

Cincinnati Eagles,The Collection - To be Sold as one Lot!

In The Continents Auction - Part 2 -The Americas ...

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Cincinnati Eagles,The Collection - To be Sold as one Lot! - Image 1 of 9
Cincinnati Eagles,The Collection - To be Sold as one Lot! - Image 2 of 9
Cincinnati Eagles,The Collection - To be Sold as one Lot! - Image 3 of 9
Cincinnati Eagles,The Collection - To be Sold as one Lot! - Image 4 of 9
Cincinnati Eagles,The Collection - To be Sold as one Lot! - Image 5 of 9
Cincinnati Eagles,The Collection - To be Sold as one Lot! - Image 6 of 9
Cincinnati Eagles,The Collection - To be Sold as one Lot! - Image 7 of 9
Cincinnati Eagles,The Collection - To be Sold as one Lot! - Image 8 of 9
Cincinnati Eagles,The Collection - To be Sold as one Lot! - Image 9 of 9
Cincinnati Eagles,The Collection - To be Sold as one Lot! - Image 1 of 9
Cincinnati Eagles,The Collection - To be Sold as one Lot! - Image 2 of 9
Cincinnati Eagles,The Collection - To be Sold as one Lot! - Image 3 of 9
Cincinnati Eagles,The Collection - To be Sold as one Lot! - Image 4 of 9
Cincinnati Eagles,The Collection - To be Sold as one Lot! - Image 5 of 9
Cincinnati Eagles,The Collection - To be Sold as one Lot! - Image 6 of 9
Cincinnati Eagles,The Collection - To be Sold as one Lot! - Image 7 of 9
Cincinnati Eagles,The Collection - To be Sold as one Lot! - Image 8 of 9
Cincinnati Eagles,The Collection - To be Sold as one Lot! - Image 9 of 9
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The Society of Cincinnati, or Order of Cincinnatus, is a society of friends founded in New-York in 1783 to regroup Continental Army officers who fought in the American Revolution, to perpetuate the memory of it and the friendship born of common dangers. George Washington presided it from 1783 until his death in 1799. It was placed under the auspices of Lucius Quintus Cincinnatus, virtuous Roman patrician who, after saving the Republic plagued by civil war, refused honors and returned to his plow. It was expected that the eldest son of the first titular member replace him at his death. So this hereditary society is now made up of descendants of the original Cincinnati members. The Society is divided in thirteen State Societies, for the first thirteen States, a fourtheenth Society regroups the French officiers (those serving as volunteer in the Continental Army with Lafayette, and those of the French expeditionary force under General Rochambeau and of the Navy under Admiral d’Estaing). The original decoration was designed by Major Pierre L’Enfant (1754–1825) – the town planner of Washington DC – who ordered in January 1784 the first badges to the Parisian goldsmith Nicolas-Jean Francastel. The badge illustrated the life of Cincinnatus, the colors of the ribbon symbolized the Franco-American friendship, blue for America, white for France.Bibliography:– “Cincinnati Fourteen”, Journal of The Society of the Cincinnati, spring 2009, Volume 45, N°2– Bishop, Lee E., Jr, Elliott, J. Robert, II, “American Society Medals – an identification guide”, Publishers Press, Salt Lake City, 1998.– de Cotenson, baron Ludovic, “La Société des Cincinnati de France et la Guerre d’Amérique 1778–1783”, éditions Auguste Picard, Paris 1934.– Gardiner, Asa Bird, “The Order of the Cincinnati in France (“L’Ordre de Cincinnatus”) Its Organisation and history”, the Rhode Island State Society of the Cincinnati, 1905.– Hood, Jennings, Young, Charles J., “American Orders & Societies and their decorations”, Bailley, Banks & Biddle Company, Philadelphia, 1917.– Lamant, Hubert, de Saint-Simon, F., “Armorial des Cincinnati de France”, Editions Contrepoint, Paris 1980.– Leymarie, A.-Léo, “Exposition rétrospective des Colonies française de l’Amérique du Nord” Société d’éditions géographiques, maritimes et coloniales, Paris 1929.– Myers, Minor, jr., “The Insignia of The Society of the Cincinnati”, The Society of the Cincinnati, Washington DC, 1998.1. 1784 1st French Eagle, 2. 1784, The count de Beauvoir Eagle,3. An 18th Century French Eagle, the eagle in gold, head, neck and tail in white enamel, without feathers, distinct crest, black eyes, the wings and claws finely tooled, green enamel on wreath of laurel, the medallion in gold in two pieces, the motto in gold letters on dark blue enamel. On the obverse Cincinnatus with plow at right under a shinning sun, motto “OMN. RELINQ. SERV. REMP.”. On the reverse two senators presenting a sword to Cincinnatus standing in front of his wife with a baby in her arms, motto “VIRT. PRAEM. SOC. CINC. INST. 1783”. With two fluted loops for suspension, and an old original knot of pale blue ribbon with button for holding. This Eagle, unknown to Myers, is certainly an early French manufacture dating from the end of 18th Century. It is the model of the 1900 miniature made by Lemaitre.Dim.: the badge 25x14,5 mm; weight 5,1 g.4. An extremly rare original 1786 diploma of the Society of the Cincinnati given to “William Leverett Esqur a Lieutenant in the late Army of the United States” dated from Mount Vernon, Virginia, 4th day of July 1786, and signed by George Washington, as President general of the Society and general Henry Knox as secretary.5. 1809–1819, French Eagle6. Lieutenant Marie Joseph Eustache Viscount d’Osmond (1756-1839)Founding member of the Society of the Cincinnati of France and Knight Commander of St. Louis.Mestre de Camp Commander of the Neustrie Regiment (10th Infantry) then stationed in Landau (Palatinate).7. A second quarter of the XIX century group of two comprising a French miniature Eagle and a knight cross of the Legion of honor. 8. 1820’s, a Bush Eagle9. 1859, The New-York French Eagle10. (1820), The Winfield Scott Eagle Revival by Spink & Son11. 1867, The Moseley Eagle12. 1850’s French Eagle13. 1900, French Miniature Eagle by Lemaitre14. 1900, Rhode Island Eagle (Tiffany’s) 15. 1919, The New-York Eagle16. (1919), The New-York Eagle17. An original 1939 diploma of the Society of the Cincinnati of Massachusetts given to “Franklin Snow” dated from Boston, February 22, 1939, signed by Roger Wolcott, as President and Greenway as secretary. 18. A copy of the 1784 diploma of the Society of the Cincinnati given to “Lieutenant Samuel Armstrong” dated from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, May 5th, 1784, signed by George Washington and Henry Knox. 19. (1920), The David Lacey Garrison jr. Delaware Eagle20. The David Lacey Garrison Jr. Group of five21. An original 1964 diploma of the Society of the Cincinnati of Connecticut given to “Albert Sidney Lewis, great-great-great grandnephew of captain Robert Lewis, 2nd regiment22. An original 1964 diploma of the Society of the Cincinnati of North Carolina given to “Roy Lee Shannon, great, great grandson of lieutenant Robert Shannon, 4th Regiment, North Carolina Continental Line23. A badge of the Society of the Cincinnati in gold24. (1920), The Delaware Eagle25. The Arthus Bertrand Eagle26. The Arthus Bertrand Eagle27. The Arthus Bertrand Eagle28. 1962, French Miniature Eagle by Arthus Bertrand29. The Bailey, Banks & Biddle Tilghmann Eagle30. Daugthers of the Cincinnati31. Daugthers of the Cincinnati32. Daugthers of the CincinnatiPlease send us an email for the full description and details.
The Society of Cincinnati, or Order of Cincinnatus, is a society of friends founded in New-York in 1783 to regroup Continental Army officers who fought in the American Revolution, to perpetuate the memory of it and the friendship born of common dangers. George Washington presided it from 1783 until his death in 1799. It was placed under the auspices of Lucius Quintus Cincinnatus, virtuous Roman patrician who, after saving the Republic plagued by civil war, refused honors and returned to his plow. It was expected that the eldest son of the first titular member replace him at his death. So this hereditary society is now made up of descendants of the original Cincinnati members. The Society is divided in thirteen State Societies, for the first thirteen States, a fourtheenth Society regroups the French officiers (those serving as volunteer in the Continental Army with Lafayette, and those of the French expeditionary force under General Rochambeau and of the Navy under Admiral d’Estaing). The original decoration was designed by Major Pierre L’Enfant (1754–1825) – the town planner of Washington DC – who ordered in January 1784 the first badges to the Parisian goldsmith Nicolas-Jean Francastel. The badge illustrated the life of Cincinnatus, the colors of the ribbon symbolized the Franco-American friendship, blue for America, white for France.Bibliography:– “Cincinnati Fourteen”, Journal of The Society of the Cincinnati, spring 2009, Volume 45, N°2– Bishop, Lee E., Jr, Elliott, J. Robert, II, “American Society Medals – an identification guide”, Publishers Press, Salt Lake City, 1998.– de Cotenson, baron Ludovic, “La Société des Cincinnati de France et la Guerre d’Amérique 1778–1783”, éditions Auguste Picard, Paris 1934.– Gardiner, Asa Bird, “The Order of the Cincinnati in France (“L’Ordre de Cincinnatus”) Its Organisation and history”, the Rhode Island State Society of the Cincinnati, 1905.– Hood, Jennings, Young, Charles J., “American Orders & Societies and their decorations”, Bailley, Banks & Biddle Company, Philadelphia, 1917.– Lamant, Hubert, de Saint-Simon, F., “Armorial des Cincinnati de France”, Editions Contrepoint, Paris 1980.– Leymarie, A.-Léo, “Exposition rétrospective des Colonies française de l’Amérique du Nord” Société d’éditions géographiques, maritimes et coloniales, Paris 1929.– Myers, Minor, jr., “The Insignia of The Society of the Cincinnati”, The Society of the Cincinnati, Washington DC, 1998.1. 1784 1st French Eagle, 2. 1784, The count de Beauvoir Eagle,3. An 18th Century French Eagle, the eagle in gold, head, neck and tail in white enamel, without feathers, distinct crest, black eyes, the wings and claws finely tooled, green enamel on wreath of laurel, the medallion in gold in two pieces, the motto in gold letters on dark blue enamel. On the obverse Cincinnatus with plow at right under a shinning sun, motto “OMN. RELINQ. SERV. REMP.”. On the reverse two senators presenting a sword to Cincinnatus standing in front of his wife with a baby in her arms, motto “VIRT. PRAEM. SOC. CINC. INST. 1783”. With two fluted loops for suspension, and an old original knot of pale blue ribbon with button for holding. This Eagle, unknown to Myers, is certainly an early French manufacture dating from the end of 18th Century. It is the model of the 1900 miniature made by Lemaitre.Dim.: the badge 25x14,5 mm; weight 5,1 g.4. An extremly rare original 1786 diploma of the Society of the Cincinnati given to “William Leverett Esqur a Lieutenant in the late Army of the United States” dated from Mount Vernon, Virginia, 4th day of July 1786, and signed by George Washington, as President general of the Society and general Henry Knox as secretary.5. 1809–1819, French Eagle6. Lieutenant Marie Joseph Eustache Viscount d’Osmond (1756-1839)Founding member of the Society of the Cincinnati of France and Knight Commander of St. Louis.Mestre de Camp Commander of the Neustrie Regiment (10th Infantry) then stationed in Landau (Palatinate).7. A second quarter of the XIX century group of two comprising a French miniature Eagle and a knight cross of the Legion of honor. 8. 1820’s, a Bush Eagle9. 1859, The New-York French Eagle10. (1820), The Winfield Scott Eagle Revival by Spink & Son11. 1867, The Moseley Eagle12. 1850’s French Eagle13. 1900, French Miniature Eagle by Lemaitre14. 1900, Rhode Island Eagle (Tiffany’s) 15. 1919, The New-York Eagle16. (1919), The New-York Eagle17. An original 1939 diploma of the Society of the Cincinnati of Massachusetts given to “Franklin Snow” dated from Boston, February 22, 1939, signed by Roger Wolcott, as President and Greenway as secretary. 18. A copy of the 1784 diploma of the Society of the Cincinnati given to “Lieutenant Samuel Armstrong” dated from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, May 5th, 1784, signed by George Washington and Henry Knox. 19. (1920), The David Lacey Garrison jr. Delaware Eagle20. The David Lacey Garrison Jr. Group of five21. An original 1964 diploma of the Society of the Cincinnati of Connecticut given to “Albert Sidney Lewis, great-great-great grandnephew of captain Robert Lewis, 2nd regiment22. An original 1964 diploma of the Society of the Cincinnati of North Carolina given to “Roy Lee Shannon, great, great grandson of lieutenant Robert Shannon, 4th Regiment, North Carolina Continental Line23. A badge of the Society of the Cincinnati in gold24. (1920), The Delaware Eagle25. The Arthus Bertrand Eagle26. The Arthus Bertrand Eagle27. The Arthus Bertrand Eagle28. 1962, French Miniature Eagle by Arthus Bertrand29. The Bailey, Banks & Biddle Tilghmann Eagle30. Daugthers of the Cincinnati31. Daugthers of the Cincinnati32. Daugthers of the CincinnatiPlease send us an email for the full description and details.

The Continents Auction - Part 2 -The Americas and the Colonoal Powers

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UNC - I uncirculated, excellent condition

XF - II extremely fi ne condition

VF - III very fi ne condition

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VG - V bad condition

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Tags: Knives and Blades, Military badge, Military Medal, Badges, Medals & Pins, Militaria, Military Insignia, Military Button, Insignia, Sword, Medal, Badge, Medallion, Button, Badges