Title: Barbara Hepworth (1903-75) Maquette of BH 81 'Ball, Hole and Plane' Sculpture From (1936) Description: BARBARA HEPWORTH (1903-7...
Barbara Hepworth Art
6 item(s)
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6 item(s)/page
Title: Barbara Hepworth (1903-75) Maquette of BH 562 'Two Spheres In Orbit' Sculpture From (1973) Description: BARBARA HEPWORTH (1903-...
Lot 107
Ben Nicholson (b1894-1982) ‘5 Circles’ Abstract 1934’, High-Quality Giclée Reproduction Print, 20...
Title: Ben Nicholson (b1894-1982) ‘5 Circles’ Abstract 1934’, High-Quality Giclée Reproduction Print, 2021 Description: Ben Nicholson ...
Lot 108
Ben Nicholson (b1894-1982) 'June 1937' High-Quality Giclée Reproduction On Archival Paper Print 2...
Title: Ben Nicholson (b1894-1982) 'June 1937' High-Quality Giclée Reproduction On Archival Paper Print 2021 Description: Ben Nicholson...
Lot 136
Barbara Hepworth (1903-75) ‘Pelagos’ Exhibition Poster, Fine Art Lithograph of Vibrant Colour, 20...
Title: Barbara Hepworth (1903-75) ‘Pelagos’ Exhibition Poster, Fine Art Lithograph of Vibrant Colour, 2016 Description: BARBARA HEPWOR...
Lot 102
Four art prints to include a monochrome op-art print after Victor Vasarely, and indistinctly
Four art prints to include a monochrome op-art print after Victor Vasarely, and indistinctly signed postcard, an architectural print, and a Barbar...