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A subscription to the Price Guide is required to view results for auctions ten days or older. Click here for more information
Late Victorian Geographia 8" Terrestrial globe, showing Railways, Steamer Route distances in Sea-miles, Heights in English Feet, British Possessio...
Four porcelain miniatures, including an early 20th century portrait miniature of a small girl wearing a blue hat and an ermine muff approx 70 x 80...
A large decorative metal fire bucket, decorated in the Chinoiserie style, approx 62 cms h, ideal for a Georgian townhouse.
After the antique bronze sculpture of the Borghese Gladiator, early 20th century, supported on a double plinth, approx 21 cms h.
Bronze limited edition bronze figurines, by 20th century Italian artist Giuseppe Vasari, the first being an African warrior 45/400; Japanese Samur...
A charming cold cast bronze of a hippo having his tooth pulled by a monkey, heightened with enamels, in the style of Bergmann, engraved Bergm, app...
English split cane customs stick, square section spike within a bamboo case carved with a horn handle carved in the form of a pointer, approx 88 c...
Louis Vuitton Stratos suitcase, monogram canvas upper with Vachetta leather trim, approx 80cm wide, 54cm deep, 25cm high. Condition ReportThe canv...
French Brass Carriage Clock
French brass carriage clock, white unmarked enamel face with Roman dial, 8-day Leroy & Fils movement nr 7167, striking to a bell, approx 13 h x 8 ...
An early 20th century gilt brass circular pocket barometer altimeter, the dial with outer altitude scale, detailed Negretti & Lambra London 7406, ...
Mid-20th century Mont Blanc pen set, comprising a fountain pen and roller ball, in the original box.
A cabinet of butterflies and moths, approx 67 x 29 x 50 cms. This cabinet contains ten drawers. Drawer 1 - 24 butterflies (in good condition) Dra...
A complete collection of Guernsey mint stamps (1969-2016), including miniature sheets etc in two slipcased SG Davo albums together with a few mint...
A complete collection of Isle of Man mint stamp (1973-2016) including miniature sheets etc in two slipcased SG Davo albums together with a few loo...
A collection of GB decimal stamps, 2015-2020, mint unmounted with some gaps & duplication in two Stanley Gibbons slip-cased luxury albums, togethe...
A complete collection of Jersey mint stamps (1969-2015), including miniature sheets etc, in three slipcased SG Davo albums, together with a few mi...
A large quantity of GB presentation packs (decimal and pre-decimal) in twelve albums; FV circa £1000.
Three Royal Mail Smilers albums containing mint Australia Post stamp sheets. The first including Johnny O'Keefe, Celebrate 2000, Tamworth 2000 Sli...
A complete collection of GB decimal stamps, 1971-2001, mint unmounted in two Stanley Gibbons slip-cased luxury albums; FV circa £1000.
This lot comprises over 800 vintage or antique postcards, two old albums and loose as follows: a brown postcard album contains 160 cards, some unu...
Japanese silk embroidered belt purse, depicting sea dragon amongst the waves and a pavilion amongst the clouds, approx 14 x 20 cms, framed and gla...
A 19th century Chinese silk coin purse, finely embroidered with birds and flowers, framed and glazed, approx 32 x 20 cms, framed and glazed.
Large Japanese Satsuma Vase
Early 20th century Japanese Satsuma vase, profusely decorated on both sides with mythical figures and a menacing dragon with the Shimazu clan mark...
Cantonese Porcelain Bowl
A Canton porcelain bowl, 19th century, both the interior and exterior painted with panels of figures, rose medallion, butterflies and flowers on a...
Pair of Chinese Pillar Vase
Pair of Chinese pillar vases, painted with figures seated beneath a tree, painted with verse, approx 28 cms, red Chinese seal beneath. (*cr)Condit...
Chinese Bronze Censer
Chinese bronze censer, 19th century, twin handled graduated form, with a temple dog finial, raised on four scroll feet, approx 17 cms h. This lot ...
A letter from Major-General Sir Frederick Cavendish Ponsonby of the Privy Purse Office, to Rev E C Perry. Perry had written on behalf of a Mrs Ann...
A Great War Western Front medal awarded to 53150 Sjt. H Freeman 'P' Battery Royal Horse Artillery, without ribbon. London Gazette, 3rd June, 1915...
Silver Jubilee Medal
Silver Jubilee Medal 1887, 30mm, in commemoration of the 50th year of Queen Victoria's reign. This lot includes an 1889 Queen Victoria crown. (2)
Queen Victoria Royal Navy South Africa medal, with 1879 clasp, named to G.A Hitching, Ord, H.M.S Boadicea.
Queen's South Africa Medal
1901 Queen's South Africa medal, named to 6046 Pte. W.H Froude 39th Coy (Berkshire) 10th Imperial Yeomanry, with clasps for Transvaal, Orange Free...
WWI Medals
WWI medals, named to 114579 Pte K.K Bennett Durham Light Infantry together with miniatures and a bronze medallion awarded for Tug of War together ...
A silver British South Africa Company medal, no clasp, named to Captain B. Bradley Remount Dept B.F.F together with the miniature.
Campaign Service Medal
Campaign Service Medal with 'South Arabia' clasp, 22217386 Sgt D.A Gamble WG.
Campaign Service Medal
Campaign Service Medal with Northern Ireland clasp, Sgt. G.L Woodhouse CF4253830 RAF together with a Good Conduct medal also so named. (2)
20th Century Campaign Medals
Campaign medals, named to 19034856 Cpl G. Thurlow D.W.R including Korea medal (1950-53), General Service medal (1962-2007) with a clasp for Malaya...
WWI Medals
WWI medals named to 47150 Spr. A .Fleetwood Royal Engineers (3); British War medal named to 6716 Pte. E.H. Purnell Middlesex Regiment (1); 42659 P...
WWI Medals
WWI medals named to M-2 099898 Cpl. H. Preston Royal Army Service Corps together with a Meritorious Service medal also so named. (3)
WWI Death Plaque
WWI death plaque named to Bert William Marsh, in the original sleeve, together with a Winchester Branch First Annual Memorial and Thanksgiving Ser...
WWI Medal Group
WWI medal group named to 1771 Pte P.H Haden 20-London Regiment together with a silver Merit medal engraved 'Presented to W.M Haden By the Brother...
Efficiency Decoration
An Efficiency decoration awarded to Major G.A.M. Baxter TD RA with a covering letter of loan from Major R.M Maxted RA, officially dated 1950.
WWI Medals
WWI medals named to 32967 Pte E. Mc Vey Highland Light Infantry; WWI medal named to 19943 D.A F. Hazleton D.H R.N; WWI medals named to 235479 Pte....
Various WWII Medals
WWII medals, one group Defence medal, War medal 1939-45, France and Germany Star, 1939-45 Star and The Italy Star; another group Defence medal, Wa...
WWII Medal Group
WWII medal group, named to 2039999 CFN. J. W Hayes R.E.N.M Victory and Defence medal together with a Efficiency medal with Territorial suspender b...
A file containing paperwork relating to Mr Edwin James Maxwell, known as Ted, the oldest known surviving ex-Territorial Army soldier. He was born ...
Miscellaneous militaria, including a limited edition Windsor Mint set of bronze medallions and ingot for the Royal Air Force Association (1918-197...
A large quantity of unused WWII medal ribbons, approx 478 ribbons.
RAF WWII Medal Group and Vintage Rolex Wrist Watch - Air Commodore CBE Arthur Douglas Messenger
RAF WWII medal group, named to Arthur Douglas Messenger (Air Commodore CBE), including the 1939-45 Star, The Africa Star, Defence Medal, War Medal...
Three 20th century constabulary helmets two, one West Mercia badge with plated top rose mount and one Birmingham Constabulary with plated ball spi...
Naval Interest
Embroidered Gieves Limited Royal Navy Lieutenant Officer's Issue Shoulder Boards together with two Royal Naval cap badge and bands; forty-seven br...
RAF Squadron Wall Plaques
Five RAF Squadron wall plaques including Squadron 72, Squadron 54, Squadron 6, Squadron 247 and Squadron XXXII each mounted to an oak shield appro...
WWI and WWII Medal Group
WWI medal group named to 2850 Pte J. Short Linc Regiment comprising 1914-15 Star, British War Medal 1914-18, Victory Medal together with a bronze ...
WWI Medal Group
WWI medal group named to 2002 Pte. H. Dickenson Rifle Brigade, together with a 1914 Christmas box, bullet and a note from Rifleman Dickenson's Com...
Seaforth Highlanders Regimental cap badge on tartan backing, Lorne Scots Peel Dufferin and Halton Regiment Canadian Army with King's Crown, white ...
WWI Medals
WWI medals named to T-235 Dvr E.F Baker A.S.C including British War medal 1914-1918; 14166 Pte J. Russell R. Fuse Victory Medal; 216605 Spr. H.L S...
A South and WWI medals, named to 6806 Lance Corporal C. Saffen Essex Regiment, including a Queen's South Africa medal, 3rd type, with Cape Colony ...
WWII Campaign Medals
WWII campaign medals to 045348 Captain Kenneth George Alexander Bell, including The Burma Star, The 1939-45 Star, The Defence Medal and 1939-45 Wa...
WWII Medal Group
WWII medal group, the box addressed to Mr C. Jones Bedminster, Bristol, each medal is unnamed, service medals are as follows: Africa Star, Italy S...
WWII Medal Group
WWII medal group, named to 7632195 S. Sgt W. Whyte Royal Army Ordnance Corps, with a Campaign medal for the Arabian Peninsula and a Regular Army L...
WWII Medal Group
WWII medal group, Instructor Lieutenant Commander L.D Vine, Royal Navy, including 1939-45 Star, The Africa Star (with North Africa clasp), The Pac...