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British Iron-Age, Early Uninscribed series, Stater, British Qa [Remic type], devolved head of Apollo, rev. disjointed triple-tailed horse right, c...
British Iron-Age, CANTIACI, uninscribed series, Quarter-Stater, trophy type, traces of wreath at edges, rev. tree-like trophy, three ringed pellet...
British Iron-Age, ATREBATES AND REGNI, Tincomarus, Quarter-Stater, comf on tablet, rev. horse left, ti above, c below, 1.21g (ABC 1088; BMC 842; V...
British Iron-Age, ATREBATES AND REGNI, Verica, Unit, com.f, with crescent and two ringed pellets above and below, rev. boar advancing right, star ...
British Iron-Age, TRINOVANTES, Addedomaros, Stater, spiral of six limbs, three crescents in centre, rev. horse right, three horse muzzles above, p...
British Iron-Age, Catuvellauni, Tasciovanus, Quarter-Stater, two crescents back-to-back across cruciform wreath pattern, tasc [?] in angles, rev. ...
British Iron-Age, CATUVELLAUNI, Cunobelin, Stater, Wild type, ear of barley dividing ca-mv, pellet above a, trefoil of pellets above m, rev. horse...
British Iron-Age, CATUVELLAUNI, Cunobelin, Æ Units (2), warrior on horseback right, holding javelin, rev. warrior standing left holding spear and ...
British Iron-Age, CATUVELLAUNI, Epaticcus, silver Unit, head of Hercules right, epati in front, rev. eagle holding snake, pellet above, 1.20g (ABC...
British Iron-Age, DUROTRIGES, Uninscribed series, silver Stater, degraded head of Apollo right, rev. horse left, pellets above, coffee-bean behind...
British Iron-Age, DOBUNNI, Uninscribed series, Unit, degraded head right, rev. triple-tailed horse right, flower motif below, stylised bird’s head...
British Iron-Age, CORIELTAUVI, Uninscribed series, Unit, Boar/Horse type, boar right, pellet-ring above, pellet below tail, rev. horse right, pell...
British Iron-Age, ICENI, Uninscribed series, Unit, Face/Horse type, stylised head right, wreath behind, rev. horse right with corded mane, pellete...
Early Anglo-Saxon Period, Sceatta, Primary series C2, diademed head right, runes front, rev. totii on standard, enclosed trefoil of pellets to rig...
Early Anglo-Saxon Period, Sceatta, Continental series E, porcupine-like figure, pelleted line and annulet within curve of body, cross below, rev....
Danish East Anglia, St Edmund coinage, Penny, Sigemund, sc eadmvie, large at monogram, pellet inside, rev. siemvnd moe, 1.22g/12h (N 483; S 961). ...
Æthelred II (978-1016), Penny, First Hand type, York, Fastolf, faztvlf m-o eof, 1.46g/2h (BEH –; N 766; S 1144). Good very fine £300-£400In order...
Æthelred II (978-1016), Penny, Long Cross type, London, Æthelweard, ædelperd m-o lvnd, 1.27g/1h (SCBI Copenhagen 693ff; N 774; S 1151). Peckmarked...
Cnut (1016-1035), Penny, Quatrefoil type, London, Godric, godric on lvnd, 1.05g/6h (Spink Auction 225, 157, same dies; N 781; S 1157). Weak in pla...
Cnut (1016-1035), Penny, Pointed Helmet type, Norwich, Leofric, l · e · ofric · on · nor :, reads cnvt r glorv :, 1.06g/6h (BEH 2940; N 787; S 115...
Cnut (1016-1035), Penny, Short Cross type, Thetford, Wineman, pineman on de, 1.20g/12h (SCBI Copenhagen 3864ff; N 790; S 1159). Good very fine £2...
William I or William II, Penny, PAXS type [BMC VIII], Southwark, Ældulf, ieldolf on svde, 1.35g/12h (Allen, BNJ 2012, p.80; BMC 955; N 848; S 1257...
Henry II (1154-1189), Short Cross coinage, Penny, class Ib1, Winchester, Gocelm, gocelm · on · winc, 1.45g/7h (SCBI Mass 499ff; N 963; S 1344). Ve...
Richard I (1189-1199), Penny, class IVa, Canterbury, Reinald, reivnald · on · ca, 1.18g/9h (SCBI Mass 887ff; N 968/1; S 1348A). Nearly very fine, ...
John (1199-1216), Penny, class Vb, London, Walter, walter · on · lvn, 1.44g/10h (N 971; S 1351). Areas of weakness, otherwise very fine, toned £8...
Edward III (1327-1377), Treaty period, Groat, London, mm. cross potent, variety k, double annulet stops on obv., double saltire stops on rev., rev...
Henry V (1413-1422), Definitive issues, Groat, class Ca, mm. cross pattée, no fleurs over crown, mullet on king’s left shoulder, 3.76g/12h (Stewar...
Henry VI (First reign, 1422-1461), Pinecone-Mascle issue, Groat, Calais, mm. crosses IIIb/V, mascle after rex, pinecone after posvi and sie, mascl...
Richard III (1483-1485), Groat, London, type 1, mm. halved sun and rose (no.1), nothing below bust, reads di, barred a in civitas, 2.99g/12h (Wins...
Henry VII (1485-1509), Facing Bust issue, Groat, class IVa, mm. cross-crosslet, reads adivtoe, 2.93g/4h (SCBI Ashmolean 428ff; N 1706a; S 2200). V...
Henry VII (1485-1509), Profile issue, Groat, regular type, mm. pheon, 2.91g/11h (N 1747; S 2258). Very fine with attractive old cabinet tone £20...
Henry VIII (1509-1547), First coinage, Penny, London, mm. crowned portcullis with chains on obv. only, 0.61g/3h (N 1773; S 2328); Second coinage, ...
Henry VIII (1509-1547), Second coinage, Groat, Tower, mm. arrow, saltires in forks, 2.76g/12h (N 1797; S 2337E). Good very fine and toned, but wit...
Henry VIII (1509-1547), Third coinage, Groat, Bristol, mm. WS on rev. only, Lombardic letters both sides, trefoils in forks, pellet stops, rose af...
Edward VI (1547-1553), Second period, 6 oz. issue, Shilling, Southwark, mdxlix [1549], mm. y, bust 4, normal legends, 5.18g/4h (Bispham p.136; N 1...
Edward VI (1547-1553), Third period, Fine issue, Shilling, mm. tun, 6.11g/4h (N 1937; S 2482). Nearly very fine and toned, but with small graffito...
Edward VI (1547-1553), Third period, Fine issue, Sixpence, Tower, mm. tun, 2.93g/11h (N 1938; S 2483). Struck slightly off-centre, otherwise abut ...
Mary (1553-1554), Groat, mm. pomegranate, 2.03g/2h (N 1960; S 2492). Very fine £200-£260In order to view full details and any additional images f...
Elizabeth I (1558-1603), Second issue, Groat, mm. cross-crosslet, bust 1F, plain bodice, reads fra and hib regina, 1.91g/5h (N 1986; S 2556). Very...
Elizabeth I (1558-1603), Second issue, Halfgroat, mm. martlet, beaded inner circles, 0.87g/1h (N 1987; S 2557); Fourth issue, Threepence, 1573, mm...
Elizabeth I (1558-1603), Fifth issue, Sixpence, 1578, mm. Greek cross, bust 5A, 3.27g/8h (N 1997; S 2572). About very fine £90-£120In order to vi...
Elizabeth I (1558-1603), Sixth issue, Shilling, mm. hand, bust 6B, 5.58g/12h (N 2014; S 2577). Some surface marks, otherwise very fine, toned £1...
Elizabeth I (1558-1603), Seventh issue, Halfcrown, mm. 1, 14.77g/12h (N 2013; S 2583). Evenly struck on a round flan, nearly very fine, toned £1...
Elizabeth I (1558-1603), Milled coinage, Shilling, large size, mm. star, 6.04g/6h (Borden/Brown 17, O1/R1; N 2023; S 2590). Very fine, but obverse...
Elizabeth I (1558-1603), Milled coinage, Sixpence, 1562, mm. star, bust D, 3.00g/6h (Borden/Brown 25, O11/R9; N 2027; S 2596). Nearly very fine, t...
James I (1603-1625), Third coinage, Halfcrown, mm. thistle, ground line below horse, 14.68g/1h (N 2122; S 2666). Good fine £200-£260In order to v...
James I (1603-1625), Third coinage, Shilling, mm. trefoil, sixth bust, 6.08g/12h (N 2124; S 2668); Charles I, Briot’s Second Milled issue, Sixpenc...
Charles I (1625-1649), Tower mint, Halfcrown, Gp III, type 3a1, mm. tun, early third horseman, 15.19g/3h (SCBI Brooker 334ff; N 2209; S 2773). Abo...
Charles I (1625-1649), Tower mint, Shilling, Gp D, type 2a, mm. crown, 6.00g/1h (N 2225; S 2787). Nearly very fine, reverse better £80-£100In ord...
Charles I (1625-1649), Briot’s First Milled issue, Crown, mm. flower on obv. only, signed b both sides, 29.31g/6h (SCBI Brooker 714; N 2298; S 285...
Commonwealth (1649-1660), Halfcrown, 1653, mm. sun on obv. only, 15.10g/6h (ESC 28 [431]; N 2722; S 3215). Small scratches on shield on obverse, o...
Oliver Cromwell, Crown, 1658/7 (Lessen E12; ESC 240 [10]; S 3226). Small edge mark at 10 o’clock, otherwise fine £900-£1,200In order to view full...
Charles II (1660-1685), Halfcrown, 1683, fourth bust, edge tricesimo qvinto (ESC 497 [490]; S 3367). Some surface marks, otherwise very fine £20...
Charles II (1660-1685), Shilling, 1663, first bust variety (ESC 506 [1025]; S 3372); Sixpence, 1681 (ESC 577; S 3382) [2]. About very fine £180...
Charles II (1660-1685), Crown, 1679, third bust, edge tricesimo primo (ESC 403 [56]; S 3358). Very fine £400-£500In order to view full details an...
Charles II (1660-1685), Maundy Fourpence, Threepence and Twopence (ESC 629, 662, 690; S 3384, 3386, 3388); together with a 1693 Maundy Penny [4]. ...
James II (1685-1688), Halfcrown, 1687, first bust, edge tertio (ESC 753 [498]; S 3408). Minor flecking, otherwise good very fine £400-£500In ord...
James II (1685-1688), Shilling, 1687/6, broken b in iacobvs, g over a in mag, harp with 7 strings (ESC 770 [1072a]; S 3410). Minor flecking and ad...
William and Mary (1688-1694), Halfcrown, 1689, first shield, caul only frosted, pearls, edge primo (ESC 831 [505]; S 3434). Stained and with a scr...
William and Mary (1688-1694), Sixpence, 1693 (ESC 869 [1529]; S 3438); William III, Sixpence, 1696 (ESC 1213 [1545]; S 3531) [2]. About very fine ...