Fish Taxidermy For Sale

18 item(s)

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  • 18 item(s)

THREE BESWICK PORCELAIN FISH 20th century, including a rainbow trout, a perch, and a roach, all marked to base, the tallest measuring 16cm high x ...

Natural History - a marine echinoderm specimen, a starfish, mounted for display, 11.5cm high overall; another, a puffer fish (2)

Of Natural History Interest - A Victorian 19th century 1889 taxidermy trout fish in naturalistic glazed case. The rectangular oak wood & glazed ca...

A collection of ten horn and antler handled walking sticks and canes together with a boars tusk handled walking stick, a bone handled walking stic...

A Cased Rainbow Trout, 1993, fish mounted in display unit, plaque inside reading Rainbow Trout Caught by P.J. Carr, Tittesworth Reservoir, 26th S...

Eocene Period, circa 58-36 million years B.P. Diplomystus sp. in a rectangular matrix. 1.52 kg, 22 x 16 cm (8 5/8 x 6 1/4 in.). [No Reserve] Fr...

Lower Permian Period, circa 285 million years B.P. A complete preserved Mesosaurus brasiliensis skeleton in limestone. 1.11 kg total, 26.7 cm (10...

Eocene Period, circa 58-36 million years B.P. An oval matrix with a Knightia alta specimen. 81 grams, 96 mm (3 3/4 in.). [No Reserve] From Wyom...

Eocene Period, circa 58-36 million years B.P. A rounded matrix with two Knightia alta fish with faint remains of another one. 62 grams, 91 mm (3 ...

Eocene Period, circa 58-36 million years B.P. Comprising three rounded matrices, each with a Knightia alta specimen. 220 grams total, 87-92 mm (3...

Two sawn sections showing good Widmanstatten lines and characteristic ablated surface. 8.27 grams total, 18-32 mm (3/4 - 1 1/4 in.). [2, No Reser...

Eocene Period, circa 58-36 million years B.P. Comprising two complete Knightia alta specimens and remains of a third fish. 622 grams, 13.1 x 13.7...

Eocene Period, circa 58-36 million years B.P. Comprising three rounded matrices with Knightia alta fish fossils. 143 grams total, 8.6-10.5 cm (3 ...

Cretaceous Period, circa 125-113 million years B.P. Comprising three Spinosaurs maroccanus teeth; repaired. 52 grams total, 58-61 mm (2 1/4 - 2 3...

Eocene Period, circa 56-33 million years B.P. Comprising three irregular matrices, each with various teeth, fish bones, and other fossils. 455 gr...


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