w. dust-j. (Mnemosyne 129, 145, 153, 248, 261, 265, 279).

Lot 586

A collection of military ephemera, to include a 1940 Daily Express, a silk map of France, Public information leaflets, reproduction identity and ration cards and more, plus three reproduction WWII propaganda posters 'Keep Mum She's Not Dumb', 'Let's Go Forward Together', and 'Dig On For Victory' (parcel)

Lot 597

An original WWI Allied Propaganda poster, depicting key figures from Britain, France, Belgium and Russia, including King George V, Earl Kitchener, Admiral Jellicoe, Grand Duke Nicholas etc, approx. 43cm x 60cm, framed and glazed

Lot 709

A WWI German Propaganda Iron Cross 1914, marked RD to the reverse, 4.5cm wide, together with a German Dog Tag, marked 'Arm.Batl.10.' to one side and 'Franz Zmy Lonku. KR. PLESS. 30.11.84 ARM.ERS.BATL.17.A.K THORN. 1.K' to the other (2) possibly reproduction, please form own opinion of authenticity before bidding

Lot 2093

Two reprinted WWII Propaganda posters, each 41 x 57 cm. Posted unframed: £14+VAT for the first lot and £1+VAT for subsequent lots)

Lot 607

HANS TICHA (1940 Tetschen-Bodenbach, lebt in Maintal) Riemenkopf IIÖl auf Hartfaserplatte. 1983.60 x 50 cm.Oben links mit Pinsel in Grau signiert „TICHA“ und datiert.Ticha 83/10.Provenienz: Privatsammlung NorddeutschlandHans Ticha formulierte in seinen gesellschaftskritischen Bildern eine unverwechselbare Ikonographie, die Eduard Beaucamp wie folgt beschreibt: „Im Aufgang der Moderne waren die anonymen, stereometrischen Figurinen in der Tat einmal Hoffnungsträger der gesellschaftlichen Utopie. Mit den Heeren der Claqueure, Strammsteher und Stechschrittler verabschiedet Ticha auch die Ästhetik der Schablonen“ (zit. nach Eduard Beaucamp, in: Erik Stephan (Hrsg.), Ticha. Bilder, Zeichnungen, Objekte, Ausst.-kat. Kunstsammlung Jena, Jena 2015, S. 18). Der Künstler gilt heute als einer der bedeutensten und interessantesten Kritiker der Propaganda der DDR. Seine Bildsprache ist von einer parodistischen Abstraktion der Embleme und den plakativen Bildvorlagen eines totalitären Alltags geprägt. So wird der Mensch, wie im „Riemenkopf II“, nicht als Individuum, sondern als politischer Roboter dargestellt. Der seelenlose Mechanismus einer Zwangsgesellschaft wird durch die plakative, geometrische Bildsprache zum Ausdruck gebracht. In Bildern wie „Riemenkopf II“ stellt Ticha die Mechanik der Macht des DDR-Regimes und den Verlust des individuellen Denkvermögens der Bürger zur Schau.

Lot 470

Heinrich Vogeler (Bremen 1872 - Karaganda/Sibirien 1942). Im Mai. Radierung und Aquatinta, 31,5 x 23 cm, r. u. mit Bleistift sign. H. Vogeler, l. u. Signatur des Druckers Felsing, unter Glas gerahmt, ungeöffnet. - Deutscher Maler, Graphiker und Architekt. V. studierte mit Unterbrechungen 1890-92 an der Düsseldorfer Akademie. Er gehörte zur ersten Generation der Worspweder Künstlerkolonie und war durch seine zunächst vor allem vom Jugendstil beeinflusste Kunst ihr lyrischster Vertreter. Nach den verstörenden Erfahrungen des Ersten Weltkrieges begeisterte er sich für die Ideale der Russischen Revolution, für deren Propagierung er seine sog. Komplexbilder entwickelte. 1931 emigrierte er endgültig in die Sowjetunion. Mus.: Worpswede, Bremen (Kunsthalle), Dresden u.a. Lit.: Thieme-Becker, Vollmer, Bénézit, Rief: H.V. - Das graphische Werk, 1983, Elze: H.V. - Buchgraphik. Das Werkverzeichnis 1895-1935, 1997, Stenzig: Worpswede-Moskau. Das Werk von H.V., 1991 u.a. Vogeler, Heinrich (Bremen 1872 - Karaganda/Sibirien 1942). In May. Etching and aquatint, 31,5 x 23 cm, lo. ri. autographed H. Vogeler, lo. le. signature of the printer Felsing, framed under glass, uninspected out of frame. - German painter, graphic artist and architect from the first generation of the Worpswede artist's colony. The early phase of his creative career was influenced by art nouveau. After the disturbing experience of WW I he got enthusiastic about the ideals of the Russian Revolution, for the propaganda of which he developed his so called 'Komplexbilder'. In 1931 he emigrated definitely to the Sowjet Union. Mus.: Worpswede, Bremen (Kunsthalle), Dresden a. others. Lit.: Thieme-Becker, Vollmer, Bénézit, Rief: H.V. - Das graphische Werk, 1983, Elze: H.V. - Buchgraphik. Das Werkverzeichnis 1895-1935, 1997, Stenzig: Worpswede-Moskau. Das Werk von H.V., 1991 a. others.

Lot 266

A Collection Of Mixed Militaria To Include A Collection Of World War Two Japanese Propaganda Magazines, A Small Quantity Of Ephemera And A World War Two German Wehrpass And Sports Badge.

Lot 253

NO RESERVE Jiri (Jenicek).- Photography.- Sutnar (Ladislav) Dvacet let československé armády v osvobozeném státě, photographic plates, original leather-backed cloth, dust-jacket, joints torn at spine foot, small amounts of chipping and bumping to extremities, presentation card slipcase, original publisher's box with paper label, folio, Prague, 1938.⁂ This propaganda photobook, published just before the dissolution of Czechoslovakia and World War II, is an interesting example of an avant-garde artist's turn towards national themes, and Jiri also made short films for the military. Dedicated to the Czechoslovak army, it was published in May 1938 - in the last months of the existence of the First Republic, when the threat to national security was clearly felt. Paper label on box reads 'Bookstore and publishing house of the Czechoslovak Union. Officers Prague...'.

Lot 255

Women at War, WWII British Propaganda Photojounalism, seven vintage gelatin silver prints, printed 1939 to 1944, press agencies and British official photographs, comprising (1) Women gas protection squads, Paris 1939; (2) Women in RAF control room; (3) Women pilots deliver spitfires?; (4),(5), Women soldiers driving army vehicle; (6),(7), Women building landing craft including 'a young married woman, once a worker in a wool mill is now an expert welder' largest image (welder) 25cm x 19.5cm, smallest (spitfire) 14cm x 19.3cm

Lot 215

[MINIATURE BOOKS] -- [RELIGION]. A group of 28 works, including:[BIBLE]. The Bible in Miniature, for Children. Worcester: Dorr, Howland & Co., 1835. -- [THUMB BIBLES]. History of the Bible. Cooperstown: H. & E. Phinney, 1839. -- TAYLOR, Jeremy. The Marriage Ring; or the Mysteriousness and Duties of Marriage. London: Hamilton, Adams, and Co., 1844. -- BUNYAN, John. Edmund Venables, editor. The Pilgrim’s Progress. London: Henry Frowde, 1896. -- NOBIER, Charles. La Filleule du Seigneur. Paris: Pairault & Cie., 1897. -- [BIBLE]. The Four Gospels of New Testament. Rome: Propaganda Fide, 1934. -- [BIBLE]. The Little Bible: Simple Selections. Elgin, IL: David C. Cook Pub. Co., [1950]. -- [MISSAL]. Misal Para los Ninos. Barcelona: Editorial Liberia Religiosa, [1950]. -- Santos Evangelios. Barcelona: Editorial Blames, 1965. -- The Story of Christmas as Told in Scripture, Carols, and Poems. Elgin, IL: David C. Cook, [1967]. -- Small Rain Upon the Tender Herb. London: Religious Tract Society, N.d. Pull-apart case. -- And 17 others. Together, 28 works in 28 volumes, various 48mo and 64mo sizes or smaller, most in original or contemporary bindings, condition generally fine. Complete list available upon request.

Lot 433

R.M.S. Lusitania Medal, obv. KEIE BANNWARE ('No contraband') over sinking vessel, rev. GESCHAFT UBER ALLES ('Business above all'), Death sits in the booking office of the Cunard Line, in case of issue with original wartime pamphlet*; together with George I farthing 1721, obv. second issue laureate and cuirassed bust right, rev. Britannia, near Fine; George IV farthing 1826, obv. laureate head left, rev. Britannia, VG; Britain's First Decimal Coins specimen set; a 1953 year set; and 6 x cupro-nickel crowns. *Produced on behalf the British Government following the sinking of R.M.S Lusitania in May 1915, the medals are a curious form of wartime propaganda which capitalise on an error in the original German design to infer that the attack on the UK bound passenger liner by the German navy was pre-meditated.

Lot 82

A reproduction Nazi propaganda poster - Der Sieg Wird Unser Sein! [Victory will be Ours], reproduced from an original poster held at the Imperial War Museum, London Lithographic Ltd., contemporary metal frame

Lot 26

Three screen printed 1960's propaganda posters for factory work or similar

Lot 689

Book “Sperrfeuer Um Deutschland” (Barrage Around Germany) a 1929 Anti-Weimar pro nationalist book by WWI officer Werner Beumelburg used by the Third Reich as a propaganda method; Prisoner of War Documents with Third Reich Envelope; Selection of pre and war time German maps, “Stammbuch” (book recording family events of Karl Heil) beginning in 1909.

Lot 405

KEEP CALM AND CARRY ON: A PERIOD WORLD WAR II PROPAGANDA POSTER circa 1940, printed by the Ministry of Information, 38 x 25cm This rare original copy of the small version of the famous poster, which was issued by the Government in 1940, to be displayed only following a German invasion of Britain. Provenance: Given to the current vendor by the previous owner, who had acquired it in 1946 while clearing the cellar of council offices in Newcastle

Lot 559

Italy 1924 'Trade Propaganda' Used Overprinted Stamp Selection, S.G 168, S.G 171 four stamps, total catalogue value £980.

Lot 1043


Lot 100

A small collection of Second World War Italian theatre Allied anti-Axis propaganda leaflets etc

Lot 129

Three Great War anti-German propaganda mock Iron Cross medals

Lot 51

A Second World War North Africa campaign German propaganda £1 Peppiatt Banknote, series H86D 729630, having Arabic text verso, together with two other banknotes and a small candid photograph of Erwin Rommel with German troops

Lot 249

World War II propaganda posters. Someone Talked! by Siebel, OWI Poster no. 18, 1942, 101 x 71cm (fold creases); 4 American posters of smaller size (creases and pin marks); together with 5 copies of 'Ssh!... The enemy is always listening', colour lithographic poster printed for HMSO by James Haworth ltd, London, 49 x 37cm

Lot 267

Boris Artzybasheff for Wickwire Spencer Steel Company, 25 monochrome printed American wartime propaganda posters, copyright 1943/44, loose, approx. 43 x 51cm (some edges nicked and /or pin marked); together with Maurice Busset, Avion Caproni 3 Moteurs en Panne; Ecole de Bombardement de Clermont Ferrand, 2 woodblock prints, circa 1919, printed in blue and black, mounted, 30 x 48cm

Lot 1374

A framed German Propaganda Poster 'Helft uns Siegen', possibly reproduction

Lot 146

Ɵ MODERN FIRST EDITIONS.- JOHN LENNON and MAO TSE-TUNG, two volumes, 1964-1966. comprising: LENNON, John. (1940 - 1980). In His Own Write. 1964. first edition, small 8vo, (180 x 140mm), publisher's glossy blue boards with portrait of Lennon by Robert Freeman to upper cover, within glassine wrapper, priced 9s.6d. to front pastedown, poems and short stories ranging from eight lines to three pages, illustrated throughout by Lennon in his unique style, with three related newspaper cuttings loosely inserted, 79pp; ZEDONG, Mao. (1893 - 1976). Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-Tung. 1966. first English edition of Mao's 'Little Red Book', (132 x 95mm), original card covers within red textured vinyl-plastic wrapper, title blindstamped to upper cover, title page printed in red and green, photo. portrait frontispiece with tissue guard, facsimile of handwritten statement by Comrade Lin Pao (in Japanese, with English translation at next page) 312pp. Chairman Mao's 'Little Red Book', an important work of Communist and historical significance, became a symbol of anti-Vietnam propaganda in America, being quickly banned not only for its communist and socialist contents, but for being an icon of anti-war effort.(Qty. 2).   Condition Report: 1. In His own Write - some wear to extremities, upper and lower boards cracked, foxing to edges affecting some leaf edges, occasional light foxing to a few pages.2. Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-Tung - light marks to original card covers and red vinyl-plastic wrapper, toning to edges, internally clean.Condition Report Disclaimer

Lot 316

Very Unusual Waffen-SS Propaganda Kompanie Portable Gramophone, rectangular black leatherette covered portable gramophone with silver leaf jawless panzer skull above SS runes and PK (Propagandakompanie). Interior with the original turn table and a selection of original period records. Accompanying the set is a series of reproduced wartime photographs of Waffen-SS interest. A very unusual item. We have been informed that this model of Gramaphhone was made in England until 1931 when it was superseded. After WW1 it was illegal for HMV products to be sold in Germany, only models from the firm Electrola were allowed. We advise all interested bidders to view the item and make sure they are happy with what they are bidding on.

Lot 192


Lot 314

Original vintage double-sided propaganda poster with songs glorifying France's achievements in aeronautics, honour to Bleriot (a French aviator and engineer; 1872-1936) etc. Les Glories de la France. Image of an early plane flying over a crowd below in the countryside with a zeppelin in the background. Text with songs on both sides. Very good condition, printed on thin newspaper stock, folds, light stains, small tears and minor loss on bottom margin. France,1900s. Designer: Unknown. Size (cm):77.5x56.

Lot 315

Original vintage Soviet propaganda poster - Hands off! - featuring grotesque caricature illustrations of Western power leaders charging towards a Red Army watchman standing on guard backed up with tanks and planes, with people walking through the city streets carrying red banners praising Red Army, with a poem by Demyan Bedny about a peaceful Red watchman not afraid of fascist knife and dynamite, Chinese bandits, and Polish men, fearfully guarding the borders of the USSR. Horizontal. Fair condition, tears, creasing, paper losses, browning, staining, backed on old linen. Country of issue: Russia, designer: Dmitry Moor, size (cm): 70x108, year of printing: 1929.

Lot 316

Original vintage propaganda poster promoting strengthening the defence capability of socialism - Long live International Youth Day. 10 years for Lenin's Internationalism. Strengthen ties with fraternal Communist Youth Unions. Expose the preparations for war against the USSR. - featuring an illustration of an athletic young mans statue with youth portrayed in red colours carrying banners and construction of buildings and factories behind them, stylised bold lettering. Poor condition, paper losses, tears, creasing, staining, backed on old linen. Country of issue: Russia, designer: Unknown, size (cm): 106x71, year of printing: 1929.

Lot 318

Original vintage Soviet anti religious propaganda poster - Imperialism and Religion. The way for capital and imperialist oppression in the colony is being paved by missionary priests with the help of the poisonous intoxication of religion. - featuring an illustration of a corpulent pope with a large golden cross around his neck and a gas mask spraying the people from two canisters on his back captioned 'asphyxiating gas' and 'religious intoxicant' with an outline of a rich 'Western' capitalist in a top hat and a ring on his finger pushing the priest and indigenous people below them in chains being whipped as they try to protect themselves and run. Horizontal. Poor condition, tears, creasing, staining, paper losses, backed on old linen. Country of issue: Russia, designer: M. Cheremnykh, size (cm): 51x72, year of printing: 1930.

Lot 319

Original vintage Soviet propaganda poster - Raise the banner of the industrial union between workers and peasants! - with a couple of peasants listening to a worker pointing at the fields with a quote by Stalin on the paper in his hands - The mass collective-farm movement does not weaken, but strengthens the bond, giving it a new production base. - with a loop consisting of smaller images of a factory, a farm, a field with harvest machines, a farm, and a railway all interconnected. Poor condition, paper losses, tears, creasing, staining, backed on old linen. Country of issue: Russia, designer: P. Alyakrinsky, size (cm): 106x72, year of printing: 1930.

Lot 320

Original vintage Soviet propaganda poster for the Red Army featuring an illustration of an oversized Red Army soldier dressed in a military uniform holding a bayonet rifle gun with smaller depiction of planes flying above industrial plants, tanks, and cavalry, the maroon and red diagonal lettering reads - Long live the Red Army - the stronghold of the peaceful policy of Soviet power and the faithful guard of the borders of the USSR. Fair condition, tears, creasing, paper losses, browning, staining, backed on old linen. Country of issue: Russia, designer: Lyushin, size (cm): 103x73, year of printing: 1931.

Lot 321

Original vintage Soviet propaganda poster - Against the exploiting class - featuring an illustration of a gentleman dressed in a black suit and a top-hat slamming his fist with swastika cufflinks. Smaller illustrations of religious clergy holding a cross and a man on a tribune with letters SD for Social Democrats. This is a left part of a two sheet poster, where the gentleman faces a communist with a caption above him that reads - Workers of the world, unite! We include a photo of the complete poster for reference only. This auction in only for the left part of the complete poster and we don't have the right part. Poor condition, part of a larger poster, tears, creasing, paper losses, browning, staining, backed on old linen. Country of issue: Russia, designer: Dmitry Moor, size (cm): 104x74, year of printing: 1931.

Lot 322

Original vintage Soviet propaganda poster inviting to - Help the fighters of the revolution, the victims of fascism - featuring an illustration of a man in chains in a dark prison cell with barbed wire door, poster design by Soviet caricature and poster artist Robert Chernyak (1900-1932). Good condition, tears, creasing, paper losses, staining, trimmed edges, backed on old linen. Country of issue: Russia, designer: Chernyak, size (cm): 70x52, year of printing: 1931.

Lot 323

Original vintage Soviet propaganda poster - We will grow a healthy next generation in Collective Farm (Kolkhoz) nurseries - Correctly organised nurseries raise a strong new socialist generation, free the kolkhoz farming mother for productive labour on the collective farm - featuring an illustration of toddlers and children seated at the dinner table with suggestions on dining crockery, sanitary conditions, and diet, a lady mopping the floor with an advise to clean daily and air the rooms, nursery workers taking care of the child by vaccinating, and bathing them, and three smiling children playing with toy truck and wooden blocks in the sandbox. Acceptable condition, creasing, tears, paper loss in bottom left corner, staining, backed on cloth. Country of issue: Russia, designer: Zotov, size (cm): 81x54, year of printing: 1933.

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