Knives & Blades For Sale

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  • 119 item(s)

A German Third Reich Hitler Youth knife, the 13.5cm blade signed ASSO Solingen, textured black bakelite grip, metal scabbard with leather hanger, ...

A Fairbairn Sykes 2nd Pattern FS fighting knife.

WILKINSON SWORD CO. LTD., LONDON A RARE MKI FAIRBAIRN-SYKES DAGGER 1941/42, with standard form double-edged 6 3/4in. blade retaining good polish, ...

An Imperial/Third Reich German trench knife by Clement & Jung, 14cm steel blade, wooden grip with enamel badge metal scabbard with leather hanger,...

An Imperial German WWI fighting knife, the 13.5cm double edge steel blade signed 'UNION ZellaSt. Bl.', wooden grip, metal scabbard with partial le...

A rare Second World War Special Operations Executive (SOE/OSS) 'Striptease' parachutist suit, dated 1942, size 2, hand-screened green camouflaged ...

A Woodlore knife by A. Wood of Woodlore Wilderness Bushcraft of Etchingham to a design by Ray Mears, the blade inscribed "R. Mears design Woodlore...

A Second World War group relating to Leading Aircraftman Frederick Norman Roberts, RAF [no. 1096413], comprising: 1. A Second World War Japanese ...


An Imerial German WWI Officer's trench/fighting knife by Carl Eickhorn, 15cm blade, textured black bakelite grip, metal scabbard with leather hang...

An Imerpial German fighting knife, 14.5cm blade signed Hugo Holler Solingen, wooden grip, metal scabbard and leather hanger, total length 29cm.

A 19th century 72nd Regiment of Foot (The Duke of Albany's Own Highlanders) dirk J. B Johnstone London & Dublin With bright tapering single-edg...

Bayonet/fighting knife, WW2 Commando-style, in Ross of Canada leather scabbard dated 1916 and further stamped R.R.C. along with MK.II.(1)

A late 19th / early 20th century cased white metal Highland dress set The case bearing trade label for Meyer & Mortimer Edinburgh Comprising dirk,...

GEORGE GIBBS, BRISTOL A RARE AND UNUSUAL HUNTING KNIFE OF PESHKABZ FORM, circa 1890, with 10in. blade of shallow recurving form, false edged for t...

Collection of Militaria & Medals, comprising WWI Victory Medal, and British War Medal, awarded to 75050 Pte. J Taylor, Manchester Regiment, both ...

An Imperial German fighting or trench knife, 12.5cm single edged blade, wooden grip, metal scabbard, total length 27.5cm.

An Imperial German Iron Cross of 1914, Second Class, with black and white ribbon, a WWII Luftwaffe barracks flatware knife and fork, the fork stam...

A 19TH CENTURY KHYBER KNIFE / SWORD. We offer in-house international shipping for all items - you will receive a quote with your invoice. The st...

A WWII German Hitler youth knife with enamel swastika to grip, the blade marked Emil Voos, Solingen, GES. Deshulzt, blade 13cm in scabbard.

A John Nowill Fairbairn Sykes style commando fighting knife , 29cm long. This lot cannot be posted

A collection of Ashanti goldweights Ghana brass, including geometrics, a box and cover, two shields, two fly whisks, two fans, a sword, two coi...

A Morakni Carbon Steel Hunting Knife, black grip, 108mm blade, in a strong leather sheath, with sharpening stone and horn-handled spark rod. Impor...

A German Third Reich Hitler Youth knife in scabbard by Max Weyersburg, Solingen, with RZM M7/12 trade marking to one side of the ricasso, enamel H...

A WWII Commando fighting knife with ribbed beaded hilt, arrow / number acceptance mark and diamond section 17.5 cm blade. In standard pattern scab...

A late 19th century white metal mounted Highland dress set Comprising dirk, sporran and clan badge The dirk with bright tapering single edged bl...

Assorted military buttons together with other assorted collectables including a British Railways badge, RAC badges, bushcraft knife etc.

A British military knife dated 1955.

A 19th Century Greek Kindjal, Macedonia, the engraved shaped white metal handle with engraved blade depicting Islamic style motifs and dated 1894 ...

ADMIRAL JERVIS (JOHN, 1st EARL ST. VINCENT) INTEREST: a George III silver wine coaster and a collection of silver flatware coaster William Allen...

A WWI clasp or jack knife, Thomas Turner & Co. Sheffield, engraved M&D CANADA 1914, 14cm long to top of hook; an early 20th century bowie knife, b...

Ca. AD 800 - 1000 (blade). An iron with a one-sided blade tapering to a point. The handle, meticulously reconstructed from bone, features a long h...

A leather bag containing chef's knives to include: Cutluxe 12" carving knife, boxed; Huusk chopping knife, boxed; 3 x bushcraft knives in leatehr ...

A collection of assorted knives including two tourist-made Kurki knives in leather sheaths and one other kukri, Eternal Trademark diving knife, tw...

A collection of various sporting ephemera to include copper hunting horn (AF), leather 12 bore cartridge belt, leather trimmed canvas gun sleeve, ...

A Bowie knife commemorating the Alamo 1836, length 40cm.

Ca. AD 700 - 900 (blade). A knife boasting a one-sided iron blade designed with a diagonal slope down from its widest point towards the edge, resu...

Ca. AD 800 - 1000 (blade). An iron knife with a single-edged blade, sloping diagonally from its widest point to a sharp tip. The handle, reconstru...

Ca. AD 800 - 1000 (blade). An iron knife with a single-edged blade tapering to a sharp point. The handle, reconstructed from bone, has a hilt ador...

**Third Pattern Fairbairn-Sykes Style Black Commando Knife and Sheath** A Third Pattern Fairbairn-Sykes (F-S) style fighting knife, featuring a b...

A 20th century white metal mounted Highland dress set Comprising dirk, belt buckle, baldric with buckle, and dress powder horn The dirk with br...

A German model 1889/98 knife bayonet, stamped 1916

Ca. AD 800 - 1000 (blade). An iron knife with a curved, single-edged blade culminating in a sharp point. The knife is mounted in a handle reconstr...

Ca. AD 700 - 900 (blade). A knife boasting a one-sided iron blade resulting in a sharp point. The knife is mounted in a handle reconstructed from ...

Ca. AD 700 - 900 (blade). A knife boasting a one-sided iron blade resulting in a sharp point. The knife is mounted in a handle reconstructed from ...

Ca. 100 BC - AD 100. A slightly curved single-edged blade with a long curved handle terminating in a ring eyelet. This knife is a product of the H...

AN IMPERIAL RUSSIAN HUNTING / SKINNING KNIFE / DAGGER, MARKED A.M.SIDOROV. We offer in-house international shipping for all items - you will re...

(Royal Hospital Chelsea.) A collection of Autograph Letters Signed, certified copy letters, extracts from original letters, papers etc, c.1820's-1...

A 1943 Military Jack knife suspended from a revolver lanyard, a First War pair to 508536 Cpl. J A Midgley, Labour Corps, an austerity pattern WWII...

A Relic French bayonet/knife

Ca. AD 700 - 900 (blade). A knife boasting a one-sided iron blade resulting in a sharp point. The knife is mounted in a handle reconstructed from ...

Guinness Memorabilia range including; Guinness neck tie (x2), Guinness Rugby Clock, 12 enamel badges (three carded), Guinness cuff links, boxed li...

Norm Flayderman: ‘The Bowie Knife: Unsheathing an American Legend’, Lincoln, R.I., Andrew Mowbray, 2004, 2nd impression, profusely illustrated thr...

Western Cutlery 1995 Limited Production Bowie-style knife, stamped WESTERN W49 U.S.A. to hilt, gold coloured guard with ornate decorated blue hand...

Merlen, Jean-Baptiste (Flemish/French, 1769-1850); b. not known, in France by 1803, moved to England 1820 FRANCE, Couronnement de Napoléon à ...


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