Antiques, Collectables & General Effects

by Bainbridges

11 Feb 2016 11:00 GMT Catalogue

Important Information

Requests For Images


If you require images of any of the lots please email your request to  Bainbridge's cannot offer multiple images of collections (i.e. pens, records, cigarette cards, etc.) or large shelf lots and items will be photographed 'in situ' as they are set out for the viewing. Images are sent out from the Tuesday evening prior to sale and on the viewing Wednesday - there are a large number of email requests to process, so please be patient.   Bainbridge's cannot supply images requested after 7pm on the viewing Wednesday or on the day of the sale.  Condition reports and details of multiple lots will not be sent by email, please speak to a member of staff on 01895 621991.


Potential buyers should note that any points discussed with our staff are a matter of opinion only, are non-exhaustive and are based solely on what can be seen to their naked eye, at the time. The responsibility for ascertaining the condition of the lot remains with the purchaser, and Bainbridge's cannot be held responsible for these reports which are of an advisory nature only.



Commission Bids


Bainbridge's will do their best to action your commission bids.  If you would like to leave a commission bid by email address it to Ensure you are aware of our full terms and conditions of sale.  Include your full name, address and telephone numbers, the lot number and the amount you want to bid, excluding premium. All bids received will be acknowledged. It is an obligation of the bidder to discover if bids are successful.  Bainbridge's require payment within 24 hours of the auction and clearance by the Monday following the sale.  Bainbridge's are happy to supply the details of local dispatch and shipping carriers, but are unable to offer any form of packing or despatch services themselves.



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