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An inlaid mahogany box and one other
A cast iron Wells & Co single torch miners lamp and a horse brass ...[more]
A wooden cockerel 37cm tall ...[more]
Art Deco chrome soda syphon ...[more]
Vintage cast iron Crown money bank, 10cm tall
Vintage Football Cup beer bottle
Three vintage Avon pipe aftershave bottles and a golf club flask
Lead wall plaque in the shape of a crown, 21cm tall x 19cm wide
Large resin figure group of running horses 30cm x 45cm
A vintage carriage lamp and one other
Draughtman's vintage instrument set
Pair of Victorian ebony containers
Hedgehog boot wiper with box and fittings
Vintage Roberts transistor radio ...[more]
Three leather vintage suitcases and one other
Old obsolete coins and notes together with a chamber pot
A cash box with old obsolete vintage coins and notes
Vintage wooden handled canteen of cutlery
Collection of cutlery sets and loose items
Pair of WW1 binoculars, H Watson & Sons, High Holborn, London ...[more]
Vintage Banda carpet bowls set
Four vintage chrome bath feet with bolts 36cm tall x 28cm wide
Three silver mounted trophy deer feet, inscription on each Shot by S Denton 10.10.95. At three
Three silver mounted trophy deer feet, inscription on each Shot by S Denton 10.10.95. At three different locations, Meal Corage, Fank Corry and Ki...
1950’s battery powered. Model of Vosper RAF Mighty Midget Electric Crash Tender, including mast and othet fittings ...[more]
Armand Marseille bisque head doll
Pair of vintage felt Panda bears circa 1930's ...[more]
Circa 1920's jointed Teddy Bear 38cm
Stephanelli 20 button Anglo Concertina
Vintage tennis diorama, includes Slazenger, Fry's Chocolate and Lawn Tennis memorabilia, 65cm x
Vintage tennis diorama, includes Slazenger, Fry's Chocolate and Lawn Tennis memorabilia, 65cm x 105cm
A pair of West German BAY Keramik vases (one damaged) 41cm tall
JHW & Sons Hanley part dinner service 'Belmont' pattern ...[more]
Blue and white transfer printed Ridgway Ironstone part teaset
Two blue and white transfer printed teapots, a sauce boat and a lidded tureen
Blue and white transfer printed Copeland part teaset
Six assorted Nao porcelain figures
A collection of thimbles together with small pottery animals
Carlton ware, Mailing and other pieces of ceramic ware
Three pieces of black decorated pottery , bowl, rosebowl and vase
A large selection of ceramic items
Two small blue and white Staffordshire jugs
A porcelain tumbler depicting Manchester 1919 scenes
Small pink decorated porcelain vase together with a pig and a small figure group
Four Doulton character jugs and a Doulton figure
Small art pottery vase 12cm tall
Wedgwood plate circa 1930, 20cm dia
Vintage Glenfiddich whisky water jug
Box of assorted china incl. Sutherland coffee set, cheese dish, Corebridge Green pieces
A box containing assorted porcelain and resin figure
A quantity of small porcelain items, Beswick cat, Goebel figures ...[more]
Box containing Franklin Ceramics Woodland Surprises