China, Republik-Zeit
China, Republik-Zeit, Anfang 20. Jh., kleine Teekanne, H 17 cm, und Deckelvase auf Sockel, H 20 cm, beide Cloisonné, Alterspuren / China, Republic...
China, Republik-Zeit, Anfang 20. Jh., kleine Teekanne, H 17 cm, und Deckelvase auf Sockel, H 20 cm, beide Cloisonné, Alterspuren / China, Republic...
A CHINESE FAMILLE-ROSE 'COCKEREL' TEAPOT AND COVER Qing Dynasty, Yongzheng Period 清雍正 粉彩雄鷄紋茶壺 The slightly-compressed globular body set w...
A CHINESE FAMILLE-ROSE WHITE-GROUND TEAPOT AND COVER Late Qing Dynasty, Jiaqing mark 晚清 粉彩白地番蓮紋茶壺 《大清嘉慶年製》款 The globular body painted ...
A CHINESE FAMILLE-ROSE 'FIGURATIVE' TEAPOT AND COVER Qing Dynasty, Yongzheng Period 清雍正 粉彩人物故事圖紋茶壺 The octagonal body set with a looping ...
A CHINESE FAMILLE-VERTE 'PHOENIX' TEAPOT AND COVER Qing Dynasty, Kangxi Period 清康熙 五彩龍鳳紋茶壺 Formed with a globular body bearing a looping ...
A CHINESE FAMILLE-ROSE 'FIGURATIVE' TEAPOT AND COVER Qing Dynasty, Yongzheng Period 清雍正 粉彩人物故事圖紋茶壺 The square body set with a looping han...
A CHINESE FAMILLE-VERTE 'BIRD AND BLOSSOMS' TEAPOT AND COVER Qing Dynasty, Kangxi Period 清康熙 五彩花鳥紋茶壺 Of globular form with a looping hand...
A CHINESE EXPORT EN-GRISAILLE 'MYTHOLOGICAL SUBJECT' TEAPOT AND COVER Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Period 清乾隆 墨彩西洋人物紋茶壺 The globular body paint...
A CHINESE CAFE-AU-LAIT TEAPOT AND COVER Qing Dynasty, Kangxi Period, circa 1700 清康熙 約1700年 紫金釉開光青花博古圖紋茶壺 The barrel-shaped body moulded w...
A CHINESE TIBETAN-STYLE FAMILLE-ROSE TEAPOT AND COVER Qing Dynasty, Tongzhi mark and of the period 清同治 粉彩繪博古圖藏式茶壺 《大清同治年製》款 The body p...
Y.Taniguchi; A set of four Meiji period Satsuma ware pieces To include a teapot, a vanity jar raised on three feet and two small sake bowls. All ...
A RARE CHINESE STONEWARE CELADON MELON-SHAPED TEAPOT AND COVER Qing Dynasty, 18th - 19th Century 十八至十九世紀 青釉瓜形茶壺 The teapot of melon-shape...
A CHINESE FAMILLE-ROSE 'WU SHUANG PU' TEAPOT AND COVER 20th Century 二十世紀 粉彩「無雙譜」人物圖茶壺 The squat cylindrical body painted with figures ...
A Chinese Yixing teapot, the lid with knop styled as a frog, with four-character mark to base, height 11cm. Condition Report: No visible cracks...
2 Teekannen aus Porzellan. CHINA, 1.) 19. Jh., bemalt mit Figuren in einem Garten, H: 10 cm (15 cm mit Metallhenkel. 2.) Republikzeit, floral bema...
Frühes Teekännchen . China. Porzellan mit Unterglasurblaumalerei. H 14 cm. Zwei figürliche Szenen auf Wandung, ...
TWO CHINESE TEAPOTS AND COVERS Qing Dynasty, 17th - 18th Century 清十七至十八世紀 各式茶壺一組兩件 Comprising a small lobed teapot decorated in the Imari...
A CHINESE YIXING ZISHA TEAPOT AND COVER 20th Century, Zhou Guizhen mark 二十世紀 宜興紫砂竹柄壺 《 周桂珍》款 Of compressed baluster form with six s...
Teeservice "Chinesischer Drache", für 6 Personen. SATSUMA/JAPAN, 1. Hälfte 20. Jh. Bestehend aus 6 Tassen und 6 Untertassen, die mit Gelehrten fei...
Four Chinese Yixing teapots, each decorated with relief moulded dragon designs, with two circular hardwood stands, the largest teapot measures 15c...
Teekanne mit Schriftzeichen. China. H 16 cm. Zylindrischer Korpus, Darstellung von Frauen im Garten. Auf Rückseite und Schulter Schri...
A Japanese satsuma tea service, comprising five cups, six saucers, teapot and two handled sucrier, in polychrome with figures in a landscape, 16c...
A CHINESE YIXING ZISHA TEAPOT AND COVER Early 20th Century 二十世紀 宜興紫砂刻題詩竹鈕壺 The globular body set with a bamboo-form handle opposite an S-...
Asian Art, Chinese porcelain, a hexagonal Chinese teapot. Marked. | 15 x 14.5 x 11 cm. | Condition: Damage to the top edge.
7 teacups, saucers and a teapot, China, 18th century 7 theekopjes, schoteltjes en een theepot, China, 18e eeuw 12.5 x 19 x 11 cm
Famille rose porcelain teapot with mandarin decor, sculpted handle and spout, China, 18th century Famille rose porseleinen theepot met mandarijn ...
Lotus form famille rose porcelain teapot. China, Qianlong Famille rose porseleinen theepot in de vorm van een lotus, China, Qianlong 9.5 x 14.5 x...
Imari and powder blue teapot. China, 18th century Porseleinen imari theepot met poederblauwe fond, China, 18e eeuw 11 x 16 x 10 cm
A Japanese gilt wood shrine with standing Buddha on lotus throne, Chinese Imari teapot and famille rose porcelain Een Japans verguld houten schri...
A porcelain teapot and its cover, with four cups and three saucers of similar design, finely painted in iron red and gold to depict floral arrange...
Chinese café au lait famille rose teapot, 18th century Chinese café au lait famille rose theepot, 18e eeuw 13 x 17.5. x 10 cm
Chinese teapot in agate, circa 1900 and a sculpture of a dog Chinese theepot in agaat, rond 1900 en sculptuur van een hondje H 5 - 10 cm
Collection of Chinese plates and teapot, famille rose, 18th/19th century Lot Chinese borden en theepotje, famille rose, 18e/19e eeuw Plates 12 - ...
An antique Japanese Yixing Zisha Clay Teapot.. Black unglazed clay exterior with an buffalo-shaped spout, engraved base mark, and a fitted lid wit...
An antique Chinese Pumpkin-Shaped Bronze Teapot. Bronze exterior with a ribbed pumpkin-like design, aged patina, and an intricately sculpted handl...
Decorated with applied floral design, Yongzheng Period, 11 cm. tall, with restoration.
Decorated with alternating scenes of flowers and landscapes, 18th Century, 13 cm. tall.
Including Republic Period teapot, Gu vase, and Sang de Boeuf vase 39 cm. tall, in diverse conditions.
A Chinese porcelain famille rose style bowl, 23cm diameter, together with a damaged Canton porcelain teapot (3)
A Chinese Late Qing/Republic Period Porcelain Blue and White Teapot Decorated with Figure in Exterior Setting, Wicker Loop Handle, 14cm high to Li...
Three Wooden Teapot Stands with Printed Decoration, 25cm Diameter
A famille rose teapot with silver spout, China, Qianlong, 18th century. Polychrome decoration of Long Elizas and fools on a terrace, silver spout ...
A brown yixing stoneware teapot, China, 19th century, 4 cm. Signed on the underside. Comes with two tiered vases, tot. 4x.
A group of Oriental red ware, to include a Yixing clay teapot, bearing script, 8cm high, a similar jug, two tea bowls, one with a red clay sauc...
A Chinese Yixing rectangular teapot, modelled as a chatanzu, single drawer to base, angular swing handle, 19cm high, seal mark to base
Oriental teapot, signed, H: 80 mm. UK P&P Group 1 (£16+VAT for the first lot and £2+VAT for subsequent lots)
A blue enamel topped Chinese dragon teapot, in jade green resin, 10cm high; another, an 18th century Famille Rose cup, with wicker covered handle,...
A Japanese, Meiji Period kyusu teapot. Meiji Period (1868-1912) 10x10x17cm
A Yixing teapot decorated with incised calligraphy - impressed seal marks; a Chinese hares-fur glazed tea bowl with mark to base; a celadon glazed...
An 18th Century Chinese porcelain teapot and cover of lobed form with famille rose decoration together with a similar saucer (handle restored a/f)
An 18th century Chinese Imari teapot and cover, a similar teabowl, four early 20th century Chinese porcelain cups and a bowl, tallest 12cm. Condit...
A group of mixed oriental porcelain and metalware to include a Japanese satsuma vase, cinnabar lacquer vase and blue and white teapot, largest 32c...
A Japanese Satsuma pottery easel decorated tea set with Kwannon and rakan, teapot and cover 18cm high. Condition - one cup missing, one cup cracked
Three Chinese famille rose dishes, late Qing and a famille rose teapot, highest dish 5cm. Condition - fine chip to plate
A 19th century Chinese porcelain teapot of circular form decorated with figures in a garden setting, (restored).
Due teiere con coperchio con decoro di saggi e scene di vita quotidiane Porcellana Cina, Dinastia Qing, XIX/XX secolo h 17 cm h 11 cm Two-...
Teiera con coperchio con decoro di saggio entro paesaggio Porcellana Cina, Dinastia Qing, XIX secolo 9 x 16 x 11 cm A teapot with a lid with ...
Coppia teiere con coperchio con decoro di scene di vita a corte e dignitario a passeggio Porcellana policroma Cina, Dinastia Qing, seconda metà ...
Una teiera e un vaso con decoro di natura e Guanyin Porcellana Cina, Dinastia Qing, seconda metà del XIX secolo h 10,5 cm teiera h 17 cm vaso ...