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  • 8494 item(s)
Lot 1600


Seidel,W.: Das älteste Ding der Welt. Mchn., Musarion 1923. 4°. Mit 25 tls. ganzseit. Textillustr. von Alfred Kubin. 70 S., 2 Bl. Ohprgt. - Eines ...

Este (Charles, editor ) Carmina quadragesimalia ab aedis Christi Oxon... , occasional spotting, short tear to lower margin of title, con...

Viollet-le-Duc (Eugene Emmanuel) Entretiens sur l'Architecture , 2 vol. & Atlas, first edition , text with illustrations, occasional foxing,...

[Félibien (André)] Des Principes de l'Architecture, de la Sculpture, de la Peinture... , second edition , title with engraved vignette, en...

Vico (Enea) Augustarum Imagines, first Latin edition , translated by Natale Conti, collation: A 4 b 6 A-Z AA 4 * 2 complete with engraved...

[Soane ( Sir John)] House of Commons. Papers ...[&] Further Papers ...relating to the Building a New Infirmary, and Leasing of Ground, at ...

Montesquieu (Charles Secondat, Baron de ) De L'Esprit des Loix, 2 vol., first edition, half-titles, lacking errata leaves , contemporary...

[Clemens (Samuel Langhorne)], "Mark Twain" . Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, first American edition, first state , half-title with illustrat...

[Defoe (Daniel)] [Legion's Memorial] Mr. S------r. The enclosed memorial you are charg'd with, in the behalf of many thousands of the good peo...

[?Stewart (John)] C ritical Observations on the Buildings and Improvements of London , first edition, presentation copy inscribed "From ...

Marot (Jean) Recueil des Plans Profils et Elevations des plusieurs Palais Chateaux Eglises Sepultres Grotes et Hostels , engraved throughout ...

Fête Books.- Relazione de funerale celebrato in Parma...alla...Dorotea Sofia Palatino di Neoburgo. .., engraved portrait, heraldic title-vignet...

Guattani (Giuseppe Antonio) Roma Descritta ed Illustrata , 2 vol. in 1, second edition, engraved additional pictorial title, folding map and ...

Aluisetti (Giulio) Opere dei Grandi Concorsi premiate dall'I. R. Academia delle Belle Arti in Milano , 67 engraved plates (numbering erratic,...

Briseux (Charles-Etienne) Traité du Beau Essentiel dans les Arts appliqué particulierement à l'Architecture ..., 2 vol., only edition , engr...

Lead sheeting.- Remond de Saint-Albine (Pierre) Mémoire sur le Laminage du Plomb, first edition, woodcut ornaments, Macclesfield copy...

Berlepsch-Valendas (H.E.) Bauernhaus und Arbeiter Wohnung in England , illustrations, 20 plates, loose as issued in original pictorial half clo...

Decloux (A.P.H.) & Doury. Histoire Archéologique, Descriptive et Graphique de la Sainte-Chapelle du Palais , first edition , half-title prin...

Novel with voyage to the moon.- [ Labadie ( Father )] The Adventures of Pomponius, a Roman Knight or, the history of our times. Made English ...

Gregynog Press.- Euripides. The Plays , translated by Gilbert Murray, 2 vol. in 1, number 11 of 25 specially-bound copies , from an edition ...

[Mauburnus (Johannes)] Rosetum exercitiorum spiritualium et sacrarum meditationum , edited by Johannes Speyser, collation: [*] 6 a-c 8 d e ...

Boni (Andrea) & Co. Album di Decorazioni Eseguite in Terra Cotta ..., bound from parts, dedication with decorative border, letterpress price ...

Normand (Charles) De Vignola der Ambachtslieden , first Dutch edition , half-title, 2 engraved titles and 36 plates, contemporary roan-backe...

Grey (Charles) Biography of His Royal Highness The Prince Consort, first edition, signed presentation inscription from Queen Victoria "To Ma...

Churchill ( Sir Winston Spencer) Marlborough, His Life and Times , 4 vol., one of 155 copies signed by the author, plates and maps, some f...

Stephens (James) The Crock of Gold, pre-publication trail copy , faint erasure marks to half-title verso and head of title, original variant ...

Malvezzi (Virgilio) Romulus and Tarquin. First written in Italian by the Marques Virgilio Malvezzi: and now taught English, by HCL , translate...

Viollet-le-Duc (Eugène-Louis) & E.Corroyer . Gazette des Architectes et du Batiment , vol.1-6 (of 7), plates and illustrations, contemporary...

Corradini (Pietro Marcellino) De primis antiqui Latii populis, urbibus, regibus, moribus, & festis , 2 vol., titles in red & black with engra...

[Clemens (Samuel Langhorne)], "Mark Twain" . Life on the Mississippi, first edition , numerous illustrations, 2pp. publisher's catalogue at ...

Erotica.- Bretone (Nicolas Edmé Restif de la) Le Paysan perverti ou les dangers de la ville Histoire recente, mise au jour d'apres les verit...

[Clemens (Samuel Langhorne)], "Mark Twain" . The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, first edition, first issue with advertisements dated Octob...

Beltrano (Ottavio) Breve Descrittione del Regno di Napoli , engraved additional title featuring coat-of-arms, title with woodcut coat-of-arms...

Voyages.- Le Gentil de la Barbinais. Voyage...par les Mers dites des Antipodes...de l'Amerique a la Chine...&achevant le Tour du Monde , 3 vol...

[Petitot (Ennemond Alexandre)] Raisonnement sur la Perspective , pour en faciliter l'usage aux Artistes ..., only edition , 2 engraved vign...

Salmon (William) The London and Country Builder's Vade Mecum , second edition, engraved frontispiece of felling timber, browned, Macclesfield...

Lot 565


Schmidt,J.: Die fünffzehen Lieder im höhern Chor... Straßburg, Dolhopff u. Zetzner 1663. 4°. Getr. Pag. Hprgt. d. Zt. mit hs. Rtitel. (Vdeckel mit...

Picard (Jean) Traité du Nivellement , first edition , 3 engraved plates, errata leaf at end, contemporary sprinkled calf, spine gilt, rubbed...

Müller (Albin) Architektur und Raumkunst , first edition , 5 letterpress leaves printed in grey including title with decorative device, 100 ...

Lot 1785


Sprenger,J.T.: Succincta praxis et usus globi coelestis et terrestris aliquot propositionibus in fine adjectis. Aucta. Stockholm, Volgenau 1702. M...

Demosthenes. Græcorum oratorum principis, Olynthiacæ orationes tres, & Philippicæ quatuor, è Graeco in Latinum conversæ , translated by Nicholas...

Lot 1994


Wavell,A.J.B.: A modern pilgrim in Mecca and a siege in Sanaa. London, Constable & Comp. 1912. Mit 7 Taf. u. 1 Faltkarte. VIII S., 1 Bl., 349 S. O...

Gregynog Press.- Joinville (Jean, Sieur de, Seneschal de Champagne ) The History of Saint Louis , translated by Joan Evans, number 152 of ...

Thomas (William) Original Designs in Architecture , only edition , list of subscribers, 27 fine engraved plates, 2 hand-coloured (slig...

Golden Cockerel Press.- Ovidius Naso (Publius) The Metamorphoses , number 69 of 75 specially bound copies (but lacking the extra suite ...

[Clemens (Samuel Langhorne)], "Mark Twain". Tom Sawyer Abroad, by Huck Finn , frontispiece and illustrations by Dan Beard, some cracking to h...

[Félibien (André)] Des Principes de l'Architecture, de la Sculpture, de la Peinture...avec un Dictionnaire des Termes ..., first edition , ...

Saunders (George) A Treatise on Theatres , first edition , half-title, 13 engraved plates & plans, 4 folding, very occasional light sp...

Gregynog Press.- Haberly (Loyd) Anne Boleyn and other poems , number 6 of 15 specially-bound copies , from an edition limited to 300, pr...

Wood III (Charles B.) Catalogues & Lists , c.200 issues, original printed wrappers, South Woodstock, Ct. & Boston, Ma. , 1967-2024 § Marlboro...

First book in Italian printed in London.- Ubaldini (Petruccio) La vita di Carlo Magno Imperadore , title with woodcut printer's device, woo...

Gregynog Press.- Lamb (Charles) Elia and The Last Essays of Elia , 2 vol., number 18 of 25 specially-bound copies , from an edition li...

Vitruvius Pollio (Marcus) De Architettura libri decem , edited by Luigi Marini, 3 vol. only (of 4, lacking plate vol.), text only, bookplate ...

Farming & Farm Buildings.- Borheck (Georg Heinrich) Entwurf einer Anweisung zur Landbaukunst, nach ökonomischen Grundsaetzen , 2 vol., seco...

Golden Cockerel Press.- Bonaparte (Napoleon) Napoleon's Memoirs , edited by Somerset de Chair, 2 vol., number 38 of 50 specially bound co...

Gregynog Press.- Vaughan (Henry) Poems ,, one of c.30 specially-bound copies (this one for J.R.Abbey) , from an edition limited to 500, pr...

Gelli (Giovanni Battista) La Circe, first French edition, collation: A-T 8 U 4 , lacking final leaf (?blank), woodcut device on title, crib...

Bartoli (Pietro Santi) Admiranda Romanarum Antiquitatum, engraved title, dedication and 80 plates only (of 82), lacking the single leaf of...

Grazioli (Pietro) De praeclaris Mediolani aedificiis.. ., only edition , title in red & black with engraved vignette, engraved head-piece & in...

Le Carpentier (Matthieu) Recueil des Plans, Coupes et Elévations du Nouvel Hôtel de Ville de Rouen , only edition , half-title, engraved coa...


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