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A documentary circular creamware box with domed cover painted in red and black with a scrolling
A documentary circular creamware box with domed cover painted in red and black with a scrolling border centred by the inscription E. Meller 1773, ...
Five various fairings including both Tug of War varieties and three of children (5)
A pair of Staffordshire pottery figures by Thomas Parr depicting Uncle Tom and Aunt Chloe, circa
A pair of Staffordshire pottery figures by Thomas Parr depicting Uncle Tom and Aunt Chloe, circa 1852, 170mm, chip to underside of Chloe (2) (comm...
A good and colourful Staffordshire pottery group of a windmill flaked by figures holding wheatsheaves, circa 1860, 245mm
A rare Staffordshire figure by Thomas Parr of Harlequin, circa 1845, 184mm, baton restored (theatrical) * See Pugh E438 figure 248 where the autho...
The Wearmouth Bridge: a cylindrical pottery frog mug by Dixon & Co printed in black and decorated in
The Wearmouth Bridge: a cylindrical pottery frog mug by Dixon & Co printed in black and decorated in colours and pink lustre, circa 1800, 124mm, r...
The Wearmouth Bridge: a cylindrical pottery frog mug printed in black and decorated in pink lustre, circa 1800, 120mm, restoration to handle and r...
1791 Rev John Wesley in Memoriam: a pearlware portrait bust by Enoch Wood on integral pink lustre
1791 Rev John Wesley in Memoriam: a pearlware portrait bust by Enoch Wood on integral pink lustre decorated pedestal base, the reverse applied wit...
Rev John Wesley: a North Country rectangular pottery plaque moulded with integral yellow and black
Rev John Wesley: a North Country rectangular pottery plaque moulded with integral yellow and black frame printed in black with an inscribed profil...
1839 Rev John Wesley: a good pottery loving cup printed in black with an inscribed profile and on
1839 Rev John Wesley: a good pottery loving cup printed in black with an inscribed profile and on the reverse a named portrait of Adam Clarke, 122...
1839: Rev John Wesley: a pottery jug printed in black with a profile encircled by named heads and
1839: Rev John Wesley: a pottery jug printed in black with a profile encircled by named heads and dated inscription beneath the spout, 163mm, foot...
1851 Exhibition: a good octagonal pottery jug by John & Robert Godwin printed in blue with an
1851 Exhibition: a good octagonal pottery jug by John & Robert Godwin printed in blue with an extensive view of the palace, printed mark, 160mm (c...
1851 Exhibition: a good pottery jug the fluted body printed in blue with a dated figure being
1851 Exhibition: a good pottery jug the fluted body printed in blue with a dated figure being crowned before a view of the Crystal Palace, 195mm (...
1813 Wearmouth Bridge: a well potted frog mug of good size by Phillips & Co of Sunderland, printed
1813 Wearmouth Bridge: a well potted frog mug of good size by Phillips & Co of Sunderland, printed in black with an inscribed and dated view of th...
Worshipful Company of Shipwrights: a good creamware tankard well printed in black and decorated in
Worshipful Company of Shipwrights: a good creamware tankard well printed in black and decorated in colours with the coat of arms, the entwined rib...
1905 Nelson Centenary: a good Copeland pottery ‘Subscribers Copy’ tyg well decorated in colours
1905 Nelson Centenary: a good Copeland pottery ‘Subscribers Copy’ tyg well decorated in colours and gilt, 145mm (commemorative, naval, military, w...
Lord Rodney: a pearlware bowl painted in blue with a central medallion inscribed ‘Succefs to.
Lord Rodney: a pearlware bowl painted in blue with a central medallion inscribed ‘Succefs to. Lord, Rodney’ within a cross hatched border, the ext...
Peace: a Prattware jug moulded with figures after the design by Lady Templeton and on the reverse
Peace: a Prattware jug moulded with figures after the design by Lady Templeton and on the reverse a scene of Grooms Carousing, painted in typical ...
Admiral Jervis: a Prattware jug moulded with three-quarter length portraits named ‘Lord Jervis’,
Admiral Jervis: a Prattware jug moulded with three-quarter length portraits named ‘Lord Jervis’, circa 1798, 155mm (commemorative, naval, military...
A cylindrical creamware tankard printed in black with a compass centred by a portrait and on the
A cylindrical creamware tankard printed in black with a compass centred by a portrait and on the reverse four lines of verse of sailor interest, c...
a good pink lustre cylindrical tankard printed in grey and enamelled in colours with the Sailor’s
a good pink lustre cylindrical tankard printed in grey and enamelled in colours with the Sailor’s Arms and inscribed with eight lines of verse, ci...
1805 Nelson in Memoriam: a good pearlware jug the lozenge moulded body printed in brown with an
1805 Nelson in Memoriam: a good pearlware jug the lozenge moulded body printed in brown with an inscribed portrait and on the reverse a view of th...
Crimea War: a pottery jug printed in black with coats of arms and battle honours entwined with an
Crimea War: a pottery jug printed in black with coats of arms and battle honours entwined with an inscribed ribbon, lined in orange and gilt and i...
Field Marshall Viscount Combermere: an oval parian plaque moulded with a named head in profile
Field Marshall Viscount Combermere: an oval parian plaque moulded with a named head in profile inscribed M. Combermere Fecit, circa 1860, 295mm, t...
Political Commemoratives: Duke of Wellington: a bisque figure depicted standing on a square base
Political Commemoratives: Duke of Wellington: a bisque figure depicted standing on a square base inscribed ‘Published by W. Cuming’, circa 1835, 2...
Duke of Wellington: a bisque figure depicted standing on a circular base inscribed ‘Pub by Beven &
Duke of Wellington: a bisque figure depicted standing on a circular base inscribed ‘Pub by Beven & Co’, circa 1835, 122mm two fingers to left hand...
1876 Gladstone and Disraeli: an impressive pair of pottery caricature figures the bases stamped with
1876 Gladstone and Disraeli: an impressive pair of pottery caricature figures the bases stamped with the Whitman & Roth monogram and with registra...
Charles Stuart Parnell: an octagonal pottery plate by Wallis Gimson printed with a named portrait,
Charles Stuart Parnell: an octagonal pottery plate by Wallis Gimson printed with a named portrait, circa 1876, small chip to reverse (commemorativ...
Joseph Chamberlain: a good ‘Intarsio’ teapot and cover by Wileman. Circa 1900, 125mm (commemorative, political)
1974 Sir Winston Churchill Centenary: a good Paragon cigar box and cover well decorated in gilt upon
1974 Sir Winston Churchill Centenary: a good Paragon cigar box and cover well decorated in gilt upon a cobalt blue ground, complete with wooden li...
1974 Sir Winston Churchill Centenary: a good Coalport twin handled urn and cover painted with a view
1974 Sir Winston Churchill Centenary: a good Coalport twin handled urn and cover painted with a view of Blenheim, numbered 80 of 200, 322mm (2) (c...
George IV: a rare white metal medallion cast with superimposed heads in profile for the marriage
George IV: a rare white metal medallion cast with superimposed heads in profile for the marriage to Caroline of Brunswick on 8th April 1795, 43mm ...
1821 Coronation: a fascinating panorama of the procession published by W. Sams of St James Street,
1821 Coronation: a fascinating panorama of the procession published by W. Sams of St James Street, contained in a treen cylinder with rotating top...
George IV: an oval heavy cut glass spill holder inset with an Apsley Pellat sulphide profile depicted in coronation robes of ermine, 78mm high (co...
George, Prince of Wales: a fine quality and extraordinarily heavy Regency hobnail cut glass decanter
George, Prince of Wales: a fine quality and extraordinarily heavy Regency hobnail cut glass decanter of mallet shape, the stopper topped with Prin...
An album containing a collection of 298 monochrome postcards, mostly unused, chronicling the British
An album containing a collection of 298 monochrome postcards, mostly unused, chronicling the British Royal Family from 1900 until the mid-1950s wi...
1886 Visit to Burnley by Prince Albert Victor: an octagonal pottery plate printed in dark brown (
1886 Visit to Burnley by Prince Albert Victor: an octagonal pottery plate printed in dark brown (commemorative, royal, royalty)
1887 Visit to Birmingham by Queen Victoria: an octagonal pottery plate by Wallis Gimson printed in
1887 Visit to Birmingham by Queen Victoria: an octagonal pottery plate by Wallis Gimson printed in black for the laying of the first stone of the ...
1937 Coronation: a good Aynsley twin handled trophy cup, the cobalt blue ground well enamelled and
1937 Coronation: a good Aynsley twin handled trophy cup, the cobalt blue ground well enamelled and gilded, 121mm (commemorative, royal, royalty)
1937 Princess Elizabeth: a Royal Doulton porcelain mug with E handle printed in sepia with a portrait and named on the reverse (commemorative, roy...
A small pearlware bowl painted in blue withy the inscription ‘Long Live the King & Queen’, circa
A small pearlware bowl painted in blue withy the inscription ‘Long Live the King & Queen’, circa 1793, 148mm, fine hairline crack at eleven o’cloc...
A good pearlware bowl, painted in blue with the inscription ‘King and Constitution’ surmounted by a crown, the exterior with a continuous band of ...
1816 Wedding of Princess Charlotte: an attractive lobed jug moulded with named portraits and decorated in colours and pink lustre, 148mm, spout re...
1820 Proclamation of George IV: a porcelain dish printed in black and decorated in gilt with an
1820 Proclamation of George IV: a porcelain dish printed in black and decorated in gilt with an inscribed portrait, 122mm, framed (commemorative, ...
A pearlware jug printed in black and decorated with Orange Order symbols and an equestrian portrait of Prince William, inscribed ‘William Ambler 1...
William IV: a lobed pottery jug printed in purple with named portraits centred by a crown, circa
William IV: a lobed pottery jug printed in purple with named portraits centred by a crown, circa 1831, 180mm, handle cracked (commemorative, royal...
1831 Coronation: a small lobed pottery jug printed in purple with inscribed scenes of the coronation, 135mm, hairline crack to rim near handle (co...
1831 Coronation: a pottery jug printed in black with portraits centred by the Garter Star and
1831 Coronation: a pottery jug printed in black with portraits centred by the Garter Star and inscription, 119mm, restored (commemorative, royal, ...
1837 Proclamation: a good pottery jug by Read & Clementson printed in purple with named portraits
1837 Proclamation: a good pottery jug by Read & Clementson printed in purple with named portraits including the Duchess of Kent centred by an insc...
1837 Proclamation: a Staffordshire pottery nursery plate with floral moulded border printed in black
1837 Proclamation: a Staffordshire pottery nursery plate with floral moulded border printed in black (commemorative, royal, royalty) * See Victori...
1837/38 Victoria: a nursery plate with colourful floral moulded border printed with a full-length
1837/38 Victoria: a nursery plate with colourful floral moulded border printed with a full-length portrait in green (commemorative, royal, royalty...
1837/38 Victoria: a nursery plate with floral and foliate border lined in pink, printed in blue with
1837/38 Victoria: a nursery plate with floral and foliate border lined in pink, printed in blue with a portrait after Collen (commemorative, royal...
1837/38 Victoria: a creamware plate printed in black with a named portrait initialled SM, indistinct
1837/38 Victoria: a creamware plate printed in black with a named portrait initialled SM, indistinct impressed mark, 245mm (commemorative, royal, ...
1837/38 Victoria: a small Swansea mug printed in purple with a named portrait, 71mm, fine firing
1837/38 Victoria: a small Swansea mug printed in purple with a named portrait, 71mm, fine firing crack (commemorative, royal, royalty)
1838 Coronation: a Staffordshire mug with waisted body well printed in green with portraits centred by dates, 98mm, restored (commemorative, royal...
1838 Coronation: a cylindrical mug by Read & Clementson printed in purple with portraits including
1838 Coronation: a cylindrical mug by Read & Clementson printed in purple with portraits including the Duchess of Kent centred by name, dates, cro...
1838 Coronation: an octagonal pottery plate with colourful florette moulded border printed in
1838 Coronation: an octagonal pottery plate with colourful florette moulded border printed in green with an inscribed portrait (commemorative, roy...
1840 Wedding: a jug printed in blue with named and dated portraits, 131mm, cracked and handle re-
1840 Wedding: a jug printed in blue with named and dated portraits, 131mm, cracked and handle re-affixed (commemorative, royal, royalty, Victoria)
1840 Wedding: a lobed pottery jug printed in green with portrait, coat of arms and flowers, 170mm (
1840 Wedding: a lobed pottery jug printed in green with portrait, coat of arms and flowers, 170mm (commemorative, royal, royalty, Victoria)
1840 Wedding: an octagonal nursery plate with florette moulded border lined in pink lustre printed
1840 Wedding: an octagonal nursery plate with florette moulded border lined in pink lustre printed in black (commemorative, royal, royalty)