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Results for live webcast and timed auctions may not have been verified by the auctioneer. If you are in any doubt of the accuracy of the prices provided, please call the auction house to confirm.
WITHDRAWN - A large Art Nouveau Majolica pottery jardiniere on stand, in the style of Jerome Massier
WITHDRAWN - A large Art Nouveau Majolica pottery jardiniere on stand, in the style of Jerome Massier, blue glaze, the flowerhead jardiniere on sep...
MINTON - a Victorian Majolica pottery jardiniere, baluster form with turquoise glaze, with lion ring
MINTON - a Victorian Majolica pottery jardiniere, baluster form with turquoise glaze, with lion ring bosses, lion paw feet and purple interior, mo...
WITHDRAWN - A George III brass fireside coal bucket, oval form with lion ring handles and lion paw
WITHDRAWN - A George III brass fireside coal bucket, oval form with lion ring handles and lion paw feet, L44cm, W39cm, H36cm
An Edwardian inlaid mahogany sarcophagus cellarette, tapered rectangular form with shaped hinged
An Edwardian inlaid mahogany sarcophagus cellarette, tapered rectangular form with shaped hinged cover, inlaid urn decoration and brass swing hand...
A Vintage Japanese novelty 'Antique Slot-n-Lighter' slot machine table lighter, by Waco, circa
A Vintage Japanese novelty 'Antique Slot-n-Lighter' slot machine table lighter, by Waco, circa 1950s, L12cm, W9cm, H17cm, working order
An Antique Victorian inlaid mahogany and burr-walnut travelling writing slope, with inlaid wirework and abalone decoration, interior red leather s...
A 19th century French brass mantel clock, silvered dial with Roman numeral hour markers and square
A 19th century French brass mantel clock, silvered dial with Roman numeral hour markers and square section case, with allover ornate pierced folia...
An Edwardian mahogany 8-day mantel clock, by Junghans, 8" brass arch-top dial, with silvered Roman
An Edwardian mahogany 8-day mantel clock, by Junghans, 8" brass arch-top dial, with silvered Roman numeral chapter ring, with arch-top case and br...
An Antique mahogany apprentice piece bow-front chest-on-chest, W32cm, H41cm, D25cm
An Edwardian inlaid rosewood hallway mirror wall bracket, with pierced fretwork and ring turned
An Edwardian inlaid rosewood hallway mirror wall bracket, with pierced fretwork and ring turned column supports, W45cm, H71cm, D17cm
A large and extremely heavy gilded cast-iron eagle pediment mount, H51cm, W43cm
A Victorian black painted cast-iron hallway stick stand, H75cm, W52cm
WITHDRAWN - A pair of Second World War Period Canadian CGB 6x30 binoculars, by R.E.L dated 1943, in
WITHDRAWN - A pair of Second World War Period Canadian CGB 6x30 binoculars, by R.E.L dated 1943, in leather case
ZEISS - a pair of West German 10x40B binoculars, serial no. 1882859, in fitted leather case
CARL ZEISS - a pair of Jenoptem 10x50W binoculars, serial no. 4644355, in fitted leather case
CARL ZEISS - a pair of Jenoptem 10x50W binoculars, serial no. 4644355, in fitted leather case
An Antique Victorian copper and brass beer jug, probably by Henry Bourne, model no. 2772, cylindrical form with relief embossed Neo-Classical figu...
WITHDRAWN - A 20th century carved and gilded wood crane corner wall bracket, H34cm
A late Victorian Doulton Lambeth salt glaze stoneware pottery water jug, with relief hunting and
A late Victorian Doulton Lambeth salt glaze stoneware pottery water jug, with relief hunting and tavern scene, and silver rim by William Hutton & ...
A pair of German hand painted porcelain figures, in the style of Meissen, with marks for Johansen
A pair of German hand painted porcelain figures, in the style of Meissen, with marks for Johansen Roth, in the form of a seated cobbler and laundr...
A Royal Doulton porcelain 'Mendicant' figure, HN1365, 21cmNo chips, cracks or restoration
A Royal Doulton porcelain 'Cobbler' figure, HN1706, 21cmNo chips, cracks or restoration
A Capodimonte Italian Naples porcelain lidded tankard, with relief Renaissance style lion hunting
A Capodimonte Italian Naples porcelain lidded tankard, with relief Renaissance style lion hunting decoration, 21cmNo chips, cracks or restoration
MOORE BROTHERS - a Victorian gilded pearlware porcelain cherub table centre jardiniere, 20cm Several
MOORE BROTHERS - a Victorian gilded pearlware porcelain cherub table centre jardiniere, 20cmSeveral flowers lacking petal tips, 1 cherub has hairl...
A pair of German porcelain urns, with pierced covers, floral decoration and putti support bases,
A pair of German porcelain urns, with pierced covers, floral decoration and putti support bases, blue crossed swords mark, 33cm1 vase cover has be...
A Vintage Duplex brass gimble base oil lamp, with clear glass funnel, overall 44cm
ROYAL DUX - a large Czechoslovakian porcelain 'Milk Maid With Dairy Cow' figure group, model no.
ROYAL DUX - a large Czechoslovakian porcelain 'Milk Maid With Dairy Cow' figure group, model no. 11480, L44cm, H45cm, D24cmGroup has been heavily ...
WITHDRAWN - A 20th century East Asian carved and giltwood 3-tier corner wall bracket, H61cm
An Edwardian brass-mounted oak 3-bottle tantalus, applied Gothic strapwork with mirror-back decanter
An Edwardian brass-mounted oak 3-bottle tantalus, applied Gothic strapwork with mirror-back decanter stand, folding compartments and secret drawer...
An Antique stained oak apprentice piece table-top Wellington chest of drawers, W32cm, H47cm, D21cm
An Antique stained oak apprentice piece table-top Wellington chest of drawers, W32cm, H47cm, D21cm
A modern brass amber glass 'Globe' twin light table lamp, H72cm
WITHDRAWN - A large painted plaster Classical figure lamp, in the form of a partially draped figure
WITHDRAWN - A large painted plaster Classical figure lamp, in the form of a partially draped figure holding a torch, no maker's mark, H110cm
WITHDRAWN - A large pair of Japanese patinated bronze 'Hotei Sack' jardinieres, Meiji Period, in the
WITHDRAWN - A large pair of Japanese patinated bronze 'Hotei Sack' jardinieres, Meiji Period, in the form of bags with tied rope knots and relief ...
WITHDRAWN - A Victorian gilt-gesso rectangular wall mirror, with relief foliate moulded edge, overall 70cm x 60cm
A 19th century gilt-bronze relief Ducrow circus horse, with floral bosses, oak-framed and glazed,
A 19th century gilt-bronze relief Ducrow circus horse, with floral bosses, oak-framed and glazed, 59cm x 77cm overall
An American Art Deco style chrome and blue glass 'Douglas DC3' airplane table lamp, by Sarsaparilla,
An American Art Deco style chrome and blue glass 'Douglas DC3' airplane table lamp, by Sarsaparilla, circa 1970s, L30cm
BELMONT - an Art Deco cream ivory Bakelite 'The Rabbit' valve radio, model no. 6D111, serial no.
BELMONT - an Art Deco cream ivory Bakelite 'The Rabbit' valve radio, model no. 6D111, serial no. 424628, W32cm, H19cmRadio is lacking rear cover, ...
A pair of American Art Deco gilded spelter 'Ballerina' bookends, marked APT-NY, H19cm
An Art Deco gilt spelter and marble 'Leaping Antelope' photo frame, base 22cm x 6cm
An Art Deco brass and marble 'Panther' table lamp, with original shaped glass shade, base 25cm x
An Art Deco brass and marble 'Panther' table lamp, with original shaped glass shade, base 25cm x 8cm
An Art Deco brass onyx and marble 'Swan' mantel clock, base 47cm x 7cm
2 Second World War Period British Army Brodie tin helmets
2 Second World War Period British Army Brodie tin helmets
A 19th century muzzle loading percussion rifle, marked WW Berridge, overall 118cm
A 19th century muzzle loading percussion rifle, overall 126cm
A Baikal USSR break-barrel air rifle, 103cm
An Antique Victorian? painted wood policeman's truncheon, with hand painted and gilded D within
An Antique Victorian? painted wood policeman's truncheon, with hand painted and gilded D within shield cartouche above number 31, 39cm
An early 20th century Malacca swordstick, blade 70cm
A Leon Paul fencing foil, a Nicolls miniature signed cricket bat dated 1955, and 3 walking sticks (
A Leon Paul fencing foil, a Nicolls miniature signed cricket bat dated 1955, and 3 walking sticks (5)
3 walking canes, including amber-topped ebony example and another with silver collar (3)
A Moroccan brass and bone inlaid snaphaunce long gun, 150cm
A St John Ambulance Brigade silver-topped ebonised swagger stick, J Howell & Co Ltd, Birmingham
A St John Ambulance Brigade silver-topped ebonised swagger stick, J Howell & Co Ltd, Birmingham 1932, 71cm
An African Rhodesian Tribal short sword, with leather grip, engraved blade and leather sheath, blade
An African Rhodesian Tribal short sword, with leather grip, engraved blade and leather sheath, blade length 56cm
A Nepalese Kora curved fighting sword, blade length 51cm
An 1831 British Officer's Mameluke sabre, by C Webb & Co, with ivory grips, brass cross hilt and
An 1831 British Officer's Mameluke sabre, by C Webb & Co, with ivory grips, brass cross hilt and scabbard. Ivory submission ref. 84ZTZ83L
A Borneo Dayak Mandau knife and scabbard, with carved bone Aso head hilt and accessory knife
2 Burmese hatchets, largest blade length 52cm (2)
2 Moroccan Koummya Jambiya curved daggers, with sheaths, largest blade length 26cm (2)
2 African Shona Tribe daggers, South East Africa flat double-edged blade with wirework decoration
2 African Shona Tribe daggers, South East Africa flat double-edged blade with wirework decoration and scabbards, largest blade length 25cm (2)
An African Saharan Takouba sword, with leather ring grip and leather sheath, blade length 54cm
An African Saharan Takouba sword, with leather ring grip and leather sheath, blade length 54cm
A Borneo Kajan-Dayak Mandau/Parang Ilang knife, with bound hardwood scabbard, blade length 53cm
A Borneo Kajan-Dayak Mandau/Parang Ilang knife, with bound hardwood scabbard, blade length 53cm