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Hornby O Gauge clockwork Type 101 0-4-0 Tank Locomotive, in LMS lined maroon livery, RN 2270
Collection of Hornby tin plate, to include carriages and a clock work locomotive and track, (qty)
Collection of Hornby tin plate, to include carriages and a clock work locomotive and track, (qty)
Hornby Series Meccano Miniature Milk-Cans with Truck for Toy Railways, boxed, missing one churn
Hornby Series Meccano Miniature Milk-Cans with Truck for Toy Railways, boxed, missing one churn
Hornby, to include D1 Signal Cabin, Platelayers Hut, No.1 Lever Crossing, 4022 Suburban Coach,
Hornby, to include D1 Signal Cabin, Platelayers Hut, No.1 Lever Crossing, 4022 Suburban Coach, R345 Side Tipping Car Set, No.1 Level Crossing, DI ...
Hornby O Gauge model railway, consisting of No.1 locomotive LMS L455, No. 0/1 tender TE503, MO
Hornby O Gauge model railway, consisting of No.1 locomotive LMS L455, No. 0/1 tender TE503, MO tender TE501, oil tank wagon "Royal Daylight" RS714...
Marklin live O gauge Spirit steam locomotive and tender, E 4020, 4-4-0, in red with LMS to the
Marklin live O gauge Spirit steam locomotive and tender, E 4020, 4-4-0, in red with LMS to the tender, logo to the underside for the tender for 18...
Hornby trains and parts, also together with carriages, (qty)
Hornby No 2 Pullman carriage, Zenobia, boxed and together with the Hornby Riviera Blue Coach, boxed,
Hornby No 2 Pullman carriage, Zenobia, boxed and together with the Hornby Riviera Blue Coach, boxed, (2)
Hornby O Gauge clockwork train set, to include, a locomotive Engine in black British Railways 82011,
Hornby O Gauge clockwork train set, to include, a locomotive Engine in black British Railways 82011, two tenders, Level Crossing, track etc, (qty)
Hornby, to include part train sets In boxes
Hornby trains, to include a GWR locomotive, Inter-City locomotive, carriages, etc, (qty)
Hornby Railways, an extensive collection to include, Locomotives, track, rolling stock, etc, (qty)
Hornby Railways, an extensive collection to include, Locomotives, track, rolling stock, etc, (qty)
Hornby Gauge O, to include a Trolley Wagon, Breakdown Van and Crane and Tender No. 50, all boxed, (
Hornby Gauge O, to include a Trolley Wagon, Breakdown Van and Crane and Tender No. 50, all boxed, (3)
Hornby Railways, to include carriages and rolling stock, some boxes included, together with track, (qty)
Hornby Railways Dorchester 34042 engine, D5572 diesel engine, blue circle cement wagon, fine fish
Hornby Railways Dorchester 34042 engine, D5572 diesel engine, blue circle cement wagon, fine fish wagon, Fyffes bananas wagon, two open wagons, ho...
Hornby Dublo Ref. 2226, City of London, boxed and 2217 0-6-2 Tank Locomotive, boxed, (2)
Bing clock and next train indicator, with signs, together with a Bing building, (2)
Brim Toy tin plate station, together with building and another station, (3)
Bing 'Victoria Station' on turquoise base and red tiled roof, advertising posters to the building,
Bing 'Victoria Station' on turquoise base and red tiled roof, advertising posters to the building, 27cm long
Quantity of O gauge model railway to include green engine and tender, three pullman carriages,
Quantity of O gauge model railway to include green engine and tender, three pullman carriages, track, footbridge, signals etc. (qty)
Collection of 00 Trains and accessories, Tri-Ang, Hornby, Every Ready, Merit etc, to include carriages, locomotives, track, tress, etc, (qty)
Tri-Ang Hornby trains, to include boxed wagons and containers, track, unboxed carriages, also
Tri-Ang Hornby trains, to include boxed wagons and containers, track, unboxed carriages, also together with three Airfix HO-OO Scale military vehi...
Bing 'Victoria Station' on turquoise base and red tiled roof, advertising posters to the building,
Bing 'Victoria Station' on turquoise base and red tiled roof, advertising posters to the building, 27cm long
Hornby, two clock work locomotives, in black 3 82011, one missing the front section, (2)
Three Hornby clockwork trains, to include 4560 Great Western, 60199 and 6600 Great Western, (3)
Three Hornby clockwork trains, to include 4560 Great Western, 60199 and 6600 Great Western, (3)
Collection of Hornby, to include trains, carriages and track, etc, (qty)
Hornby Dublo, trains, to include a boxed Locomotive, carriages, track, boxes, etc, (qty)
Met Toy Railways, Streamline Miniature Train, boxed, together with a Russian tin plate train toy,
Met Toy Railways, Streamline Miniature Train, boxed, together with a Russian tin plate train toy, boxed, (2)
Hornby train set, circa 1954, complete, with working engine includes key, boxed
Karl Bubb (KBN) trains, to include two locomotives and tin plate carriages, (qty)
Collection of model railway, to include engine, carriages, track, modelling accessories etc.
Collection of model railway, to include engine, carriages, track, modelling accessories etc.
Hornby trains, to include locomotives carriages and rolling stock, also together with track, (qty)
Hornby trains, to include locomotives carriages and rolling stock, also together with track, (qty)
Hornby Trains, O Gauge, to include Locomotives LNER 460, carriages and rolling stock, tin plate
Hornby Trains, O Gauge, to include Locomotives LNER 460, carriages and rolling stock, tin plate bridge, track and a collection of accessories, (qt...
Tri-ang Transport Truck, in blue and red - 15.11.19-ITEM TO BE COLLECTED BY CLIENT TUES 19 NOV -
Tri-ang Transport Truck, in blue and red - 15.11.19-ITEM TO BE COLLECTED BY CLIENT TUES 19 NOV - DO NOT PUT BACK IN AUCTION
Tinplate Redline Taxi, made in Gt. Britain, tinplate green roadster, marked foreign to base (2)
Tinplate Redline Taxi, made in Gt. Britain, tinplate green roadster, marked foreign to base (2)
Three tin plate toy planes, GB 111 in yellow and red, (3)
Louis Marx & Co. Ltd. Streamline Speedway, housed in original box ...[more]
Nomura Toys, Mystery Action emergency service with AAA to the body, battery operated tinplate
Nomura Toys, Mystery Action emergency service with AAA to the body, battery operated tinplate breakdown vehicle in triple A livery
Three tin plate Silver Link toy trains, (3)
Rand McNally Political Globe, made in the USA
Chad Valley tin plate globe, 21cm high, together with Crawford tin plate globe and a John Bull
Chad Valley tin plate globe, 21cm high, together with Crawford tin plate globe and a John Bull Printing Outfit, (3)
Three early 20th Century tinplate toy tanks, in red with a yellow barrel, red and green, (3)
Child's tin plate Kitchen Stove, with pots and a kettle, the stove 32cm wide
Diana Mod 2 air pistol, together with a tin plate crocodile toy and a clock work tin plate train
Diana Mod 2 air pistol, together with a tin plate crocodile toy and a clock work tin plate train toy, (3)
Lumar toy gramophone, with key and four records and spare needles, boxed
Mulholland & Bailie toy dog on wheels ...[more]
Lovell's World Cup Willies tin plate football, 1965, 22cm high
Three tin plate tanks, in red, (3)
Cannock Chase Toys, a box of tin plate toys ready for shop display, all housed in the original
Cannock Chase Toys, a box of tin plate toys ready for shop display, all housed in the original storage box
Meccano sets to include set numbers 3,4m, 5, multikit crane building set, space 2501, extension pack
Meccano sets to include set numbers 3,4m, 5, multikit crane building set, space 2501, extension pack for sets 1 and 2, loose Meccano, instructions...
Meccano, to include a green painted box with label, and two number 1 part sets
A very large and extensive collection of Meccano parts, to include multiples of various parts
A very large and extensive collection of Meccano parts, to include multiples of various parts including wheels, tools, screws, joints etc
Meccano Site Engineering set No. 5, boxed
Meccano Army Multikit number 10, boxed
Meccano boxes, to include Meccano Gears Outfit, Meccano Accessory Outfit x 2, Meccano Gears Outfit 'B', together with Meccano pieces, (qty)
Meccano, to include a box for a number 1 set, a number 2 set, a 182 set, a Things Classic Construction set and a Teamsters Car Kit, (5)
Meccano Power Drive Set, set M, boxed
Meccano, a collection of Meccano instructions and manuals, together with catalogues, (qty)
Meccano Accessory Outfit, 6A, boxed, together with Meccano instructions, (qty)