Orders, Decorations, Medals & Militaria

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Orders, Decorations, Medals & Militaria

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Pair: Sergeant J. Dean, 94th Foot, late 22nd Foot India General Service 1854-95, 1 clasp, North West Frontier (3206, J. Dean. H.Ms. 1st. Bn. 22nd...

Pair: Sergeant R. Marston, 32nd Foot, late 39th Foot India General Service 1854-95, 1 clasp, North West Frontier (2919 R. Marston, 32nd Foot); Ar...

Pair: Surgeon-Major H. Thom, Indian Army India General Service 1854-95, 1 clasp, North West Frontier (Asst-Surgn. H. Thom. 1st Seikh [sic] Inftry...

Three: Captain W. Durham, Commissariat Department, late 23rd Punjab Infantry India General Service 1854-95, 1 clasp, North West Frontier (5615 Se...

Three: James Wood, Royal Navy Baltic 1854-55, unnamed as issued; Crimea 1854-56, 1 clasp, Sebastopol (James Wood. H.M.S. Hanibal.) contemporary ...

Pair: Master at Arms J. Wassall, Royal Navy Baltic 1854-55, unnamed as issued; Royal Navy L.S. & G.C., V.R., wide suspension (J. Wassall Mr. At ...

Pair: Private John Storey, 4th Light Dragoons, who served with the Light Brigade in the Crimea Crimea 1854-56, 4 clasps, Alma, Balaklava, Inkerma...

Three: Sapper J. P. Thomas Royal Engineers, late Royal Sappers and Miners, who was wounded at the Siege of Kotah on 29 March 1858 during the India...

Pair: Private Philip O’Brien, 7th Foot Crimea 1854-56, 3 clasps, Alma, Inkermann, Sebastopol (Pte. Php. O’Brien. 7th Foot.) contemporary engraved...

Three: Private Hugh Robinson, 44th Regiment Crimea 1854-56, 3 clasps, Alma, Inkermann, Sebastopol (3386 Hugh Robinson. 44th Regt.) regimentally i...

Four: Captain of the After Guard James Griffin, Royal Navy Crimea 1854-56, 1 clasp, Sebastopol (James Griffin. A.B. H.M.S. Vengeance.) ‘official...

Pair: Quarter-Master W. Brown, Royal Navy Crimea 1854-56, 2 clasps, Azoff, Sebastopol (W. Brown,. Qtr. Master. On. Board. H.M. Gun Bt. Grinder) e...

Pair: Edward Lyne, Boy, Royal Navy Crimea 1854-56, 2 clasps, Sebastopol, Azoff (Edward Lyne, Boy on board H.M.S. Snake.) contemporary engraved n...

Three: Private Enoch Adams, 6th Dragoon Guards, wounded at Delhi Crimea 1854-56, 1 clasp, Sebastopol, unnamed as issued; Indian Mutiny 1857-59, 1...

Three: Major-General Whitworth Porter, Royal Engineers, author of the ‘History of the Corps of Royal Engineers’ Crimea 1854-56, 1 clasp, Sebastop...

Three: Private D. Eke, 37th Foot, late 1st Foot Crimea 1854-56, 1 clasp, Sebastopol, unnamed as issued; Army L.S. & G.C., V.R., 3rd issue, small ...

Family Group: Crimea 1854-56, 1 clasp, Sebastopol (Saml. Wharton. 23rd Regt.) officially impressed naming, ‘T’ of surname over-impressed, very fi...

Three: Sergeant A. D. Leatham, 31st Regiment Crimea 1854-56, 1 clasp, Sebastopol, unnamed as issued; China 1857-60, 1 clasp, Taku Forts 1860 (Se...

Three: Private J. Shone, 38th Foot Crimea 1854-56, 1 clasp, Sebastopol (Pte. J. Shone. 38th Foot); Indian Mutiny 1857-59, 1 clasp, Lucknow (J. Sh...

Four: Major J. W. I. Stockwell, 95th Foot Crimea 1854-56, 1 clasp, Sebastopol (Lt. J. W. J. Stockwell 95th. Regt.) contemporarily engraved naming...

Pair: Corporal E. Curren, 97th Regiment Crimea 1854-56, 1 clasp, Sebastopol (1161. Corpl. E. Curren. 97th Regt.) later machine engraved naming; A...

Pair: Private John Shute, 78th Highlanders India General Service 1854-95, 1 clasp, Persia (J. Shute, 78th Highlanders); Indian Mutiny 1857-59, 1 ...

Three: Foreman of Works Staff Sergeant William Goodwin, Royal Engineers, late 7th Hussars Indian Mutiny 1857-59, 1 clasp, Lucknow (Wm. Goodwin, 7...

Pair: Private Joseph Pearman, 3rd Battalion, Rifle Brigade Indian Mutiny 1857-59, 1 clasp, Lucknow (Josh. Pearman, 3rd Bn. Rifle Bde.); India Gen...

Pair: Major-General L. H. Sibthorpe, 9th Bombay Native Infantry Indian Mutiny 1857-59, no clasp (Lieut. H. L. Sibthorpe, 9th Bombay N.I.); Afghan...

Pair: Surgeon J. A. Purefoy-Colles, Bengal Army Indian Mutiny 1857-59, no clasp (Asst. Surgn. J. A. P. Colles, M.D., C Batt. 2nd Ryl. He. Bde.); ...

Six: Lieutenant-Colonel Sir Henry A. Fletcher, Kt., C.V.O., Lieutenant, H.M. Bodyguard of the Honourable Corps of Gentlemen-at-Arms, late 6th Beng...

Pair: Sergeant-Major J. McGarty, 14th Brigade Depot, late 40th Regiment New Zealand 1845-66, reverse dated 1864 (753. J. McGarty. 40th Regt.) off...

Five: Major H. F. S. Bolton, Military Knight of Windsor, late 18th Foot, 72nd Highlanders and West India Regiment Ashantee 1873-74, 1 clasp, Coom...

Pair: Leading Stoker A. Maddock, Royal Navy India General Service 1854-95, 1 clasp, Perak (A. Maddock. Dom: 1875 H.M.S. “Egeria”) date ‘1875’ un...

Pair: Sepoy Lahorn, 5th Punjab infantry India General Service 1854-95, 1 clasp, Jowaki 1877-8 (Sepoy Lahorn 5th Punjab Infy.); Afghanistan 1878-8...

Pair: Lieutenant-Colonel F. M. E. Vibart, Royal Artillery, who served with N Battery, 5th Brigade during the Zulu War, and went on to command 5/1 ...

Pair: Pioneer Sergeant A. Budgeon, East Kent Regiment South Africa 1877-79, 1 clasp, 1879 (1927. Pte. E. Budgeon. 2-3rd Foot.); Army L.S. & G.C.,...

Three: Bugler W. Plover, King’s Royal Rifle Corps South Africa 1877-79, 1 clasp, 1879 (788. Br. W. Plover. 3/60th Foot.); Egypt and Sudan 1882-89...

Pair: Private J. McCracken, 58th Foot South Africa 1877-79, no clasp (524. Pte. J. Mc.Cracken. 58th. Foot.) officially engraved ‘upside down’; Ar...

Pair: Private J. Hunter, 92nd Highlanders Afghanistan 1878-80, 3 clasps, Charasia, Kabul, Kandahar (B/423. Pte. J. Hunter. 92nd Highrs.); Kabul t...

Four: Sepoy Bishan Singh, 14th Sikhs, late Derajat Mountain Battery Afghanistan 1878-80, 1 clasp, Kabul (Driver Bishan Singh No. 2 (Derajat) Mn. ...

Three: Brigade Surgeon W. Finden, Indian Medical Service, who was mentioned in despatches for the Battle of Kandahar Afghanistan 1878-80, 1 clasp...

Four: Fleet Engineer Commander W. J. Mabb, Royal Navy Egypt and Sudan 1882-89, dated reverse, 1 clasp, Alexandria 11th July (W. I. Mabb. Engr. R....

Three: Commissioned Boatman R. Woodhill, H.M. Coast Guard, late Royal Navy Egypt and Sudan 1882-89, dated reverse, 1 clasp, Alexandria 11th July...

Three: Fleet Paymaster Captain W. L. Davy, Royal Navy Egypt and Sudan 1882-89, dated reverse, no clasp (W. L. Davy. Clerk R.N. H.M.S. “Achilles”)...

Pair: Butcher’s Assistant W. Burrow, Royal Navy Egypt and Sudan 1882-89, dated reverse, no clasp (W. Burrow. Butchers. Asst. H.M.S “Malabar.”) su...

Pair: Captain’s Coxswain J. Collings, Royal Navy Egypt and Sudan 1882-89, dated reverse, no clasp (J. Collings. Cap: Cox: H.M.S. “Achilles.”); K...

Pair: 2nd Captain of the Foretop R. Ferris, Royal Navy Egypt and Sudan 1882-89, dated reverse, no clasp (R. Ferris. 2nd Cap F’Top. H.M.S. ‘Achill...

Pair: Able Seaman W. Hayes, Royal Navy Egypt and Sudan 1882-89, dated reverse, no clasp (W. Hayes. A.B. H.M.S. “Thalia.”) edge bruising; Khedive’...

Pair: Leading Seaman R. Lee, Royal Navy Egypt and Sudan 1882-89, dated reverse, no clasp (R. Lee. Lg. Sean. H.M.S. “Agincourt”) light pitting fro...

Four: Petty Officer John Prescott, Royal Navy Egypt and Sudan 1882-89, dated reverse, no clasp (J. Prescott. Boy. 1Cl: H.M.S. “Inflexible”); Bri...

Pair: Ordinary Seaman F. Ward, Royal Navy Egypt and Sudan 1882-89, dated reverse, no clasp (F. Ward. Ord: H.M.S. “Minotaur”) suspension post re-a...

Pair: Private J. Bentham, Royal Marines Egypt and Sudan 1882-89, dated reverse, 1 clasp, Tel-El-Kebir (J. Bentham. Pte. R.M.); Khedive’s Star 188...

Pair: Private J. Starkey, 4th (Royal Irish) Dragoon Guards Egypt and Sudan 1882-89, dated reverse, no clasp (2324. Pte. J. Starkey, 4th. Dn. Gds....

Pair: Private G. Adams, 7th Dragoon Guards Egypt and Sudan 1882-89, dated reverse, 1 clasp, Tel-El-Kebir (1687 Pte. G. Adams. 7/Dn. Gds.) suspens...

Three: Sepoy Gharib Singh, Royal Artillery Egypt and Sudan 1882-89, dated reverse, 1 clasp, Tel-El-Kebir (...reeb Sing. No. 7 By.... R.A.); India...

Pair: Havildar Sheik Ismail, Queen’s Own Sappers and Miners Egypt and Sudan 1882-89, dated reverse, 1 clasp, Tel-El-Kebir (Havr. Sheik Ismail. Q....

Pair: Private H. A. Stallard, Duke of Cornwall’s Light Infantry Egypt and Sudan 1882-89, dated reverse, 1 clasp, Tel-El-Kebir (1211. Pte. H. Stal...

Pair: Lance-Corporal G. Mackie, Royal Highlanders Egypt and Sudan 1882-89, dated reverse, 1 clasp, Tel-El-Kebir (1238. Lce. Corpl. G. Mackie. 1/R...

Pair: Private W. Crowhurst, Royal West Kent Regiment Egypt and Sudan 1882-89, dated reverse, 1 clasp, Tel-El-Kebir (837. Pte. W. Crowhurst. 1/R.W...

Pair: Sergeant F. Scott, York and Lancaster Regiment Egypt and Sudan 1882-89, dated reverse, 1 clasp, Tel-El-Kebir (1850. Sergt. F. Scott. 2/York...

Pair: Private A. Chick, King’s Royal Rifle Corps Egypt and Sudan 1882-89, dated reverse, 3 clasps, Tel-El-Kebir, Suakin 1884, El-Teb_Tamaai (3947...

Pair: Private H. Golding, King’s Royal Rifle Corps Egypt and Sudan 1882-89, dated reverse, 4 clasps, Suakin 1884, El-Teb, The Nile 1884-85, Abu ...

Pair: Nursing Sister D. Close, Army Nursing Service Egypt and Sudan 1882-89, dated reverse, no clasp (Nursg. Sister D. Close); Khedive’s Star 188...
