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78819 Los(e)

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  • 78819 Los(e)

4 pieces of West German fat lava and brutalist ceramics, tallest 46cm Good condition, no chips, cracks or restoration

MARCELLO NIZZOLI for SAFNAT, Milan, a 1958 2/7 Multiline telephone, length 27cm Some fading to body, otherwise good vintage condition

An Alessi Inox 18/10 stainless steel kettle together with a boxed Georg Jensen brushed steel thermometer Good condition

ALEX DIPPLE, Dots And Full Stops, colour print, signed in pencil, no. 49/50, aluminium frame, overall frame dimensions 65cm x 65cm Very good condi...

A collection of studio pottery reference books, catalogues and magazines, most British Mid to late 20th century (24)

[Martyn (Thomas)] The English Connoisseur : containing an Account of whatever is curious in Painting, Sculpture, &c. in the Palaces and Seat...

Hegemann (Werner) Amerikanische Architektur & Stadtbaukunst , Berlin , 1925 § Le Moyne (L.V.) Country Residences in Europe and America, New ...

Vincent (L.H.) & others. Hébron: Le Haram el-Khalîl, Sépulture des Patriarches , 2 vol., text in original wrappers, spine a little worn, ...

L'Orme (Philibert de) Le Premier Tome de l' Architecture , first edition, first issue , Roman type, title with woodcut architectural border...

Vitruvius Pollio (Marcus) Architectura , edited by Simone Stratico, 4 vol. in 8, engraved portrait, 141 engraved or woodcut plates on folding...

French Revolution.- Young (Arthur) Travels during the Years 1787, 1788, and 1789 undertaken...the Kingdom of France, first edition, presenta...

Scott ( Sir George Gilbert) & others . Examples of Modern Architecture Ecclesiastical and Domestic , 64 lithographed plates by J.R.Jobbins,...

Lafond de Saint-Yenne (Etienne François) L'Ombre du Grand Colbert, le Louvre, et la Ville de Paris , only edition , [Not in BAL], The Hague ...

Mimaut (Louise Mathilde Julie) Le Maison de Mademoiselle Mimaut 107, Rue de Longchamp à Paris , 30 photogravure plates on thick paper mounted...

[Blasche (Bernhard Heinrich)] The Art of Working in Pasteboard upon scientific principles ...containing directions for constructing ...

Nesfield (W. Eden) Specimens of Mediaeval Architecture.. ., lithographed plates, one chromolithographed , 1862 § Norman Shaw (Richard) Archit...

Alken (Henry) Illustrations of Don Quixote , 3 parts only (of a projected 6), 2 etched titles and 12 etchings designed by Henry Alken and eng...

Duplessi-Bertaux (Jean) Recueil de Cent Sujets...A Sett of One Hundred Original Etchings, 100 engraved plates, including portrait and pictor...

Wijdeveld (H.Th., editor ) Architectura . Weekblad van het genootschap Architectura et Amicitia , No.1-52 in 49 only (lacking no.26, 33 &...

Ware (Samuel) Tracts on Vaults and Bridges ..., 3 parts in 1, first edition , 20 folding or double-page plates, folding tables, some offsett...

More ( Sir Thomas) La Description de l'Isle d'Utopie ou est comprins le Miroer des republiques du monde , & l'exemplaire de vie heureuse, ...

Evans (Joan) The Romanesque Architecture of the Order of Cluny, Cambridge , 1938; Cluniac Art of the Romanesque Period, Cambridge , 1950 § ...

Hautecoeur (Louis) Histoire de l'Architecture Classique en France , 7 vol., illustrations, contemporary morocco-backed marbled boards, origin...

Boïto (Camillo) & others . La Basilique de St. Marc à Venise ..., 3 parts in 2 vol., bookplate of the Liverpool-based architect James O’Byrn...

Bassi (Martino) Dispareri in Materia d'Architettura, et Perspettiva , first edition , title with charming woodcut head-piece of frolicking p...

de Thou binding.- Bosse (Abraham) La Pratique du Trait a Preuves , de Mr Desargues Lyonnois, pour la Coupe des Pierres en l'Architecture, f...

Sacchi (Defendente) L'Arca di Sant'Agostino, Monumento in Marmo... , 4 engraved plates by Cesare Ferreri, with 7 folding engraved plates of des...

*** Please note, the description of this lot has changed *** Agostini (Antonio, Archbishop of Tarragona ) Dialoghi...intorno alle medagl...

Homer.- Smyrnaeus (Quintus) Paraleipomenon Omerou, biblia tessareskaideka. Quinti Calabri Derelictorum ab Homero libri quatuordecim , collation...

Baldinucci (Filippo) [Opere] , 14 vol., engraved portrait, lacking half-titles and ?final leaf of Index in vol.VI (up to U, but with final erra...

Bianchi (Giovanni Antonio) De i Vizi, e de i Difetti del Moderno Teatro.. ., title in red & black with engraved vignette, woodcut head-pieces...

Wagner (Johann Martin) Bassorilievi antichi della Grecia o sia fregio del tempio di Apollo Epicurio in Arcadia, first edition, 25 engraved p...

Lauters (Paulus) Souvenir du Sacré-Coeur de Jette St Pierre près Bruxelles , chromolithographed decorative title heightened in gold, 15 tinte...

America.- [Beresford (William)] A Voyage Round the World; but more particularly to the North-West Coast of America...by Captain George Dixon, ...

Narcissus Luttrell's copy.- Statius (Publius Papinius) [Opera] , 3 parts in 1, collation: a-e 8 a-z 8 A-F 8 G 4 A-B 8 C 4 (here Orthograp...

Circignano (Niccolo) Ecclesiae Anglicanae trophaea …, engraved throughout with architectural title and 33 plates only of martyrdoms of saints...

Derschau (Hans Albrecht von) [Sale Catalogue] Verzeichniss der seltenen Kunst-Sammlungen... , 3 parts in 1, prices in neat contemporary manus...

Vögelin (Salomon) Geschichte der Wasserkirche unde der Stadtbibliothek in Zürich , 7 fine aquatint plates, Donaueschingen copy with ink stamp...

Quatremere de Quincy (A.C.) De l'Architecture Égyptienne. .., half-title, 18 engraved plates, 2 folding/double-page, light foxing, contemporary...

Theatres.- Littmann (Max) Die Königlichen Hoftheater in Stuttgart , only edition , photogravure plates, original boards with illustration ...

Stroitel’stvo Moskvy [Construction of Moscow] , 28 issues in 25 (1928 no.9; 1929 no.1-2, 4, 9-10; 1930, no. 2, 6; 1931 no.11; 1932 no. 2-7, 8&9, 1...

Este (Charles, editor ) Carmina quadragesimalia ab aedis Christi Oxon... , occasional spotting, short tear to lower margin of title, con...

Viollet-le-Duc (Eugene Emmanuel) Entretiens sur l'Architecture , 2 vol. & Atlas, first edition , text with illustrations, occasional foxing,...

[Félibien (André)] Des Principes de l'Architecture, de la Sculpture, de la Peinture... , second edition , title with engraved vignette, en...

Vico (Enea) Augustarum Imagines, first Latin edition , translated by Natale Conti, collation: A 4 b 6 A-Z AA 4 * 2 complete with engraved...

[Soane ( Sir John)] House of Commons. Papers ...[&] Further Papers ...relating to the Building a New Infirmary, and Leasing of Ground, at ...

Montesquieu (Charles Secondat, Baron de ) De L'Esprit des Loix, 2 vol., first edition, half-titles, lacking errata leaves , contemporary...

[Clemens (Samuel Langhorne)], "Mark Twain" . Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, first American edition, first state , half-title with illustrat...

[Defoe (Daniel)] [Legion's Memorial] Mr. S------r. The enclosed memorial you are charg'd with, in the behalf of many thousands of the good peo...

[?Stewart (John)] C ritical Observations on the Buildings and Improvements of London , first edition, presentation copy inscribed "From ...

Marot (Jean) Recueil des Plans Profils et Elevations des plusieurs Palais Chateaux Eglises Sepultres Grotes et Hostels , engraved throughout ...

Fête Books.- Relazione de funerale celebrato in Parma...alla...Dorotea Sofia Palatino di Neoburgo. .., engraved portrait, heraldic title-vignet...

Guattani (Giuseppe Antonio) Roma Descritta ed Illustrata , 2 vol. in 1, second edition, engraved additional pictorial title, folding map and ...

Aluisetti (Giulio) Opere dei Grandi Concorsi premiate dall'I. R. Academia delle Belle Arti in Milano , 67 engraved plates (numbering erratic,...

Briseux (Charles-Etienne) Traité du Beau Essentiel dans les Arts appliqué particulierement à l'Architecture ..., 2 vol., only edition , engr...

Lead sheeting.- Remond de Saint-Albine (Pierre) Mémoire sur le Laminage du Plomb, first edition, woodcut ornaments, Macclesfield copy...

Berlepsch-Valendas (H.E.) Bauernhaus und Arbeiter Wohnung in England , illustrations, 20 plates, loose as issued in original pictorial half clo...


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