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Newton, Isaac
Newton, Isaac Optice sive de Reflexionibus, Refractionibus, Inflexionibus, et Coloribus Lucis Libri Tres. Latine reddidit Samuel Clarke. London: ...
[Opponent of Isaac Newton] Hutchinson, John Group of works H[utchinson], J[ohn]. Moses's Sine Principio: represented by Names, by Words, by Types...
'A Society of Gentlemen in Scotland' Encyclopaedia Britannica; or, a Dictionary of Arts and Sciences compiled upon a New Plan. In which the Diffe...
Hutton, James
Hutton, James Theory of the Earth or an Investigation of the Laws Observable in the Composition, Dissolution, and Restoration of Land upon the Gl...
Pufendorf, Samuel von
Pufendorf, Samuel von De jure naturae et gentium libri octo Lund: sumtibus Adami Junghans imprimebat Vitus Haberegger, 1672. First edition, 4to (...
Philosophy and political economy Collection of works including Scottish Enlightenment treatises Alison, Archibald. Essays on the Nature and Princ...
Forbes, Alexander, 4th Lord Forbes of Pitsligo Essays Moral and Philosophical, on several Subjects viz. A View of the Human Faculties. A Short Ac...
[Locke, John] Wynne, John An Abridgment of Mr. Locke's Essay Concerning Humane Understanding London: for A. and J. Churchill, and Edw. Castle, 16...
Scots law
Scots law Collection of works, 17th-18th century Bayne, Alexander. Notes for the Students of the Municipal Law in the University of Edinburgh. Ed...
Scots law
Scots law Collection of works, 16th-19th century Charles II, King of England, Scotland and Ireland. [Sammelband of laws and acts of parliament pa...
[Briscoe, John]
[Briscoe, John] A Discourse of Money Being an Essay on that Subject, Historically and Politically handled. With Reflections on the present evil s...
Menasseh ben Israel (printer) Humas de Parasioth y Aftharoth traduzido palabra por palabra de la verdad Hebraica en Español. [Amsterdam:] Menasse...
Bible; Latin; Estienne printing Biblia R. Stephanus Lectoris. En tibi Biblioru[m] vulgata editio, in qua juxta Hebraicorum versuum rationem singu...
Bible; English; Authorised Version The Holy Bible containing the Old Testament and the New Newly translated out of the originall Tongues, and wit...
Bible; English; Authorised Version The Holy Bible Oxford: printed at the Theater, 1680. Folio (46 x 29cm), unpaginated, signatures pi1 a-d2 (-d2)...
Scottish Prayer Book
Scottish Prayer Book The Booke of Common Prayer, and Administration of the Sacraments And other parts of divine Service for the use of the Church...
Elzevir Press
Elzevir Press Collection of works, 17th century Contemporary vellum bindings, contemporary manuscript spine-titles, old manuscript shelfmark labe...
Continental books
Continental books Collection of works, 17th-18th century Diodorus Siculus. Bibliothecae historicae … ex interpretatione Laurentii Rhodomani. Hano...
Continental books
Continental books Collections of works including editions of Greek and Latin classics, 17th-18th century Homer. Ilias. Cum M. Aemilii Porti, Fran...
Continental books
Continental books Collection of editions of Greek and Latin classics, 17th century Contemporary vellum, manuscript spine-titles, ownership inscri...
Continental books
Continental books Collection of works, 17th-18th century all in contemporary vellum, including: Albertus Magnus. De Secretis Mulierum. Amsterdam:...
Continental books
Continental books Collection of works, 16th-17th century all bound in contemporary vellum with manuscript spine-titles, titles include: Claudianu...
Continental books
Continental books Collection of works, 16th century Boccaccio, Giovanni. L'amorosa fiammetta. Di nuova ristampata e con diligenza ricorretta. Ven...
Bayle, Pierre
Bayle, Pierre Dictionnaire historique et critique Rotterdam: Michel Bohm, 1720. Third edition, 4 volumes, folio (40 x 24.5cm), contemporary calf,...
'Blind Harry' (c.1440-1492)
'Blind Harry' (c.1440-1492) The Life and Acts of the Most Famous and Valiant Champion, Sir William Wallace Knight of Ellerslie. Maintainer of the...
Adamson, John
Adamson, John The Muses Welcome to the High and Mighty Prince James by the Grace of God King of Great Britaine France and Ireland, Defender of th...
Wordsworth, William
Wordsworth, William Poems in Two Volumes. London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme, 1807. First edition, 2 volumes, 12mo (16 x 9.4cm), [8] 158 [2],...
Milton, John
Milton, John Paradise Lost A Poem in Twelve Books. The Fourth Edition, Adorn'd with Sculptures. London: by Miles Flesher, for Richard Bently, an...
Scott, Sir Walter
Scott, Sir Walter Novels including first editions Edinburgh: for Archibald Constable and Co. [-Cadell and Co.], 1815-29. Each of the following in...
[Osborn, Francis]
[Osborn, Francis] Politicall Reflections upon the Government of the Turks Nicolas Machiavel: The King of Sweden's Descent into Germany: The Consp...
Cicero, Marcus Tullius
Cicero, Marcus Tullius De officiis, libri tres … ex Dionys. Lambini Monstroliensis emendatione. London: excudebat Thomas Vautrollerius, 1578. 8vo...
English books
English books Group of English imprints, 17th-18th century [Monsey, R.]. Scarronides: or, Vigile Travestie, a Mock-Poem. Being the Second [ … Sev...
Baker, Richard
Baker, Richard A Chronicle of the Kings of England from the Time of the Romans Government unto the Raigne of our Soveraigne Lord King Charles & o...
British history
British history Collection of works, 17th-18th century [King, William]. The State of the Protestants of Ireland under the late King James's Gover...
Antiquarian literature
Antiquarian literature Collection of English and French books, 16th-18th century William of Tyre. Histoire de la guerre saincte, dite proprement,...
Antiquarian literature
Antiquarian literature Collection of editions of Greek and Latin classics, 17th-19th century Quintilian. De institutione oratoria … emendavit … E...
Scotland Collection of Scottish imprints, 17th-19th century [Oriental tales]. A Select Collection of Oriental Tales. Calculates to form the Minds...
Scottish topography and history Collection of works, 17th-19th century all 4to unless otherwise stated, titles including: Sir George Mackenzie, O...
18th-century French and English history, military history and literature Collection of works Including: John Campbell, Lives of the British Admir...
18th-century English literature Collection of library sets Pope, Alexander. The Works in Verse and Prose. London: for J. Johnson [and other], 180...
Bindings Collection of fine bindings Ruskin, John. Sesame and Lilies. Three Lectures. Orpington: George Allen, 1883. Fifth edition, 8vo, contempo...
Miscellaneous books
Miscellaneous books Collection of works from the Dollerie library Napier, John. De arte logistica Joannis Naperi, Merchistoni baronis libri qui s...
[Perronet, Jean-Rodolphe]
[Perronet, Jean-Rodolphe] [Description des projets et de la construction des ponts de Neuilly, de Mantes, d'Orleans et autres] [Paris: Imprimerie...
Hogarth, William
Hogarth, William The Works from the Original Plates restored by James Heath, with the Addition of Many Subjects not before Collected: to which ar...
Polidoro da Caravaggio (c.1499-1543) Schediasmata selecta ex archetypis di Musaeo Honi. viris A. Hume Bart. Conservatis, fideliter imitata, aucto...
Camden, William
Camden, William Britannia … Enlarged by the Latest Discoveries by Richard Gough. London: for John Stockdale, 1806. Second Gough edition, 4 volum...
Agriculture and Ornithology
Agriculture and Ornithology Collection of works, 18th-19th century Morris, Beverley. British Game Birds and Wildfowl. London: Groombridge and Son...
Great Britain
Great Britain Group of maps, 18th and 19th century all engraved, sectionalised and laid on linen, and hand-coloured, comprising:Bowles, John. The...
Murray, Sir Alexander
Murray, Sir Alexander The True Interest of Great Britain, Ireland and our Plantations or, a Proposal for making such an Union between Great Brita...
Teesdale, Henry (publisher)
Teesdale, Henry (publisher) A New General Atlas of the World London: Henry Teesdale & Co., 1838. Folio, contemporary green half roan, engraved fo...
Stanihurst, Richard
Stanihurst, Richard De rebus in Hibernia gestis … omnia nunc primum in lucem edita. Leiden: ex officina Christophori Plantini, 1584. First editio...
Dunn, Samuel (editor)
Dunn, Samuel (editor) A New Directory for the East Indies containing I. The First Discoveries made in the East Indies by European Voyages and Tra...
Mason, George Henry
Mason, George Henry The Costume of China Illustrated by Sixty Engravings: with Explanations in English and French. London: for W. Miller, by S. G...
Clüver, Philipp
Clüver, Philipp Introduction in universam geographiam … à Johanne Bunone, iam vero locupletata additamentis et annotationibus John. Frid. Hekelii...
Morse, Jedidiah
Morse, Jedidiah A New and Correct Edition of the American Geography or, a View of the Present Situation of the United States of America. Edinburg...