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A subscription to the Price Guide is required to view results for auctions ten days or older. Click here for more information
Shallowpool vintage character dolls x eleven, heads and lower limbs made from plaster of Paris, attached to a wired armature padded body: (1) Henr...
Shallowpool vintage character dolls x eighteen, heads and lower limbs made from plaster of Paris, attached to a wired armature padded body: (1) A ...
Shallowpool vintage nursery rhyme dolls x six, heads and lower limbs made from plaster of Paris, attached to a wired armature padded body: (1) Sno...
Shallowpool vintage nursery rhyme dolls x five, heads and lower limbs made from plaster of Paris, attached to a wired armature padded body: (1) Li...
Pumpkin-head antique wax over composition shoulder head doll, c1860, inset glass pupil-less eyes, blonde moulded hair (remains of black over-paint...
Cameo Kewpie style vintage composition doll, side glancing painted eyes, brown wig, jointed arms, painted black boots, small chips to finger ends,...
Mixed doll group
Mixed doll group including: Nora Wellings velveteen/cloth dolls; Sunny Jim cloth doll; reproduction googly eye bisque doll; plus others; Good; (Qt...
Vintage Leprechaun puppet, composition, hand painted features, wooden jointed body, cotton jacket and trousers; within vintage Palethorpes Sausage...
Wooden vintage / antique peg dolls, some require repair / attention and are incomplete, largest 10"/26cm; (qty).
Vintage / antique doll's wigs, pates and glass eyes; Fair to Good; (qty).
Bisque vintage dolls x eight
Bisque vintage dolls x eight, includes: painted bisque doll, dressed as a witch; painted bisque dolls, dressed as fairies; plus others; some damag...
Antique / vintage bisque dolls collection of four: (1) Heubach 320, hair line cracks to head, composition five piece curved limb body, 18"/46cm; (...
Two vintage boudoir dolls and a Heubach 320 painted bisque doll: (1) Heubach 320 painted bisque doll, with five piece composition body, 20"/51cm; ...
Pedigree Sindy pair of vintage dolls & clothing including: (1) Sindy doll, ash blonde wearing flo...
Pedigree Sindy pair of vintage dolls & clothing including: (1) Sindy doll, ash blonde wearing floral 2 piece, (2) Sindy doll, Weekender 1976, blon...
Palitoy Pippa & Britt vintage doll pair with original clothing, Fair Plus to Good Plus, (2).
Robin Rive Countrylife Pair of gollies, including: (1) #406 Shasta, LE 300 & (2) Eliza Jane, LE 3...
Robin Rive Countrylife Pair of gollies, including: (1) #406 Shasta, LE 300 & (2) Eliza Jane, LE 300, 14"/36cm, plush/cloth, both missing swing lab...
Collection of dolls and toys, including: Mattel Barbie My Size, life-size doll, 1992, #2517, front of dress is discoloured, otherwise Good Plus, w...
Collection of modern and some vintage / antique dolls, includes: modern bisque Jumeau-type replica doll; Walther & Sohn 241 antique bisque doll; R...
Mattel Barbie Jaguar XJS, #1665 within Fair original packaging, unchecked for completeness or cor...
Mattel Barbie Jaguar XJS, #1665 within Fair original packaging, unchecked for completeness or correctness, Good to Good Plus.
Gotz Joke Grobben (Holland) Annabelle vinyl doll, artist designed, LE 969/1000, 1997, certificate, Excellent, missing box, 25.5"/65cm.
Vintage fashion dolls, collection, including: Kenner Dusty; Madame Alexander Portrettes Dinner at Eight; Pedigree Anna Happy Time; Triang Jenny; e...
Steiff Golly Boy, white tag 660238, LE 6/2000, with certificate, missing box, Excellent Plus, 10.5"/27cm. NB: These items are listed on the basis ...
Robin Rive Countrylife pair of gollies, each with sewn-in cloth labels, plush/cloth, missing swing label certificates, Excellent Plus, 15"/38cm; (...
Robin Rive and Margaret Ballard, pair of gollies: (1) Robin Rive Countrylife large golly, sewn-in cloth label, missing swing label certificate, 25...
Merrythought cloth golly
Merrythought cloth golly, label to sole of right foot, LE 41/500, missing swing label certificate, Excellent Plus, 22"/56cm. Notice from the the-s...
Large Golly plush figure
Large Golly plush figure, unjointed, leatherette and plush applied features, Good; 66"/168cm. These items are listed on the basis they are illustr...
Pelham Puppets Golly marionettes x four plus a vintage composition doll: Pelham Puppets Golly Minstrel and three Golly marionettes (one lacks cont...
Black wax over composition shoulder head doll, c 1870, inset black pupil-less eyes, wooden jointed body, black kid leather arms, wearing black str...
Collection of mainly antique doll's house dolls, includes: Gentleman bisque shoulder head (chip to base of rear shoulder plate), replacement feet,...
Miniature antique / vintage dolls and novelties, includes: Celluloid miniature Kewpie doll, upon circular pot cover; all-bisque fully jointed baby...
Antique parasols x three
Antique parasols x three, includes: (1) Victorian parasol, bone handle, silk cover (shredded), 25"/64cm; (2) Wooden handle parasol, black silk cov...
Antique and vintage wooden and bisque dolls x five: (1) All wooden doll, inset brown glass eyes, blonde wig, five piece curved limb body, 13"/33cm...
Ernst Heubach bisque doll, German, 1914, impressed 250 4/0 a, weighted blue eyes (both eyes have glue residue to where lashes were affixed), open ...
Collection of wax doll heads, and a General De Gaulle bottle stopper, some are antique / vintage, includes: wax over composition shoulder head, 5....
Cuno & Otto Dressel / Simon & Halbig Jutta bisque vintage doll, German, 1910, impressed 1348 6 1/2, now fixed brown eyes*, open mouth, wood and co...
German antique bisque doll pair: (1) Alt, Beck & Gottschalck bisque character doll, German, circa 1912, impressed 1361 12, *now fixed brown eyes, ...
Theodor Recknagel antique bisque doll, German, impressed 24 R 8 A, weighted blue eyes, open mouth, composition and wood ball jointed body, eyes ar...
Jumeau Bebe bisque doll, French c.1907, impressed 1907 11, with open mouth, upper teeth, fixed blue paperweight eyes, pierced ears, blonde wig and...
SFBJ Jumeau model antique bisque doll, impressed SFBJ PARIS 12, weighted brown eyes, open mouth with teeth, pierced ears, wig and pate, compositio...
Jumeau Bebe bisque doll, French c.1907, impressed 1907 9, with open mouth, upper teeth, fixed brown paperweight eyes, pierced ears, blonde wig and...
Jumeau Bebe bisque doll, French c.1907, impressed 1907 8, stamped in red to rear of head TETE JUMEAU, paper label on body "Bebe Jumeau, Diplome d'...
Zwergnase Magali artist designed vinyl doll, by Nicole Marschollek-Menzner, 1999, LE 47/250, signed by the artist to torso, missing swing label, E...
Modern doll's house and contents, wooden construction, comprises: house, opening at front, two storeys with four rooms, central staircase and roof...
Vintage dolls house accessories & other including: metal, glass and wood, range of scales; lot also includes vintage postcards and playing cards; ...
Vintage dolls house accessories including: metal, ceramic, wood; furniture; foods; range of scales; unchecked for completeness or correctness; Goo...
Vintage dolls house accessories including: metal, ceramic, wood, glass; furniture; foods; range of scales; unchecked for completeness or correctne...
Vintage dolls house accessories including: metal, glass, lead; Distler highchair; lead animals, tea set; photo album; oil lamp; plus others; Good ...
Antique / vintage small collection of dolls' house miniatures; paper scraps; Samuel Finburgh Rag Doll No 3, 5 June 1915, uncut; etc; Fair to Excel...
Large quantity of dolls' / children's clothing, includes many different sizes, some are home-made, damage / discolouration /wear throughout; (qty)...
Antique / vintage white work cotton dolls' / children's plus some woollen clothing, includes: Christening gown; dresses; cape; under garments; etc...
Antique / vintage quality dolls' / children's clothing, including: ivory silk quilted baby's bonnet, 1880-1890, with fringe and ribbon tie; navy w...
Antique / vintage dolls' hats, bonnets; ladies' handkerchieves; ladies' gloves; shoes; small dolls' hats and some clothing; trim; Nicola Dolls pap...
Antique / vintage collection of dolls' and ladies' Trunks / Portmanteaus, etc: (1) Mason & Parker dolls' Portmanteau, wooden with tin outer coveri...
Vintage teddy bears x four
Vintage teddy bears x four: (1) "Wonder of Woolies" pink artificial silk teddy bear, similar to those sold in Woolworths, during the 1950s/60s, 19...
Early teddy bear, light blonde mohair, black boot button eyes, black re-stitched nose, fully jointed, REPLACED wool felt pads with replaced claw s...
British 1920s / 1930s pale blonde mohair vintage teddy bear, clear glass eyes with black pupils and brown painted backs, light brown vertically st...
Steiff four plush pigs
Steiff four plush pigs, including: (1) Super Molly Pig, yellow tag 0361/90, 1983-1990, card tag, unjointed, recumbent, 35.25"/90cm; (2) Molly Pig,...
Steiff Zotty "Zeb" vintage teddy bear, yellow tag and button, 1950s / 1960s, caramel frosted tip mohair with beige inset muzzle and bib, brown and...
Schuco Talisman golden mohair teddy bear, German, black metal bead eyes, black horizontally stitched nose, fully jointed, Good Plus to Excellent, ...
Steiff James Bond teddy bear, white tag 007613, LE 3000, mohair, internal music box plays Bond th...
Steiff James Bond teddy bear, white tag 007613, LE 3000, mohair, internal music box plays Bond theme, swing label, certificate, within Near Mint b...