A very large quantity of various baskets and weave ware (Loc GFF 578)
Ethnographica & Tribal Art for sale
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921 item(s)/page
A Lega mask Democratic Republic of the Congo with almond shape slit eyes and punched circle decoration, with white pigment and burnished highli...
A Maori hand club wahaika paraoa New Zealand bone, with a carved tiki below the inner curve, with
A Maori hand club wahaika paraoa New Zealand bone, with a carved tiki below the inner curve, with its tongue sticking out and hands on abdome...
A Maori hand club mere pounamu New Zealand nephrite, of flattened spatulate form with a ribbed
A Maori hand club mere pounamu New Zealand nephrite, of flattened spatulate form with a ribbed terminal and pierced for attachment, 37cm long...
A Thai buddha head 19th / 20th century stone, 29cm high, on a plinth. (2)
λA Zulu knobkerrie South Africa rhinoceros horn, with an ovoid head above two ribbed bands and a
λA Zulu knobkerrie South Africa rhinoceros horn, with an ovoid head above two ribbed bands and a tapered shaft, the end pierced for attachment,...
Māori carved bone Tiki figure
Māori carved bone Tiki figure, with abalone inlaid eyes, 14cm high
A Baule mask Ivory Coast with a quintuple lobed coiffure, facial scarifications, with black, red and
A Baule mask Ivory Coast with a quintuple lobed coiffure, facial scarifications, with black, red and white painted decoration, 35.5cm high. P...
Four Zulu knobkerries South Africa two plain, 85.5cm and 85.8cm long, one with brass wirework and
Four Zulu knobkerries South Africa two plain, 85.5cm and 85.8cm long, one with brass wirework and incised notches, 76.2cm long, and the fourth,...
A Quimbaya seated figure Colombia, circa 800 - 1200 AD pottery, with a pierced head and chest, the
A Quimbaya seated figure Colombia, circa 800 - 1200 AD pottery, with a pierced head and chest, the nose with a pierced septum and with remains...
A Zulu snuff gourd South Africa with applied copper and brass wire decoration, with a wood stopper, 10cm wide.
A FIJIAN GUNSTOCK CLUB (GATA) 19TH CENTURY Hardwood, characteristic spur to top above stepped end, panels of carved hatchment, mo...
THREE FIJIAN ROOTSTOCK WAR CLUBS (VUNIKAU) 19TH CENTURY Hardwood, each with characteristic hatched carving, rootstock natural ends,...
Traditional necklace of the Berber tribes of North Africa made of antique "amber" beadsNecklace with beads modelled on amber, made of tree resin (...
Four Dolpo strip woven blankets wool, with dyed linear decoration, 121cm x 154cm, 108cm x 163cm,
Four Dolpo strip woven blankets wool, with dyed linear decoration, 121cm x 154cm, 108cm x 163cm, 90cm x 156cm and 84cm x 123cm. (4)
Five Naga knives daos Nagaland with iron blades, three with rattan bound wood handles, one having
Five Naga knives daos Nagaland with iron blades, three with rattan bound wood handles, one having inset dyed hair and two with integral blade...
A Maori ear pendant kurukuru New Zealand nephrite, pierced for attachment, 8cm long.
A quantity of disposables - tissues and face masks (Loc GFF 591)
A San ostrich egg South Africa with incised stylised decoration and an animal head, 15cm high.
A San ostrich egg South Africa with incised stylised decoration and an animal head, 15cm high.
A Naga standing female figure Probably Konyak, Nagaland with her hands raised to her jaw, 73.5cm
A Naga standing female figure Probably Konyak, Nagaland with her hands raised to her jaw, 73.5cm high, on a wooden base. (2) Provenance Han...
An Inuit mother and child group Arctic steatite, the kneeling mother with a carrying strap across
An Inuit mother and child group Arctic steatite, the kneeling mother with a carrying strap across her forehead, supporting a child on her back,...
A Benin head of an Oba cast bronze, with an ornate headdress and high neck ring, 29.5cm high.
A Benin head of an Oba cast bronze, with an ornate headdress and high neck ring, 29.5cm high. Provenance Frank Dalvin, London.
A Bambara monkey mask Mali with an encrusted patina, 22.5cm high. Provenance From the estate of
A Bambara monkey mask Mali with an encrusted patina, 22.5cm high. Provenance From the estate of the late Eldred Trewvella "Bill" Bennette. ...
An unusual carved dog head Oceanic, possibly a canoe prow with scroll ears, inset shell eyes and
An unusual carved dog head Oceanic, possibly a canoe prow with scroll ears, inset shell eyes and with a long muzzle, with black staining and th...
A Maori beater New Zealand bone, of oval form with a conforming handle, having a squared edge
A Maori beater New Zealand bone, of oval form with a conforming handle, having a squared edge attachment hole and a carved tiki mask terminal, ...
Four Naga knives daos Nagaland with iron blades and rattan bound wood handles with inset dyed
Four Naga knives daos Nagaland with iron blades and rattan bound wood handles with inset dyed hair, 69cm, 74.6cm, 80cm and 80.5cm long. (4) P...
A Solomon Islands parrying shield qauata Melanesia the curved blade with a medial ridge terminating in a W, to a tapered shaft with socket an...
Tribal Art: A Dogon house post, Togu Na, Mali, together with a Tusyan plank mask, Loniaken, Burk...
Tribal Art: A Dogon house post, Togu Na, Mali, together with a Tusyan plank mask, Loniaken, Burkina Faso The former modelled with a forked support...
Fijian throwing club, typical form with chip carved handle and Roman script 'ILRONI', 39cm long, together with a large footed tribal bowl and a co...
A Maori walking stick New Zealand carved a seated tiki and two kneeling tiki figures, with inset
A Maori walking stick New Zealand carved a seated tiki and two kneeling tiki figures, with inset haliotis eyes, and bands of linear and notch c...
A Haida model totem pole Northwest Coast of North America carved a standing figure with a whale
A Haida model totem pole Northwest Coast of North America carved a standing figure with a whale issuing from his mouth and with a eagle on his ...
A Bhutan woman's dress kira wool, strip woven hothra jalo with stamped tigma symbols, with remains
A Bhutan woman's dress kira wool, strip woven hothra jalo with stamped tigma symbols, with remains of blue cotton to the top and bottom of th...
A Vanuatu axe Melanesia the iron trade blade stamped a B with a six pointed star and a 2, on a
A Vanuatu axe Melanesia the iron trade blade stamped a B with a six pointed star and a 2, on a wood shaft with a disc and pointed terminal, 89c...
A Papuan Gulf drum Papua New Guinea of tapering cylindrical form with carved scroll decoration and
A Papuan Gulf drum Papua New Guinea of tapering cylindrical form with carved scroll decoration and eyes to the jaws, with black, red and white ...
Nine Naga spears Nagaland wood with dyed and natural goat hair, with fibre and seven metal blades,
Nine Naga spears Nagaland wood with dyed and natural goat hair, with fibre and seven metal blades, one stamped MA 7718, and six metal end tips,...
A Maori staff tewhatewha New Zealand with a short curved blade pierced at the base, and a tapered
A Maori staff tewhatewha New Zealand with a short curved blade pierced at the base, and a tapered shaft having ring knops towards the termina...
A Nupe stool Nigeria with a carved top and on eleven tapered legs, 36cm high.
A Kenyah-Dayak shield Indonesia the front painted masks of an udoq monster and applied rows of hair,
A Kenyah-Dayak shield Indonesia the front painted masks of an udoq monster and applied rows of hair, the back painted mythical beasts and with ...
Four Naga knives daos Nagaland with iron blades and rattan bound wood handles with inset dyed
Four Naga knives daos Nagaland with iron blades and rattan bound wood handles with inset dyed hair, 54.5cm, 73cm, 75cm and 79.6cm long. (4) P...
THREE TRIBAL WAR CLUBS 19TH CENTURY Hardwood, a Fijian short Bowai or Gada club, an African knobkerry club- possibly Tanzania and a...
Two Tretchikoff prints comprising The First Wife Of A Zulu Chief, approx 66.5cm x 79cm and Lady Of Ndebele, approx 70cm x 60.5cm. Shipping categor...
Two Naga carved wood human skulls Konyak, Nagaland the smaller with a smooth patina, 9cm and 15cm
Two Naga carved wood human skulls Konyak, Nagaland the smaller with a smooth patina, 9cm and 15cm long, and a monkey skull, 12cm long. (3) Pr...
Two Naga hats Nagaland cane, one with stripes of red and yellow cane, with an attached crest of dyed
Two Naga hats Nagaland cane, one with stripes of red and yellow cane, with an attached crest of dyed red and black hair, with two feathers, 24c...
A Yoruba female Ibeji figure Nigeria with inset ebonised pupils and wearing a bead waistband, 27cm
A Yoruba female Ibeji figure Nigeria with inset ebonised pupils and wearing a bead waistband, 27cm high. Provenance Zbyszek Plocki Collec...
An Aboriginal narrow shield Australia with carved linear geometric decoration with white pigment and
An Aboriginal narrow shield Australia with carved linear geometric decoration with white pigment and with scorched crosses, the faceted back wi...
Three Bhutan aprons wool, strip woven hothra jalo with stamped tigma symbols, the larger with a
Three Bhutan aprons wool, strip woven hothra jalo with stamped tigma symbols, the larger with a waxed cloth edging and the two four part aprons...
A Dolpo blanket Tibet wool, strip woven with natural dyes, 142cm x 218cm.
A Massim club Trobriand Islands with carved scroll decoration to the top part of the blade, 74.5cm
A Massim club Trobriand Islands with carved scroll decoration to the top part of the blade, 74.5cm long. Provenance Frank Hurley, Australia...
A Thule standing figure Alaska bone, with straight arms and hands to the sides of the lower abdomen,
A Thule standing figure Alaska bone, with straight arms and hands to the sides of the lower abdomen, 9cm high.
A Maasai shield Kenya hide, with white, red and black pigment decoration, the back with a bound wood
A Maasai shield Kenya hide, with white, red and black pigment decoration, the back with a bound wood rib and handle, 112.8cm high.
λA Solomon Islands kap kap pendant Melanesia shell and carved turtleshell, with plaited fibre, 15.
λA Solomon Islands kap kap pendant Melanesia shell and carved turtleshell, with plaited fibre, 15.5cm diameter.
A Kambata headrest Ethiopia with incised linear decoration, 20.5cm high, and a Shona headrest,
A Kambata headrest Ethiopia with incised linear decoration, 20.5cm high, and a Shona headrest, with a wire repair to the top, 13.5cm high. (2)
Four Naga knives daos Nagaland with iron blades and wood handles, three rattan bound and with
Four Naga knives daos Nagaland with iron blades and wood handles, three rattan bound and with inset dyed hair and the fourth with an integral...
A Fiji throwing club, i ula tavatava Melanasia with a lobed head and domed finial, the grip with
A Fiji throwing club, i ula tavatava Melanasia with a lobed head and domed finial, the grip with zig-zag carved decoration and pierced for ...
A Massim post figure Trobriand Islands, Papua New Guinea seated with arms supporting the chin, 122.
A Massim post figure Trobriand Islands, Papua New Guinea seated with arms supporting the chin, 122.5cm high.
Tribal Art - a Zulu status or prestige staff, loop finial, spirally turned shaft, 85.5cm lkong,
Tribal Art - a Zulu status or prestige staff, loop finial, spirally turned shaft, 85.5cm lkong, South Africa, c.1900