Auctions from Henry Adams Auctions

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Henry Adams Auctions

Our auctions are held at Baffins Hall, Chichester, West Sussex in the south of England on a monthly basis throughout the year. Baffins Hall is a few minutes from the mainline station and with several car parks in the immediate vicinity. It has been a furniture saleroom since 1913 and regular auction sales have been held there for nearly 100 years. Prior to that it was a Unitarian Chapel dating from 1672. Its wonderful barrel ceiling, original galleries and stained glass windows make a perfect...

Our auctions are held at Baffins Hall, Chichester, West Sussex in the south of England on a monthly basis throughout the year. Baffins Hall is a few minutes from the mainline station and with several car parks in the immediate vicinity. It has been a furniture saleroom since 1913 and regular auction sales have been held there for nearly 100 years. Prior to that it was a Unitarian Chapel dating from 1672. Its wonderful barrel ceiling, original galleries and stained glass windows make a perfect setting for the sale of antiques and collectables.
We hold monthly sales throughout the year for furniture, clocks, pictures, silver & jewellery, ceramics & glass, carpets & rugs, bronzes, works of art and collectors’ items.
Viewing: All sales are on view the Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday preceding the auction between 10am and 4pm.
Valuation Service
We will be delighted to inspect and value items for future sales, free of charge and without obligation, at Baffins Hall, at your home for larger items or, for silver and jewellery, at your bank if this is more convenient. We also specialise in providing written valuations for insurance, probate and family division.
Valuation days are held regularly throughout the year in Chichester at Baffins Hall. We have a range of experienced specialists and experts available to advise on all aspects of antiques, collectables and fine art generally.
Dates for Valuation Days are publicised in the local press and on our website.
House and Contents
Whether you are thinking of selling or just require an up to date idea on value, we provide a one stop service under one roof, with experienced advice covering both the house and the contents. To find out more, contact our Auction Office or any Henry Adams Office.

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Our auctions are held at Baffins Hall, Chichester, West Sussex in the south of England on a monthly basis throughout the year. Baffins Hall is a few minutes from the mainline station and with several car parks in the immediate vicinity. It has been a furniture saleroom since 1913 and regular auction sales have been held there for nearly 100 years. Prior to that it was a Unitarian Chapel dating from 1672. Its wonderful barrel ceiling, original galleries and stained glass windows make a perfect setting for the sale of antiques and collectables.
We hold monthly sales throughout the year for furniture, clocks, pictures, silver & jewellery, ceramics & glass, carpets & rugs, bronzes, works of art and collectors’ items.
Viewing: All sales are on view the Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday preceding the auction between 10am and 4pm.
Valuation Service
We will be delighted to inspect and value items for future sales, free of charge and without obligation, at Baffins Hall, at your home for larger items or, for silver and jewellery, at your bank if this is more convenient. We also specialise in providing written valuations for insurance, probate and family division.
Valuation days are held regularly throughout the year in Chichester at Baffins Hall. We have a range of experienced specialists and experts available to advise on all aspects of antiques, collectables and fine art generally.
Dates for Valuation Days are publicised in the local press and on our website.
House and Contents
Whether you are thinking of selling or just require an up to date idea on value, we provide a one stop service under one roof, with experienced advice covering both the house and the contents. To find out more, contact our Auction Office or any Henry Adams Office.

  • Baffins Hall,
  • Baffins Lane,
  • Chichester,
  • West Sussex,
  • PO19 1UA ,
  • United Kingdom
call +44 (0)1243 532223

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An Antiques & Collectables Auction