Collection of hammered and later coins to include Edward I penny, Henry VI penny, Edward VI
Collection of hammered and later coins to include Edward I penny, Henry VI penny, Edward VI shilling, Elizabeth I shilling, sixpence, further sixp...
Collection of hammered and later coins to include Edward I penny, Henry VI penny, Edward VI shilling, Elizabeth I shilling, sixpence, further sixp...
Roman and later coinage and metal detector finds including a 1573 Elizabeth I sixpence and Charles I half crown
A group of pre 1920 silver coins. Including 1697 William IV sixpences and an 1892 half crown etc, 72 grams approx.
A decorative gilt brass 'Improved Base Coin Detector', English, c. 1870, with slots for Half-Crowns, Florins, Shillings and Sixpences, on mahoga...
A George IV Sixpence, dated 1828, higher grade, together with a George III five pence Irish bank token, 1805, two Victorian half crowns, a Medieva...
Large collection of silver and other British coins to include crowns, florins, shillings, half crowns, 3ds, copper coinage etc. ( 1 bag)
Victorian and later coinage comprising 1887, 1891, 1937 and 1951 crowns, 1899 and 1900 half crowns and an 1889 double florin, total weight of pre ...
Quantity of English coinage (80) pre 1947. to include: 14x Half crowns, 20x florins, 18 shillings, 16x sixpences, 15x three pence all varying in d...
WITHDRAWN A collection of British and world coins. Comprising a range of pre 1947 silver half crowns and florins etc plus an 1862 Swiss 2 Francs, ...
A collection of British and World coins. Comprising pre 1947 silver threepences, 1889 half crown, 1911 Australian florin etc.
A Victorian Double Florin, dated 1887, better grade, together with a George IV crown, 1821, a William IV half crown, 1836, a George III twopence, ...
A Charles II Crown, dated 1680, together with a William III Exeter mint Half Crown, dated 1696 (2)
A small quantity of British coins to include a Victorian silver Crown, 1889, George V Half Crown 1920, two Florins 1933 and 1936, two One Shilling...
Tub of assorted UK pre-decimal coins inc. Farthings, threepences, sixpences, shillings, half-crowns etc.
Royal Mint boxed Queen 2020 UK One Ounce Silver Proof Coin, UK Brexit gold plated Ltd Ed. Coin & cased silverGibraltar half-crown 2022
Coins, a bag containing a quantity of 19th century and pre-1947 GB silver coins, together with a small amount of post 1947 GB coins, from half cro...
Small collection of world silver and base metal coins, some in a pocket album, including a 1939 Ireland half crown, two Canada silver dollars (196...
Approximately 583g of pre 1947 British silver coinage to include 22 half crowns including a 1916 example
A collection of pre-1947 coins including a George III crown 1819, a Victorian ditto 1889, half crown, sixpences etc, 150 grams
Small qty of pre 1920 British coinage (72) to include Victorian, ERVII and GRV: 15x half crowns, worn Victorian gothic Florin, 2x florins, 15x Shi...
Quantity of British silver coinage to include GRIII silver shilling 1787 (Drilled), GRIII 1820 Crown, 2x Victoria 1890 silver double florins, 1887...
An album containing mainly pre 1947 English coinage. Including 1893 LVI Crown, 1896 LX Crown, 1899 LXII Crown, pre 1947 half crowns and florins et...
A collection of various coins including 1890 crown, 1887 double Florin, 1890 half crown etc.
A selection of High Grade George VI and Elizabeth II half crowns, Florins and Shillings, including silver and some in mint condition.
A George III 1817 silver half crown and Victorian 1889 silver double florin (2)
Tub of assorted UK pre-decimal coins inc. Crowns, half-crowns, shillings, sixpences, threepences, repro. Coins etc.
Assorted UK half-silver coins (pre-1947) inc. Half-crown, florins, shillings, sixpences & threepences, total w: 2.9 ozt
A boxed Westminster Collection 'First World War Centenary' Coin collection, one of 1,914 issued, comprising five silver coins struck in 1914: Half...
A small quantity of pre-1947 English coinage including an 1889 crown, a 1935 ditto, 5 half crowns, 2 florins, 2 sixpences and 2 thrupenny bits, 15...
George III and Queen Victoria mixed coinage to include pennies, 1797 George III cartweel penny, William 4th 1836 silver half crown, Queen Victoria...
Two 19th century British silver coins comprising an 1845 crown with drill mark above the head, script to the edge having cinquefoil stops together...
A group of half crowns, 1817, 1896,89,17,16,18,86 and 1818. (8)
A collection of Florins, 1856, 1888, 1899,1913,1915,18, 23, together with 1914, 16 half crowns.
A George III 1817 silver half crown
Ten sets of 1953 coins, half-crown to farthing and a selection of 1953 crowns
A group of pre 1947 silver coins to include half crowns, shillings and others, 451g.
George V half crown 1924, low mintage
Half crown 1918, better grade
Silver half crown 1938, high grade
Whitman folder of 21 silver half crowns