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  • 8 item(s)

A bronze Shiva Head, possibly Karnataka State, of two piece construction, 28cm H, approx. 9kg

"Nandi", Indien, Bronze Nandi ist das Reittier des Gottes Shiva, steht für Stabilität und gilt als Vermittler zwischen den Gläubigen und ihrem G...

Kleine Standfigur der Göttin "Parvati", Bronze Parvati ist die Personifikation von Gatten- und Mutterliebe, zusammen mit ihrem Mann Shiva und ih...

An early 20th century Indian dancing Shiva Nataraja bronze temple figure. The statue featuring four armed deity Shiva dancing as Lord Nataraj / Na...

A group of Indian metal wares, 20th century, to include a bronze sculpture of Shiva Sukhasana Murti, holding a trishula, 27cm high, a brass sculpt...

19th century Indian painting depicting Shiva with Nandi the Bull and possibly Goddess Durga with Tiger, 22 x 15.5cm, together with one other of Kr...

Two large Hindu bronze figures, comprising a male deity, possibly Nataraja/Shiva, height 66.3cm, and a female deity, height 61.3cm (2). Conditio...


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