Auction 355: Books, Prints & Manuscripts

1101 items 1101 items
Auction closed (2 day sale)
room Leiden

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Auction 355: Books, Prints & Manuscripts

Auction closed (2 day sale)

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  • ( Lots: 1-270)
  • ( Lots: 271-539)
  • ( Lots: 540-824)
  • ( Lots: 825-1101)

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  • 10:00 CEST - 17:00 CEST
  • 10:00 CEST - 17:00 CEST
  • 12:00 CEST - 17:00 CEST
  • 10:00 CEST - 17:00 CEST

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CRIELAARD, J.P., (a.o.), ed. The complex past of pottery. Production, circulation and consumption of Mycenaean and Greek pottery (16th to early 5t...

HARDY, D.A., (a.o., eds.). Thera and the Aegean World III. Proceedings of the Third International Congress. 1990. 3 vols. Prof. ill. 4°. Ocl. w. d...

KIND, R.E.L.B. Houses in Herculaneum. A new view on the town planning and the building of Insulæ III and IV. 1998. Ocl. -- J. OVERBECK. Pompeji in...

NIESSEN, C.A. Beschreibung römischer Altertümer. 3. Bearb. Cologne, 1911. 2 vols. xxiii, 311; 148 pp. W. 148 (partly cold.) plates. 4°. Ocl. (Spin...

POLLITT, J.J. Art in the Hellenistic Age. (1986). 4°. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- S. HEMINGWAY. The Horse and Jockey from Artemision. (2004). Lge-8°. Ocl. ...

WRIGHT, G.R.H. Ancient building technology. Vol. 1: Historical background. 2000. 4°. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- VITRUVIUS. Baukunst. Übers. A. Rode. (1995...

AESCHYLUS. Agamemnon. Ed. w. comm. by E. Fraenkel. Oxford, (1950). 3 vols. W. 2 plates. Lge-8°. Ocl. w. (slightly dam.) dust-j. (Spines browned).

AESCHYLUS. The Persae. Ed. w. an introd., crit. notes & comm. by H.D. Broadhead. 1960. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- Id. The Suppliants. Vol. 1: The text w. ...

AMBO-KLASSIEK. Collection of 30 classical works in Dutch translation. Amst. & Baarn, 1987-2002. Ocl. w. dust-j. (28) & owrps. (Spines sl. faded, t...

AMBO-KLASSIEK. Collection of classical works in Dutch translation. Baarn, (1988-2001). 11 vols. Ocl. w. dust-j. (4 spines a bit faded). -- HOMERUS...

ANTHOLOGIA GRAECA carminum Christianorum. Adornaverunt W. Christ & M. Paranikas. 1871. Lge-8°. Cont. hcf. (A few marg. pencil annot., a bit foxing...

APOLLONIUS RHODIUS. Argonautica. Ed. w. introd. & comm. by G.W. Mooney. (Repr. ed. 1912). 1964. Ocl. (Spine faded). -- M.M. DEFOREST. Apollonius' ...

ARISTOPHANES. Clouds. W. introd., Engl. prose transl., crit. notes & comm. by W.J.M. Starkie. (Repr. ed. 1911). 1966. Ocl. (Spine a bit faded). --...

ARISTOPHANES. Ecclesiazusae. Ed. w. introd. & comm. by R.G. Ussher. 1973. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- Id. Comoediae. Rec. brev. adnot. crit. instr. F.W. Ha...

ARISTOTELES. Analytica priora et posteriora. Rec. W.D. Ross. (Repr. ed. 1964). Ocl. w. dust-j. (OCT). -- J. ECHEÑIQUE. Aristotle's Ethics and mora...

ARISTOTELES. De animalibus. Michael Scot's Arabic-Latin Translation. Pt. 3: Books XV-XIX: Generation of animals. Ed. by A.M.I. v. Oppenraaij. 1992...

ARISTOTELES. Organon. Introd., trad. e note di G. Colli. 1955. Ocl. (Classici della filos., 1). -- Id. Physics. A rev. text w. introd. & comm. by ...

ARISTOTELES. (Werken 2, 3, 4). Vert. d. R. Ferwerda, M. Huys. (2000-05). 3 vols. Ohcl. w. dust-j. -- Id. Poëtica. Vert., ingel. en v. aantek. voor...

ARISTOTELES -- SEEL, G. Die Aristotelische Modaltheorie. 1982. Ocl. -- M. MALINK. Aristotle's modal syllogistic. 2013. Obrds. w. dust-j. -- ARISTO...

ATHENAEUM - POLAK & v. GENNEP. Collection of classical works (Greek & Latin authors) in Dutch translation. Amst., 1980-2020. 17 vols. of the serie...

ATHENAEUM - POLAK & v. GENNEP/HISTORISCHE UITGEVERIJ. Collection of 9 classical works in Dutch translation. Amst., 1983-2008. Ocl. w. dust-j. (Mix...

AUGUSTINUS. Werken. (Augustinus-uitgaven. In samenwerking met het Augustijns Instituut te Utrecht). Vert., ingeleid en van aantekeningen voorzien ...

BACCHYLIDES. Die Lieder. Teil 2: Die Dithyramben und Fragmente. Text, Übers. & Komm. v. H. Maehler. 1997. Ocl. w. dust-j. (Mnemosyne Suppl.). -- C...

CAESAR. De analogia. Ed., transl., & comm. by A. Garcea. 2012. Obrds. w. dust-j. -- SENECA. Ad Lucilium epistulae morales. Rec. et adnot. crit. in...

CALLIMACHUS. (Fragmenta; Hymni et Epigrammata). Ed. R. Pfeiffer. Oxford, 1949-53. 2 vols. xiv, 520; cvi, (2), 208 pp. Ocl. (Spines slightly faded)...

CALLIMACHUS. (Fragmenta; Hymni et Epigrammata). Ed. R. Pfeiffer. (Repr. ed. 1949-53. 1998). 2 vols. Obrds. -- Id. Hecale. Ed. by A.S. Hollis. (199...

CICERO. De natura deorum libri tres. W. introd. & comm. by J.B. Mayor. 1880-85. 3 vols. Ocl. (Spine ends worn/dam., weak hinges). Rare. -- Id. De ...

CICERO. Opera omnia. Ed. C.F.A. Nobbe. Lpz., 1850. W. engr. front. portr. 4°. Fine cont. marbled cf., sides ruled in gilt, dec. gilt back & red la...

CICERO -- MAY, J.M., ed. Brill's companion to Cicero. Oratory and rhetoric. 2002. Obrds. -- C.B. SCHMITT. Cicero scepticus. A study of the influen...

COLLECTION of 42 literary/historical/philosophical works ((neo-)classical, Renaissance) in Dutch (translation). Late 20th & 21st c. Or binds. (13)...

COLLECTION of 47 works by Greek and Latin authors. Dif. sizes. Or. binds. (18) & owrps. NOTE:I.a.: HORATIUS. Oden & Epoden - Satiren - Briefe. Erk...

COLLECTION of classical works in Dutch translation. 1970-2020. 53 in 54 vols. Lge-8° & 8°. Or. binds. w. dust-j. (30) and owrps. NOTE:I.a.: HORATI...

COLLECTION of classical works in Dutch translation. (1930-95). 16 vols. Or. binds. (8) & owrps. (Some spines faded). NOTE:I.a.: XENOFON. Anabasis....

DEMOSTHENES. Les plaidoyers politiques. Texte grec avec un comm. p. H. Weil. 1883-86. 2 vols. Cont. h. mor. (A bit foxed). -- Id. Orationes. (Ed.)...

DEMOSTHENES. Orationes. Ed. Im. Bekker. 1854-55. 3 in 2 vols. Sm-8°. Cont. red hcf. -- PLOTINUS. Liber de pulcritudine. Heidelberg, 1814. Hcl. (Sp...

DIONYSIUS PERIEGETES. Graece et Lat. Cum vetustis comm. et interpret. ex rec. et cum annot. G. Bernhardy. (Nachdr. Ausg. 1828). Hildesheim/N.Y., 1...

EURIPIDES. Alcestis - Andromache - Bacchae. 2nd ed. - Electra - Helen - Ion - Iphigenia in Tauris - Medea - Ed. w. introd. & comm. by A.M. Dale, J...

EURIPIDES. Kresphontes & Archelaos. Introd., text & comm. by M.A. Harder. 1985. Owrps. -- Id. Hippolytos. Ed. by W.S. Barrett. 1964. Ocl. w. dust-...

EURIPIDES -- KOVACS, D. Euripidea. 1994-96. 2 vols. Ocl. w. dust-j. (Mnemosyne). -- W.H. FRIEDRICH. Euripides & Diphilos. Zur Dramaturgie der Spät...

FLAVIUS JOSEPHUS. De Joodse Oorlog & Uit mijn leven. - De Oude Geschiedenis v.d. Joden. Vert., ingel. en v. aantek. voorzien d. F. Meijer & M.A. W...

FLAVIUS JOSEPHUS. De oude geschiedenis van de Joden. Vert. d. F.J.A.M. Meijer & M.A. Wes. (1996-98). 3 vols. -- APPIANUS. De Burgeroorlogen 133-35...

GOMME, A.W. A historical commentary on Thucydides. Vol. 1-3: Books I-V, 24. Oxford, (1959-62). 3 vols. Ocl. -- K. MAURER. Interpolation in Thucydi...

HERODOTUS -- HOW, W.W. & J. WELLS. A comment. on Herodotus. (1967-68). 2 vols. Ocl. -- J.E. v.d. VEEN. The significant and the insignificant. Five...

HESIODUS. Works and days - Theogony. - Ed. w. proleg. & comm. by M.L. West. 1966(-82). 2 vols. Or. binds. w. dust-j. (1 spine discold.). -- Id. Fr...

HOMERUS. Ilias. Ed. T.W. Allen. 1931. 3 vols. Ocl. (Backs faded). -- Id. Iliade. (Éd.) p. P. Mazon, (e.a.). 1972-87. 4 vols. Obrds. (2) & owrps. (...

HOMERUS. Odyssey VI-VIII. Ed. (w. introd. & comm.) by A.F. Garvie. (2003). Pbck. -- ID. Opera. Tom. V. (Ed.) Th.W. Allen. (2008). Obrds. -- I.M. H...

HOMERUS. Opera. (Ed.) D.B. Monro & T.W. Allen. Ed. 2a-3a. (1946-58). 5 vols. Ocl. (1) w. dust-j. (OCT). -- Id. Hymns. Ed. (w. introd. & comm.) by ...

HOMERUS -- DOHERTY, L.E. Homer's Odyssey. (2009). Obrds. w. dust-j. -- F. FOCKE. Die Odyssee. 1943. Owrps., uncut. -- U. HÖLSCHER. Die Odyssee. Ep...

HOMERUS -- LÉTOUBLON, éd. Hommage à Milman Parry. Le style formulaire de l'épopée homérique et la théorie de l'oralité poétique. 1997. Owrps. -- P...

HORATIUS. Opera omnia. Rec. et illustr. F.G. Doering. Ed. novam cur. G. Regel (&) ed. 3a. (& Indices Horatianos by G. Regel). Lpz., Hahn, 1836-39....

HORATIUS. Verzamelde gedichten. Uitg., vert., ingel. en v. aantek. voorz. d. P. Schrijvers. 2003. Lge-8°. Ocl. -- VERGILIUS. Aeneas. (2011). Lge-8...

LIVIUS. Ab urbe condita. Rec. et adnot. crit. instr. R.S. Conway, C.F. Walters, (a.o.). Oxf., (1953-70). 5 vols. Ocl. (OCT). -- QUINTILIANUS. Inst...

LOEB CLASSICAL LIBRARY -- AMMIANUS MARCELLINUS. (Ed.) by J.C. Rolfe. (Repr. eds., after 2000). 3 vols. -- GELLIUS. The Attic nights. (Ed.) by J.C....

LOEB CLASSICAL LIBRARY -- ARISTOPHANES. (Ed.) by B.B. Rogers. 1998-2007. 5 vols. -- MENANDER. (Ed.) W.G. Arnott. (1996-2006). 3 vols. -- FRAGMENTS...

LOEB CLASSICAL LIBRARY -- ARISTOTELES. (Works). (Ed.) by H.P. Cooke, E.S. Forster, W.K.C. Guthrie, (a.o.). Cambr.MA/Lond., (N.d., 21st c.). 22 (of...

LOEB CLASSICAL LIBRARY -- ATHENAEUS. The learned banqueters. Ed. & transl. by S.D. Olson. 2006-12. 8 vols. -- DIO CHRYSOSTOM. (Ed.) by J.W. Cohoon...

LOEB CLASSICAL LIBRARY -- AUGUSTINUS. City of God. Confessions. Select letters. (Repr. eds., after 2000 & 2014-16). 10 vols. -- HIERONYMUS. Select...

LOEB CLASSICAL LIBRARY -- AUSONIUS. (Ed.) by H.G.E. White. (Repr. eds., after 2000). 2 vols. -- SIDONIUS. Poems & letters. (Ed.) by W.B. Anderson....

LOEB CLASSICAL LIBRARY -- CICERO. (6-15b: Orations). (Ed.) J.H. Freese, L.H.G. Greenwood, (a.o.). (Repr. eds., after 2000). 11 vols. -- Id. (1-4: ...
