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A subscription to the Price Guide is required to view results for auctions ten days or older. Click here for more information
Royal Albert - Old Country Roses - Vintage mid 20th century porcelain china dinner / tea service set. Including dinner plates, dessert plates, cak...
A collection of 20th century crystal cut glass pieces, comprised of two decanters (one with an Atlantis sticker), a sweet dish, a vase, three wine...
A collection of 20th century assorted perfume bottles, compact case and carriage clock. Including crystal cut glass, cranberry glass, Dartington L...
Royal Doulton - Queensbury - Mid century china part dinner service, including two tureens, dinner plates, side plates, small plates, serving dishe...
Boots - Two late 19th century Victorian ceramic advertising chemist pots, comprised of a 'Cold Cream' 'Cash Chemists' paste pot, and a 'Confection...
Kosta Boda - A 1980s Swedish glass vase no. 58262 designed by Kjell Engman, featuring the pattern 'October' and signed by the artist to the base t...
A 20th century hand blown studio glass bowl, with shades of blue and green in a gradient pattern. Raised slightly on a round plinth base and flare...
An 18th century Chinese export blue and white porcelain octagonal plate, featuring a transfer design of a prunus tree, birds and traditional flowe...
A late 20th century Dutcher's Studio Monsterrat pottery frog figure, featuring shades of green, blue and gilt glaze. Signed by the artist in pen t...
Royal Albert - Celebration - Late 20th century bone china part dinner service, including two tureens, six dinner plates, side plates, small plates...
Old Tupton Ware - A 20th Century porcelain china squat vase by Old Tutpon Ware in an Autumn pattern depicting fruit and leaves. Marked to base.12c...
Two small 20th Century Chinese blue and white ceramic ginger jars with prunus blossom decoration and lids. Chinese symbols stamped on the base.Eac...
A large collection of late 20th century Kernewek, Cornwall pottery dinner service pieces, including teapot, tea cups, saucers, dinner plates, serv...
A large collection of 20th century Thomas Webb and others glassware, including liqueur glasses, port glasses, wine glasses, tumblers and more. Man...
A large collection of 20th century crystal cut drinking glasses, some examples by Thomas Webb, Stuart Crystal, Bristol Masons and more. Including ...
A collection of 20th century crystal cut and acid etched glassware, including examples by Thomas Webb and other unknown makers. Featuring wine gla...
A Victorian Staffordshire porcelain eggshell R 179250 tea / coffee service, comprised of a tea / coffee pot and six tea cups. The tea / coffee pot...
A contemporary studio pottery ceramic candlestick holder, with a maritime design featuring rolled octopus style arms and five raised arms with tri...
Modern Nutmeg cranberry glass scent bottle. With clear glass droplet form stopper, squat ovoid form with signature to base. 2011.7cm height approx.
Wedgwood - Jasperware - A collection of vintage 20th century sky blue bisque porcelain items. To include lidded trinket boxes, ash trays, commemor...
A 19th century Chinese blue and white porcelain ginger jar, decorated with two dragons flying amongst clouds to the exterior. Unmarked to the unde...
A 1920s Chinese porcelain tea pot and plate, both decorated in hand painted cockerels, floral imagery, geometric patterns and gilt detailing. Make...
A large continental 20th century studio art Murano style glass vase, in an orange colour and splash shaped form. Measuring approx. 17.5cm x 50cm x...
A collection of vintage early 20th century Chinese imari plates and bowls, comprised of three bowls, four plates and a vase. All feature scalloped...
A collection of five mid century glass pieces, comprised of a Murano style duck sculpture, a Laguna style purple handbag vase, a splash shaped vas...
A collection of six vintage late 19th / early 20th century assorted porcelain and ceramic pieces, comprised of a hand painted famille rose, rose m...
A collection of 20th century art deco glass pieces, comprised of a pink glass centrepiece / flower holder mounted with a fish shaped stopper, two ...
A vintage 20th century Japanese ceramic sake cup set. The set featuring erotic imagery. In original box.
Royal Albert - Old Country Roses - A large mid 20th century Royal Albert Old Country Roses pattern tea / dinner service. The collection to include...
A collection of three 1940s creamware and rolling pin, comprised of a Virol bone-marrow vase, a Numol lecithin food vase, J. Sainsbury's potted me...
Two late 19th century Victorian glass perfume cologne bottles, comprised of an 'Eau De Toilette' and a 'Bath-Salts' bottle, both with lid stoppers...
A collection of five art deco style studio pottery vases / jugs, comprised of two Ionia jugs, a Beswick 1073 blue palm tree jug, a Shelley brown a...
J & G Meakin - Two vintage late 20th century ceramic part coffee service pieces, comprised of two coffee pots, coffee cups, saucers, milk jugs and...
Royal Worcester - Two 1990s porcelain lady figurines, comprised of 'Isabelle' Figurine of the Year issued January 1998, and 'Joy' no. 492 out of 5...
Royal Brierley - A large collection of vintage crystal glasses, including high ball glasses, tumblers, liquor glasses, port glasses, jugs, wine gl...
Royal Albert - Lady Hamilton - A 20th century Royal Albert bone china part tea service to include six teacups, saucers, milk jug, sugar dish, tea ...
Noritake - Glenwood - An extensive late 20th century China tea and dinner service, pattern 5770, comprised of twelve cups, saucers, tea plates, pl...
T.G.Green & Co - Gresley Ware - A vintage late 20th century ceramic bowl in a turquoise glaze. Cornishware made for B.O.A.C. Measuring approx. 6.5...
Paragon - A vintage 1930s art deco fine bone china tea service, comprised of six tea cups, six saucers and seven small plates. Decorated in a mint...
Beswick - A vintage 2001 porcelain Beatrix Potter 'Two Gentlemen Rabbits' figure no. P4210. Housed within the original box. Figure measuring appro...
Beswick - A collection of eight 20th century porcelain Beatrix Potter figures, including, 'Goody & Timmy Tiptoes' (1986), 'Rebeccah Puddle-Duck' (...
Beswick - A collection of eight 20th century porcelain Beatrix Potter figures, 'Mrs Flopsy Bunny' (1965), 'Chippy Hackee' (1979), 'Samuel Whiskers...
Masons - Regency - A 19th century Masons part dinner and tea service in the Regency pattern. To include gravy boat, serving plate, serving bowl, c...
Royal Albert - A collection of six 20th century porcelain Beatrix Potter figures, including 'The Christmas Stocking' (1991), 'Miss Dormouse' (1991...
Beswick - A collection of eight 20th century porcelain Beatrix Potter figures, including, 'Flopsy Mopsy and Cottontail' (1954), 'Timmy Willie slee...
Beswick - A collection of nine 20th century Beatrix Potter porcelain figures. Examples including, 'Peter in the Watering Can' (1999), 'Benjamin Bu...
Beswick - A collection of eleven 20th century porcelain Beatrix Potter figures, including, 'Squirrel Nutkin' (1948), 'Little Black Rabbit' (1977),...
A collection of vintage late 20th century Beatrix Potter collectables, including Wedgwood miniature tea cups, saucers, teapots, milk jugs, Wedgwoo...
A collection of late 20th century miniature china tea service pieces, including examples by Spode (boxed), Wedgwood and Coalport. Featuring plates...
Josef Hospodka for Chribska - Two Czech vintage mid century studio art glass vase ornaments. In a red / yellow colourway raised on a clear glass b...
Dressel & Kister - A 1910 Dresden German porcelain half doll figure, depicted holding flowers, mounted on a wooden stand. Blue bishops staff mark ...
Galluba & Hofmann - An early 20th century art deco bisque German porcelain figure, depicting a nude lady figurine with red hair. Impressed numbers...
Wallendorf - A collection of three late 20th century German porcelain ballerina figures, comprised of a larger lady ballerina and two smaller chil...
Wallendorf - A collection of three late 20th century German porcelain ballerina figures, comprised of a larger lady ballerina and two smaller chil...
Two late 20th century German ballerina porclain figurines, comprised of a Wallendorf blue and white no. 1694 figure and a Dresden pink and white l...
Lladro - A vintage late 20th century ballerina porcelain figurine, the figure in a ballet pose, with a lace skirt and raised on a wooden plinth ba...
Late 19th / early 20th century collection of four bisque small / miniature doll figures, comprised of a German child half doll, a French hand pain...
Volkstedt Rudolstadt - Mid century German porcelain dancing lady figurine, with a pink and white lace dress encrusted with delicate hand painted r...
Volkstedt Rudolstadt - Two mid century porcelain dancing lady figurines, both decorated with lace dresses and encrusted hand painted flowers, one ...
Johann Petrides for Goldscheider - A 1920 art deco porcelain figurine of a girl holding a rose, featuring a hand painted pink and white design, im...